FIRST NATIONS ASSET MANAGEMENT MNCFN Pilot Project Update Southern Tribal Council / First Nations Meeting Rama, Ontario October 24-25, 2012 1 Asset Management Definition Asset management is defined as “systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which an organization optimally manages its physical assets, and their associated performance, risks and expenditures over their lifecycle for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan”. (PAS55, British Standard Institution (BSI) 2003) 2 Asset Management Definition - Highlights • Systematic - an approach to the management physical assets from concept to disposal • Physical assets - fixed or non-current assets such as buildings, equipment, plants, and infrastructure • Performance - a tactical plan for managing infrastructure assets to deliver an agreed standard of service and monitoring information such as asset condition, age, maintenance, estimate of remaining life etc • Risks - an asset-specific action plan for assets to estimate associated risk and to determine costefficient corrective action when required • Expenditures - a “cradle to grave” approach that plans the total cost of ownership over the life of an any given asset and may include the whole-life cost of planning, design, construction and acquisition, operations, maintenance, rehabilitation, depreciation, replacement or disposal • Lifecycle - how to continue to do so for the least cost by enabling an innovative approach to providing the a level of services standard (LOSS) • Strategic plan - introduce practices that go beyond just engineering, but into financial management, risk management, information management & service standards with profound effects on the decisions making in the management of all infrastructure assets. 3 InfraGuide - Managing Infrastructure Assets InfraGuide operated from 2001 to 2007 as a partnership between the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the National Research Council and Infrastructure Canada. InfraGuide produced a collection of case studies, best practice reports and e-learning tools for sustainable infrastructure offering the best in Canadian experience and knowledge. 4 Seven Elements to Asset Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What do you have and where is it? What’s it worth? What’s the condition and expected remaining service life? What’s the level of service standards and what needs to be done? When do you need to do it? How much will it cost and what’s the acceptable level of risk? How do you ensure long-term affordability? Based on InfraGuide – Managing Infrastructure Assets 5 Asset Management (AM) Pilot Project In partnership with the Mississaugas of New Credit First Nations the pilot project objective was to; • Introduce asset management processes and test the data application by integrating into the system First Nations ICMS, ACRS and PSAB data • Test the data application for simplicity of data collection and aggregation of existing data sources into a single point of contact • Test the data application reporting processes with an objective to streamline & reduce First Nations reporting time, cost and efforts • Test the data application by referencing information specific to AANDC unique data sets allowing First Nations a one-stop shop application • Provide initial and individual software training to system end-users 6 AM Pilot Project - Deliverables The First Nation project will involve three phase approach to use current data: Phase 1: Programming with an objective to provide a user-friendly application while integrating current ICMS, PSAB and other relevant First Nation data Phase 2: Populate the application with current First Nations data and test the system functionality Phase 3: Provide training to First Nations end-users on ease of use, data management, reporting capabilities and system users guide Prepare a pilot project final report that indentifies concerns, challenges and provides recommendations to move asset management forward 7 AM Pilot Project - Schedule 1. Initial First Nation Meeting December 2011 2. Chief & Council Presentation January 2012 3. Chief & Council Motion January 2012 4. Project Team Developed January 2012 5. Business Process Review February 2012 6. AssetNav Customization March 2012 7. Data Collection and Input April /May 2012 8. System Testing & Proofing June/July 2012 9. End User System Training September 2012 Project Final Report October 2012 10. 8 AM Pilot Project – Team Members OFNTSC • Elmer Lickers, Project Coordinator Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation • Chief & Council • Cynthia Jamieson, Executive Director • Barbara Hill, Director of Public Works, FN Project Leader • Lilia Moos, Finance Director • Lorraine LaForme, Housing Director • Brandon Hill, Infrastructure Supervisor • Carolyn King, Geomatic Program • Brandy Vinnai, Public Works Assistant Associated Engineering Ltd • Dr. Roland Bradshaw, P.Eng., Senior Asset Manager • Matthew Anderson, P.Eng., Software Designer • Scott Barbacki ,Data Analyst • Jennifer Gross, GIS/Asset and Data Management • Amanda Beattie, Administration Support 9 New Credit’s Pilot Project R&R System Manager: Barbara Hill, Public Works Director having full administrative rights to edit all asset data Financial Manager: Lilia Moos, Finance Director having full administrative rights to edit all financial data Housing Editor: Loraine LaForme, Housing Director having limited rights to edit housing & infrastructure data Data Manager: Brandy Vinnai, Public Works Assistant having data input & editing rights to approved changes to asset inventory & condition Viewer: Administrative/Maintenance staff having limited access to approved viewing capabilities 10 AssetNav Roles & Responsibilities System Manager: responsible for approving and editing all changes as it relates to asset inventories, conditions, maintenance and inspections Financial Manager: responsible for approving and managing all financial related information Financial Viewer: able to view all financial related information Data Manager: responsible for overseeing all approved asset edits and confirms changes through a QA/QC process Maintenance Manager: responsible for assigning and approving maintenance work orders Asset/Maintenance Viewer: able to view assets and maintenance related data 11 First Nations AM Pilot Project - Data Flow AE FIRST NATIONS OFNTSC AssetNav First Nations Infrastructure First Nations Housing First Nations Finance PSAB ICMS/ACRS Maintenance Reporting Inventory Inspections Reporting Inventory Valuation Audit ICMS 12 AssetNav System Technology Information Management Decision Making AssetNav PSAB ICMS Inventory Financial Statements 13 Data Integration into AssetNav Background Data Review (ICMS/ACRS/PSAB) Schema Creation and Pilot Community Schema Review and Update Asset Attributes Gathered Gap Analysis AssetNav 14 Asset Management Application AssetNav Demo 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Proposed changes to Google, Bing etc. 28 AssetNav - Asset Management System AssetNav is web-delivered software application designed to assist First Nations with the day-to-day operation and finance administration. • Provides simple, quick and intuitive access to infrastructure inventory, costs, condition and PSAB data all in one convenient location • Provides processes to manage, maintain and monitor the condition of capital assets and processes to address maintenance requirements • Offers lifecycle costing, criticality failure ratings and priority replacements • Monitors the historical & amortization values of tangible capital assets • Provides a central repository for attaching any electronic files, drawings, spreadsheets, equipment & service manuals etc. • Is a non-proprietary internet delivered product allowing 365x24x7 access at the First Nation data via the internet anywhere in the world 29 Asset Management – Next Steps 1. Production of analytical results from Asset Management awareness survey responses 2. Create Asset Management Awareness within First Nations through multiple workshops 3. Complete the Mississaugas of the New Credit pilot project, determine challenges, issues and recommendations 4. Expansion of the pilot project to 6 additional pilot communities. ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ With a focus on Asset Management Awareness workshops Awareness workshops to include current ICMS processes Customization of community’s AssetNav software Training key staff in the use of AssetNav Continuous improvements of our Asset Management approach 30 Thank you for your attention…. 31