Measure 49 Road Safety Measures 13.6.2012 Katerina Oktabcova Usti nad Labem Municipality Measure 49 Background and Objectives Objectives: • Usti nad Labem has a target to reduce the amount of traffic accidents in the city and their consequences through road safety measures. • Within the long-term goal, the city aims to increase the safety level on local roads, encourage walking and cycling in the city and improve the urban space • It focuses at reducing number of deaths and injuries caused by traffic and consequently decreasing the number of road accidents. Measure 49 Measure overview - tasks • 11.5.3 Safety Audit – Finished in M22 – RTD task – Performing safety audit and revealing safety deficit on the road network in the city • 11.5.4 Traffic Speed Reduction – Finished in M29 – RTD task – Analysing feasibility of traffic calming in the city • 5.11 Traffic Speed Reduction Publicity Campaign – Finished in M33 – DEMO task – Implementing public campaign to encourage speed reduction and increase road safety • 5.10 Road Safety Audit & Actions – Finished in M44 – DEMO task – Based on findings of the safety audit, identify solutions and develop the action plan for road safety improvements in the city Measure 49 Task 11.5.3 - Safety Audit The task was performed in the following fields: • • • • Development of methodology; • • • • • • • • Proposal of actions to improve safety, assessment of costs and benefits; Training of personnel; Selection of localities with the majority of road accidents; On-spot inspections of the selected localities in terms of safety deficits, traffic load, potential for accidents and other hazards; Measurements of traffic speed by static radars; Analysis of traffic flow characteristics based on measurements; Data collection from local school and preschool facilities; On-spot safety inspections by the local school and preschool facilities; Analysis of traffic safety situation at school and preschool facilities; On-spot inspections of all the major roads in the city; and Analysis of the current safety conditions of major local roads, identification of safety deficits and proposal for corrective actions. Measure 49 Measure 49 11.5.3 – Safety audit • • • • Analyses of the current infrastructure in the city Identification of localities with high number of accidents Proposal of specific solutions suitable for each locality Methodology: 1. Research of local road accidents – Study of data from the records of CR Police – On spot inspections of individual localities by traffic experts – Proposal for improvements – Plan for the implementation (priorities) druh nehody počet dopravních nehod procentuální zastoupení [%] srážka s jedoucím nekolejovým vozidlem 688 74,38 srážka s pevnou překážkou 136 14,70 srážka s chodcem 42 4,54 srážka s vozidlem zaparkovaným, odstaveným 39 4,22 hlavní příčina počet nehod procentuální zastoupení nedodržení bezpečné vzdálenosti za vozidlem 265 28,65 řidič se plně nevěnoval řízení vozidla 154 16,65 při předjíždění z jednoho pruhu do druhého 87 9,41 proti příkazu dopravní značky DEJ PŘEDNOST 61 6,59 nepř. rychlost stavu vozovky (náledí, výtluky, bláto, mokrý povrch apod.) 46 4,97 Measure 49 11.5.3 – Safety audit 2. • Traffic measurements Monitoring by: – Municipal Police speed measurements (both visible and hidden) – Detectors of traffic light signalization – Stationary radars Measure 49 Způsob dopravy dětí do mateřských školek 11.5.3 – Safety audit 42,56 46,29 pěší doprava [%] MHD [%] 3. • • • • Analysing road safety conditions by school and preschool facilities Způsob dopravy žáků do základních škol Road safety issues were communicated with directors of local school and preschool facilities in terms of: • • • IAD [%] 11,15 21,27 42,56 What are the main safety hazards? pěší doprava [%] MHD [%] 36,29 What are the proposals for improvements from each facility? IAD [%] Where is the main concentration of children near roads? On spot safety inspection performed by traffic experts Assessment of results, proposal of solutions Plan for traffic training for children Level of safety threads revealed by on spot inspections vysoké 27% střední 32% nízké 41% Measure 49 11.5.3 – Safety audit Traffic inspection by the “floating” vehicle Data were collected from all the major roads in the city: • • • • • Making videos Synchronized with position by GPS Identification of safety threads Processed by specialized software Proposal of safety solutions Measure 49 Task 11.5.4 - Traffic Speed Reduction • safety audit revealed significant failure of compliance with the speed limit • feasibility study for implementing calm zones in the city elaborated (comparison of residential, pedestrian and Tempo 30 zones) • characteristics of calm zones were described, including traffic signs, construction requirements, and related valid legislation. • Individual localities suitable for applying traffic speed reduction were identified • traffic calming measures were analysed for each section • 42 locations were identified as suitable for implementation of calm zones. Measure 49 Task 5.11 - Traffic Speed Reduction Publicity Campaign Task included: • Analysis of best practice from similar campaigns realised in European cities • • Acquiring a mobile traffic court for children • Implementation of a web portal dedicated to road safety issues in the city Organising public events promoting speed reduction and imrpoved road safety Measure 49 Promoting Road Safety in the City 3 day event in front of the largest shopping complex in the city centre (Thursday 26.5. – Saturday 28.5. 2011) • Speed reduction • Safe driving • Prevention of traffic accidents Partners: • • Municipal Police • • • • State Police BESIP – division of the Ministry of Transport for road safety Fire brigade Paramedics And other Measure 49 Reports from road accidents • pictures • videos • PowerPoint presentations • advices from transport experts • educational leaflets • broadcasting safety information Measure 49 Traffic accident simulations • Crash test vehicle – 30km/hour • Turnover vehicle Prevention for speed reduction • Control police vehicles • Monitoring police vehicles • Police motorcycle • Radars for speed measurements • Rescue vehicles Measure 49 Rescue simulations • evacuation of traffic accident victims • first aid practice • rescue team Measure 49 Event support • Cross country ski race across the city centre • Cheerleaders • Promotion: city web site, social network, billboards, posters, leaflets, local media Results of the campaign processed for evaluation Measure 49 Mobile Traffic Court • • • • Acquired by CIVITAS to the Municipal Police Child scooters, traffic lights, pedestrian traffic cones, safety stop disks, zebra crossing All 4th grade pupils in UNL Traffic rules and safe behavior for cyclists and pedestrians Measure 49 Tests to assess progress of children 441 pupils participated so far • Successful children received a „Cycling License“ and CIVITAS presents • Children with low score repeat the training Points Scale No. of children 29 - 37 Excellent! 162 36,7 % 26 - 28 Good! 119 27,0 % 21 - 25 You should practise more! 122 27,7 % 0 - 20 Let’s train again! 38 8,6 % 38; 8,6% 162; 36,7% 122; 27,7% 119; 27,0% výborný školák dobrý školák školáku, radši si dopravní výchovu ještě trochu zopakuj školáku, ty jsi vůbec neposlouchal, koukej se dopravní výchovu pořádně naučit Percentage Measure 49 5.10 Road Safety Audit & Actions Exploitation of results of the road safety audit Development of the action plan for road safety improvements • Analysing and developing suitable road safety strategy and setting goals • Identifying measures for safety improvements suitable for local conditions • Recomending specific actions – Prevention, enforcement, traffic education, supervision, international and domestic cooperation, financing and resources, time schedule Measure 49 5.10 – Road Safety Audit & Actions Designing actions resulting from the performed road safety audit in terms of: • Priorities and goals, strategy, recommended tools, financing, responsibilities, timetable, prevention, repression, education Following results of implemented tasks: • 11.5.3 Safety Audit • 4.15 Drive Safely Campaign • 11.5.4 Traffic Speed Reduction • 5.11 Traffic Speed Reduction Publicity Campaign Implementing the road safety website • Measure 49 Website application on road safety in the city • Advice and recommendations for safe behavior of drivers, pedestrians and cyclists • Interactive map with dangerous locations and safety warnings • Information based primarily on CIVITAS tasks: • • • • • • 11.5.3. Safety Audit 6.10. Cycle Transport Improvements 11.5.5. Improvements to Public Spaces 11.4.5. Understanding Public Transport Improvements 11.3.4. Strategic Traffic Management 11.5.4. Traffic Speed Reduction Measure 49 Structure • • • • • • • • • • Accident rate Traffic intensity Safety for pedestrians Safety for cyclists Traffic management Traffic training City Public transport Photo gallery Interactive map Important links: Measure 49 Developing the Action Plan for road safety improvements Goals: • Improve safety level of the road network in Ústí nad Labem • • • Provide a strategic document for the city Define objectives and methodology Identify processes and responsibilities Measure 49 Budget and costs Subcontract: • Performing the safety audit on the city road network • • Budget 60 000€ Actual costs 62 162€ Purchases: • Campaign implementation – – • • Promotional materials Equipment for the mobile traffic court (mobile traffic lights, traffic signs and traffic tests) Budget Actual costs 0€ 8 500€ (budget for travel) Indicator Target Rating 2a – Operating cost BCR 1.2 – 2.0 ? 2b – Capital cost BCR 1.2 – 2.0 ? 13 – Awareness level 25 % ? 14 – Acceptance level 25 % traffic rules violation level - 15 % traffic rules violation O 20 – injuries and death caused by transport accidents - 40% Injuries and deaths caused by transport accidents O Inspected road sections 45 km inspected road sections Identified blackspot 15 blak-spots places Indetified shortcoming 10 shortcoming places Measure 49 Evaluation Together with the measure 40 (Drive Safely Campaign) Priority measures – CBA calculated • Operating and capital cost Indicators: NA = Not Assessed O = Not Achieved = Substantially achieved (at least 50%) = Achieved in full = Exceeded ? = in calculation • • Awareness level - from public questionnaires • • Traffic rules violation level – data from the Municipal Police, speed control Acceptance level - hidden speed control at unusual spots; objective vs. subjective method Injuries and death caused by traffic accidents - road accident databases of the Police of the Czech Republic, 2009 – 2011 Inspected road sections: • • • drive-through safety inspections of main urban roads Identified black-spots – total number of identified critical locations (12) Identified shortcomings – total number of identified risks (229) Measure 49 Cost Benefit Analysis Compared scenarios: • • Current state • Life time: 15 year Implementation of road safety improvements on 10 sample localities on major roads in the city Inputs: • • Costs: – Capital costs – Operating and maintenance costs – Residual value Benefits: – Reducing road accident rate – Reducing consequences (on life and property) NPV = 5 817 472 € Measure 49 Thank you! Katerina Oktabcova CIVITAS Archimedes Ústí nad Labem Municipality