Population & Environment of Aguascalientes National territory's land surface: 1 964 375 km² Aguascalientes' land surface: 5 618 km² 0,3% of the entire nation General review: Strategic location in the middle of the country Extensive highway network (over 230Km) More than ¾ are considered urban area Over 80% of population is located in urban areas Part of the railway system Airport Average age of almost 20 years Peace and tranquility Latitude: 22º 02’ 30’’ Longitude: 102º 22’ 30’’ Altitude: 2150m Environment • Average temperatures: 12ºC – 22ºC • Average precipitation: 520mm 29% 71% Endangered species: Animals Frog Vegetation Huizache Mezquite Types of soil From both the agricultural and infrastructure development perspective, it is found to be great! Discussion questions • Do you think Aguascalientes is a privileged zone considering its given characteristics (location and weather)? • What are its chances for success based on its natural resources? • Would it be a nice place to live in? Based on a national interview Aguascalientes was found to be a great place for: Activity Ranking position Living 2nd Working 4th Studying 6th Going on vacations 7th Leisure 8th Population Aguascalientes is the 5th less populated state in México. Distribution by gender: Women: 51.6% Men: 48.4% Men Ratio: 0.937 Women Distribution by age: Age range 0 - 14 years old % 33.7 15 – 64 years old 60 > 64 years old 4,3 Distribution by region: Other urban areas also gather considerable proportions of the overall population So, regional distribution isn't nearly homogenous P o pu l a t i o n d i s t r i b u t i o n b y r e g i o n 18,9 The capital council of Aguascalientes holds 62,3% of total population Lowest under 14 year old people percentage (32,7%) 81,1 Municipalities and their features P O P U L A T I O N D E N S I T Y 1. Aguascalientes 2. Pabellón de Arteaga 3. Rincón de Romos 4. San José de Gracia 5. Jesús María 6. San Francisco de los Romo 7. Calvillo 8. Cosío 9. El Llano 10.Tepezalá 11.Asientos M A R G I N A L I Z A T I O N Aguascalientes is the 5th lowest under privileged state Urban pattern: 2500 people Migration In the 1980 – 2007 period population density increased from 98 to 198 people per Km2. (National average: 52) 1/5 people in the state comes from other sites of our the country The gained difference was concentrated as follows: From 2000 to 2005: • 36,343 people moved in, • 15,387 moved out. • 80% Aguascalientes • 8,9% Jesús María • 3,4% San Francisco de los Romo Therefore, 92,3% was concentrated on urban areas. Translation: Municipality Out of town percentage (%) Aguascalientes 25% San Francisco de los Romo 3,2% Economy In the last century's final decade the state of Aguascalientes was ranked first in GDP growth (the national average was 2,8% and this state nearly doubled it: 5,4%) Labor distribution Non agricultural and livestock activities represent 84,8% of the whole working sector, and it is divided as follows: Kind of activity Small business Percentage (%) 47 Little establishments 19,9 Medium size establishments 8,9 Big establishments 12,6 Government institutions 8,1 Others 3,5 Discussion questions • Is unequal population density distribution a serious issue? • Does this non homogenous people concentration affect sustainability somehow? • What do you propose it should be done around here to mitigate all negative consequences that are brought from the high capitalism system imposed in order to make Aguascalientes sustainable. Fresh water issue 63% of the total demand comes from lakes and rivers. Aguasalientes' Aquifers In spite of that Ground water plays a significant role in fresh water demand fulfillment Agricultural Urban Industrial Services N EDO. DE ZAC. Others Others; 4 Services ; 1 5 Industrial; 2 Urban; 25 Agricultural; 68 1 4 Ground water disposal 2 3 Water table decreasing evolution AÑOS 0 -10 1971 1974 1979 1984 1988 1992 1993 1995 -80 -78 1996 1997 1998 -20 D E P T H -30 -40 -50 -60 -36 -42 -50 -64 -70 -74 METERS -80 -90 -100 -82 -85 -87 -90 Waste water treatment By 2007 there were 255 waste water treatment plants installed within the state territory. They could treat an overal amount of 4262.3 Lts/s. The legislatures that control this environmental development issue consist of 3 rules imposed by SEMARNAT ministry: NOM 001 SEMARNAT: Regulates waste water discharges on natural areas (permissible upper limits) NOM 002 SEMARNAT: Regulates waste water discharges on municipal pipelines (permissible upper limits) NOM 003 SEMARNAT: Regulates waste water usage Garbage and solid waste Over 300 TONs are generated in the state every year, and this is how it is distributed among councils: What has been done so far to to control environmental impact in Aguascalientes? How are sustainable development efforts shaped and taken into account in Aguascalientes? SEMARNAT (Ministry of environment and natural resources) It is in charge of every aspect related to sustainability from the ecological and environmental perspective (misses out on focusing on the economical and social) It has a way to mitigate any risky situation that could put anyone or anything, of any environmental relevance, in danger. Discussion questions • Is there a way to make rules regarding environmental protection less complex and easy to follow? • Sticking to what has been settled so far about environmental legislatures takes a lot of effort and additional money. Is this necessary true? or, is there a way to make it happen easily and at considerable costs? • How can we deal with unconcerned, incompetent and corrupted people in charge of monitoring and making both enterprises and ordinary people stick to the sustainable rules that have been established, in order for sustainability to become a reality?