Trophic Signatures of Elasmobranchs: a Comparison between Tropical and Temperate Ecosystems. Rainer Froese IfM Kiel Trophic Signatures: Methods • Get diet composition or food items • Troph = 1 + weighted mean troph of food • Example: 50% fish of troph 3 + 50% fish of troph 4 + 1 = predator troph 4.5 Trophic Signatures: Methods • Diet composition by weight or volume • Monte Carlo routine to estimate diet with s.e. from known food items (TrophLab) • If no food known, use mean troph of congeners or of family (troph varies less than food items) • Data, TrophLab and Trophic Pyramids available in Trophic Signatures: All Marine Fish 5 4.5 All marine fish (13,442) Trophic Level 4 3.5 3.2 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Species 1000 10000 Trophic Signatures: Elasmobranchs 5 All marine fish (13,442) 4.5 Trophic Level 4 Elasmo (886) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Species 1000 10000 Trophic Signatures: Sharks & Batoids 5 All marine fish (13,442) 4.5 Trophic Level 4 Elasmo (886) 3.5 Sharks (394) Batoidei (492) 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Species 1000 10000 Size by Trophic Level 5 All marine fish 4.5 Trophic Level 4 Elasmobranchs 3.5 3 2.5 2 0 50 100 150 Mean m ax. Length of Fish Species (cm TL) 200 Temperate vs Tropical Marine fish Elasmos (%) All Oceans Deep Sea 13,442 2,794 886 (7) Troph 4+ (%) 241 (20) 313 (11) 74 (23) Temperate Subtropical Tropical 1,620 2,610 6,248 261 (10) 237 (4) 89 (26) 60 (13) 68 (4) 18 (15) Large Marine Ecosystems Large Marine Ecosystems: Issues • Definition (boarders) of LMEs • Usually no checklists available • What to do with `rare guests´ Trophic Signatures in LMEs South China Sea 5 4.5 Trophic Level 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Fish Species 1000 10000 Trophic Signatures in LMEs Caribbean 5 4.5 Trophic Level 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Fish Species 1000 10000 Trophic Signatures in LMEs North Sea 5 4.5 Trophic Level 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Fish Species 1000 10000 Trophic Signatures in LMEs 5 South China Sea Caribbean 4.5 North Sea New foundland Trophic Level 4 Humboldt Current 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 10 100 Num ber of Fish Species 1000 Comparison of Ecosystems All South Caribbean Humboldt North NewOceans China S. Current Sea foundland Marine fish 13,442 2,488 Elasmo (%) 7 Troph 4+ (%) 20 1,467 724 186 141 7 8 11 13 12 21 31 24 26 20 Conclusions • Elasmobranchs contribute about 7% to the diversity of marine fishes • Elasmobranchs constitute about 20% of the top predators (troph 4+) • No clear patterns of elasmobranch diversity emerge (yet) from comaprisons between temperature zones or LMEs • Trophic signatures of elasmobranchs are restricted to higher trophic levels (>3), with most sharks above 3.5 and most batoids below 3.5 • Trophic signatures are evolutionary properties of ecosystem with potential use for classifying LMEs Acknowledgement Thanks are due to the FishBase Team which assembled the data used in this study.