



Spring 2012

Fig. 8.1

Rosids – Major Points

Comprise about 25% of all angiosperms

Includes two main clades: fabids and malvids

Main support for monophyly from molecular data

No clear morphological synapomorphies, but tendencies to have perianths with unfused parts and a stamen merosity > calyx or corolla, although there are many exceptions

Extreme variation in habit (trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, etc.) as well as extensive proliferation of floral syndromes, including wind, insect, bird, and bat pollination

Transition from apocarpy to syncarpy as seen before; fusion and embellishment of floral parts

Fig. 8.30

Core Eudicots: The Rosids


Order Malpighiales

Order Fabales

Order Rosales

Order Cucurbitales

Order Fagales


Order Myrtales

Order Brassicales

Order Malvales

Order Sapindales

Core Eudicots: The Rosids - Fabids

Order Malpighiales

Euphorbiaceae* – Spurges

Salicaceae* – Willows and poplars

Violaceae – Violets

Order Fabales

Fabaceae* – Beans

Order Rosales

Rosaceae* – Roses

Moraceae – Figs, mulberries


– Elms

Order Cucurbitales

Curcurbitaceae* – Cucumbers, squashes

Begoniaceae – Begonias

Order Fagales

Betulaceae – Birches

Fagaceae – Oaks, beeches, chestnuts

Juglandaceae – Walnuts, hickories

*Family required for recognition


Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae

(The Spurge Family)

Widespread, but most diverse in tropical regions

Trees, shrubs, herbs, or vines, sometimes succulent; leaves usually alternate

Diversity: ca. 6,300 species in 218-245 genera

Flowers: Unisexual; sepals 2-6; petals 0-5; carpels usually 3, ovule 1 per locule; styles usually 3 and sometimes divided; inflorescences often highly modified; fruit a schizocarp, seeds usually arillate

Significant features: Often with latex/laticifers


Special uses: rubber (Hevea), cassava/manioc

(Manihot), poinsettia (Euphorbia), ornamentals

Required taxa: Euphorbia

Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia

• Ca. 2,400 species

• White latex (usually)

• One female and few to many male flowers aggregated into a cyathium

(one type of false flower or pseudanthium)

• Cyathium subtended by modified leaves (cyathophylls)

Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia cyathium

From the Euphorbia

PBI website

Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia

Digital Flowers


• Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis)

^ castor bean ~ poisonous seeds



• Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)



•Tapioca, Cassava ( Manihot )

Manihot esculenta cassava, tapioca


• Tung oil (Aleurites)


Aleurites fordii tung-oil tree


Malpighiales: Salicaceae

(The Willow or Poplar Family)

Widespread, from tropical to north temperate and boreal regions

Trees or shrubs

Diversity: 1,200 species in 54-55 genera

Flowers: bisexual or unisexual; sepals 3-8; petals 3-

8; stamens 2∞; carpels 2-4, connate, in superior ovary; fruit variable

Significant features: leaves simple, often with salicoid teeth; salicin in most; includes what was formerly called the “Flacourtiaceae”

Special uses: lumber, shade trees, ornamentals

Required taxa: Populus, Salix

Salicaceae: Salix

-bud scale single

-catkins usually erect or ascending

-flowers unisexual

-each flower with 1-4 basal nectar glands

-stamens 1-12

-mainly insect pollination

Salicaceae: Populus

-bud scales several, overlapping

-catkins arching or drooping

-flowers unisexual

-each flower with a basal cup-like disk

-stamens 8-numerous



Malpighiales: Violaceae

(The Violet Family)

Widespread, but predominantly herbs of temperate regions

Herbs, shrubs, or trees

Diversity: 700-800 species in 23-24 genera

Flowers: Sepals 5; petals 5; 5 connivent stamens; carpels usually 3, connate, superior ovary; fruit usually a loculicidal capsule

Significant features: Zygomorphy, nectar spurs; floral cleistogamy

Special uses: Violets grown primarily as ornamentals

Family not required

Violaceae: connivent stamens

Violaceae: Viola

-mostly herbs, some shrubs

-flowers zygomorphic

-lower petal spurred

-spring flowers open-pollinated, summer flowers remaining closed (cleistogamous)


Fabales: Fabaceae

(The Legume Family)

Nearly cosmopolitan

Herbs, vines, trees, shrubs with usually alternate, stipulate, pinnately to palmately compound leaves (sometimes unifoliolate or simple)

Diversity: 19,500 species, 720-730 genera – THIRD LARGEST FAMILY of angiosperms

Flowers: a short, cup-like hypanthium present; sepals & petals usually 5, free or connate; petals all alike or the uppermost 1 differentiated (banner), the lower 2 forming a keel or flaring apart; stamens 5 or 10-many, if connate then monadelphous or diadelphous; carpel 1, on a short stalk

(gynophore); fruit is a legume (Duh!) but sometimes modified

Significant features: High nitrogen metabolism w/ unusual amino acids, often with root nodules with N-fixing bacteria; leaf and leaflet pulvinuses well developed; endosperm often lacking; wide range of floral diversity; 3 subfamilies but 1 is not monophyletic

Special uses: Many!! Beans, peas, peanuts, soybean, clover, ornamentals (Mimosa, Bauhinia); lumber, dyes, resins

Required taxa: Glycine, Trifolium, Mimosa, Cercis, Gleditsia and the three subfamilies

Fabaceae vegetative characters root nodules pulvinus compound leaves

Fabaceae floral characters

Perigynous flower, short hypanthium

Diadelphous stamens:

9 + 1 gynophore

Marginal (parietal) placentation

Fabaceae fruit and seed characters non-endospermous seeds legumes, loments, etc.


Leaves usually twice pinnately compound

Fls actinomorphic, petals valvate, distinct or basally fused

Stamens 10-many, distinct or basally fused


Leaves usually pinnately or twice pinnately compound

Fls + weakly zygomorphic, upper petal usually innermost; petals distinct

Stamens 5 or 10, distinct


Leaves pinnately compound to trifoliolate

Fls zygomorphic, upper petal (banner) outermost; well defined wings and keel

Stamens 10, monadelphous or diadelphous

Fabaceae – Subfamily Mimosoideae

Albizia julibrissin

Acacia sp.

Actinomorphic tubular flowers in heads

Fabaceae: Mimosoideae

many stamens, not fused

Albizia julibrissin mimosa, silktree

Fabaceae: Mimosoideae: Mimosa

-woody or herbaceous

-often armed (with prickles)

-leafstalk without glands

-flowers in heads or rarely racemes or spikes

-stamens 10 or fewer

Fabaceae – Subfamily


Fabaceae : “Caesalpinioideae”

zygomorphic flower pulvinus

Stamens not fused

-10 or fewer

Senna obtusifolia sicklepod

Fabaceae : “Caesalpinioideae”: Cercis


-leaves simple, palmately veined

-flowers clustered, appearing before leaves

-corolla rose to pink-purple

Cercis canadensis - redbud

Fabaceae : “Caesalpinioideae”:


-armed (with thorns)

-leaves 1- or 2-pinnate

-flowers small, unisexual or bisexual

-staminate inflorescences catkin-like, pendent

-fertile inflorescences with bisexual or carpellate flowers

Honey locust

Fabaceae – Subfamily Faboideae

Fabaceae: Faboideae

Petals unequal:

• banner

• wings

• keel monadelphous stamens bacterial root nodule

Crotalaria spectabilis showy rattlebox

Fabaceae: Faboideae

Petals unequal:

• banner

• wings

• keel

Crotalaria spectabilis showy rattlebox

Fabaceae: Faboideae

Lathyrus sweet-pea

Digital Flowers

Fabaceae: Faboideae: Glycine

-leaves pinnately 3-foliolate

-inflorescence a raceme

-stamens diadelphous

-seeds few per pod

Fabaceae: Faboideae: Trifolium

-leaves palmately (or pinnately) foliolate with usually 3 leaflets

-inflorescences racemose but often appearing head-like

-stamens diadelphous

-fruits enclosed by the persistent corolla

-seeds 1-6 per pod


Rosales: Rosaceae

(The Rose Family)

Cosmopolitan, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere

Herbs, shrubs or trees (75% woody plants)

Diversity: 2,500-3,000 species in 85-90 genera

Flowers: Showy, actinomorphic, hypanthium present; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens usually numerous; carpels

1 to many, apocarpous or syncarpous; ovary superior or inferior; fruit can be a follicle, achene, pome, drupe, or associated with expanded receptacle

Significant features: Wide range of fruit evolution within family; leaves alternate, stipules present

Special uses: Fruits (apples, pears, berries), ornamental herbs, trees, and shrubs; lumber, perfumery

Required taxa: Rubus, Prunus

Rosaceae: Rosa

-shrubs, often prickly

-leaves pinnately compound

-ovary superior

-hypanthium + globose and fleshy, contracted at the mouth

-carpels numerous

-fruit an achene

Rosaceae: Rubus*

-herbaceous to shrubby, usually with prickles

-leaves often compound with 3 to 7 leaflets

-carpels usually numerous, borne on an elongate receptacle

-fruit a drupelet, forming an aggregate fruit (blackberries and raspberries)

*required for recognition

Rosaceae: Prunus*

-trees or shrubs

-bark with prominent horizontal lenticels

-ovary superior

-carpel solitary

-fruit a drupe, endocarp stony

*required for recognition

Rosaceae: Malus

-trees with simple leaves

-ovary inferior, with

5 carpels

-mature carpels papery or softly leathery

-fruit a pome, lacks stone cells


Rosales: Moraceae

(The Fig Family)

Widespread, from tropical to temperate regions

Trees, shrubs, or vines (sometimes herbs)

Diversity: 1,500 species in 53 genera

Flowers: Unisexual, inconspicuous; tepals 0-4 or 5

(-8); carpels usually 2, connate, superior ovary; inflorescences cymose, highly modified, compact, receptacle expanded; fruit is a drupe, often in a multiple fruit structure (syconium).

Significant features: laticifers/latex throughout the plant

Special uses: figs (Ficus), mulberries (Morus), breadfruit (Artocarpus), ornamentals, e.g. osage orange (Maclura)

Family not required

Moraceae Dorstenia

Ficus carica Cultivated Fig



Morus rubra - Mulberry

Maclura pomifera

Osage orange

Moraceae: Ficus

-shrubs or trees

-connate stipules enclosing the terminal buds

-leaves with entire margins

-flowers minute, borne inside the syconium


Moraceae – The Fig and The Fig Wasp


Rosales: Ulmaceae

(The Elm Family)

Widely distributed; maximal diversity in temperate regions of N. Hemisphere

Trees with alternate, 2-ranked leaves

Diversity: 35 species in 6 genera

Flowers: Small, inconspicuous; tepals 4-9; stamens

4-9; carpels 2, connate, superior ovary; fruit a samara or nutlet, seeds flat

Significant features: Leaves simple with pinnate venation, margins simply or doubly serrate, blade base asymmetrical; endosperm of a single layer

Special uses: Elms provide lumber; some trees used as ornamentals

Family not required

Ulmaceae: Ulmus


Cucurbitales: Cucurbitaceae

(The Cucumber or Squash Family)

Widespread in the tropics and subtropics, a few in temperate regions

Herbaceous or soft woody vines with scabrous stems and palmately veined/lobed leaves and usually with tendrils

Diversity: 900 species in 118-122 genera

Flowers: hypanthium present; sepals & petals 5, usually connate; stamens 3-5; carpels usually 3; ovary half-inferior or inferior; fruit usually a berry (with hardened rind a pepo); seeds flattened, the seed coat with several layers

Significant features: wide range of floral diversity, “toothed” leaves lacking stipules; female flowers epiperigynous

Special uses: cucumbers (Cucumis), pumpkins, gourds, and squashes (Cucurbita), watermelons (Citrullus) etc. are eaten for fruits and seeds; Luffa, some ornamentals

Required taxa: family only

Cucurbitaceae: Cucurbita

-trailing herbs

-leaves large, cordateangled or lobed

-flowers large, solitary in axils

-corolla campanulate, deeply


-ovaries and fruits smooth or hairy, not prickly

-fruits large, with a firm rind

-gourds, squashes, pumpkin


Cucurbitales: Begoniaceae

(The Begonia Family)

Widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics

Herbs or soft woody shrubs

Diversity: ca. 1,400 species in 2 genera (all but one species in Begonia)

Flowers: Unisexual; tepals petaloid, 2-10 but usually

4 in 2 whorls (staminate) and 5 in 1 whorl (pistillate); carpels usually 3, connate; inferior ovary; fruit a loculicidal capsule, usually winged

Significant features: Soft herbs, typically of shaded habitats; stigmas elongated, twisted, yellow, papillose

Special uses: primarily ornamentals

Family not required

Begoniaceae: Begonia

Carpellate Flowers Staminate Flowers

-winged ovaries


Fagales: Fagaceae

(The Oak and Beech Family)

Widespread, in tropical to temperate regions of the

Northern Hemisphere

Trees and shrubs

Diversity: 670-970 species in 7 genera

Flowers: Unisexual (monoecious); tepals usually 6 and reduced, inconspicuous; stamens 4-many; carpels 3 (-12), connate, inferior ovary; fruit a nut, associated with a spiny or scaly cupule

Significant features: Male inflorescences in dangling catkins; female inflorescences in sessile clusters

Special uses: edible nuts (chestnuts), lumber, tannin, cork; ornamental trees

Family not required

Fagaceae: Quercus

• Bark pale to dark but scaly or furrowed

• Buds clustered at twig tips, ovate

• Leaves lobed or unlobed

• Male flowers in drooping catkins

• Cupule saucer-like or cup-shaped

• Nut circular in cross-section

Fagaceae: Fagus

• Bark light gray, smooth

• Buds solitary at twig tips, slender and acute

• Leaves unlobed, strongly straight-veined

• Male flowers in a rounded head

• Cupule with 4 valves

• Nut compressed or triangular


Fagales: Betulaceae

(The Birch Family)

Widespread, in temperate to boreal regions, primarily of the northern hemisphere

Trees or shrubs; leaves doubly serrate

Diversity: 140 species in 6 genera

Flowers: Unisexual (monoecious); tepals (0-) 1-4 (-6), highly reduced; stamens 1-4; carpels 2, connate, inferior ovary; fruit an achene, nut or 2-winged samara

Significant features: Flowers in erect (female) or pendant (male) catkins (aments); staminate and carpellate flowers in separate inflorescences

Special uses: hazel nuts edible; lumber, shade trees, ornamentals

Family not required

Betulaceae: Betula

• Outer bark often separating in thin sheets

• Carpellate and staminate flowers both in bracteate catkins

• Carpellate catkins ovoid to cylindrical, with 2-3 flowers per bract and the bracts papery (bracteate dichasia)

• Staminate flowers 3 per bract; stamens 2, bifid


Fagales: Juglandaceae

(The Walnut and Hickory Family)

Widespread from tropical to temperate regions

Aromatic trees; leaves pinnately compound or trifoliolate, usually alternate and spiral

Diversity: 59 species in 8 genera

Flowers: Unisexual (monoecious or dioecious); tepals

0-4, inconspicuous; stamens 3-many; carpels usually

2, connate, ovary inferior; fruit a nut or nutlet

Significant features: Fruit often associated with bracts or bracteoles that form an outer “husk”

Special uses: fruits of hickories (Carya) and walnuts

(Juglans) are eaten; walnut and hickory are valued for their lumber; some ornamentals

Family not required

Juglandaceae: Juglans

• Twigs with chambered pith

• Leaflets all about the same or the median ones largest

• Staminate catkins sessile, solitary

• Nut with an indehiscent, usually rough or furrowed husk

Juglandaceae: Carya

• Twigs with solid pith

• Apical leaflets largest

• Staminate catkins sessile or pedunculate, in clusters

• Nut with a dehiscent or partially dehiscent, often smooth husk
