APPMG World Malaria Day Event, 2013 Invest in The Future: Defeat Malaria Kolawole Maxwell, Malaria Consortium Nigeria Country Director Presentation outline • Our context - Nigeria • Malaria Consortium • Our approach • Key achievements • Results • Conclusion Our context - Nigeria • Over 160 million people • Malaria is endemic (up to 97% of total population at risk of the disease) • 42% of children under five were reported to have malaria – MIS 2010 • 30% of children under five mortality attributable to malaria • A quarter of global deaths due to malaria happens in Nigeria Malaria Consortium • Works across Africa and Asia; in Africa we are operational in Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Mozambique, Zambia and Ghana • Works in 3 out of the 5 countries that record the highest burden of malaria • Implements 37 projects in Africa and Asia • Projects in Africa cover all aspects of malaria, including prevention, diagnostics, treatment, demand creation, systems strengthening, governance. Malaria Consortium Lead managing partner in Nigeria of the DFID UKaid funded Support to National Malaria Control Programme (SuNMaP) Other programmes in Nigeria: • Malaria Action Programmes for States (MAPS) - USAID / Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI) • NetWorks – Global mechanism to research effectiveness of treated mosquito nets and support coverage scale up – USAID / PMI • Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • Increasing access to diagnosis in private sector UNITAID Malaria Consortium in Nigeria 17 states and over 80 million people SuNMaP (DFID) Katsina Kano MAPS (PMI) Niger Ogun Zamfara Lagos Nasarawa Cross River Anambra Kaduna Oyo Jigawa NetWorks (PMI) Benue Yobe Ebonyi Zamfara Enugu Kogi Nasarawa Cross River Our approach • To support the government and people of Nigeria in improving access to both prevention and treatment of malaria, while strengthening the systems to deliver malaria services • To lead the process of rallying donors to join resources and use standard tools to roll-out malaria interventions to increase coverage • To work with the private and commercial sector to increase access to malaria control services and commodities Key achievements Delivery Long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) – Mass distribution campaigns LLIN – Routine distribution channels Period Results 4 years 2.54m –procured by programme 22m in programme states 53m nationally 2 years 4.3 million (antenatal care visits, immunisation visits, schools, community distribution) LLIN – Commercial sector 2 years 1 million distribution Sulphadoxine / Pyrimethamine 2 years 4.6 million doses Key achievements Delivery Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACTs) Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) Malaria treatment Training Malaria in pregnancy Training Malaria diagnosis Training Period Results 1 year 2.4 million doses 1 year 860,000 kits 2 years 24,800 health workers 8,500 health facilities 1 year 1,700 health workers 1 year 2,600 health workers Key achievements • Health Systems: • Comprehensive malaria control capacity building package developed and, with support of Malaria Consortium, has been adopted as national tools • Lead among the Roll Back Malaria partners in country on the donor harmonisation agenda • Recently led the National Malaria Programme Review, which will inform the development of the next National Malaria Strategic Plan: 2014 - 2020 • Monitoring, evaluation and surveillance • Monitoring areas Results – LLIN coverage • • • Dramatic increases from pre-campaign levels Three states reach Abuja Target of 60% with any ITN Coverage with at least 2 LLINs 34% to 57% 100 90 % o f H H o w n in g a n y IT N b e fo re c a m p a ig n (c h e c k e re d ) a n d a t le a s t o n e (s o lid ) o r a t le a s t tw o (h a tc h e d ) L L IN a t tim e o f s u rv e y 80 6 9 .3 P ro p o rtio n in % 70 6 4 .3 6 3 .8 60 5 7 .3 5 4 .7 5 2 .5 5 1 .5 50 4 2 .4 4 1 .1 40 3 4 .1 30 20 1 1 .5 10 3 .7 2 .0 1 .3 0 .5 0 S o k o to Kano N ig e r O gun A n a m b ra Results - equity of LLIN distribution Highly equitable in all states with a significant “pro-poor” result in Anambra Concentration curve 100 80 a m o n g h h th a t g o t c a m p a ig n n e ts C u m u la tiv e p e rc e n ta g e o f w e a lth q u in tile s 90 Concentration index 70 0.1000 60 0.0800 0.0600 50 0.0400 S o k o to 40 0.0200 K ano 0.0000 N ig e r 30 Ogun -0.0200 A n a m b ra -0.0400 Sokoto e q u ity lin e 20 -0.0600 -0.0800 10 -0.1000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 C u m u la tive p e rc e n ta g e o f w e a lth q u in tile s in s a m p le 90 100 Kano Niger Ogun Anambra Results – Strategic Plan Indicator Performance INTERVENTION COVERAGE NDHS 2003 NDHS 2008 MIS 2010 NMSP target (2013) % of households with at least one ITN 2.2% 16.3% 41.5% 80% % of Children < 5 who slept under ITN night before the survey 1.2% 5.5% 30.5% 80% % of pregnant women who received IPT during ANC visits 1% 8% 13.2% 80% % of Children< 5 with fever treated with antimalarials the same or following day 24.6% 15.2% 26% 80% % that took recommended first line drug 97% 2.4% 3.2% 80% Pƒ PR Binned Predicted Mean PfPR2-10 2-10 < 5% 2000 2005 ≥ 5% - < 10% ≥ 10% - < 50% 2010 > 50% Conclusion • Some signs of real progress are beginning to show • We need evidence more than ever before • We need to maintain funding to keep the progress made and achieve high coverage • Remember, the story is all about life and death Invest in The Future: Defeat Malaria …especially in Nigeria Thank you