Lepidium latifolium A.K.A. •Dittander •Dittany •Broad-leaf Pepperweed •Peppergrass •Pepperwort •Perennial Peppercress •Perennial Pepperweed •Tall Pepperweed •Tall Whitetop •Whitetop •Ect., ect., ect. Characteristics: Perennial herb Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) Related to broccoli, beets, cabbage, canola, and other crops Erect, up to 6 feet tall Roots up to 10 feet long! Distinguish rosettes from natives with long stemmed leaves (natives are sessile) Native Range (uncommon) North American Distribution (very common) Where is it? Native to SE Europe & SW Asia, uncommon Arrived with beet seed from Europe before 1840 17 million acres in West 20,000 acres of the Truckee river Primarily a riparian species But, is now found in drier rangelands Is it adapting more? Why are they doing so well? Characteristics A. Extremely long straight taproots B. Can tolerate saturated soil for long periods C. Sprouts from root fragments (like a potato) D. Alters soil characteristics E. Tastes really BAD Competition Gets to the water table faster than natives Survives flooding Survives trampling Sucks up Ca+ salts and leaves it on top of soil Cattle and deer avoid it How it is changing our landscape. •Displacing native vegetation •Bad forage •Take up a lot of water •Increasing stream incision •Creates light impermeable layer of duff How does it fit our 10 hypothesis? Competition hypothesis: • Definitely! • Takes over riparian areas • Shades out neighbors • Reaches water table better Escape from enemy constraints: • Maybe… • Biocontrols are under study • Not sure if bugs are limiting • Don’t care How does it fit our 10 hypothesis? Variable Resource Availability: Disturbance and Land use: • Ruderal species • Grows tall fast • High density + long root = lowers water table below what natives are used to • Riparian areas frequently flood • And frequently damaged by livestock Approved Herbicides (you’re going to need a LOT) Telar® (chlorsulfuron) Noncrop Industrial Selective herbicide (will not harm most grasses), do not apply near water. Excellent control for 12 years Habitat® (imazapyr) Riparian Wetland Nonselective herbicide, do not apply near water Stalker® (imazapyr) Wildlands Excellent control for 12 years. Treated areas typically remain void of any vegetation for 1-2 years after treatment. Roundup® and others (glyphosate) Wildlands Nonselective herbicide. Rodeo® for areas near/in aquatic sites. Effective unless infestation is dense. If dense, mow area and apply to resprouting plants. Rodeo®, Aquamaster® Aquatic and others (glyphosate) Weedar 64® (2,4-D) Wildlands Aquatic Selective herbicide Somewhat effective (will not harm grasses) unless infestation is dense. If dense, mow area and apply to resprouting plants Methods of Control and other Theories Submerging for a very long time (2years?) Mow and spray with white leaf rust (fungus) Mite from Turkey Leaf hopper from Elko Stem boring maggots Goats !! Can be trained to selectively eat perennial Pepperweed Sources Cited: • • • • • • • http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=LELA2 http://www.unce.unr.edu/programs/sites/tallwhitetop/ http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/leplat/habitat.jpg http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/fact/lela1.htm http://www.invasivespecies.net/database/species/ecology.asp?si=996&fr=1&sts=&lang=EN http://www.weedid.wisc.edu/idpics/sized_650/lepidium_latifolium4_650.jpg http://flora.nhm-wien.ac.at/Seiten-Arten/Lepidium-latifolium.htm • Brain Rector, Elizabeth Leger, and of course….Robert Nowak & Erin Georgen