Tuesday, September 17, 2013 HW: NONE Complete Shark Cornell Notes from Red Lit. book, pages 874-880 Set completed notes on corner of your desk Read Quietly Cornell Notes Topic: Loaded Language Fact vs. Opinion: Fact: A statement that can be proved by personal observation, eyewitnesses, reliable source (internet, book), experiment, or expert Opinion: statement that cannot be proved because it’s states a person’s beliefs, feelings, or thoughts. Opinion Signal words: I think Many people believe usually seem(s) probably Fact or opinion 1. Jaws is about a great white shark that killed several people in a beach community. ~ fact 2. The book stayed on the bestseller list for 40 weeks. ~ fact 3. The book is better than the movie. ~ opinion Bias Opinion can be in informational articles. Authors are affected by their experiences and beliefs. This creates bias for or against a topic. Bias: a positive or negative feeling toward a topic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW7Q7 UySxRA&feature=relmfu http://oceanencounters.net/journal/ Bias in Writing Loaded Language: words that suggest a strong bias. Words that signal how the author feels about the topic. Page 881 in Red Lit. book Copy T-chart in #7 in middle of page onto back-top half of Cornell Note Sheet Opinion 1: Sharks Are Very Dangerous A dusky shark’s bite is like being crushed by the weight of ten cars Opinion 2: Sharks Are Mostly Harmless Bias in Writing Opinion 1: Sharks Are Very Dangerous Opinion 2: Sharks Are Mostly Harmless A dusky shark’s bite is like being crushed by the weight of ten cars Nurse shark is a sluggish bottom feeder/ usually not dangerous Meat-eaters/ gobble their prey whole/rip it into sharksize bites Out of 375 shark species, only 24 are dangerous Fewer than 100 shark attacks each year Whale shark is very docile (calm)/eats tiny plankton Swarm of sharks/ biting anything that lies in its path Vicious shark attack Ferocious predators/ top predators Bias in Writing Loaded Language: words that suggest a strong bias. Words that signal how the author feels about the topic. Page 885 in Red Lit. book Copy T-chart in middle of page onto back-bottom half of Cornell Note Sheet Loaded Language Possible Author’s Bias “most wonderful of natural-born killers Benchley is impressed by shark’s survival instincts Peter Benchley, JAWS Read Great White Sharks on pages 887- 891 Record examples of Loaded Language and possible author’s bias Cornell Notes Define the words in bold print on page 885 in sections “Elements of Nonfiction” and Reading Skill” Read “Great White Sharks”, pages 887891 Answer page 892,#1-5 in complete sentences Turn your answers into class drawer