Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net (RUBICODE) How trait linkages within and across trophic levels underlie the response of ecosystem functioning to environmental change For further information contact Sandra Lavorel (email:sandra.lavorel@ujf-grenoble.fr) Funded under the European Commission Sixth Framework Programme Contract Number: 036890 Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Predicting the response of ecosystem functioning to environmental change Chapin et al. Nature 2000 Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems Key challenges • Taking into account biotic variability into projections of ecosystem functioning – at different scales – Linking biotic responses and changes in ecosystem functioning • Biodiversity – ecosystem functioning relationships – Original question: does biodiversity affect ecosystem functioning? www.rubicode.net • 1990 – 2000 : Biodiversity can matter (Loreau et al. 2001, Balvanera et al. 2006) – Current question: which components of biodiversity affect ecosystem functioning and through which mechanisms ? • Functional diversity (Hooper et al. 2005, Diaz et al. 2006) • Interactions within trophic levels (Chesson et al. 2002) • Interactions among trophic levels (Thébault & Loreau 2006, Suding et al. 2008) New challenge: understanding the role of functional diversity across trophic levels Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Presentation outline • Functional traits and prediction of ecosystem functioning: some basics • Going dynamic: linking organisms responses and ecosystem effects through functional traits (the ‘Holy Grail’) • Going multi-trophic : a new framework for the understanding and projection of ecosystem functions determined by multiple trophic levels using functional traits (the next Holy Grail) • Framework applications and challenges Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems Defining functional effect traits www.rubicode.net – – – – Consume or transform resources Modify the physical structure of the habitat Modify the chemistry of the environment Interact with other organisms (incl. dispersal) Ecosystem function • Relationships between organisms’ characters and key ecosystem functions • Traits through which organisms : Functional diversity* • In some cases (e.g. microbes) the traits sensu stricto are actually not known, just the participation to specific processes Traits as tools to quantify ecosystem delivery * Trait value at species or community level; functional divergence Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Structure-function relationships in plants: « soft traits » Function Soft trait Fecundity Dispersal Establishment Seed mass Light interception Competitive ability Plant canopy height Resorption of nutrients; decomposability of litter Traits of living leaves NIRS spectrum Absorption (nutrients, water) Carbon fluxes (exsudation…) Density, diameter Specific root length Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Scaling plant function to ecosystems Enquist et al. 2007 Nature Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems Functional traits in other organisms • Morphological characteristics: – Body size, feeding apparatus, wings… • Life history • Diet and feeding behaviour • Ecosystem effects – e.g. microbial activities www.rubicode.net • And… – Taxonomic groups with specific functions – Habitat • Key point: characteristics of individuals that can be related to mechanisms through which they are affected by environmental factors and/or they affect ecosystem functioning Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Functional traits of phytoplankton Litchmann & Klausmeier Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2007 Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Review of evidence for relationships between traits and ecosystem functioning 247 references, 548 entries for trait-ES relationships across organisms (De Bello et al. 2008) Abiotic factors Ecosystem processes and services Functional diversity s s FD dij pi p j i 1 j 1 Weighted mean n CWM traitagg Trait values Particular trait values pi * traiti i 1 STAGE 1: Identifying abiotic & biotic factors STEP 1 Abiotic factors Testing the effects of abiotic factors in ESP STEP 2 Community-aggregated traits Testing the effects of communitylevel mean trait values on ES STEP 3 Trait value distribution Testing the effects of trait value distribution on ES STEP 4 Idiosyncratic species effects Testing the effects of particular trait values on ES STAGE 2: Finding the best predictive model STEP 5 Combination of abiotic and/or diversity factors Testing the combined effects of abiotic factors and FD components on ES STEP 6 Discontinuous effects of abiotic and/or diversity factors Testing the discontinuous effects of abiotic factors or FD components on ES What are the relative contributions of abiotic factors, community mean trait values, trait value distribution, and individual species effects on ecosystem functioning? Available evidence: which dimensions of functional diversity? Measures of ecosystem function for cultures of single species Relationships between EF and abundance of growth forms Relationships between EF and the diversity of trait values in a community Relationships between EF and the mean trait value of the community Plant functional traits at community level The mass-ratio hypothesis 18 Litter decomposability (g/kg/day) 16 CZ-OHR FR-ERC FR-HGM FR-LAU GE-MNP GR-LAG IS-KDE PT-MER SC-SUT SE-BAL 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Community-aggregated LDMC Weighted mean trait value at the community level. Species effects depend on: 1) 2) their trait value their relative contribution to the community Fortunel et al. 2009 Ecology Functional complementarity: Considering the variance rather than the mean Litter decomposition Décomposition de la litière Net effect of diversity Effet net de la diversité Nombrerichness d’espèces Species Dissimilitude fonctionnelle Functional dissimilarity Effects of soil macrofauna on the maintenance of soil fertility : In the presence of several functional groups (earthworms, isopods, chilopods) species number has no effect on decomposition. Functional diversity is the driving variable. Heemsbergen et al. 2004 Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems Going dynamic: Projecting ecosystem functioning • Determine how the presence / abundance of organisms (with different effect traits) is modified by environmental change • Response traits: Traits that determine organisms’ ability to: • Abiotic: temperature, water, pH, light… • Nutritional • Disturbances Trait value www.rubicode.net – Cope with different environmental conditions – Colonize newly available habitat • Dispersal abilities (propagules, individuals) • Regeneration potential Environmental variable The Holy Grail: Overlapping response and effect traits Trait value Ecosystem function RESPONSE TRAIT EFFECT TRAIT Trait value Ecosystem function Environmental variable Community structure and diversity Environmental changes Response traits ? Environmental variable Lavorel & Garnier Funct. Ecol. 2002 Effect traits Ecosystem functioning Community structure and diversity Overlapping response / effect traits Environmental changes Response traits ? Effect traits Ecosystem functioning • Can include three types of relationships: – Response trait = effect trait • Example: leaf nitrogen content determines response to grassland management and affects fodder production, maintenance of soil fertility – Response trait correlated with effect trait through functional linkage • Example: defence mechanisms in alternative preys for natural enemies (effect trait) are correlated with body size (response trait to vegetation composition) – Response trait linked with effect trait without functional linkage, through developmental or phylogenetic constraints • Example: legumes decrease following grassland management intensification; legume flowers are those favoured by vulnerable bee species (long-tongued) Varying degrees of response-effect overlap Uncertainty + Suding et al. 2008 GCB Response – effect traits overlap: Soil water retention through summer in mountain grasslands Gross et al. New Phytol. 2008 Suding & Goldstein New Phytol. 2008 Beyond plants: multi-trophic control of ecosystem functioning de Bello et al. 2008 A new framework to account for the multitrophic control of ecosystem functioning Pressure response traits PR1 Trophic response traits TR2 Linkage L1 Linkage L2 Trophic effect traits TE1 Functional effect traits FE2 Ecosystem function Trophic level 2 Trophic level 1 Environmental pressure Framework elements and associated assumptions (1) Environmental pressure Pressure response traits (PR1) Trophic level 1 Assumption 1: Response traits to environmental pressures can be identified - pressure response traits PRi Trait value * STEP 1 Environmental variable * Trait value: single species, or community-level functional diversity metric: community weighted mean, functional divergence… Framework elements and associated assumptions (2) STEP 2 Environmental pressure Pressure response traits (PR1) Trophic effect traits (TE 1) Trophic level 1 Trophic level 2 Trophic response traits (TR2) Assumption 2: interactions between trophic levels can be related to: – trophic effect traits: TEi - effects of organisms within trophic level i on the adjacent trophic level i+1 – trophic response traits: TRi+1 response of organisms within trophic level i+1 to organisms from trophic level i Evidence for trait-related interactions Trophic effect traits: plant traits and pollinators Fenster et al. 2004 Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. Trophic response traits: traits of pollinators associated with floral traits Stang et al. 2007 Oecologia Framework elements and associated assumptions (3) Environmental pressure Pressure response traits (PR1) Trophic level 2 Trophic response traits (TR2) Trophic effect traits (TE 1) Functional effect traits (FE 2) Trophic level 1 Ecosystem function Assumption 3 : The effects of organisms within each trophic level i on the ecosystem function of interest can be related to particular functional traits - functional effect traits FEi Ecosystem function STEP 3 Functional diversity* * Single species, or community-level functional diversity metric: community weighted mean, functional divergence… Framework elements and associated assumptions (4) STEP 4 Environmental pressure Pressure response traits (PR1) Trophic level 2 Trophic response traits (TR2) Linkage L2 Trophic effect traits (TE 1) Linkage L1 Functional effect traits (FE 2) Trophic level 1 Ecosystem function Assumption 4 : Within each trophic level i, linkages Li among the different types of response and effect traits can be identified Summary of framework features • Applying the original ‘Holy Grail’ assumptions (1, 3 and 4) to more than one trophic level to examine trait overlaps within each of several trophic levels • Considering new sets of effect and response traits associated with biotic interactions among levels (assumption 2) • Extending assumption 4 to overlaps and associations among different kinds of response and effect traits Influence of grassland management through grazing on soil N provision via nitrogen transformations Grazing intensity Defoliation, trampling, labile N redistribution MINERALISERS PLANTS PR1a: Stature, meristem location PR1b: NO3-/NH4+ assimilation PR1c = TE1: leaf N, phenolics, and root exudates Urea input C & energy supply. OM quality NITRIFIERS TR2: Ability to use fresh versus recalcitrant OM PR3 = TR3: Sensitivity to high NH4+/ urea levels TR2 = TE2 = FE2: Growth rate PR3 = TR3 = FE3: Urease activity Growth rate NH4+ supply FE2: Specific activity NO3- / NH4+ NH4+ Maintenance of soil fertility FE3a: Specific activity nitifiiers. FE3b: Ability use urea as substrate NO3- Accounting for more complex trophic networks Riparian buffer restoration LEAF SHREDDERS PLANTS PR1: suckering, resistance to root anoxia, resistance to shear stress PR1 = TE1: Leaf traits: N, size, toughness, secondary compounds (lignin), phenology Tree size Branch shedding FISH TR2bottom : Feeding behaviour, leaf fragmentation rate OM quantity & quality Wood provision TR2bottom = TE2 : Growth rate, development time ~ TE2 Phenology ~ TR2top: Body size, weight per unit length Fish for angling Food supply Predation TR3 = FE3 = TE3: Body size, growth rate Combining several interaction networks: Impact of field margin management on multiple ecosystem services Regular disturbance of field margi ns PR1 ( Plants) Flo w eri n g p eri od Grow th h a bi t, Se ed si ze, L e af N Se ed si ze, h ei gh t T E1 T E1 T E1 TR2 (Invertebr ates) Bo d y siz e, Ph en ol o gy Ove rw in teri n g si te, Fe e di ng g ui ld , Bo dy siz e T E2 F E2 Bo dy siz e T E2 T R3 (Natural enemies) TR3 ( Birds) H o st r an ge , Ph en ol og y B ill size , Fora gi ng ha bi t, N es ti ng ha b it F E3 Biocontrol of cr op pests F E3 Regulation of weed populations Enjoym ent of the countryside Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems A framework for functional biodiversity research www.rubicode.net • A heuristic tool to summarise existing knowledge, test hypotheses, and identify knowledge and data gaps on biotic relationships and processes that underpin different ecosystem functions • Flexbility of the framework: – – – – – Number and arrangement of trophic levels Types of biotic interactions : trophic but not only Diversity of possible configurations Using trait syndromes rather than traits Comparing implementations under different contexts (climate, fertility...) • Main current limitations : – Knowledge and data availability for traits in many organisms other than plants – Quantitative relationships between trait-based metrics (functional diversity) and ecosystem processes Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Challenges: Analysing complex dynamics underlying ecosystem functioning • Do stronger linkages between response and effect traits lead to more predictable effects of environmental change on ecosystem services? • When do feedbacks to environmental pressures or between trophic levels enhance or reduce predictability of ecosystem services? • Do trait effects on ecosystem functioning weaken with increasing trophic levels, scales, and with multiple driver interactions? Rationalising Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems www.rubicode.net Applications • Quantitative assessments of the effects of environmental change on ecosystem services provided by biodiversity • Indication of ecosystem services • Guiding ecological engineering through the choice of plant trait assemblages that promote the recovery of a multitrophic community most likely to provide the desired ecosystem services