Flow of Energy Energy in the ecosystem • Energy comes into the living world as light energy from the sun • Plants capture this light energy and change it to chemical energy (glucose) through the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide + CO2 + Water 12H2O Sunlight Chlorophyll Sunlight Chlorophyll Glucose + Oxygen + Water C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O Energy in the ecosystem • Plants store glucose as starch, fats and proteins (by adding Nitrogen from the soil) • The energy which is now locked up in a food molecule is passed from one organism to another through a food chain/food web Energy in the ecosystem • At each link in the food chain, energy is released by the process of respiration. Glucose + Oxygen C6H12O6 + 6O2 Enzymes Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP) Enzymes 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP ATP • ATP provides the energy for all the living processes in the body • It is used to create – Mechanical energy when an organism moves – Chemical energy when an organism makes new cells or molecules – Electrical energy when nerve cells fire – Light energy like in a glow worm – Energy of active transport Energy in the ecosystem • Eventually all energy changes to heat • Energy flows in one direction Sunlight Photosynthesis Food Respiration ATP Light Chemical Mechanical Electrical Active transport Heat Energy flows • There are two main ways energy flows through an ecosystem 1. In the grazing food chain – herbivores eat plants and carnivores eat the herbivores (what we have already looked at) 2. In the organic detritus food chain – dead material is broken down by bacteria and fungi Energy flows • Both systems are represented in food webs and have levels known as trophic levels • The energy available at each trophic level equals the amount entering that trophic level minus total loses to that level Energy flow through an ecosystem • Energy can be lost at each trophic level as heat (due to metabolic activity) or as detritus (this stays in the ecosystem for other organisms to use) • Only about 10% of energy is passed on to the next trophic level • Energy is in kilojoules per square metre per year (kJ m-2 yr -1) Energy flow in an ecosystem Heat loss Sunlight Producer Primary consumer Detritus Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer Energy flow through the ecosystem Energy from previous trophic level 100 Energy lost as heat through metabolic activity 65 Trophic level 25 Energy passed on to the next trophic level 10 Energy lost to detritus What can affect the energy flow? • In silence think about this question for 1 min and jot down any ideas you have • Turn to the person next to you and discuss your answer for 1 min What can affect the energy flow? • Block out light – E.g. Road works – E.g. Asteroid • Remove a food source – Can happen due to pollution, drought, over fishing and the removal of an organism Activity • Construct an energy flow diagram for a bull grazing in a paddock Biozone Pg 303-305