Ecology and the Environment (Chapter 22) Background and Historical Development Attributes of Ecological Systems Selected Issues – Applied Ecology Take Home Messages Take-Home Messages Functional unit in ecology is the ecosystem; it is analogous to the cell Hierarchy theory and emergent properties is applicable to the study of ecology Energetics of ecosystems is driven by (i) principles of thermodynamics (1st and 2nd Laws) and (ii) nature in which organisms acquire and utilize energy; result is a predictable pattern among all ecosystems embodied in the concept of trophic levels Ecosystems are not static but change over time in predictable and recurrent ways; this change is called succession Energy passes through ecosystems unidirectionally, whereas elements/materials cycle throughout ecosystems Biodiversity, the number and distribution of species, is an important feature of ecosystems Ecologyand the Environment Background and Historical Development Attributes of Ecological Systems Selected Issues – Applied Ecology Take Home Messages Background and Historical Context Discipline of ecology Evolution of the science Orientation by type of system Discipline 1950’s: emergence of the discipline Stimulus: technological changes Harnessing the atom (radioactive elements) Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Two sub-disciplines Basic ecology Structure and function of ecosystems Applied ecology Human-altered and “managed” ecosystems Evolution Early to mid 1900 > 1950’s descriptive natural history Experimentally and hypothesis driven research > 2000 Experimentally and hypothesis driven research Mathematical modeling at a global scale Types of Ecosystems Natural ecosystems Human-dominated ecological systems Grasslands, unmanaged forests, wetlands, rivers, etc. Key: ecological systems that are largely unmanaged for human use Agroecosystems, managed forest (timber), fish farms, urban/suburban landscapes, etc. Key: ecosystems that are harvested by humans and are subsidized (fertilizer, water, pest management, etc.) Attributes in common Same basic structure and function (principles are the same) Attributes Ecosystem (ecological system) Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Structure of ecosystems Energetics of ecosystems (flow of energy) Biodiversity Cycles of materials and elements Ecology Background and Historical Development Attributes of Ecological Systems Selected Issues – Applied Ecology Take Home Messages Attributes Ecosystem Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Structure of ecosystems Energetics of ecosystems (flow of energy) Biodiversity Cycles of materials and elements Ecosystems Ecological systems – ecosystem Components Biotic components All living organisms – plants, animals and microbes Abiotic components All non-living components – soil, atmosphere, water, climate, etc. Ecosystem Fundamental unit of ecology; analogous to that of the cell Hierarchy Theory and Emergent Properties Earth Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Community Population Organisms Terms Population: assemblage of individuals of the same species in the same area Community: assemblage of all species in a given area Biome: large regional units of several different types of ecosystems existing in same general area Biosphere: all of the Earth’s biomes at the global scale (shuttle frame of reference) Major Biomes Emergent Properties Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Relate to ecology Emergent properties Water (combination of H and O) Sodium chloride (combination of Na and Cl) Mixes species forest (combination of 50+ different species of trees, shrubs, microbes and animals) Unanticipated properties Attributes Ecosystem (ecological system) Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Structure of ecosystems Energetics of ecosystems (flow of energy) Biodiversity Cycles of materials and elements Structure of Ecosystems Structure is underpinned by flow of energy Autotrophs: fix energy from sun - plants Heterotrophs: consume energy in C-C bonds Primary consumers - herbivores Secondary consumers – carnivores and omnivores Tertiary consumers – saprovores (dead organic matter) All organisms are classified by their source of energy Trophic Levels of an Ecosystem Attributes Ecosystem (ecological system) Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Structure of ecosystems Energetics of ecosystems (flow of energy) Biodiversity Cycles of materials and elements Energetics of Ecosystems Common theme/attribute to all ecosystems Linkage to physics 1st Law of Thermodynamics (conservation) 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (entropy increases) Highly order state of all ecosystems is function of transforming energy in trophic structure Thermodynamics: dissipation of energy is most common in form of heat and respiration Keys to Energetics Energy flows through ecosystems unidirectionally As energy flows, amount of energy available to do work (potential energy in C-C bonds) decreases Flow of energy places constraints on the number of organisms that can exist in higher trophic levels Quantification of Energy Flow 10% 2nd Consumers 10% 10 Consumers 10% 1% Autotrophs Sun Respiration and heat 30 Consumers Trophic Levels of an Ecosystem Attributes Ecosystem (ecological system) Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Structure of ecosystems Energetics of ecosystems (flow of energy) Biodiversity Cycles of materials and elements Biodiversity Diversity of world’s biota: ~100 Million species, of which 1.5 Million have been catalogued Biodiversity: measurement of the diversity of flora, fauna and microbes Species richness (number of species) Biodiversity Biodiversity: Arid Landscaspes Biodiversity: Significance Humanistically: intuitively value (appreciate diversity of life forms) Ecologically: evidence that biodiversity is related to stability and functioning of ecosystems Declining biodiversity with human population Attributes Ecosystem (ecological system) Hierarchy theory and emergent properties Structure of ecosystems Energetics of ecosystems (flow of energy) Biodiversity Cycles of materials and elements Cycling of Elements and Materials Unlike energy, elements and materials cycle throughout ecosystems and they are re-used Examples: water, carbon, nitrogen Path is commonly circular passing from biosphere to geosphere to hydrosphere to atmosphere Basic Cycling Model Atmosphere Biosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere Cycling of Elements: Nitrogen Ecology Background and Historical Development Attributes of Ecological Systems Selected Issues – Applied Ecology Take Home Messages Human Population Growth o Selected Issues in Ecology Acid rain Biodiversity and habitat loss Climate change – a global issue Ozone and particulate matter in the atmosphere Stratospheric ozone and UV-B radiation Tropospheric ozone and human health PM and human health Take-Home Messages Functional unit in ecology is the ecosystem; it is analogous to the cell Hierarchy theory and emergent properties is applicable to the study of ecology Energetics of ecosystems is driven by (i) principles of thermodynamics (1st and 2nd Laws) and (ii) nature in which organisms acquire and utilize energy; result is a predictable pattern among all ecosystems embodied in the concept of trophic levels Ecosystems are not static but change over time in predictable and recurrent ways; this change is called succession Energy passes through ecosystems unidirectionally, whereas elements/materials cycle throughout ecosystems Biodiversity, the number and distribution of species, is an important feature of ecosystems