4 Regions of California

Animals of California
Exploring Biodiversity
in the 4 Regions
Unit 2: Adaptations
The Wonders of the Animal World
A Closer Look at the Coast
• The Coastal region of California runs along the
westernmost border of the state. From Baja to
Oregon, the winding coastline guarantees
spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean.
• The weather of this area is TEMPERATE,
ranging from 60 to 80 degrees.
• Cool ocean breezes and the Marine Layer
bring in pleasant weather and moisture that is
much needed by our state.
Mammals of the Coast:
Meet the Bottlenose Dolphin
• An animal that is
spotted frolicking in the
Pacific is the Bottlenose
• These animals are
highly intelligent, swift
and curious.
• Note their sleek
torpedo shaped bodies.
These animals were
meant for speed.
Mammals of the Coast:
Take a Look at the California Sea Lion
• The California Sea Lion
falls under the family of
• These animals can be
found in the waters off of
Northern California and
are agile and adept
• Sea Lions feed on fish of
all sorts and have physical
traits that make them
very unusual.
Birds of the Coast:
Taking Flight Over the Sea
• The California Coastline
spans over HUNDREDS of
miles. With that wide
span of land, there is a
HUGE range of birds that
can be spotted soaring
the skies.
• The bird to the right is the
Marbled Murrelet.
• Other common California
birds are Sea Gulls,
Albatrosses, Pelicans and
Invertebrates of the Coast:
Underwater Oddities
• Not only are there
interesting animals found in
the sea, on land, and in the
air, but there are MORE
interesting animals found
along the ocean floor.
• The coast has tide pools,
rocky crags, and sea ledges
where a wide range of sea
life can be found.
• Photo top right is the Warty
Sea Cucumber.
• The photo to the bottom
right is an example of the
purple and red anemone.
Exploring the Desert
• The Desert Region of California is not a barren
wasteland. The deserts of California are
BRIMMING with a wide range of flora and fauna
that reveals that this HOT territory is capable of
sustaining an amazing BIODIVERSITY.
• Temperatures within this region range from 40 to
120 degrees depending on the season and time
of day.
• The MOST famous desert in California is DEATH
VALLEY. The lowest point in California where
temperatures can reach DEADLY degrees.
Top Predators of the Desert
Pumas and Coyotes
• The dry and craggy terrain
of the desert seems empty
and alone BUT do not be
fooled. Wild animals can be
stalking you as their next
• The Puma, or Bobcat, or
Cougar, along with the
Coyote are skilled hunters
who manage to eke out a
life in this harsh area.
• Keen senses, a sandy
coloring, and a vicious bite
keep them on top of the
food chain.
Birds of the Desert:
Soaring to New Heights
• Though many will claim that
the desert is no place to
hunt, birds of prey can be
spotted aloft in the skies,
while smaller birds carve
out an existence amongst
the cactus and rocks.
• Photo top right, the RedTailed Hawk scans the skies
for a meal.
• Photo bottom right, the
Cactus Wren uses the
cactus itself as a home and
hunting ground.
Desert Creatures:
Beasts Big and Small
• With little water found in the
California Deserts, the
majority of the animal life
found are reptiles, rodents,
and insects.
• All of these animals have
adapted to the harsh
environment and have carved
out a niche existence for
• Ask yourself what makes the
Roadrunner, the Rosy Boa, the
Kangaroo Rat and the Desert
Iguana readily adapted for
The Central Valley
• The Central Valley is the FERTILE region of
California. Laying between the Coasts and the
Mountains, temperate weather and a steady
flow of fresh water keeps agriculture growing.
• The Central Valley was once marked wide
ranging forests, grasslands, meandering rivers
and tributaries, now….irrigation and organized
farms and orchards define this area that
produces BILLIONS of tons of consumable
food stuffs.
The Mammals of the Central Valley:
Large Predators on the Prowl
• The Central Valley at
one time was noted for
its dense wooded
forests and its rolling
hills of grass and grains.
• Large predators such as
Bears, Wolves, and
Foxes can be found
roaming the valley
looking for an easy
The Mammals of the Central Valley:
Small Animals on the Run
• With its heavily wooded
forests and the wide open
fields of grass and grains,
many smaller animals are
found within the Central Valley
• Squirrels, Gophers, Hares,
Rabbits along with Raccoons,
Opossums and more can be
found throughout the Valley.
• Photo top right, Grey Squirrels
traditionally are found in the
• Photo bottom right, Gophers
burrow and dig underground
to stay protected and safe.
The Birds of the Central Valley
• With many insects due to the
lush forests and fields, birds are
common amongst the Central
• Birds keep the insect and fish
populations in check,
preventing crop failure.
• Photo top right, the Marsh
Geese can be found in wetland
• Photo bottom right, the Marsh
Wren, lives in marshes and
along riverbanks, feasting on
insects near the water’s edges.
Creeping Across the Central Valley
Insects, Amphibians, and Reptiles
• The Central Valley is a
fertile region where the
soil allows for plant
• With this explosion of
plant life, many insects,
amphibians and reptiles
can be found.
• Photo top right, California
Hairstreak Butterfly
• Photo right, Elderberry
Longhorn Beetle
• Photo bottom right Green
The View from the Top:
Looking at Animals of the Mountains
• California Mountains are majestic and
memorable. From the local San Bernardino and
San Gabriel Mountains to the Sierra Nevada
Range, these mountains have helped create
fertile valleys and dry deserts.
• The Mountain Region is marked with cooler
temperatures. As one goes HIGHER in elevation,
the temperature generally decreases.
• California’s Mountain Regions are filled with a
wide selection of wildlife. Insects, Birds,
Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians can be found
in this ONE region.
The Might of the Mountain
Predators on the Top
• In the mountains of
California, you need to
watch out for Bears,
Wolves, and Mountain
• Large Mammals are the
APEX predators in this
region. With their
muscled bodies, sharp
claws and teeth, they
are hunters on the
Birds of the Mountain
• Many birds can be found
along the mountains of
• Owls, Eagles, Condors,
Wrens, Finches and more
fly about the wooded
mountains in search of
• With so many different
types of birds, they each
serve a role in
maintaining balance
within nature.
The Middle Tier of the Mountain
• With dense forests and a
wide variety of plant life,
animals like Deer, Squirrels,
Chipmunks, Raccoons, and
more fill the middle level of
the Mountain.
• These smaller mammals
inhabit the region and serve
a function within nature.
• From insect control to
dispersing seeds, these
smaller mammals serve a
vital role within Nature’s
circle of life and renewal.
Bugs & Other Beasts of the Mountain
• Mountains are FILLED with
biodiversity. Mammals and
Birds are represented in
abundance BUT we need to
also focus on the mysterious
little animals found along the
mountain trails.
• Mountains are teeming with
thousands of types of insects,
lizards, snakes and more.
• They can be found creeping
and crawling in caves, the
woodland floor, and so many
more hidden places.
• Note how one region is
capable of sustaining such a
wide variety of wildlife.
Regional Wrap-Up
• Note that with 4 DISTINCT regions, the plant and
animal life adapts accordingly.
• Each region has established weather/climate,
geographic features and
• Animals that can survive in these regions have
ADAPTED to survive.
• ADAPTATIONS are changes that allow for an
organism to survive its environment. These
ADAPTATIONS are then passed along to
successive generations.