Plant Biodiversity-PPT - Arkansas State University


Plants, Plants, Plants, and More Plants!

Biodiversity of Life

Plant Biodiversity

• What are some examples of plants?

Plant types

• Non-vascular vs. vascular plants

• Non-seeded vs. seeded plants

• Non-flowering vs. flowering plants

• Herbaceous vs. Woody

– Grasses, forbs, and herbs

– Vines, shrubs, bushes, and trees

Giant Sequoia – worlds largest plant

Titan Arum

Duckweed – worlds smallest flowering plant

Paw Paw Trees in Arkansas

Pickin' up paw-paws, put

'em in your pockets,

Pickin' up paw-paws, put

'em in your pockets,

Pickin' up paw-paws, put

'em in your pockets,

Way down yonder in the paw-patch.

Swamp or Bald Cypress Trees

Why is this plant called a bald cypress tree?

Water Lilies

Cactus – desert plant

Arizona State Flower: Saguaro Cactus


African Euphorb – desert plant


Though plants are essential to life on this planet; some are deadly!

What is an example of a killer plant?

Carnivorous Plants

Indian Pipe - Heterotroph

The plant that ate the South

Kudzu – Invasive & Exotic

Kudzu – Invasive & Exotic

Exploration, Experience, and



• Take-home message: Plant

Biodiversity is high; plants have adapted to live in diverse habitats

• What are some attributes that all plants possess that allow us to recognize them as a cohesive group?
