Chapter 7 Human Geography of Canada: Developing a Vast

Chapter 7
Human Geography of Canada:
Developing a Vast Wilderness
Three major groups in Canada—the
native peoples, the French, and the
English—have molded into a diverse
and economically strong nation.
Chapter 7
• Section 1: History and Government of
• Section 2: Economy and Culture of
• Section 3: Subregions of Canada
Section 1: History and Government
of Canada
• French and British settlement greatly
influenced Canada’s political
• Canada’s size and climate affected
economic growth and population
Section 1: History and
Government of Canada
The First Settlers and Colonial Rivalry
Early Peoples
• After Ice Age, migrants cross Arctic land
bridge from Asia
- ancestors of Arctic Inuit (Eskimos) go
North, while North American Indians go
• Vikings would found Vinland
(Newfoundland) about A.D. 1000, but
would later abandon
The First Settlers and Colonial
Colonization by France and Britain
• French explorers claim much of Canada
in 1500–1600s as “New France”
• While the British settlers colonized the
Atlantic Coast
• Coastal fisheries and inland fur trade
were important to both countries though.
• Britain wins French and Indian War, so the
French surrender their land, but (1754–
1763); French settlers stay
Steps Toward Unity
Establishing the Dominion of Canada
• In 1791 Britain creates two political units called
provinces due to two distinct cultures:
- Upper Canada (Ontario): English-speaking, Protestant
- Lower Canada (Quebec): French-speaking, Roman
• Rupert’s Land a northern area owned by fur-trading
• Immigrants would arrive and cities develop: Quebec
City, Montreal, Toronto
- railways, canals are built as explorers seek better furtrading areas
Continued Steps Toward Unity
Establishing the Dominion of Canada
• Political, ethnic disputes lead to Britain’s 1867 North
America Act
- This act creates Dominion of Canada as a loose
confederation (political union)
- Originally included:Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick
- It was a self-governed part of British Empire
• Eventually Expansion includes:
- Rupert’s Land, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince
Edward Island
- And later it would add: Yukon Territory, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and eventually Newfoundland in 1949
Continental Expansion and
From the Atlantic to the Pacific
• With so much more land to settle Canada went about making
the land more accessible by building roads, canals and
• In 1885 a transcontinental railroad goes from Montreal to
• European immigrants arrive and Yukon gold brings fortune
- Copper, zinc, silver also found; This leads to growing
railroads and towns.
Urban and Industrial Growth
• Farming gives way to urban industrialization, manufacturing
- Especially within 100 miles of U.S. border due to climate,
land, and available transportation.
• Canada even becomes major economic power in 20th
Governing Canada
The Parliamentary System
• In 1931 Canada becomes independent, although the
British monarch is still a symbolic head
• Parliamentary government:
- parliament—legislature combining legislative
and executive functions
- consists of an appointed Senate, elected House of
- prime minister, head of government, is majority
party leader
• All ten provinces have own legislature and premier
(prime minister)
- federal government administers the territories
Section 2: Economy and Culture
of Canada
• Canada is highly industrialized and
urbanized, with one of the world’s most
developed economies.
• Canadians are a diverse people.
Section 2: Economy and Culture
of Canada
An Increasingly Diverse Economy
The Early Fur Trade
• Beginning in 1500s Native Americans, now
known as the First Nations: begin trade
with European fishermen along Atlantic
• French and English trappers and traders
expand westward
• Voyageurs—French-Canadian boatmen
transport pelts to trading posts
Continued An Increasingly
Diverse Economy
Canada’s Primary Industries
These include:
• Farming, logging, mining, fishing:
- Canada is the world’s leading exporter of
forest products
• Mining: uranium, zinc, gold, and silver are
exported around the world
• Fishing: domestic consumption is low, so
most of catch is exported
Continued An Increasingly
Diverse Economy
The Manufacturing Sector
• 13% of Canadians work in manufacturing,
create 1/6 of GDP
- They make cars, steel, appliances,
equipment (high-tech, mining)
- Most manufacturing is centered in the
heartland, from Quebec City, Quebec, to
Windsor, Ontario.
A Land of Many Cultures
Languages and Religions
Canada is a nation of many cultures
• The Mixing of French and native peoples created
métis culture
• Canada is bilingual: English is most common
language, except in French-speaking Quebec.
• English Protestants and French Catholics
dominate, Canada but they often clash over
religion and culture. So the Canadian
government promotes cultural diversity.
- increasing numbers of Muslims, Jews, other
groups have starting arising in Canada.
Continued A Land of Many
Canada’s Population
It is influenced by climate and land.
• Densest population is in port cities (Montreal, Toronto,
Vancouver) and farmlands
• The Environment keeps 80% of people on 10% of land (near
U.S. border)
• Urbanization: in 1900 33% of people lived in cities, today it’s
• Various ethnic groups cluster in certain areas of Canada:
- 75% of French Canadians live in Quebec
- many native peoples live on reserves — public land set
aside for them
- most Inuits live in the remote Arctic north
- many Canadians of Asian ancestry live on West Coast
Life in Canada Today
Employment and Education
• Relatively high standard of living, well-educated
Some facts about Life in Canada:
• Labor force is 55% men, 45% women
- 75% in service industries, 15% in manufacturing
• Oldest university, Laval, established in Quebec by
French during settlement.
• English universities were founded in Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick in 1780s
• Today, Canada has a 97% literacy rate
Continued Life in Canada Today
Sports and Recreation
• Popular sports: skating, ice hockey, fishing,
skiing, golf, hunting
- Canada has own football league; other pro
teams play in U.S. leagues
- native peoples developed lacrosse,
European settlers developed hockey
• Annual festivals include Quebec Winter
Carnival, Calgary Stampede (rodeo).
Continued Life in Canada Today
The Arts
• Earliest literature from oral traditions of First
Nations peoples
• Later writings from settlers, missionaries,
• Early visual arts seen in Inuit carving, West Coast
totem poles
• Early 1900s painting: unique style of Toronto’s
Group of Seven
• Shakespeare honored at Ontario’s world-famous
Stratford Festival
Section 3: Subregions of Canada
• Canada is divided into ten provinces and
three territories.
• It then can be divided into four
subregions from these provinces and
regions: the Atlantic, Core, and Prairie
Provinces, and the Pacific Province and
the Territories.
• Each subregion possesses unique natural
resources, landforms, economic
activities, and cultural life.
Section 3: Subregions of Canada
The Atlantic Provinces
Harsh Lands and Small Populations
• Eastern Canada’s Atlantic Provinces are:
- Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
• Only 8% of Canada’s population, due to rugged terrain, harsh
• Most people live in coastal cities such as:
- Halifax, Nova Scotia
- St. John, New Brunswick
• 85% of Nova Scotia is rocky hills, poor soil
• 90% of New Brunswick is forested
• Newfoundland has severe storms
Continued The Atlantic
Economic Activities
The people of the Atlantic Provinces have learned to
used what the environment gives them such as:
• New Brunswick’s largest industry: logging (lumber,
wood pulp, paper)
• Gulf of St. Lawrence, coastal waters supply seafood for
• Nova Scotia: logging, fishing, shipbuilding, trade
through Halifax
• Newfoundland: fishing, mining, logging, and hydroelectric power, which supplies power to Quebec and
parts of northeastern U.S.
The Core Provinces—Quebec
and Ontario
The Heartland of Canada
• Quebec City: French explorer Samuel de
Champlain built fort in 1608
• 3/5 ofCanada’s population lives in Core
Provinces Ontario and Quebec
- Ontario (english speaking) has largest
population; Quebec (french speaking)
has largest land area.
Continued The Core Provinces—
Quebec and Ontario
Canada’s Political and Economic Center
• Ottawa, Ontario is the national capital
• Quebec has great political importance in
French-Canadian life
• The Core: 35% of Canada’s crops, 45% of
minerals, 70% of manufacturing
• Toronto the largest city, finance hub;
Montreal second largest city.
The Prairie Provinces
Canada’s Breadbasket:
• West of Ontario and Quebec
• Great Plains Prairie Provinces:
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
• 50% of Canada’s agricultural production,
60% of mineral output
- Alberta has coal, oil deposits; produces
90% of Canada’s natural gas
Continued The Prairie Provinces
A Cultural Mix
• Manitoba: Scots-Irish, Germans,
Scandinavians, Ukrainians, Poles
• Saskatchewan’s population includes
Asian immigrants and métis
• Alberta’s diversity includes European,
Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, Vietnamese
The Pacific Province and the
British Columbia
• British Columbia—westernmost province,
mostly in Rocky Mountains
- 1/2 is forests; 1/3 is frozen tundra, snowfields,
• Most people live in southwest; major cities are
Victoria, Vancouver
• Economy built on logging, mining, hydroelectric
- Vancouver is Canada’s largest port, has
prosperous shipping trade
Continued The Pacific Province
and the Territories
The Territories
• The three northern territories account for 41% of
Canada’s land
• Sparsely populated due to rugged land and severe
- Yukon has population of 30,000; mostly wilderness
- Northwest Territories has population of 41,000;
extends into Arctic
- Nunavut was created from Northwest Territories in
1999; home to Inuit
• Territories’ economies include mining, fishing, some