Hospitality and Catering revision

Hospitality and Catering revision
It’s not long now until your exam...
• Remember it is 1 hour 30 minutes long.
The role in Hospitality and Catering
• You should know about the Hospitality and
catering industry in relation to:
– Its role as a national employment provider
– the benefits of local communities
– The importance of links between hospitality and
leisure and travel and tourism.
Questions that have appeared on past
• The main organisations – make sure you know what
each organisation stands for.
• HCIMA – Hotel and Catering International
Management Association.
• RIPH – Royal Institute of Public Health
• CIEH – Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
• SSC – Sector Skills council
• BHA – British Hospitality Association
• BII – British Institute of In-keeping
• RSPH – Royal Society for the Promotion of Health.
Corporate identity
• Some industries have corporate images and
will have:
– A logo
– A uniform/dress code
– A menu that is the same in every place
– A specific layout
• You will need to state why this is important to
a company and to customers
Questions that have appeared on past
• A question on this has appeared every year!!
• Give 3 advantages to the employee of wearing
a uniform.
• True or false questions related to logos and
corporate images.
• Many companies apopt a logo
• Give one advantage of a corporate uniform to:
– The customer
– The staff
Menu planning
• Before starting to plan any menu, there are four
basic questions that you should ask:
– WHO is going to eat the meal? Consider age, gender,
occupation, specific dietary needs, ect.
– WHEN is it going to be eaten, consider time of year,
time of day, ect.
– WHERE is it going to be eaten? Consider venue, space
available, cooking or reheating facilities available, ect.
– WHAT is going to be eaten? Consider time of day, type
of menu requested e.g. Sit down meal or buffet,
special occasions, ect.
Nutritional needs
• You need to know what each of the following
nutrients do in your body. (Nutritional needs
need to be considered in places such as hospitals,
prisons, schools and care homes where people
have little choice on what they eat)
Age groups
• When planning a menu there might be a
range of age groups such as
– Young children
– Teenagers
– Pensioners
– Special diets
• You will need to understand that foods would
be different to each group.
Other factors when menu planning
• You need to take the following into account when
planning menus for customers.
Vegetarian dishes
Religious and ethnic diets
Time of year and weather
Type of customer
Time available
Price of menu
Portion control
Ability of chef/cook
Other factors when menu planning
– Equipment available
– Methods of cooking
– Ability of serving staff
– Balance
Variety of ingredients
Planning a range of menus
• You will need to know what type of menus are
– Table d’hote
– A la carte
– Party or function menu
– Ethnic or speciality menu
– Fast food menu
– Rotating menu cycle
Questions that have appeared on past
• Menu planning is an important part of the
Head Chefs role. Chef Nick has been asked to
extend the range of salads for lunchtime
buffet. How could nick arrange colours,
flavours and textures. (6 marks)
• As part of the grand re-opening, the hotel is
going to provide a special meal. Plan a
suitable a la carte menu for the occassion,
giving reasons for your choice (8 marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• Analyse the main points that Judy and Jack
have to consider when planning the menu for
a children’s gourmet meal. (8 marks)
• Explain the difference between an a la carte
and table d’hote menu. (4 marks)
• Discuss the main factors that the chef should
consider when planning a new menu. ( 6
Questions that have appeared on past
• As a functions manager in a local hotel Jane
has a special responsibility for planning
children’s parties. This week she has taken a
booking for 20 children aged 5 – 7. Discuss the
choice of menu (6 marks)
• There are always LOTS of questions on menu
planning and has appeared in every past
paper, so ensure this is revised in lots of detail.
Quality assurance
• How is quality judged? It does depend on your own
perception and experience but it can be judged by these:
Products and services
Responding quickly to customers
Meets customer needs
Accommodation ratings
Star ratings
Diamond rating
Self catering
Caravan park star rating
• You will need to know the difference between
them and know what how each rating is different.
Think about the trips you have had to Hospitality
and Catering industries.
Questions that have appeared on past
• Name two organisations that judge the quality
of products and services (accommodation and
food) (2 marks)
• Accommodation can be rated by stars or
diamonds. Describe how a small hotel could
achieve such an award. (4 marks)
• Describe how a restaurant manager can
ensure a high standard of service for
customers. ( 4 marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• What is meant by the abbrevations QC and QA?
(2 marks)
• Describe how the industry can ensure customers
have products that are consistent standard in
relation to food and accommodation. (8 marks)
• The regent hotel would like to gain a 4 star rating.
Describe the features of a four star hotel. (4
• Name two organisations that set standards for
the hotel industry. (2marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• Discuss the importance of quality control
when cooking and serving food. (8 marks)
• These questions appear once on every past
paper and can be worth some large marks.
Design and layout of working
• Remember the quality and expectations of a
place is down to first impressions.
• When designing a working environment you
will need to consider lots of factors.
– Reception area – size of the hotel, number of
staff, need for security, decor, space available,
warm and welcoming, high level of comfort.
– Accommodation areas – the type of hotel,
corporate identity, level of comfort, level of
facilities. (quite a lot depends on star ratings)
Design and layout of working
– Restaurant areas – sort of menu needed to offer,
is the kitchen new build or re-fit, the space
available, the size of food service area, number of
covers needed, style of food, staff skills, menu
offered, equipment available, legislation.
Questions that have appeared on past
• Assess the importance of a well planned kitchen.
(10 marks)
• A group of people have decided to hold a school
reuion at a local hotel. Describe how the hotel
could prepare the function room for the reunion.
(6 marks)
• The regent hotel has decided to re-design the
kitchen. Describe the factors that they will take
into consideration when designing the new
kitchen. (8 marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• The owners want to have a WOW factor for
their busy seaside town. The design of the
reception area, restaurant area and ground
floor will be important. Discuss the factors
they will need to take into consideration when
planning the reception area of the hotel. (10
• State the difference between a 2star and a 5
star hotel. (4 marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• Discuss what needs to be considered when
planning a new bedroom and en-suite facilities.
(6 marks)
• Evaluate the importance of design and decor of
hotels in attracting clients. (6 marks)
• These questions are on every past paper and are
usually found towards the end of the paper. This
means you will have to write a lot of information
down...they are big mark questions.
Environmental issues
Questions that have appeared on past
• Suggest three ways in which kitchen staff can
reduce waste. ( 3 marks)
• Describe ways in which a hotel can reduce, reuse
and recycle products (4 marks)
• Discuss how a hotel can encourage guests to help
to protect the environment (6 marks)
• Suggest 2 ways the hospitality and catering
industry can save water. (2 marks)
• Give 2 reasons why it is important for the
hospitality and catering industry to address
environmental issues. (2marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• Discuss ways in which the hospitality and catering
industry can reduce, reuse and recycle their
products. (6 marks)
• Suggest 3 ways in which hotels can be
environmentally friendly. (3 marks)
• State two ways packaging can be reused in the
kitchen (2 marks)
• Suggest 2 ways in which hotels can encourage
customers to reduce the amount of water they
use. (2 marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• Discuss how a hotel can help to protect the
environment. (6 marks)
• What is meant by the three R’s (3 marks)
• Discuss how hotels can respond to
environmental issues (10 marks)
• Lots of questions on this and they seem to be
very repetitive.
• Food safety act (1990) – this covers food safety
from raw ingredients through to finished
• EHO – Environmental Health Officer
• Ensure you know what HACCP is.
• Food safety regulations (1995) – these
regulations cover three main areas. Food
premises, personal hygiene of staff and hygienic
• RIDDOR (1995) – This deals with injuries and
reporting injuries.
• COSHH (2002) – This deals with substances
that could be hazardous to health.
• Health and Safety and Work Act (1974)
Questions that have appeared on past
• The health and safety act was passed with two
aims. To extend the coverage and protection of
the law. To increase awareness of safety to all
employees. State 2 responsibilities of the
employees. (2 marks)
• Describe how you would pick up and transport
boxes to avoid physical injury (4 marks)
• Discuss the main responsibilities of the employer
in ensuring the safety of their employees. (4
Questions that have appeared on past
• Explain the ways in which the EHO can enforce
the Health and Safety at Work Act. (6 marks)
• State the two main aims of Health and Safety and
Work Act. (2marks)
• If a member of staff discovers a fire, what should
they do? (2 marks)
• Outline the ways in which people can be
evacuated from the building. (2 marks)
• Evacuation can be dangerous. State two possible
dangers (2 marks)
Questions that have appeared on past
• Explain the role of the EHO in the kitchen
area. (4 marks)
• Describe the role of the EHO. (6 marks)
• Every year in the UK 1000 people are killed at
work. Discuss the main responsibilities of an
employer in order to comply with the Health
and Safety at Work Act (1974) (6 marks)