New technology for Rubber and Plastics Requests and offers from all over the world. Find your international partner to explore your international business opportunities in the database of the Enterprise Europe Network. This brochure is exclusively made for the members of the NRK and is joint edition of the NRK, the Chamber of commerce and Enterprise Europe Network. NRK 2 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics The Enterprise Europe Network When you expand your business to another country, you need competent and trustworthy partners. The Enterprise Europe Network helps you find them. Our business database contains thousands of company profiles and you can meet potential business partners in person at our matchmaking events. With hundreds of new company profiles added every week, our business cooperation database is one of the world’s largest. When you get in touch with the Network, we enter your cooperation offer or request into the database. You will then receive updates on companies interested in the same kind of cross-border business as you. In this publication we made for you a selection of a number of rubber and synthetic related profiles of organizations in the EEN Database. We have only published the summaries of these profiles, please consult the website www. for the complete profiles and discover which partners are looking for you! New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 3 Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. TRDE20140409001 Partner for development of technology to join aluminium and plastics sought COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY A German company active in extruded aluminium sheath processing, bonding and milling for various industries is looking for a technical co-operation partner with expertise in plastics, hybrid materials or material joining to develop a technology to join aluminium and plastics for new innovative energy-efficient products, e.g. for light construction, rail engineering, medical technology or other markets. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. TRUK20140306001 Innovations in development of automotive seating and automotive batteries COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY A UK global leader in automotive systems & components with an online open innovation platform enabling external inventors to easily share their technology ideas are looking for commercial, technology & research partners in the areas of 1) Automotive batteries , 2) Automotive seating (materials technology, ‘smart’ surfaces, human interaction and manufacturing, tooling and assembly) & (3) Engineering IT. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : 4 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics Technology Request Ref. Nr. TRSI20140605001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE PVC medical grade in liquid state or micro granulates for PVC urinary catheter SUMMARY A Slovenian medical device manufacturing company seeks a partner for the development of an PVC urinary catheter with flexible catheter tip which is made by a special process using liquid PVC medical grade or PVC in micro granulates. The company is looking for SMEs, R&D centers, universities or large enterprises with already developed PVC medical grade. They are interested for collaboration with partner under technical cooperation agreement, manufacturing agreement and/or license agreement. Technology Request Ref. Nr. TRCN20140107001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 TITLE Seeking for a new composite pipe that can bear the inner pressure larger than 50 MP SUMMARY A medium-sized Chinese pipe manufacturer is looking for a type of composite pipe that can bear the internal pressure larger than 5MP used in water, gas and oil transportation. The corporation can be realized by introduction of team with technology or license or product. E : New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 5 Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. 09 RO 78EG 3DZ3 Complex equipment for rapid biodegradation and biopolymer (vegetable products) packaging testing COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY A Romanian research institute is looking for producers of equipment’s used for the rapid biodegradation of the packaging’s made of biopolymers (vegetable products). The equipment should be able to reduce the biodegradation time from 6 months (usual) to maximum one week, to work at relative high temperatures and humidity and to test the biodegradability either through CO2 analysis or by measuring the O2 content. The equipment should already be on the market. A commercial agreement is sought. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. TRIE20140527002 Coatings for blow moulded plastic containers COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY Irish manufacturer of blow moulded plastic containers seeks internal coating solution which would enable the containers to be used in niche sectors such as food ingredients, pharmaceuticals, beverage concentrates etc. The solution should be ready to license. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : 6 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics Technology Request Ref. Nr. TOFR20140602002 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Industrial skills and equipments to perform reactive extrusion process in the field of polymers and bioplastics SUMMARY French SME, specialized in the development of bioplastic compounds with specific properties is offering its industrial skills and equipments to formulate and produce polymers and bioplastics through reactive extrusion process. This technology allows the interaction between various components to obtain new materials. The company can also offer expertise in formulations according to industrial demand. The SME is looking for collaboration as co-developer to produce custom made plastic compounds. Technology Request Ref. Nr. TOCZ20140609001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Camera system for quality control of extruded polymeric fibers SUMMARY A Czech university has designed and constructed a special camera system for continuous quality control of extruded polymeric fibers with hollow or full profile. The diameter and cylidricity of the fiber can be predicted by compositing of the views and their evaluation. It is possible to identify various shape defects using this method. The university is looking for a partner interested in license agreement. New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 7 Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr.TOLV20140528001 Technology for production of nanostructured monodisperse silicon compounds COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY Company from Latvia offers a novel technology for production of nanostructured silicon compounds (n-Si, n-SiC, n-SiO2, n-SiN) with high purity and extremely low dispersion for applications in various fields - electronics, medicine, etc. The company is seeking industrial partners interested in production of silicon nanomaterial’s offering license or commercial agreement with technical assistance for implementation of the technology in industry as well as is looking for other collaboration options. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. BRHR20140520001 Plastic supplier sought for Croatian Manufacturer of plastic packaging COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY A Croatian manufacturer of wide range of plastic packaging is looking for a supplier of oriented polystyrene (OPS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foils in different colors. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : 8 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics Technology Request Ref. Nr TODE20140618002 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Conversion of cellulose into high quality compound for injection parts SUMMARY A highly innovative German company has developed a cutting edge technology that enables new ways to use cellulose from drink cartons, graphic and laminated paperboards converting them into a high quality compound. This composite can be used best for manufacturing of extrusion profiles or injection parts. Partners are sought for further development of the technology as well as products emerging from this recycling process in a joint venture scheme. Technology Request Ref. Nr. TODE20131216001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Development of biopolymer compounds for the plastic processing industry SUMMARY A German SME develops, produces and sells high-quality thermoplastic materials based on renewable materials for the plastic processing industry. The materials can be processed like synthetic thermoplastics on conventional plastics processing machines but also have the positive properties of natural wood. The materials can be used in many sectors (e.g. packaging, construction and automotive industry). New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 9 Technology Request TITLE Novel biotin-specific Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) with a range of chemical, biological and engineering applications Ref. Nr. TOUK20140307001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on SUMMARY INTERESTED? A UK university researcher has developed an innovative Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) which has a high affinity for biotin, a vitamin necessary for cell growth, and related species. MIPs are used in a range of sectors, including sensing, drug discovery, targeted drug delivery and for providing enzyme-like catalysis. The researcher is seeking industrial or research partners for licensing and/or development opportunities or to apply the MIPs towards new applications. If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : Technology Request TITLE Bulgarian SME specialized in the import and distribution of polymer products is looking to import regranulates and first raw polymers from European producers Ref. Nr. BRBG20131210001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on SUMMARY INTERESTED? Bulgarian SME, specialized in the import of polymer products from Russia and the former Soviet Republics is interested in finding manufacturers within the EU of regranulates and first raw polymers in order to sell it on the Bulgarian market. If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : 10 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics Technology Request Ref. Nr. BRIN20140506001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Leading Rubber components Manufacturing company in India seeks collaboration/ joint venture with foreign companies to manufacture molded rubber products SUMMARY Leading rubber components manufacturing company in India seeks collaboration/joint venture with foreign companies to manufacture molded rubber products. The idea behind proposed collaboration is simple: to make the most of each other’s strengths to derive maximum mutual benefit from the opportunities presented by the huge Indian market. Company already have a vast experience in manufacturing rubber products and rubber-metal bonded products for the railways and commercial vehicle manufacturers in India. Partners are sought for further development of the technology as well as products emerging from this recycling process in a joint venture scheme. Technology Request Ref. Nr BRIE20140114001 INTERESTED? Please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Irish innovator of domestic waste bins seeks manufacturer SUMMARY Our client is an Irish developer of an innovative 4 part domestic rubbish bin who seeks a manufacturer or sub assembly partner in Europe. New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 11 Technology Request TITLE A Russian research and production company engaged in development and manufacturing of the materials based on polyurethane polymers and epoxide resins offers trade intermediary service and joint venture creations. SUMMARY CThe Russian research and production company engaged in development and manufacturing of the materials based on polyurethane polymers and epoxide resins offers trade intermediary services and joint venture creation. Availability of highly skilled technical specialists and extensive practical experience are among the main advantages of our company. Ref. Nr. BRRU20140602002 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. BRDE20140404002 Request of polystyrene as regrind or scrap COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY A German plastic processing company is looking for subcontracting partners who can supply high impact polystyrene (HI-PS) as regrind or scrap. The used material is recycled to new products. The company offers continuous purchase up to 1.000 t / year. View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : 12 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics Technology Request Ref. Nr 20120413006 BO COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : TITLE Maltese SME specialized in plastic injection moulding for the food and toy industries offers its subcontracting activities to companies that require custom plastic moulding SUMMARY A Maltese SME specialised in plastic injection moulding with past experience in transnational cooperation is offering its sub-contracting activities to those European and non-European manufacturing companies that require plastic parts to be moulded to their specifications. Moulds can be sent over or developed in-house. Customised moulded labelling is also possible. Company is also seeking agents/ distributors/ representatives to market its products and expertise. Technology Request Ref. Nr. BOUK20130731005 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 TITLE English independent testing and compliance specialists in plastic and rubber offers to tests products. SUMMARY North-West England based independent compliance and testing specialists with special focus on plastics and rubber testing are looking to act as sub-contractor for organizations who wish to outsource compliance, testing and / or consulting services. E : New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 13 Technology Request TITLE Ref. Nr. BOES20131030001 A Spanish thermoplastic compounding equipment enterprise looking for collaboration. COMPLETE PROFILE SUMMARY A Spanish company involved in the R&D related with plastics, rubber and composites has industrial equipment for plastic compound production and wants to set up collaborations with companies in order to: -Act as a strategic additional location for the manufacturing of compounds for South European markets. -Act as an outsourced company, manufacturing compounds for third parties -Rent the facilities, for peak production View the complete profile on INTERESTED? If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : Technology Request TITLE French compounder looking for agents, distributors and plastic processors specialized in raw bio plastic materials sector and their applications Ref. Nr. BOFR20140507001 COMPLETE PROFILE View the complete profile on SUMMARY INTERESTED? The French SME is specialized in the development of formulations and production of bio plastics compounds with specific properties, in partnership with a Research and Development platform. The company is looking for business partners: agents, distributors and industrial companies in Europe interested in acquiring its bio based plastic compounds. If you are interested or just want more information, please contact your EEN advisor: André Sterk T : 06 - 12 05 79 92 E : 14 | Enterprise Europe Network | New technology for Rubber and Plastics New technology for Rubber and Plastics | Enterprise Europe Network | 15 Enterprise Europe Network one-stop shop for all your business needs The Enterprise Europe Network brings together business support organizations from more than 50 countries. They are connected through powerful databases and know Europe inside out. What’s more, they have been working together for years, some even for decades. You’ll be amazed at how well your local Network contact point is connected in Europe, and even beyond. With close to 600 member organizations we are always close to where your business is based. Whichever Network contact point you get in touch with, we will either assist you on the spot or put you in touch with a specialized branch in your region even better placed to serve you. Let us boost your business and explore the full range of our free services. Set the course for your success in Europe and get in touch with EEN business advisor André Sterk, your local Network contact point. NRK