Jerry Percy – CFP Reform

Jerry Percy
Common Fisheries Policy Reform
CFP Reform – A Brief History
30 + years of mismanagement – Twin Aims
Green Paper 2009
Original Commission proposal – 2011
General Approach in Council – Feb 2013
Lisbon Treaty
European Parliamentary amendments – Feb 2013
Trilogues – March – May 2013
Agreement – May – June 2013
Into force January 1st 2014
CFP Reform - Content
Maximum Sustainable yield
Access and Fishing Opportunities
Integration with Environmental Policies
External Dimension
CFP Reform - Regionalisation
• Member States and Advisory Councils to work
together to develop detailed technical
• Multi annual plans would set direction.
Regions would have the opportunity to agree
management detail
• New routes to give legal effect:
– Option to enact quickly in EU law or
– Potentially national measures
CFP Reform – MSY
• By 2015 where possible, 2020 in any event
[using incremental steps]
• Legally binding exploitation target, Biomass
CFP Reform – Access & Fishing
• 0 – 12 mile exemption continues
• Fishing opportunities remain allocated by
Member States, subject to transparent criteria
• Member States can still choose TFC’s as an
• Member States must report on capacity /
opportunities with action plan and
adjustments where necessary
CFP Reform – Integration with
Environmental Policy
• Process to implement fisheries measures
where necessary to join up with
environmental legislation
• Member States propose, but enacted via
regionalised process. Commission powers in
some cases OR full co-decision
• Protected areas [Fish Stock Recovery Areas)
CFP Reform – External Dimension
• Principles guiding third country agreements
and other external EU engagement
• Same principles of sustainability inside and
outside EU waters
• More transparent agreements, based on
science, surplus stocks
• Coherence with development aims. Value for
CFP Reform - Aquaculture
• New Advisory Committee for Aquaculture
• Encouraging sustainable aquaculture, and
national “strategic plans”
• Non binding strategic guidelines
CFP Reform - Discards
• Objective:- Elimination of Discards
• Progressively implemented landings
obligations (discard bans)
• Detailed rules / quota provisions to aid
practical implementation [aka ’flexibilities’]
• Specifics can be set out in EU plans, or in
detailed technical measures, but landings
obligations / deadlines apply in any event
CFP Reform – Discards (2)
• Landing obligations for all quota stocks
• Deadlines:
– Pelagics no later than 1st January 2015
– Listed whitefish stocks, defined by fishery [2016 –
– Remainder [2017 – 2019] [Med & Black Sea]
CFP Reform – Discards (3)
• Catch limits control what can be caught, not what
can be landed
• Quotas should be adjusted accordingly [‘Science
driven uplift’ – ICES]
• Technical Rules conflicting with landing obligation
reviewed / removed (Omnibus and Tech Con)
• Reduce unwanted catch in the first instance –
selectivity, spatial measures. Optimising use of
CFP reform – Discards – more!
• Potential exemptions:
• Species for which fishing is prohibited
• Species for which scientific evidence
demonstrates high survival rates
• De minimis exemption [up to 5% after
transition period][77665]
– Where evidence shows selectivity very difficult
– To avoid disproportionate costs in limited cases
CFP Reform – Discards – and again
• Quota provisions:
• Deducting unwanted catch from target species
[not more than 9% of quota for target species
where by-catch species is within safe
biological limits]
• Year to year flexibility of 10% of quota
• International swapping between Member
CFP Reform – Discards – 2 to go
• Controls:
• Full documentation of catches [including CCTV
and or other methods such as reference fleets,
self audit
• Minimum conservation reference sizes, where
appropriate, fish below used only for non
human consumption [counts against quota]
CFP reform – Discards – and finally
Steps to manage ‘unwanted catch’:
Managing quota to help match it to catch
Exemptions for specific cases
Other flexibility to help match catch to
available quota
CFP Reform - Implementation
• What does Government have to do?:
• Implementation Project – developing detailed
plans [out to 2018] and risks / issues
• Determine exactly what, by when, who.
Options and respective roles and
• Consult on detailed management measures
CFP Reform – Pelagic Timetable
• Aug – Oct 2013 Industry engagement and data analysis
• Aug 2013 onwards – Member State engagement –
Development of implementation options and regulatory
impact assessment
• Jan 2014 – Public consultation on the Pelagic Landing
• Jan 2014 onwards – Member States regionally develop any
appropriate supporting legislation
• June 2014 – Domestic decisions taken and communicated
• July – December 2014 – Industry/MMO etc preparations
• January 2015 – Comes into force
CFP Reform – Demersal Timetable
• Aug 2013 on – Industry engagement and data analysis
• October 2013 on – Development of implementation
options and regulatory impact assessment
• Jan 2014 on – Member States regionally develop any
appropriate supporting EU legislation
• Autumn 2014 – Public Consultation
• Jan-June 2015 Domestic decisions taken and communicated
• Jan-December 2015 – Final Industry/MMO preparatinos
• January 1st 2016 – First phase of Demersal Landings
Obligation comes into force
CFP Reform
• Implications, opportunities and threats for
Lyme Bay fleet [and others]:
The bad news [potentially]
• Regionalisation & Multiannual plans ignore
smaller scale issues
• Rigid MSY Targets = reductions in annual TAC’s
• One cumbersome and top down management
structure replaced by another
• Timescale
• Lack of level playing field
• Relationship with environmental legislation
• Co-decision [friend or foe?]
• Fish stock recovery areas
And there’s more:
Choke species
Government interpretation of “Rules”
30% of very little is still very little
Selectivity issues in passive gears
Closed Fisheries
National uptake of exemptions
Onshore logistics
Fully Documented Fisheries
CFP Reform – the good news
• DEFRA keen to engage
• Recognised need for review of quota
• Beneficial approach to exemptions and
• Article 16 relationship with Lyme Bay
approach [+ outcome of Judicial Review]
• Public and NGO Support [EP]