Subject: We are taking part in Green Office Week 2012

Europcar is proud to be the lead sponsor
of the national initiative,
“Green Office Week”
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join us in making South Africa a green nation.
To help you attract and engage everyone at your office in ‘greener’ behaviours
during and after Green Office Week,
we have prepared a kit with some attractive visual communication
for you to display in your workplace.
The kit consists of the following:
Green Reminders that you can print and display in your office
or even better, e-mail to your colleagues
Green Office Week Poster
E-mail copy
Green Reminders
Place your logo on all of the PowerPoint slides as indicated and print out the number
of reminders you require
Display them in areas that are relevant or send them out by e-mail or use them as
pictures to make your e-mails more interesting
• Place your logo on the document and print as few copies as you require so that you
can make your office aware of the week
• We suggest that all the posters should be displayed before the week takes place in
order to promote the week
Take care when you are printing your material so that you waste as little paper as
The week before Green Office Week starts, we suggest that you prepare all of your
material as follows:
Visit for a free download of your Green Office Week
toolkit and the national daily themes
See our suggested timelines and suggested email schedule to communicate with
your co-workers
Feel free to use our email content and save time (tailor the content to suit your
Your Timeline
The e-mail to send
On Thursday 12th or Friday 13th April
In the morning
We are Taking Part in Green Office Week 2012
Announce the week and prepare your
On Friday 13th April
As late as possible so that your
colleagues receive it at work on
Monday morning
The email you send out is Monday's theme
To provide actions and tips relevant to the
day's theme
On Monday 16th April
As late as possible so that your
colleagues receive it at work on
Tuesday morning
The email you send out is Tuesday's theme
To provide actions and tips relevant to the
day's theme
On Tuesday 17th April
As late as possible so that your
colleagues receive it at work on
Wednesday morning
The email you send out is Wednesday 's theme
To provide actions and tips relevant to the
day's theme
On Wednesday 18th April
As late as possible so that your
colleagues receive it at work on
Thursday morning
The email you send out is Thursday's theme
To provide actions and tips relevant to the
day's theme
On Thursday 19th April
As late as possible so that your
colleagues receive it at work on Friday
The email you send out is Friday's theme
On Friday 20th April
Early in the Morning
To provide actions and tips relevant to the
day's theme
To thank your co-workers for participating in
The email you send out is the Thank You making a difference Green Office Week 2012
In consideration of your busy schedule, we have provided you with email content for you
to copy and send to your co-workers.
There is a focus area and theme for each day of the week and we provide hints and
tips that your business may want to follow – or insert your own tips
We have marked in green all areas where you insert your own text
Copy the subject line headings for each daily email which indicates the official
national theme for the day.
Subject: We are taking part in Green Office Week 2012
Dear <Name of Colleague/s>
As a business and an office, we will be taking part in Green Office Week 2012 from the
16th to the 20th of April this year. The theme for Green Office Week 2012 is You make a
We have committed to getting involved in the green office initiative because our planet is
our responsibility and we acknowledge that by our actions we can make a difference.
During the week we will focus on green/sustainable office practices and guide you with
daily hints and tips.
Subject: Make a difference on Monday by finding more ways to save on printing
Dear <Name of Colleague/s>
We look forward to your full participation in Green Office Week . Join us in making a difference.
Our objective for today is to get us to save on print volume. Why? Because you save paper and save money!
1. Practice printing abstinence! Just don’t print!
2. Email your documents; Send electronic invoices to clients
3. Transfer articles to your smartphone or Kindle/iPad
If you have to have to print:
Print on both sides of the paper
Avoid print errors by previewing your printout and editing it
By previewing you can also resize your document and shrink it to fewer pages. (Use smaller margins, smaller font and closer line spacing to get more to
a page)
Use the Selection option in the Print Dialog to print only the parts of a document that you need
Save on ink: when relevant print in grayscale by default (default setting is called draft mode, toner saver, print saver or economy)
4. Opt for pdf instead of paper
5. Friendly pdf files can easily be emailed
6. Track personal footprints; How about a system that allows staff to track how many print copies they are responsible for each month?
7. Check/update your document distribution lists and keep them current
8. Where possible, hold paperless meetings
Subject: Make a difference on Tuesday by looking for ways to save on lighting
Dear <Name of Colleague/s>
We encourage you to continue making a difference. Make a commitment to create an energy-saving awareness
Our objective for today is to get us save on lighting! Why? Because you save on energy and you save money on a
lower electricity bill.
1. Switch lights off! Offices, and meeting rooms, lecture rooms, not being used do not need lights on.
2. Ditto for restrooms, storerooms, and leisure areas.
3. If possible, move desks to maximise on day light?
Where you do need lights on:
Light bulbs should be energy-efficient – these use less watts
Switch lights off when you leave your office to go to meetings or to lunch.
Subject: Make a difference on Wednesday by sharing tips on greener driving
Dear <Name of Colleague/s>
Let’s keep making a difference.
For many of us, cars are an essential part of everyday life, but their carbon footprint is a threat to the planet. To reduce your carbon footprint one of the most
important things you can do is to drive greener.
1. Keep your speed down as driving at 80-90 kph means your emissions will be lowest. Driving over 100 kph will rapidly increase your emissions and so will
travelling at less than 25kph!
2. Avoid sudden starts and stops and go the speed limit. Not only does speeding and jerky driving kill your KPL (kilometres per litre), it's dangerous.
As a general rule of thumb, keep your engine speeds between 1,200 -- 3,000 RPMs, and up-shift between 2,000 -- 2500 RPMs.
3. Avoid unnecessary revving or idling of the engine as this uses more fuel.
4. Go easy on the breaks; harsh acceleration and braking can use up to 30% more fuel and can cause increased wear and tear on the vehicle.
5. Get the car serviced regularly (according to the manufacturer's schedule) to maintain engine efficiency.
6. Where possible drive with the windows up to reduce drag and make your fuel consumption more efficient.
7. Check tyre pressures regularly and before long journeys. Under-inflated tyres create more rolling resistance and so use more fuel. Getting tyre pressures
right is important for safety too. Refer to the handbook as pressures will normally have to be increased for heavier loads.
8. Go easy on the aircon as it uses more fuel.
9. Switch off the engine if you think you will stationary for more than two/three minutes.
10 Drive wise and minimize unnecessary kilometres by doing errands in one trip, getting good directions, and calling ahead.
11. Control your speed. Speed limits are there to be observed, but did you know that travelling at less than 25kph creates the most pollution?
As your speed increases up to 90kph, your level of pollution decreases.
Subject: Make a difference on Thursday by looking for ways to recycle more
Dear <Name of Colleague/s>
We hope this week is inspiring all of us to a wiser way to work – saving the planet saves money as well – and therefore jobs!
Our objective for today is to reuse and or recycle where possible. Why? Because all offices need to save on waste!
1. Provide trays to collect and reuse print and copy error sheets quarters and use like post-it notes
2. Cut up scrap paper and bull-clip it as a notepad; or cut in quarters and use as post-it like notes
3. Use back of printed A3 sheets as flipchart paper at office meetings
4. Reuse envelopes for inter-office correspondence
5. Reuse shipment boxes
6. Reuse files
7. Use reusable or recyclable containers for shipping your products and reuse newspaper, shredded paper, bubble wrap and cardboard boxes for packaging
8. Donate out-of-date stationery to local charitable or environmental groups
9. Donate items no longer useful to your company e.g: furniture
10. Provide bins/recycling containers, and zone them appropriately, for collection of old technology (e-waste), newspapers, magazines , plastic bottles, cans
11. Buy recycled paper whenever possible
12. Look for the recycled option in all the products you buy
13. Purchase rewritable CDs and DVDs
14. When planning events think of items that you can reuse or recycle at other events.
Subject: Make a difference on Friday by sharing a green culture with suppliers and clients
Dear <Name of Colleague/s>
…And it’s the last day of Green Office Week. Let’s share the spirit of it!
Our objective for today is to get our suppliers and clients to know that our organisation cares.
1. Use your electronic documents to carry messages e.g.: At the bottom of your emails a green message such as:.
1. Think twice before you print this email
2. On your electronic invoices and statements have a pre-printed green message such as: We believe in saving trees!
3. On your Agendas and Minutes and board packs say: We favour green meetings
2. Encourage suppliers and contractors to provide collection or recycling of used products where possible
3. Share what you have done with suppliers and clients and encourage them to do the same
4. You can also share the tips that you have received over the week with family and friends so that they can make a difference out of the office.
Hope you have enjoyed Green Office Week. Let’s keep the spirit going throughout the year!
You can reward a colleague who has really made a difference and inspired you
Nominating them as a green champion by entering them for a Green Heart
Visit click on the Green Heart Award tab and fill
in the nomination form
Enjoy the week and thank you
for making a difference