Florida Coastal Construction Permitting and Sovereign Submerged

Alfred J. Malefatto & Keri-Ann C. Baker
Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.
Tyler Chappell
The Chappell Group, Inc.
Coastal construction activities are regulated by the
State to prevent “imprudent construction” to
 People who live there
 Endangered species
 Tourism
 Public Access
Coastal Permitting
is “Regulation” –
Not “Prohibition”!
 Mean High Water Line (MHWL) and 50-Foot Setback
 Erosion Control Lune
 Thirty-Year Erosion Projection Line
 Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL)
 Line of Construction
Construction Activities are NOT prohibited seaward of
the CCCL.
However, “...(s)pecial siting and design considerations shall be necessary
seaward of established coastal construction control lines to ensure the
protection of the beach-dune system, proposed or existing structures,
and adjacent properties and the preservation of public beach access.”
(Fla. Stat. § 161.053(1)(a) (2011))
Line of Construction
30-Year Trend+Stochastic
Erosion Projection
FDEP Range Line R-31
30-Year Erosion Projection
(per 62B-33, FAC)
Coastal Construction
Setback Line/Line of
GP Line
Coastal Construction
Control Line (CCCL)
(R-30 to R-32)
General Permit (GP) Evaluation Schematic
Potential Permitting Issues
 Beach and Dune System Impacts (siting, excavation and
vegetation removal)
30-year erosion projection of seasonal high water line (line
of prohibition for major structures)
Impact to adjacent Properties
Marine turtles
Public Beach Access
Line of Construction
What are Sovereign
Submerged Lands?
Tidelands and all lands
beneath navigable waters, the
title to which has not been
validly transferred;
All beaches between mean
high water and mean low
water lines;
Islands within navigable
Lands beneath the ordinary
high water marks of lakes and
Florida's sovereign lands
extend from the coastline or
the historic coastline,
whichever is more landward,
three geographic miles into
the Atlantic Ocean and three
marine leagues
(approximately nine miles)
into the Gulf of Mexico.
Where Are Sovereign
Submerged Lands
" ... under navigable
waters within the
boundaries of the state
which have not been
alienated, including
beaches below mean
high water lines ..."
Navigable waters are
those water bodies
which were "navigable
in fact" on the date of
Florida's statehood.
How Were Sovereign
Submerged Lands
Ownership of submerged
land ownership beneath
navigable waters passed
from Spain to the United
States under the Treaty of
Cession on February 22,
Courts recognize the prima
facie validity of Spanish
land grants, but they are
interpreted in accordance
with Spanish civil law as it
existed prior to the Treaty of
Grants of submerged lands
by Spanish officials not
authorized under Spanish
law are not recognized.
Overview of Leases
(proprietary review)
 Cannot be contrary to the public interest.
 Restrictions as deemed necessary to protect and
manage sovereignty lands.
 Leases that generate profits for the user require
equitable compensation (limited exceptions).
 Need an appraisal from Division’s Bureau of
Appraisal (unless an exception applies).
 Activities on sovereignty lands are limited to water
dependent uses unless it is in the public interest to
allow an exception.
Overview of Leases
(proprietary review)
 No split houses, boathouses with
living quarters, or other residential
structures on sovereignty lands.
 State Land Management Plan must
be considered.
 No use of sovereignty lands to
provide road access to islands
(unless exception made by
 Use of sovereign submerged lands
adjacent to undeveloped coastal
islands is severely limited.
 Existing licenses to use sovereignty
lands must be converted to leases.
FDEP Analysis Prior to Granting a
Proprietary Interest
 General policies.
 Evaluated on a case-by-case basis, weighing any factors relevant under
Chapters 253 and 258, Fla. Stat.
The Trustees reserve the right to approve, modify, or reject any
No sale, lease, or transfer of sovereignty lands is permitted unless it is
deemed to be in the public interest.
Public interest assessment criteria are set out in Fla. Admin. Code Rule
New construction of seawalls and deposition of fill waterward of the
mean or ordinary high water line is prohibited.
Public road and bridge projects may be approved if no reasonable
alternative exists.
Dredging waterward of the mean or ordinary high water line, for the
sole purpose of providing upland fill, is prohibited.
Leases are not required if owner
has Riparian Rights
 Applications for activities
on sovereignty lands,
riparian to uplands, may be
made by riparian owners,
with satisfactory evidence
of sufficient upland title
 Structures or other
activities must be within
the riparian rights area of
the applicant.
 Must be designed so as not
to restrict or infringe upon
the rights of adjacent
upland riparian owners.
Cost of Leases
 The standard annual lease fee for wet slip marina docks is
computed at a rate of 6% of the annual income from the use of
sovereignty submerged land, or a base fee, whichever is greater.
 The annual income is defined as the gross revenue derived
directly or indirectly from the use of sovereignty submerged
 The income used to determine annual lease fees, and other
information required to determine the lease fee, must be
certified by the lessee.
 New facilities will be charged the base fee upon approval of the
Cost of Leases
 As of March 1, 2012, the annual base fee was computed at a rate of
$.160194 per square foot.
A 30% discount is provided for all marinas having 90% of the
slips open to the public on a first come, first serve basis.
An additional one-time surcharge equal to 25% of the base fee is
charged for the first annual fee on all leases, and for lease
expansions for that portion of the expansion area.
The minimum annual fee for a lease is $480.58 and is adjusted
The Trustees may waive payment of lease fees for government,
research, educational, or charitable organizations if certain
conditions are met.
If a grandfathered facility loses its grandfathered status, the lease
fee and rate schedule for the preempted area will be the
appropriate lease fee or base rate at the time the lease is
Public Interest Factors
 Transfers of interests in sovereignty land are subject to a
specific benefit/cost balancing test to determine whether
the social, economic, and/or environmental benefits clearly
exceed the costs imposed on the public by the transfer.
 Public benefits include access, provision of boating and
marina services, improvement of public health, safety, or
welfare, improved land management, improved water
quality, enhancement and restoration of natural habitat
and functions, and improved protection of endangered,
threatened, or unique species.
 A listing of specific activities presumed to be beneficial are
provided in the Rule. Fla. Admin. Code Rule 18-20.004(b)(d).
Public Benefits Balancing Act
 Benefits are balanced
against negative impacts
such as reduced water
quality, degraded or
destroyed natural habitat,
destruction, harm, or
harassment of endangered
or threatened species and
their habitat, preemption
of public use, increased
navigation hazards,
reduced aesthetics, and
adverse cumulative
Case Study
1153 N. Rio Vista
Case Study
Daytona Beach
Case Study
Sunrise Harbor
Alfred J. Malefatto
Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.
515 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 1500
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Keri-Ann C. Baker
Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.
515 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 1500
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Tyler Chappell
The Chappell Group, Inc.
714 East McNab Road
Pompano Beach, FL 33060