1) Deforestation :The clearing of forests and using the land for other
purposes is called deforestation.
The causes for deforestation are :i) Procuring land for cultivation.
ii) Building houses and factories.
iii) Using wood as fuel or making furniture etc.
The natural causes of deforestation are forest fires and
2) Consequences of deforestation :The consequences of deforestation are :i) Increase in the temperature and pollution level on the
ii) Increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere leading to global warming.
iii) Lowering of ground water level.
iv) Disturbs the balance in nature.
v) Decrease in rainfall leading to draught.
vi) Soil erosion and decrease in soil fertility leading to
vii) Decrease in the water holding capacity of soil leading to
3) Conservation of forest and wildlife :Forest and wildlife can be conserved by setting up areas like
Biosphere reserves Wildlife sanctuaries, National parks, etc.
i) Biosphere reserves :- are large areas of protected land for
conservation of biodiversity and the traditional life of the tribals living
ii) National parks :- are areas reserved for wildlife where they can
freely use the habitats and natural resources.
iii) Wildlife sanctuaries :- are areas where animals are protected
from any disturbance to them or their habitat.
4) Biosphere Reserve :i) Biosphere reserves :- are large areas of protected land for
conservation of biodiversity and the traditional life of the tribals living
ii) Biodiversity :- is the variety of plants, animals and
microorganisms found in the area.
The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve consists of a National park called
Satpura and two wildlife sanctuaries called Bori and Pachmarhi.
5) Flora and fauna :i) Flora :- are the plants found in a particular area.
ii) Fauna :- are the animals found in a particular area.
Eg:- The flora of Pachmarhi consists of sal, teak, wild mango, jamun,
silver ferns etc.
The fauna of Pachmarhi consists of wild dog, cheetal, wolf,
leopard, blue bull, barking deer etc.
6) Endemic Species :Endemic species :- are those species of plants and
animals found only in a particular area and not found
anywhere else.
Eg:- sal and wild mango are the endemic flora of
Pachmarhi. Bison, Indian giant squirrel and flying squirrel
are the endemic fauna of this area.
7) Wildlife Sanctuary :Wildlife sanctuaries :- are areas where animals are
protected from any disturbance to them or their habitat. The
killing or capturing of animals in wildlife sanctuary is
strictly prohibited.
8) National Park :National parks :- are areas reserved for wildlife
where they can freely use the habitats and natural
Eg:- Satpura National Park is the first Reserve
Forest in India.
9) Endangered Animals :Endangered animals :- are those animals whose numbers are
diminishing and might face extinction.
Eg:- Tiger is one of the many animals which are slowly diminishing. To
protect the tigers in our country the government launched the Project
Tiger to ensure the survival of tiger population.
Dinosaurs have already become extinct.
Red Data Books are books which keeps a record of all endangered
plants and animals.
10) Ecosystem :An ecosystem :- consisits of all the plants,
animals and microorganisms living in an area
along with the non living components like climate,
water, soil etc.
11) Migration :Migration :- is the movement of animals from
its own habitat to some other habitat for a
particular time period every year due to climatic
changes or for breeding.
Birds which fly very long distances to reach
another land are called migratory birds.
12) Recycling of paper :About seventeen full grown trees are required to
produce one tonne of paper. Paper can be
recycled about five to seven times for use. We
should save, reuse and recycle paper to save not
only trees but also to save the energy, water and
chemicals used to make paper.
13) Reforestation :Reforestation :- is the restocking of destroyed
forests by planting new trees.
We should plant at least as many trees as we
cut. We have already caused a lot of damage to
our forests. If we have to regain our green wealth,
reforestation is the only option.