An Integrated English Course

Book 1

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15

Unit 16

Unit 1


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 grasp the author’s purpose of writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Never Say Goodbye.

 comprehend the topic sentences in Text 1 thoroughly and be able to paraphrase them.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the cross-cultural differences in the social behavior of Giving Gifts.

Text 1. Never Say Goodbye

Have your family ever moved from one place to another? If you have, how did you feel when you were going to be away from the old house for good?

Have you ever attended a funeral of some one you know very well? If you have, what were you thinking when you saw him for the last time?

The passage can be divided into three parts


Part One : (Paragraphs 1-4) bringing up the problem the author was confronted with: it is hard to overcome the sadness as the moment of parting drew near. So he turned to his grandpa for help.

 Para. 1: beginning of the story ---introducing the background

 Para. 2-4: the author learned from his grandfather the implication of GOODBYE

Part Two: (Paragraphs 5-13)

By narrating his sad experience of the loss of his eldest son during the war, the grandpa illustrates how one can overcome the sad feeling resulting from the loss of someone dear to him by recalling not the moment of parting but the happy times spent together.

 Para. 5-9 : the grandpa’s intention of saying “it isn’t just the roses that are beautiful; it is that special place in your heart that makes them so.”

 Para 10-13: The telling of the story related to the rosebush. The message of the text is conveyed in

Para. 13

Part Three


(Para. 14-20):

By the way he behaved when confronted with another sad moment---the loss of his grandpa, the author shows us that he came to understand what his grandpa had taught him.



 1) be faced with and have to deal with

E.g. The actress was confronted by large group of reporters as she left the stage door

 2)force to deal with or accept the truth of; bring face to face with

E.g. When the police confronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty.

Touched with the laughter and tears of four generations:

 touched with the happiness and bitterness of four generations. The sentence implies that “…the house which had seen and/witnessed the joys and sorrows of the four generations of my family.”

 touch: have an effect on one’s feelings; to cause one to feel pity, sympathy, etc.

E.g. His sad story so touched us that we nearly cried.

* be touched with: have a certain amount of quality

E.g. Her hair is touched with gray.


 (of liquid) flow or start to flow

E.g. Blood welled (out) form the cut.

She was so moved that tears welled (up, forth, out) in her eyes.

 Linguistic Knowledge :

 Homonymy: the same phonological structure possessing several unrelated senses.

 Polysemy : the same phonological structure possessing a set of different but related meaning.

Rest on/upon

 1)lean on; to be supported by

 2)(esp. of a proof, argument, etc.) be based on; be grounded on; depend on

E.g. Your argument rests on a statement than cannot be proved.

Through one’s tears:

 With tears in one’s eyes; while shedding tears

 Through: among or between the parts or members of

E.g. I searched through my papers for the missing documents.


 1) look steadily for a long time, esp. in great surprise or shock

E.g. He sat staring into space, thinking deeply.

2) be very plain to see; to be obvious

E.g. The lies in the report stared out at us from every paragraph.

* stare off: stare away; to move one’s eyes


 1) speak or say very quietly so that only a person cloze by can hear

E.g. She whispered a warning to me and then disappeared.

 2) (of the wind, etc) make a soft sound

E.g. The leaves of the trees were whispering in the wind.

Before your mother was even a dream:

 before you mother was born / before we thought of having a daughter.


 1) take what one likes or considers best, or more suitable from a group.

E.g. He has been picked to head the planning committee.

 2)gather; pull or break off (part of a plant) from a tree or a plant

E.g. He picked some roses and gave them to his girlfriend.

 3) take up or remove something separately or bit by bit using the fingers, a beak, a pointed instrument, etc.

The dog picked the bone clean.

Lock it away within you

 Fasten it firmly in your mind; imprint it on your mind; bear it in your mind and never forget it.

… in that place in your heart where summer is an always time.

In that place in your heart where there is always sunlight and warmth. / which is always filled with joy and happiness. Here SUMMER is a metaphor.

“Always” here is used by the Grandpa as an adjective, which revealed that he was not welleducated. *Sociolinguistic knowledge: Your accent betrays you .


 What is the text concerned with?

 What is the message of the text?


 The Dinner Party , one of the best known short stories of

Mona Gardner, takes place in India earlier last century, when India was still a colony ruled by Great Britain. At the very beginning, there is a disagreement between the colonel and a young girl as to whether women are still easy to be scared. Then a snake came into the room, the hostess, with the help of an American, escaped the danger of a possible attack by the cobra. In the story, both the man and the woman demonstrated the marvelous quality of self-control

Unit 2

Learning Objectives

• grasp the author ’ s methods of organizing the argumentation on the necessity and significance of good manners.

• be able to identify the ways the author used to support his viewpoints.

• get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

• be able to use the various rhetorical devices you will encounter in this unit, especially metaphorical expressions and rhetorical questions.

• be aware of the different forms and values of Manners in different cultures.

Text one

Whatever Happened to Manners?

• When do you think a “ thank you ” is necessary?

• What do you think a good manner really is?

• In many people ’ s opinions, good manners is fundamental to good social relations. Do you think it is always so? Please give some examples to support your viewpoints.

Part One: (Paragraphs 1)

• the beginning part of the text. In this part the author stats and proves that many people in present times are not as polite as people in the past. He convincingly illustrates this social phenomenon with specific impolite manners he sees in New York.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-4)

• in these three paragraphs, the writer puts forward and bears out the following viewpoint:

You cannot be truly stylish without good manners; good manners are a sort of hidden beauty secret and adds pricelessly to your image.

Part Three: (Paragraphs 5-10):

• in these paragraphs the writer states and expounds the great power of some typical good manners he proposes upon those on the receiving end. Also he reasonably explains and vividly illustrates the good effects polite manners have on our own family members.

• manner:

1) Social behavior, polite or well-bred behavior

(usually in the plural)

E.g. it is bad manners to interrupt.

People who have good manners are polite to others.

2) a person ’ s outward bearing, way of speaking, etc. (in the singular)

E.g. She was unusually soft and gentle in her manner when talking to him.

• I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away from that:

– I feel that many people in the contemporary world are, for some reason or other, not as nice, not as friendly, or not as polite as one another as people in the past.

• get away:

1) succeed in leaving

E.g. When I asked him if he would like to see a film, he said he was so busy doing a project that he couldn ’ t get away.

2) escape, esp. from a scene of a crime

E.g. A thief broke into my flat and got away with my money kept in a drawer of my desk before I returned home yesterday.

3) have to admit the truth of something., esp. sth.


E.g. You cannot get away from the unpleasant fact.

• Pull out:

1) (of a motor vehicle, boat, etc.) move out of sideways

E.g. A car suddenly pull out in front of me.

2) leave or depart

E.g. when I arrived, the train was pulling out of the station.

• But it can matter very much

But something like a simple “ thank you ” can count a great deal./ but it can be something very important.

• I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret:

– I regard good manners as a kind of concealed magic method or formula which makes you beautiful.

• Extra information for Gray Grant:

Archibald Alexander Leach (1904-1986) Britishborn US film star., renowned for his performances as the handsome, suave, and slightly bemused man-about-town in a host of films. His representative works comprises This Is the Night (1932), Blonde Venus (1932), Topper

(1937), Bringing Up Baby (1938), To Catch a

Thief (1955),etc. His last film was Walk Don ’ t

Run (1966). He won the Special Academy Award in1970.

• Lauren Bacall

– Betty Joan Perske (1924- ) US film actress noted for her husky voice and smoldering screen presence. Her representative works include Murder on the play), Cactus Flower

Goodbye Charlie

(1967 play),



Express (1974) and The Shootist (1976) She also performed on the stage.

• It was a sweet gesture that made me feel terrific and put me in a great mood.

– It was a delightful or pleasant gesture that made me feel very good and put me in an ecstatic state of mind.? It was something very nice that delighted me immensely and made me feel wonderful.

• I bet

– A slang expression meaning I am sure; I am certain, surely, certainly

– You bet: of course, certainly

Question for consideration

• Some linguists put forward that, when people are talking, they seem to observe a series of maxims which in total are called

Politeness Principle. Can you give some examples about how people show their politeness in their linguistic behavior?

Main ideas of Text 2

• In An Educator ’ s Moral Responsibility , the author presents and illustrates the phenomenon that adolescents have been affected negatively by changing social conditions. He holds that, in this situation, the educators should never become ethical bystanders. It is the teachers ’ responsibility not only to educate the students but also to accept the innate worth of every human being. A teacher should never consider himself/herself a successful educator unless his/ her students graduated not only as successful learners but also as ladies and gentleman.

Unit 3

Learning Objectives

 grasp the author ’ s PURPOSE OF WIRTING and the THEME of the essay.

get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be able to identify the vivid, dynamic and specific words and expressions used in the writing. be aware of the ways the author used to organize and develop the plot.

Text One

When Lightening Struck

Have you read anything about a story about

CRASH before? How did it strike you? (e.g.


Describe a critical moment you have ever experienced.

Part One: (Paragraphs 1-4)

 the introductory paragraphs of the text. In this part the author tells us about the setting and the unexpected happening, and introduces some main characters, of whom the writer is one.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 5-9)

 these paragraphs narrate and delineate the feelings, thoughts, and actions of the writer, the acts of kindness of the glamorous young woman and the behavior of other fellow passengers on the plane when they were faced with the dangerous situation.

Part Three: (Paragraphs 10-12):

 these paragraphs tells the readers what the passengers saw and did after they landed safely.

Part Four (paragraphs 13-14)

 the last part of the story.

Language Work

I felt the slamming jolt, and then the horrible swerve that threw me against the door.

I felt the sudden, forceful, and loud shaking of our plane, and then is terrible turning aside that push me against the door.


1) n. the act of turning aside or being turned aside from a straight course.

E.g. The car made a sudden swerve to avoid the dog.

2) vi. Suddenly turn to one side while moving along

E.g. The minibus swerved to the right, bumped a tree, and feel into a ditch.

Oh lord, this is it:

This sentence is italicized in the text, showing what the writer was thinking about at the moment.

Lord: an expression of surprise, fear, worry, etc. in such collocations as “ Oh Lord!

” or “ Good Lord ” .

This is it: (slang) this is the critical juncture!/ This is the most important moment at which I have to make up my mind!/ This is the most decisive moment that I must take prompt action!

Somehow I managed to unbolt the door and scramble out

By some means, I succeeded in releasing the bolt of the door and getting out of the bathroom.

Unbolt : unlock; release the bolts of (a door, for example)

E.g. The chimpanzee has learnt how to unbolt the door and go out of the cage.


1) climb, especially over s rough or steep surface quickly, or crawl over, usually rough ground with difficulty.

E.g. they boys scrambled over the wall.

2) struggle or compete with others, especially to get something or a share of something.

E.g. it was raining cats and dogs, and many people were scrambling madly for shelter.

In a high school geography bee

In a geography competition/contest at a high school

Bee: (AmE)a social gathering where people meet for work, competition, and amusement.


1) indistinctly; in shape or form which is not clearly see

E.g. on the misty hillside, we could see vaguely some sheep coming through the mist.

2) described or expressed in a way or manner which is not clear.

E.g. these clauses in the contract are rather vaguely worded.

Now we began a roller-coaster ride through the thunderclouds:

Now we started a pretty rough flight through the thunderclouds as our plane began to roll steeply and swerve sharply. Here a roller-coaster ride is used metaphorically. The author ’ s pretty rough ride through the thunderclouds in the plane which was rolling and swerving dramatically is compared vividly to a roller-coaster ride.

I pulled myself together:

I controlled my self / I controlled my feelings.

Pull oneself together: to become calm after being excited or disturbed; to recover self-command

E.g. He was able to pull himself together in the face of danger and hardship.

After this, London ’ s going to seem like small potatoes.

After this remarkable or extraordinary ride, your trip to London is going to seem like something insignificant. / When you have experienced this unusual journey, you will find your visit to London less interesting and less exciting.

The sentence implies that the journey they were going on by plane was much more unusual and exciting than a trip to London. The writer was being optimistic, attempting to comfort and reassure the girl next to her.

Question for consideration

Some people hold that it is at critical moment that genuine nature of human beings will be demonstrated, do you agree? Why?

Main ideas of Text 2

Text 2 Dad Had Lost Any Purpose in Life talks about the

Parent-children relationship. With the time passing by, the generation gap between the parents and the children are greater and greater. “ I ” didn ’ t really understand “ the farther ” at all although he seems to be the kindest and most generous man “ I ” have ever met. After the father ’ s death, mother frequently conveyed affection to dad by talking about her relationship with the old man to show her intention to relieve their lives together.

No matter what her children did for her, she felt unhappy because she thought herself incidental in their lives, no longer enjoy the dominance with her old man.

Unit 4

Learning Objectives

 By the end of this unit, students are supposed to

 grasp the theme of the text.

 be able to identify the ways the author used to organize and develop his theme.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

 be able to introduce the topics in your writing by asking questions.

Text One

World of the Future

 Discuss on the following topics

 Future robots would probably run the country.

 Man have to move to the Moon or Mars because of the limited earth space.

 It’s easier said than done that human beings can be completely free from diseases.

Structural analysis of the text

 The passage is developed by space order. In the beginning, the writer describes a future journey by submarine from the sea surface to the sea bottom.

And he describes what happens on the journey in a chronological sequence: first to the wonderful sea world and the into space to visit the moon,

Mars and Venus. The title acts as the trigger that sets of accounts or descriptions of the wonders of the future one after another.

 Part One : (Paragraphs 1-4)

 the beginning part of the text. The first two paragraphs present a vivid description of the future journey to the wonderful sea world. The third paragraph brings up the theme of the text, around which the whole descriptive essay develops. This paragraph also defines the key word future. The last sentence of the paragraph 4 is a question that puts forward the topic to be described or related. It is a transitional sentence, linking the preceding with the following.

 Part Two : (Paragraphs 5-7)

 this part describes a journey into space in the future. Paragraph 5 is a transitional paragraph, connecting the preceding part with the following part. Paragraph 6-7 describe a future journey to the Moon, the Mars and the

Venus., with more details about a visit to the moon. The descriptions are presented in the chronological order and from near-to-far space perspective. It is to be noted that the proper nouns---the Moon Camp, the Mars

Colony and the Venus Exploration Outpost--are very important places which deserve our attention.

 Part Three: ( Paragraphs 8-12 ):

 this part describes some wonderful things that may come true in the far future. Paragraph 8 also serves as a transitional paragraph. In paragraph 9, the future dolls are described, and so do special computers with remarkable functions in paragraph 10, flying saucers as well as future bicycles and skates in paragraph 11, the fantastic function of telepathy helmets in paragraph 12.

 Part Four: (paragraphs13-21)

 paragraph 13, a transitional paragraph, is followed by paragraph 14-21 that describe such great wonders of the future as will directly influence or be closely related to future life. The descriptions are arranged in this order: robots(paragraph 14), skillfully blended artificial food(paragraph15-16), other ways to make life last longer, including cures for most diseases(paragraph17), television of the future(paragraph18), high ways of the future(paragraph19), and weather control in the future(paragraph 20-21). These paragraphs all begin with a topic sentence, three of them in the form of a question.

 Part Five: (paragraph 22)

 this part is a logical and natural conclusion. It also points out a solid historical fact: the time we are living in now was also a “wonderful future” to the people who lived 100 years before.

 Dock:

 The area of water between two piers or alongside a pier that receives a ship for loading, unloading or repairs.

 E.g. this is a very busy dock, where some ships are being loaded, some are being unloaded, and others repaired.

 step

1) lift and put down the foot, or one foot after another, as in walking.

E.g. Ouch, you have stepped on my foot.

2)move a short distance in this way in the direction specified.

E.g. All the soldiers stepped into the ship.

…powerful engine purrs to life:

 Powerful engine makes a low continuous vibrating sound and begins to work. Here “life” means activity or movement.

 Purr: to make the low continuous sound produced by a pleased cat.

 E.g. When he entered the room, the cat purred loudly.

 Down slides the submarine like a shark diving

 Just like a shark going down under water, the submarine moves downwards smoothly./ In the way a shark goes down under water, the submarine dives smoothly downwards.

 Slide:

1) go down to a lower level

E.g. Will the government take action to support the sliding pound?

2) cause to go smoothly over a surface, remaining in contact with it.

E.g. She slid the drawer out carefully and slowly.

…but who knows for sure?:

 This is a rhetorical question that does not require an answer. It means: but nobody knows exactly (that some may never come true).

 For sure: for certain; exactly; without doubt

 E.g. I think we can solve the dispute but I couldn’t stay for sure.

 Artificial

1) made or produced by man in imitation of something natural, not real

These flowers are artificial, they are not real.

2)affected, insincere, not genuine

Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness.

Question for consideration

 In How Technology Shapes Our World, the author points out a fact that human beings have a unique ability to shape the world to live in. Many purposes may be achieved by technology, such as protecting individual privacy; keeping our critical systems secure; protecting our children… All in all, our innovations have given us the power to transform our environment, extend our life span, better our life.

Unit 5

Learning Points

 grasp the theme of the text.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

 be aware of style of the narration and the methods the author used to achieve this effect.

Text One

Dealing with AIDS

What kind of disease do you know AIDS is?

What’s the most important way of protecting ourselves from being infected by AIDS?

Structural analysis of the text

 This text, apiece of factual narration, tells us about a true and unforgettable story the writer experienced. The writer records the actual events in a chronological sequence. It is to be noted that the first person narration is employed, and that the narration of the events is coupled with the writer’s psychological activities. Also, it is worth mentioning that the beginning and the end echo each other.

 Part One : (Paragraphs 1)

 the beginning part of the text. The first sentence asserts the beneficial result from dealing with AIDS, which may be considered the enlightening message of the text. This paragraph also makes clear the exact date when the word AIDS came into the writer’s life.

Besides, the writer tells us that he had been the most carefree boy in the world until AIDS became known to him.

 Part Two: ( Paragraphs 2-4 ): these paragraphs form the second part of the text.

 Paragraph 2 tells us how the writer had tried to get in touch with David, his best friend, and how the writer finally got to know that his friend was suffering from


 Paragraph 3 describes how the writer felt about his friends fatal diseases, and how his friend caught the disease. It also points out that even his parents could not do anything about his friend’s illness and that he had to deal with it all on his own.

 Paragraph 4 describes how others responded to

David’s disease, what attitude the writer adopted towards it and why others stay away from both David and the author.

 Part Three: (paragraph 5-7)

 this part tells us that the writer kept an active and positive attitude for the sake of his friend

David and showed great concern for him. To be more specific, the writer contained his emotions in front of his friend; he went to doctor after doctor with him, brought him stuff from the ocean, his favorite place; he spend every hour he could accompanying his friend in the hospital where his friend wad being treated until David’s last breath.

 Part Four: (paragraph 8)

 the concluding part point out the specific date that marked the end of David’s life, describes the writer’s emotions towards David’s death, and informs us how the writer keeps his friends memory alive.

 Dealing with AIDS:

 Take actions against AIDS

 Strengthen:

 Become or make strong or increase the strength of

 E.g. Steel prices strengthen as demand continues moving up.

 EN is a useful affix to form verbs.

 E.g. encourage, enlarge, widen, deepen

 bond:

 1) a uniting force or tie; sth. that unites two or more people or groups

 E.g. the trade agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries.

 2)a written agreement or promise that has legal force

 E.g. We entered into a solemn bond with them.

 mature:

1) fully grown or developed mentally or physically

E.g. In China, a person over 18 years old is considered mature.

He is not mature enough to be given too much responsibility.

2) (of thought, intentions, etc.) careful and thorough

E.g. After mature consideration I entered the competition.

 Carefree

 Free from anxiety; having no worries or problems

 E.g.After finishing our exams we all felt happy and carefree.

 I was just living life up

 I was enjoying life to my heart’s content.

 …so we didn’t hang out as much

 So we did not spend a lot of time together as we had done before we got into high school.

 bother

1) disturb or anger, especially by minor irritations; annoy

E.g. Don’t bother me while I’m writing my composition.

2) take the trouble; concern oneself

E.g. When she was ill, her husband even didn’t bother to see her.

 So I called him and he hung up on me.

 So I phoned him, but he refused to talk to me on the phone by replacing the receiver./ So I rang him up, but he put back the receiver because he did not want to have a telephone conversation with me.

 Hang up (on sb.) end a telephone conversation by replacing the receiver.

 E.g Last night I called him, but as soon as he heard my voice, he hung up on me.

 I confronted him as to why we were not friends any more.

 I faced him bravely (came face to face with him), challenging him why we were not friends any more.

 Confront:

 come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility

 E.g. I wish to confront my accuser in a court of law.

 Come up against; encounter

 E.g. Walking in such a jungle, you will confront danger at every turn.

Question for consideration

 The text tells us a true story of the writer and his friend David. The writer did everything he can to help his friend

David overcome the AIDS, although they failed at last, their efforts are quite moving. Can you say something about the real friendship in your mind after having read the story?

Unit 6

Towards a Gender Free Society

Think it over

• It is hold that boys achieve better in traditionally male subjects such as math and sciences while girls are apparently better at responding to the basics of language. Do you agree? Why or why not?

What is gender?


The text is a piece of argumentation.

The writer clearly presents and fully supports his theme: the single sex education does not realize the aim of the education, while coeducation is the best way to educate young people.

• He defines coeducation as “the most important desirable form of education.”

• He presents that “coeducation has survived as the best way to educate young people. It is an integrated community where students are instructed without distinction of sex.

The passage can be divided into three parts .

Part One


(Paragraphs 1-2) the beginning of the argumentation

Para. 1 is developed by means of the deductive method. The first sentence, which is the topic sentence, is supported by the existing gender stereotypes: boys are portrayed as boisterous and disruptive, and girls are considered to conform to the expectations when they are sweet and docile.

• in Para. 2

, gender concepts such as “gender appropriate” and stereotyped sex roles” are logically rejected, hence the rejection of the idea of single sex schools.

Part Two:

(Paragraphs 3-4)

The body of the text. This part is developed by means of deduction.

Para. 3: The first sentence of paragraph 3 summarizes the aim of the education. Then the topic sentence is supported by an account of the disadvantages or weakness of the single sex school.

Part Three

(Para. 5):

The concluding part.

In this part the writer first repeats his opinion of coeducation: coeducation has survived as the best way to educate young people. The he suggests what a gender free society should be like. In fact he suggested gender free society is a normal, healthy society that human beings should strive to realize.

Therefore, it can be said that in the last paragraph the writer calls on people to strive for a gender free and wholesome society.

Language work

 masculine: of or having the qualities or appearance thought to be typical of men

E.g. She looks rather masculine in that suit.

He is tall, strong, energetic, generous, and very brave, showing a number of masculine traits and qualities.

 Feminine of or having the qualities or appearance considered characteristic of women.

• E.g. It’s said that babies like feminine voices.

 From the time a child is born, he or she is expected to meet stereotypes---boys are portrayed as boisterous and disruptive, and girls are considered to conform to the expectations when they are sweet and docile.

From the time a child is born, he or she is supposed to satisfy fixed sets of conventional expectations---boys are described as lively and noisy and troublesome; girls live up to the expectations when they are gentle, kind, lovely, quiet, obedient and submissive.

 Stereotype


 a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image which is considered to be true in all cases;

(sb. or sth. that represents) a fixed set of ideas about what a particular type of person or thing is like.

E.g. She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children.

 Portray

1) depict or represent pictorially; to make a picture of

E.g. The young artist tried to portray the old countess.

2) depict or describe in words

E.g. Mark Twain portrayed little Tom as a naughty but lovely boy.

3) represent dramatically, as on the stage

E.g. The young actor portrayed the antagonist vividly.

 Their social roles and identity are predetermined by their permanent identifying attribute “sex”.

Their social roles and identity are fixed or determined unchangeably from the very beginning by their eternal natural quality which shows their sex identity or category.

 Permanent

1) lasting or expected to last for a long time or for ever.

E.g. The injury left him with a permanent limp.

2) being not likely to change

E.g. I will give you my permanent address.

 Such uncertainty denotes a rejection of such concepts as “gender appropriate” and stereotyped sex roles” which are only social norms invented by man, imposed on man, but rest their logic nowhere .

This kind of uncertainty indicates a refusal to accept such concepts as “gender appropriate” and “Stereotyped sex roles” which are only socially accepted standards artificially created by man; human beings are forced to accept and comply which such artificially established standards, which are not reasonable at all, or which have no logical base anywhere.

 The aim of education is to stimulate impulses, encourage free thinking and boldness in thought and keep alive various interests.

Education aims to provide the educated with stimuli or impetus, to encourage them to think freely and boldly, and to help them develop and keep active their various interests.

 Interfere with

Obstruct sth. wholly or partially; to prevent sth. from being done or carried out properly; to get in the way of

E.g. He never allows pleasure to interfere with duty and work.

The children who are making much noise outside are interfering with my reading.

 But at a very early stage, a single sex school kills the possibility for a vigorous youth to grow and develop into full stature.

But at a very early stage, a single-sex school deprives a strong, active, and energetic youth of his or her likelihood to develop fully and grow mature.

 Stature:

1) natural height of the body.

2) importance and reputation gained by ability or achievement.

 May I venture to suggest that one day when male and female is a reproductive category only, but no longer central to our identity and to the understanding of ourselves and others, I will call that A GENDER FREE


May I take the risk to suggest that one day when male and female are only biologically differentiated, but no longer play an important part in establishing our identity and in understanding ourselves and others, I will call that a society without distinction of sex, a wholesome society.

Questions for Consideration

In many languages, one uses the masculine pronoun to refer to either a male or a female(for example, ‘Every student should hand in his work in time.’) Is this sexist?

Can you think of other cases either in English or in

Chinese? Do you thing that Language Sexism is a universal phenomenon, why or why not?

Unit 7

Learning Objectives

 By the end of this unit, students are supposed to

 get familiar with scientific fiction and its characteristics in language.

 comprehend the topic sentences in Text 1 thoroughly and be able to paraphrase them.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

Text One

The Fun They Had

 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that people are getting more and more dependent on computers.

 Have you ever read any science fiction about the future world? Please name a free and tells us one of the stories.

Additional information about the author

 Isaac Asimov, the author of the text, is an American biochemist and author. He was born in the former USSR on January 2, 1920. He was taken to the United States at the age of 3 and brought up in Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from Columbia University in 1939, and got his

Ph.D. in the same university in 1947. He taught biochemistry at Boston university, but he is most widely known for his science fiction. Some of his best known works are I, Robot , published in 1950 and The

Foundation Trilogy , published in 1951-1953.

Structural analysis of the text and language points

 Part One : (Paragraphs 1) the background of the story

 It tells us the exact date on which the story occurs (May 17, 2157) the name of the leading character (Margie and Tommy), and the real book around which the story evolves.

 Part Two : (Paragraphs 2-31)

 the longest and the most important portion of the story, with a somewhat long conversation between the two leading characters running through most of it.

 Part Three: (Para. 31-35):

 This part tells us something about the school room and the mechanical teacher. Besides,

Margie’s psychological activities are also described.

 head:

1) lead; be at the front of; be at the top of

E.g. The president’s car headed the procession

She will head the cast.

2) be in charge of

E.g. The Commission of Inquiry headed by the president of the Board of Trustees is investigating the cases

 crinkly

 having many thin folds; (of hair) curly

 E.g. My shirts were all crinkly when I got them out of the suitcase.

 …and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they are supposed to---on a screen.

 … and it was very amusing to read words that were motionless instead of moving the way they ought to---on a screen.

 Be supposed to

 have a duty or responsibility to do sth.

 E.g. Everybody is supposed to bring a bottle to the party

 be generally considered to be

 E.g. I haven’t seen it myself, nut it is supposed to be a very good film.

 When you are through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess.

 When you have finished reading a book, you merely cast it away, I believe.

 Through:

1)in at one side, end or surface, and out at the other; all the way.

E.g. The guard at the gate wouldn’t let us through.

2) from the beginning to the end, to completion

E.g. You should read the article through before you translate it.

 What’s there to write about school?

 This is a rhetorical question, which calls for no answer. A positive rhetorical question is negative in meaning. Here it means “there is nothing at all to write about school.”

 …the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time:

 The computer which served as a teacher immediately worked out the mark.

 In no time: very quickly; immediately; at once

 She had been they would take the teacher away together.

 She had been hoping they would move or carry the mechanical teacher to another place once for all. Here the teacher was a computer, which was large and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons are shown and questions asked.

 Smart

1) neat and stylish in appearance

E.g. You look very smart in that new shirt.

2)clever, quick in thinking

E.g. If he is as smart as he says, why did he fail in the test?

 Light up

1) ignite; cause to start to burn; give light to

E.g. The Stage was lit up by several powerful spotlights

2)cause to become bright with pleasure or excitement.

E.g. Her face lit up with joy when she saw him coming.

Questions for consideration

 How do your impressions of one particular teacher affect your interest in the course he/she teaches? If you like him/her, do you also like the course he/she teaches? If not, do you like his course? Or if you like one particular course, do you like every teacher who teaches it? Which way seems more true to you? Do you think this is the best way to study? Or does your reasoning tell you that your purposes of learning a course should not be too closely linked with your likes or dislikes of the teacher who teaches the course?

Main ideas of Text 2

 The Laugher, written by German novelist and Nobel laureate. It tells us about a man with a particular profession: laugher. He explains that it is because his talents in t he field of mime and elocution are not good enough to meet the requirements of an actor that he choose such a job. Like a pessimist, the author condemns his job because he thinks that it results in more pain than pleasure. At last he goes back to normal, and in fact he feels happy because he does not have to play the fool any longer.

Unit 8

Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit, students are supposed to

 grasp the author ’ s methods of organizing the exposition.

 be able to summarize the traits and characteristics of a particular kind of people.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

Text One

Five Traits of the Educated Man

What do you think a English gentleman looks like?

What are the generally accepted standards of an educated man?

If you are going to writer a letter to a younger sibling or close relative giving advice on one of the following subjects: dating, studying, career goals, friendship, family obligations, what will you say?

Structural analysis of the text

Part One: (Paragraphs 1)

 the beginning part of the text. The first sentence of this paragraph puts forward a thought-provoking question that is closely associated with the subject of this expository essay. The rest of the first paragraph tell us about the relationship between learning and the marks and an educated man that between learning and education, and that between education as well as certain traits and capacities which have to be gained by conscious efforts.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-6)

 in these three paragraphs, the writer discusses the five traits of an educated man, comprise the body of the essay.

Part Three: (Paragraphs 7):

 the concluding part of the essay, makes it quite clear that the five traits discussed above comprise the outline of an educated man, and that so long as one boasts this outline, the specific content can be filled in by whatever knowledge, competence, and skills that one possesses.

Language Work


A particular quality, esp. of a person; characteristic

E.g. Anne ’ s generosity is one of her most pleasing traits.

 mark

1) sth., such as a spot or cut, on a surface that would otherwise be plain or clean.

E.g. Don ’ t you think these marks in the sand are some kind of message?

2) a figure or printed or written sign which shows something

E.g. Every garment in the shop has a price mark on it.

Some students never use punctuation marks correctly.

3) a fact or action that is a sign or proof of a quality, feeling or condition.

E.g. As a mark of respect, they all stood up when the teacher entered the room.


Rather small, not worth considering

E.g. The word inconsiderable is almost always used together with the word not.


Sth., such as a fact, sign, or object that gives proof or reasons to believe or agree with sth. else

E.g. When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence of his guilt.


1) Ability or power

E.g. He has a great capacity for enjoying himself.

2) role, a particular position or duty

E.g. I ’ m speaking in my capacity as Minister of Trade.

She is employed by them in a advisory capacity.

3)the amount that something can hold or contain

E.g. The fuel tank has a capacity of 12 gallons.

With pure diction

In a way that words are pronounced perfectly well, not mixed with any impure or nonstandard sound.

E.g. He speaks standard English, with pure diction.

… refined and gentle manners, which are themselves the expression of fixed habits of thought and action.

… good manners showing education, delicacy of feeling and gentleness of behavior, which express or embody established habits of thought and action.

Manners make the man

A quotation from Wykeham William means “ a person ’ s habits and behavior tells us much about him ”

When manners are superficial, artificial, and forced, no matter what their form, they are bad manners.

If ways of behaving are insincere, strained or unnatural, showing a lack of true feelings, they are impolite or poor manners, no matter how they are embodied.

When however, they are the natural expression of fixed habits of thought and action, and when they reveal a refined a cultivated nature, they are good manners.

When manners naturally express or convey ever fixed habits of thought and action, and when they show a gentle and cultured nature, they are known as good manners.

Question for consideration

What are the necessary fine qualities of a well-educated man in your opinion? Refer to some of the Chinese classics and elaborate them.

Unit 9


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 grasp the ideas revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 World Wide Web Technology: What’s

Hot and What’s Not?

 comprehend the strong points and weak aspects of the

Internet and the Web.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

 be aware of the language characteristics of the passage.

Text 1. World Wide Web Technology:

What’s Hot and What’s Not?

 You must be surfing on the Internet now and then.

How do you feel about the world when surfing at the web sites?

 What role does the Internet play in your study and life?

The passage can be divided into three parts


Part One : (Paragraph 1)

 This paragraph epitomizes the advantages or benefits of the World Wide

Web: the Web is like one great big library with all the books or various kinds of information available to you.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-8)

 These seven paragraphs, making up the body of the text, illustrate and exemplify the advantages and undesirable aspects of the Internet and the Web. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 illustrate the benefits of the Internet and the Web.

 Para. 2 : tells us the fact that the writer quickly obtained the words to a song by doing a Net search and having the words printed out.

 Para. 3 : states how he rapidly found the solution to his challenging problem with a hard drive.

 Para. 4 : illustrates the rapid growth of commercial action on the Internet.

 Para. 5 : points out that how the Internet phenomenon will continue to unfold is open to question.

 Para. 6 : the writer mentions the good points of the Internet and the Web and raises the question contained in the title.

 Para. 7 : lists some undesirable aspects of the

Internet, with reference to the good news that efforts are being made to improve those weak points.

 Para. 8 : answers the question “What's Hot?”

Part Three


(Paragraph 9):

 This paragraph, the conclusion of the essay, draws attention to the writer's eagerness to be able to dispose of all of his junk mail, catalogues, etc. by locating them in his computer so that he can easily find the things by accessing the Web.

Actually, this paragraph mentions another application of the Web.


 What’s hot and what’s not?

What’s exciting and what’s not exciting?

 the World Wide Web a widely used information system on the

Internet, which provides facilities for documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.


 1) v. succeed in finding or obtaining information from a computer's memory

E.g.: In modern times it is easy and convenient to access various kinds of information from a computer's memory.

 2) n. means, right, or opportunity to use, reach, or enter

E.g.: It is quite important for students to have easy access to books in their studies.

The policeman gained access to the club by disguising himself as a gambler.

site: a Web site

 1)a place where sth. of special interest existed or happened.

E.g.: The site of the battle of Waterloo is in


There are many sites of historical interest in


 2)a piece of ground for building on

E.g.: This is a very large site where many apartment buildings will be built.

Protective helmets must be worn on the construction sites.


 1)strike or move with a slight sharp sound

E.g.: She clicked her fingers in time to the music.

The soldiers clicked their heels together.

 2)make a slight sharp sound, esp. as a result of movement

E.g.: The bolt clicked into place.

 Serve

 1)do work for; give service to

E.g.: He has served the company for 50 years, just as office boy and eventually as managing director.

Membership is restricted to serving officers in the armed forces.

 2)offer (food, drinks, a meal, etc.) for eating or drinking

E.g.: Could you all come to the table? We are ready to serve.

What time is breakfast served in this hotel?

 3)be good enough or suitable for a purpose

E.g.: One room had to serve for both bedroom and living room.

This incident serves as a reminder of how dangerous these weapons really are.

 get through

 1)(cause or help) to pass; pass through, or come successfully to the end of

E.g.: We were all delighted when we heard that you'd got through your exam.

Her mother's support got her through her depression.

 2)complete or use up the whole of

E.g.: We got through a whole chicken at one sitting.

They won a million dollars, but they got through the whole lot in less than 5 years.

 3) (esp. in AmE) finish

E.g.: When you get through with your work, let's go out.

I haven't got through with my work yet, so I have to continue.

 It’s obvious that commercial action on the

Internet is growing at an ever-increasing rate. It’s going through the roof ---- just like

Netscape’s stock price!

It is quite evident that commercial advertising is ever increasing and growing at a top speed on the Internet. It is growing fantastically fast, just as fast as Netscape’s stock price!

 .... but just how the Internet phenomenon will continue to unfold is open to question.

... but just how the Internet phenomenon will spread is likely to cause doubt.

 proceed on an exciting course: advance or move along an exciting path; begin or continue in an exciting direction proceed

 1)begin or continue in a course of action or set of actions

E.g.: The project is proceeding according to the plan.

He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions.

 2) advance; move in a particular direction

E.g.: According to the policeman's report, the stolen car was proceeding in the southern direction. Passengers for the New York flight should now proceed to Gate 25.

 course

 1) the path along which sth. happens; direction of movement taken by sb. or sth.

E.g.: The plane changed its course to avoid the storm.

The ship was blown off course.

 2)continuous movement from one point to another in space or time

E.g.: The enemy should be defeated in the course of one year.

During the course of the next few minutes we will be serving tea and biscuits.

 3)the usual, natural, or established pattern or process by which sth. happens or is done

E.g.: He has committed a crime, and now the law must take its course.

He is charged with attempting to pervert the course of action.

hang around

 1) hang about; wait or stay near a place without doing anything or with no clear purpose

E.g.: I hung around the station for an hour, but he did not come.

A man with long hair is hanging around your house.

 2) delay or move slowly; dawdle

E.g.: Don't hang around. We have a train to catch! Hang around. I am nearly ready.


 1)an act or instance of asking for sth., esp. politely

E.g.: They have made an urgent request for international aid.

Despite repeated requests that they should make less noise, they persisted in playing their music at full volume.

 2) the fact of being asked for, esp. politely

E.g.: The name of the murder victim was not published in the newspapers at the request of the judge.

Full details will be sent on request.


 What is the text about?

 Why is it said that the text is effectively entitled? Can you identify the paragraphs that fall into the two parts making up the body of the text?

Which sentence (s) indicate (s) the transition?


 Computer technology Keeps People Worlds

Apart , as the title tells us, it mainly discusses the phenomena of people isolating from each other in personal interaction, and the possible reasons as well as the influences. The author holds the view that people become socially isolated and some may spend a lot of time in front of a PC.

There will be less personal interaction. People will be less aware of society and children will not learn how they are expected to behave.

Unit 10


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to grasp the major information and get the clue of the historical development of Hollywood through an intensive reading of Text 1


figure out the vivid and impressive details which serve as the major facts or important information about Hollywood in the body of the text.

get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the deductive method of developing writings.

Text 1. Hollywood

Do you enjoy Hollywood movies? Why?

Name some of the Hollywood movie stars you are familiar with.

The passage can be divided into three parts


Part One : (Paragraph 1)

This paragraph is the beginning part of the text. It provides a brief introduction to

Hollywood. The first sentence presents the most important information about this attractive place of entertainment.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-8)

 These paragraphs constitute the body of the text.

Each of these paragraphs tells us some major facts or important information about Hollywood.

Para. 2 : tells briefly about the history of Hollywood and its great success in the past; also, it mentions what most of the famous movie making corporations are doing and refers to some immortal great stars.

Para. 3 : states the fact that Hollywood was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world and describes what they did there.

 Para. 4 : points out that the stars were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs.

 Para. 5 : makes it clear that the Hollywood studios, by means of advertising, turned starlets into superstars and that many studio chiefs were tyrants.

 Para. 6 : mainly illustrates the fact that stars were often typecast.

 Para. 7 : tells us that Hollywood is no longer the heart of the world's motion picture industry, and that it has turned into the American TV entertainment center.

 Para. 8 : supports the statement that Hollywood has not lost all its glamour.

Part Three


(Paragraph 9):

This paragraph is the last part of the text.

Its topic sentence is “Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past.” The author believes that for many years to come the old

Hollywood movies will be shown again and again in movie houses and television screens all over the world.


 Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams.

Hollywood reminds you of the exciting and charming quality of something unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction, a place where the young teenagers deeply impressed by stars could, with a bit of luck, realize their dreams.

 glamour

1)the exciting and charming quality of sth. unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction

E.g.: Foreign travel has never lost its glamour for me.

2)strong personal attraction, esp. sexually exciting beauty, which excites admiration

E.g.: They know they’ll get bigger audiences if they give the parts to glamour girls.

 fulfill

1)carry out a promise j satisfy a desire, prayer, etc.

E.g.: That man often fails to fulfill his promise, so he is not trusted.

2)perform or carry out a duty, task, etc.; answer or satisfy a need or purpose

E.g.: A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.

3)finish or complete a period or piece of work

E.g.: They fulfilled their project 30 days ahead of time.

Hollywood’s fame and fortune reached its peak in the 1930s and

1940s, the golden days of the black and white movies.

Hollywood’s fame and fortune reached its highest point in the 1930s and 1940s, when the best black and white movies were produced in abundance and became very popular.

 constant

 1)fixed or unchanging; invariable

E.g.: He drove at a constant speed.

 2)continually happening or repeated; regular

E.g.: The machinery requires constant maintenance.

 3)loyal; faithful

E.g.: She is a constant friend of mine.

 Peak

 1)a sharply pointed mountain top; a whole mountain with a pointed top

E.g.: These mountain peaks are covered with snow all the year round.

 2)the highest point, level, value, rate, etc. of; a time of greatest success

E.g.: Sales have reached a new peak.

 In those days Hollywood was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world. Most of them had only their good looks to recommend them and had no acting experience ---- or ability --

-- whatsoever.

In those days Hollywood was as attractive as a magnet, attracting young men and women from various parts of the world, who cherished a strong desire for success and wealth. Most of them, looking handsome or beautiful, were suitable enough to be actors or actresses in terms of appearance, but they had no experience in acting or no performing skills at all. .

 ambitious

1)having a strong desire for success, power, wealth, etc.

E.g.: He is an ambitious young man, studying hard to be a scientist.

2)showing or resulting from a desire to do sth. difficult or sth. that demands great effort, unusual skill, etc.

E.g.: His next production was a very ambitious musical. We cooked nothing more ambitious than boiled eggs.


1)praise as being good for a purpose; provide information about sb. or sth.

E.g.: They recommended her as a good lawyer.

 2)advise or suggest as a correct or suitable course of action I recommend caution in dealing with this matter.

E.g.: The committee has recommended that the training program be improved.

 persuade

 1)make sb. willing to do something by reasoning, arguing, repeatedly asking

E.g.: Despite all my efforts to persuade him, he wouldn’t agree.

 2)cause to believe or feel certain; convince

E.g.: She was not persuaded of the truth of his statement.

 performance

 1)the action or an act of performing (a character in) a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc. esp. in the presence of the public

E.g.: His performance of Othello was superb.

 2)the action or manner of carrying out an activity, piece of work, etc.

E.g.: Her performance in the exams was rather disappointing.

Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past.

Hollywood, most important of all, boasts the charming and exciting magical attraction of the past.

It is a name which will always be associated with motion picture making ...

It is a name which will always be closely connected with the making of films ...


Why is it said that Hollywood is no longer the heart of the world’s motion picture industry?

The different styles of Hollywood movies today and yesterday.


 The Disney Company , mainly deals with the establishment, development, prosperity, valley and expected reflourishment of the Disney Company. It traces personal experience of Walt

Disney, one of America’s most famous film producer. Walt Disney started an entertainment empire with his creation of animated movies and world-renowned amusement parks. He targeted a wider market by producing films for mature audiences and opening Disney parks abroad. The company’s great success in family entertainment gets its dominance for much of the 20th century. Though a weak economy hurts the Disney Company, it will improve in the future according to most financial experts.

Unit 11


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 understand the integrity in the beginning and ending parts of the text through an intensive reading of Text 1

How to Be True to Yourself.

 comprehend the three key principles which constitute the Integrity triad.

get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the deductive method of writing in exposition.

Text 1.

How to Be True to


Have you learned any mottoes from your parents or grandparents?

What are they if you have?

How important do you think it is for one to be honest?

The passage can be divided into five parts .

Part One: (Paragraphs 1-2)

 These two paragraphs form the beginning of this essay. They contain a contrast of integrity: the author's grandparents and their generation firmly believed in honesty and demonstrated it by the way they lived, but nowadays integrity is getting scarcer. The last three sentences of the second paragraph suggest why the writer wrote the essay: as integrity is getting scarcer, and as it is the real fundamental thing in every field of society and something we must demand of ourselves, the writer feels necessary to write about it.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 3-8)

The third paragraph introduces the Integrity

Triad and links the preceding part with the following. The first sentence of the fourth paragraph expresses the first principle of the

Integrity Triad. Paragraphs four to seven narrate a real story which illustrates this principle. The eighth paragraph, which consists of one sentence only, further expresses the principle.

Part Three


(Paragraphs 9-11):

The author raises, explains and illustrates the second principle of the Integrity Triad. The message contained in the example makes the point quite clear.

Part Four


(Paragraphs 12-14):

These paragraphs are also organized by the deductive method. The first sentence of

Paragraph 12 serves as the topic sentence, which is the third principle of the Integrity Triad. The author expounds and offers some advice about this point.

Part Five


(Paragraph 15):

The last paragraph, the conclusion of the essay, is associated with the first one. In this paragraph, the author further explains what integrity means and points out what benefit and prospect a life of principle will bring you.


 hang

1)fix sth. at the top so that the lower part is free

E.g.: Hang your coat (up) on the hook.

2)cause to die, esp. as punishment for a crime by dropping with a rope around the criminal ’ s neck

E.g.: The murderer was sentenced to be hanged.

 demonstrate

1)prove or make clear a fact, esp. by reasoning or providing examples

E.g.: Galileo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed.

2)show or describe clearly

E.g.: The first-aid instructor demonstrated the correct way to bandage a wound.

 integrity

1)strength and firmness of character or principle; honesty or trustworthiness

E.g.: He is respected and admired as a man of the greatest integrity.

2)a state of being whole and undivided; completeness

E.g.: Our integrity as a nation is threatened by the separatist forces at home and foreign intervention.

sell out

1)sell all of what was for sale

E.g.: All the tickets for the match were completely sold out.

2) be disloyal or unfaithful to one's principles or friends, esp. for money

E.g.: He was a good writer, but he sold out and now just writes for money.

But it is the real bottom line in every area of society

But integrity is really what counts in every part or division of society. the bottom line

1) the amount of money shown as profit or loss at the bottom of a set of accounts

E.g.: You have invested millions of dollars in the business and you come out with nothing on the bottom line.

2) the basic content, meaning, or situation

E.g.: The bottom line in the debate is the increasing number of motorcycle accidents and fatalities.

3) outcome; the most important result in the end

E.g.: If we make all the changes I am proposing, the bottom line is that the company will save $50000.

Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure.

Firmly adhere to your sincere beliefs even when you are faced with very forceful influence or very strong persuasion. stand for

1) be a sign or short form of; represent; mean

E.g.: Our Party stands for the interests of the broad masses of the people.

2) (in questions and negatives) allow to continue; accept without complaining

E.g.: I wouldn ’ t stand for that sort of treatment if I were you.

3) have as a set of aims or principles; support

E.g.: Even today those people still stand for serfdom in Tibet.

 credit

1)a system of buying goods or services and paying for them later

E.g.: If you can ’ t afford to pay cash, buy the furniture on credit.

2)belief or trust in the truth or rightness of something

E.g.: Do you place any credit in the government ’ s story?

3) public approval or praise given to sb. because of sth. he has done

E.g.: That scientist was given no credit for his invention.

 be adult in your responses to life ’ s challenges.

... answer or respond to life ’ s challenges in a way suitable for or typical of a grown-up.

 challenge

1) (sth. with) the quality of demanding competitive action, interest, or thought

E.g.: I am looking for a job with a bit more challenge.

2) an invitation to compete in a fight, game, match, etc.

E.g.: The President of the Board of Trustees is faced with a challenge to his leadership from his deputy.

3) a questioning of the rightness, legality, etc. of something

E.g.: This new report represents a challenge to the accepted version of those events.

 tough

1)strong; not easily weakened or broken; able to suffer difficult or severe conditions

E.g.: Only tough breeds of sheep can live in the mountains.

2) showing strong determination; uncompromising

E.g.: We won the contract, but only through a lot of tough negotiating.

3) difficult to do or deal with; not easy; needing much effort

E.g.: The company is faced with tough competition.

4) rough; without kind or sympathetic feelings or manners

E.g.: The government has threatened to get tough with people who try to avoid paying taxes.

 not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality not yielding to the lure of the use of methods that bring the most immediate benefits, based on practical rather than moral considerations succumb to

1)stop opposing; to give in (to greater force or strength, a desire, etc. )

E.g.: They held out for some hours in the face of our persuasive offers, but eventually they succumbed.

2)die because of

E.g.: He finally succumbed to the illness.


What does the writer say about the scarcity and the real importance of integrity?

What is the message the text conveys to us?


Becoming a Child of Nature: It ’ s a Twofold Task of Parents and Children, as the title indicates that children discover and understand the beauty of nature and their parents take the initiative and help them to do so. By exploring their environment children can gain an understanding of the world in an interesting and more complex way and create their own intellectual conceptions of reality. The author believes that parents ’ own experience can stimulate the natural curiosity of children and nourish their innate desire to learn. Parents can provide an education which can fulfill and enrich the current lives of their children as well as prepare them for the future.

Unit 12


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 understand the story told by first person narrator through an intensive reading of Text 1 She ’ s Leaving


comprehend the employment of simple present tense to relate or narrate what happened in the past.

get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the advantages of first person narrator in narrative writings.

Text 1. Never Say Goodbye

How did you feel when you left home the first time for university?

What do you think home should be like?

The passage can be divided into four parts .

Part One: (Paragraphs 1-8)

These paragraphs tell us that the writer ’ s daughter Allie, who is leaving for university in a week, is busy making preparations for her university life and visiting her friends and relatives, and that she is becoming impatient with her mother. Her abnormal attitude towards her mother is probably due to the fact that she is feeling reluctant to leave home where she has been brought up, and to leave her parents, relatives and friends, who have been kind to her, but she has to leave them in order to attend university, which marks a milestone in her life.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 9-12)

These paragraphs, which are developed in a chronological order, relate how the writer took good care of her daughter when she was a toddler, how she kept her daughter close to her when she was in her teens and when she was a secondary school student.

Part Three


(Paragraphs 13-16):

These paragraphs constitute the third part of the text, which narrates the following facts: the writer wants the romanticized parting with her daughter, but her daughter has concealed her feelings as she prepares to depart. In other words, her daughter has adopted a cold attitude towards her mother's affectionate actions. The writer has been told by one of her friends that her daughter will become close to her again. The writer is not sure about it. She is so angry with her daughter that she wants to shake her, to awaken her up to every kindness that she has done for her.

Part Four


(Paragraphs 17-20):

These paragraphs form the concluding part of the text, which relates the touching event that

Allie is back to her mother, reading to her mother a pamphlet from her university, which conveys tips for parents, and that she has become close to her mother again, who treats her daughter gently, holding tight to her while letting go of her who is trying to say good-bye.


Her face, once so open and trusting, is closed to me.

Her face, which indicated that she was ready to accept opinions from others and trust others, now shows that she is not willing to listen to me and trust me, or that she is not ready to hear me say anything and place trust in me.

trusting: trustful; ever ready to trust others

E.g.: Due to his trusting nature, he has been deceived several times.

 somehow

1)by some means; in some way not yet known or stated

E.g.: Don ’ t worry; we ’ ll get the lost money back somehow.

2)for some reason that is not clear

E.g.: I think she is right, but somehow I am not completely sure.

I ’ d find a quiet spot and she would nurse ---- our eyes locked together ...

I would find a quiet place, where she would suck milk from my breast ---- we looked at each other...


1)a usu. round part or area that is different from the main surface, in color or in some other way

E.g.: She is wearing a white dress with blue spots.

2)a small round raised diseased mark on the skin

E.g.: Do you know you have a spot on your nose?

3)a particular place

E.g.: This is our favorite holiday spot.

4)an area of mind or feelings

E.g.: I ’ m afraid that you touched a rather tender spot when you mentioned his former wife.

 lock

1)fasten with a lock; put in a safe place and block the entrance or opening

E.g.: Lock the door when you leave.

2)hold or fasten firmly (usually in the passive voice)

E.g.: The two fighters were locked together.

3)become fixed or blocked

E.g.: I can ’ t control the car: the wheels have locked.

I hit upon a solution: rescue raids.

An idea of how to solve the problem suddenly occurred to me: take quick actions to improve motherdaughter relationship.


1)vt. save or set free from harm, danger, or loss

E.g.: He rescued his stamp collection from the burning house.

2)n. an act of rescuing

E.g.: A rescue team is trying to reach the trapped miners.


1)a quick attack on an enemy position, not to control the place but to damage it

E.g.: Following a bombing raid, our fighters launched a cross-border raid.

2)a sudden visit by the police in search of criminals or illegal goods e.g.: As a result of the raid, three people were charged with possessing illegal drugs.

 flounder

1)move about helplessly or with great difficulty, esp. in water, mud, snow, etc.

E.g.: The little dog was floundering around in the snow, so I picked it up.

2) struggle or lose control when speaking or doing sth.

E.g.: When one of his listeners laughed rudely, he lost the thread of his argument and started floundering.


1)take sb. Else ’ s child into one ’ s family forever and take on the full responsibilities in law of a parent

E.g.: He is not my real father; I am adopted.

2)take and use as one ’ s own; to begin to have a quality or appearance

E.g.: We have adopted their proposal.

But as she prepares to depart, Allie ’ s feelings have gone underground.

But as she gets ready to leave home for university, Allie ’ s feelings have been concealed or covered up.


1)beneath the surface of the earth

E.g.: There is an underground passage here through which you can go to the other side of the road.

2)operating secretly and often illegally, esp. in opposition to an established political system

E.g.: Those people printed and distributed underground publications.

 extend

1)(of space, land, time, etc. ) reach, stretch, or continue

E.g.: The hot weather extended into October.

2)make longer or greater, esp. to reach a desired point.

E.g.: We will eventually extend the road as far as the station.

Some say the tighter your bond with your child, the greater her need to break away, to establish her own identity in the world.

Some people tell me that the closer your rein over your child, the greater her need to stay away from you to set up her own identity in the world.

break away

1)escape, esp. with a sudden, violent effort

E.g.: The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.

2)end one's connection with a group, organization, way of thinking, etc.

E.g.: This extremist faction broke away from the main party in


“ Talk to me ---- or you ’ re grounded!

“ Talk to me - otherwise, you are not supposed to go out!

” ground

1)strike or cause a boat to strike against the bottom of a sea, a river, etc.

E.g.: The ship grounded on a hidden sandbank.

2) base

E.g.: Our development plans are grounded on the results of our market research.


1) (cause to) swing from side to side

E.g.: The trees were swaying gently in the wind.

2)(often passive) influence sb., esp. so that he changes his mind

E.g.: When you are choosing a career, don ’ t be swayed just by promises of future high earnings.

But I am grateful to be standing in here at midnight, both of us tired and sad, toothpaste smeared on my chin, holding tight to ----- while also letting go of ----- my daughter who is trying to say goodbye.

But I am very thankful to be standing in here at midnight, both of us feeling somewhat exhausted and distressed, toothpaste stained on my chin, hugging tightly in my arms ---- while also setting free ---- my daughter, who is making much effort to say goodbye.

grateful: feeling or showing thanks to sb.

E.g.: I ’ m most grateful to you for your kindness.


Give reasons for the abnormal manners of the writer ’ s daughter before she leaves home for university.

What does the text tell us?


On Going Home, written by Joan Didion, an American essayist and novelist who writes in a spare and intense style that conveys a lack of roots and a sense of social disintegration. The text reveals that

“ Marriage is the classic betrayal ” and the difference in social values, behavior attitudes, and personal aspirations of the author ’ s generation and that of the next generation. The author ’ s husband felt uneasy at the author ’ s home because he was not accustomed to the way they talk and behave and finds it difficult to adapt himself in the new environment, while the author ’ s brother called her husband as

“ Joan ’ s husband ” that shows apparent exclusion to him. So, the author has mixed feeling on going home. On the one hand, she misses her parents ’ home; on the other hand, she has to put her husband ’ s feeling into consideration.

Unit 13


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 comprehend the author’s inner thoughts and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Darkness at Noon.

 grasp the theme of the text and get the vivid account of the author’s disillusioning experiences which support the theme.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

 be aware of the writing technique of narrating in an ascending order and the formal writing style.

Text 1.

Darkness at Noon

Have you had any experience studying or working with the disabled?

What kind of help did you offer the disabled?

The passage can be divided into three parts


Part One : (Paragraph 1)

 The first paragraph tells us that the writer is both the narrator and main character of the text; it implies that the writer suffers from social prejudices. This paragraph points out the theme: Always looked down upon, the writer has never been given any opportunities to prove his abilities.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-14)

 These paragraphs, which constitute the second part of the text, tell about the writer’s personal disappointing experiences in an ascending order.

 Para. 2 : makes it clear that the writer, as a blind man, is not respectfully treated. There are those who assume that since he can’t see, he obviously cannot hear either. Very often people will converse with him at the top of their lungs. Conversely, people will also often whisper something related to him.

 Para. 3-13 :vividly illustrate the fact that others believe that the writer can’t talk, and so they do not talk to him directly, but through a third person.

In fact, these people ignore him, or even look down upon him.

 Para. 14 : presents the toughest misconception of all: because he can’t see, he can’t work, either.

The fact that he was turned down by over forty law firms and the continuous frustrations he suffered will always remain one of the most disillusioning experiences in his life.

Part Three


(Paragraph 15-17):

 These three paragraphs comprise the last part of the text, which points out the change in the situation the disabled is faced with, and puts across the writer’s eager hope and expectation.

 Para. 15 : points out that the prejudice of limitation and exclusion is beginning to change along with the issuing of regulations by the

Department of Labor.

 Para. 16 : expresses the writer’s expectation: he is looking forward to the day when the blind are not prejudiced against, i. e. the blind are treated fairly and justly, in the same manner as those who are not blind.

 Para. 17 : indirectly makes known the writer’s hope that in the near future there will be no prejudice against the disabled in employment.


 Darkness at Noon

The title could be interpreted in different ways. The word darkness may be regarded as a pun. As a blind man, the writer actually sees darkness even at noon. The word darkness also suggests that the writer is surrounded by a dark world because he is always prejudiced against and no light of love ever shines on him. Therefore, the word darkness is used metaphorically.

Narcissistic: possessing too great love for one’s own abilities or appearance

E.g.: A narcissistic person is one who has too great love for his or her own abilities or physical appearance.

She is so narcissistic that she remains single.

 Very often people will converse with me at the top of their lungs, enunciating each word very carefully.

Quite often people tend to talk with me at the top of their voices, articulating each word with great care.

Enunciate: articulate; pronounce words, esp. carefully and clearly

E.g.: Children should be taught to enunciate clearly.

Converse: talk informally; have a conversation

E.g.: It is difficult to converse with people who hold extremist views.

 pick up

 1)take hold of sth. small or light and lift it up from a surface

E.g.: I picked up a magazine that was lying on the table.

 2)collect or gather together Please pick up all your toys when you’ve finished playing.

E.g.: It was a bad setback, but we must pick up the pieces and start again.

 This point was graphically driven home to me while we were in England.

This point was made unmistakably clear to me during our stay in England.

Graphically: in a graphic manner; by means of a graph; clearly and with details

E.g.: She described the events so graphically that I could almost see them.

drive sth. home (to): make sth. unmistakably clear to

E.g.: The accident at the factory really drove home to us the point that safety regulations must be observed.

 This procedure continued for approximately five minutes at which point even my saint-like disposition deserted me.

This set of actions ---- question, response and repetition

---- went on for about five minutes at which point even my very good temperament left me completely.

Procedure: the method and order of directing business at an official meeting, a law case, etc.; a set of actions necessary for doing sth.

E.g.: So much time was spent approving the procedure at our first meeting that we did not start any actual business.

 Disposition: nature; temperament; a particular tendency of character, etc.

E.g.: She has a cheerful disposition, while her elder sister has a cheerless one.


 1)leave empty or leave completely

E.g.: The guard deserted his post.

 2)abandon; leave at a difficult time, or in a cruel way, esp. with the intention of not returning

E.g.: All my friends have deserted me!

He deserted his wife, who was pregnant.

 On April 16, 1976, the Department of Labor issued regulations that mandate equal employment opportunities of the handicapped.

On April 16, 1976, the Department of Labor promulgated official rules which declare that the handicapped are entitled to equal employment opportunities.

Issue: produce (esp. sth. printed and / or official)

E.g.: Banknotes of this design were first issued

20 years ago.

 regulation: [C] an official rule or order; [U] control

E.g.: Students must observe rules and regulations.

Mandate: give the right and power to someone to do something

E.g.: The minister was mandated to participate in the political negotiations.

Handicapped: having a disability of the body or mind

E.g.: The physically handicapped are taken good care of in that country.

 by and large: on the whole; in general

E.g.: By and large, your plan is practical.

 Foreman: a skilled & experienced worker who is put in charge of other workers

E.g.: These workers are afraid of their foreman, who sets strict demands on them.

 I would hope that in the near future when a plant manager is touring the factory with the foreman and comes upon a handicapped and non-handicapped person working together, his comment after watching them work will be, “which one is disabled?”

I would hope that in the near future when a plant manager is visiting the factory with the foreman and comes across a disabled and non-disabled person who are working together, he would wonder after watching them work, “which one is physically handicapped?”


 What is the theme of the text?

 What is the author’s general attitude towards the issue of the disabled discussed in the article? Try to find out proofs to your opinion in the text.


He Rocked, I Reeled , the title suggests that because the teacher was so interested in his topic and so enthusiastic about what he was teaching, the author became interested in the topic and enthusiastic about learning. The text concerns with the change from a juvenile delinquent to a good student through the help of the kind teachers with enthusiastic and effective teaching approaches. The author reveals the following as the motivation of the students: activities which are exciting and stimulate students’ curiosity; students’ need to be involved in something active, and the students’ need to be appreciated by the teacher. Also, the qualities of a successful teacher are suggested: He must strive to make his class interesting and treat the students properly. He must be a good model as a speaker of the language and technically adept at ways of getting the students to learn and practice.

Unit 14


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 grasp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Cultural Encounters.

 comprehend the deductive approach of argumentation development.

get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the importance and significance of intercultural understanding and empathy.

Text 1.

Cultural Encounters

In what language are you usually surfing at Internet websites?

What fun do you find on Internet?

Have you ever encounter any intercultural misunderstanding? If have, can you list the reasons that account for the misunderstandings?

The passage can be divided into three parts .

Part One: (Paragraphs 1-3)

This part illustrates the fact that we live in an era of easy access to the rest of the world, and clearly proves that this great global communications revolution is also closely connected to the expansion of English, which has now become the most important international language; this part also points out that there are actually problems with the communications revolution. The thesis statement is the last sentence of Paragraph 3: “ Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 4-7)

These paragraphs constitute the body of the text. This part exemplifies that language and culture are so closely interrelated that often we find that what we can say in one language cannot be conveyed at all in another, and that confronted with insurmountable linguistic problems, translators negotiated the boundaries between languages and came up with a compromise; this part also interprets and illustrates what “ compromising ” and

“ the spread of English ” mean. At the end of this part the writer becomes critical of the English-speaking world, which becomes ever more complacent and reduces foreign language learning programs.

Part Three


(Paragraph 8):

This paragraph is the conclusion of the text, which points out the great function or the immense significance of intercultural understanding. The writer clearly states his viewpoint: Those who are most competent to contribute to that process of world peace probably are those who have acquired the skills to understand the literal, implied, figurative, or cultural meanings of the words spoken in many different languages



 remote

1)distant in space or time

E.g.: We can see remote stars through a telescope.

2)quiet and lonely; far from the city

E.g.: One of my remote relatives lives in a remote village in the hills.

3)not close; widely separated from

E.g.: Much new knowledge is remote from the immediate interests of the ordinary.

Mockingly: in a way in which sb. or sth. is made fun of

E.g.: That boy is referred to mockingly as a country boy.

Oasis: a place with water and trees in a desert; a place which is different from its surroundings, usu. in a pleasant or comforting way

E.g.: The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis.

 out of touch: not in contact

E.g.: I ’ d like to go back to teaching, but I am out of touch with my subject now.

Significantly also, this great global communications revolution is also linked to the expansion of English, which has now become the leading international language.

In addition, it is of remarkable significance that this great communications revolution the world over is also closely related to the immense development of English, which has now become the most important international language.

English has simply become the language that facilitates communication, and for many people learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success.

English has simply become the language that makes it easier for people to communicate with each other, and for many people learning English is an important springboard to attain great achievements.

Facilitate: help; make easy or easier

E.g.: The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to the airport.

 essential ( - to / for) completely necessary for the existence, success, etc. of sth.

E.g.: We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential.

Essential services will be maintained despite the industrial dispute.

stepping-stone: any of a row of large stones with a level top, which one walks on to cross a river or stream; figuratively, a way of improvement or gaining success

E.g.: For some people, gaining power is an essential steppingstone to a successful life.

 wonder

1)express a wish to know, in words or silently

E.g.: “ Does she know we are here?

” “ I ’ m just wondering.

What are they going to do now, I wonder?

2)be surprised and want to know why

E.g.: The fact that she left home is not to be wondered at.

I don ’ t wonder at her refusing to marry him.

Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.

What is most important is the deep and strongly felt relationship between language and culture that forms the core of society; if we fail to notice this relationship, we shall almost certainly be in great danger. at one ’ s peril: (used when advising sb. not to do sth. ) with the near certainty of meeting great danger

E.g.: You ignore this warning at your peril.

You take traffic signals lightly at your peril.

The early Bible translators hit the problem of untranslatability head-on.

The early Bible translators came across the problem of untranslatability from the very beginning of their work. head-on: adj. & adv. with the heads or front parts meeting, usu. violently

E.g.: The two cars collided head-on.

The government and the unions are set for a head-on confrontation.

come up with: produce; think of a plan, reply, etc.

E.g.: The airline has come up with a novel solution to the problem of jet lag.

At the meeting he came up with a new solution to the issue under discussion.

Compromise: (an act of) settling an argument or difference of opinion by each side agreeing to some of the demands of the other; an agreement reached in this way that is acceptable to both sides

E.g.: Progress has been made towards a political compromise between the two nations.

The flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from

Mother ’ s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word “ bread ” has to serve for both .

Although the various kinds of bread which are thin (not very thick) made in Central Asia are quite different from the white toast in slices browned on both sides by radiant heat bearing the brand name “ Mother ’ s Pride, ” the term “ bread ” has to apply to both.

Mentality: the ability and powers of the mind; a person ’ s habitual way of thinking; mental character or disposition; what is in or of the mind

E.g.: He is a person of weak mentality.

Complacent: pleased or satisfied with oneself or with a situation, often unreasonably; not worrying, even though one perhaps should be.

E.g.: After so many wins we grew complacent and thought we ’ d never lose; however, of course we lost the very next match.

 cut down on: reduce an amount done, eaten, etc.

E.g.: The doctor told me to cut down on drinking and smoking.

You smoke too many cigarettes a day; you should cut down on smoking.

Those best placed to help that process may not be the ones with the latest technology and state of the art mobile phones, but those with the skills to understand what lies in, under and beyond the words spoken in many different languages.

Those who are most able to contribute to that process of world peace probably are not the ones who have grasped the latest technology or the ones who are most skilful at using mobile phones, but those who have acquired the skills to understand the literal, implied, figurative, or cultural meanings of the words spoken in many different languages.


What is the idea revealed in the text?

Please try to give some suggestions on improving intercultural understanding with examples.


Does Your Body Betray you, the title indicates that changes in your body position and movements show what you are feeling or thinking. In fact, three-quarters of the social meaning of a typical two-person exchange is carried by nonverbal cues, though most of the time we are not aware that we are doing it.

Nonverbal signals differ from culture to culture at least as much as one language differs from another, and so we need to realize that knowledge of a foreign language is incomplete unless it extends to the nonverbal signals. So, it is essential to get some knowledge about nonverbal communication. The passage provides us with some commonly-used body language cues and their interpretations through a list of examples.

Unit 15


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 grasp the author’s purpose of writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Salvation.

 understand the writing approach of narrating in the chronological order.

 get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

 be aware of the religion of Christianity and its influence in the western society.

Text 1. Salvation

 You haven’t listened to a preacher’s preaching, have you? Are you interested in it?

 Have you ever read any stories from Bible?

What kind of figure do you think Jesus Christ was?

 What religion, in your mind, is Christianity?

The passage can be divided into three parts


Part One : (Paragraph 1)

 This paragraph introduces the background.

Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by heaps and bounds.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 2-14)

 These paragraphs serve as the body of the story, relating and describing the special meeting held for the “young lambs” who were saved.

 Para. 2-5 : At the beginning of the story,

Langston recounts what he has heard about

Jesus from the old people and how he waits piously for Jesus to come.

 Para 6: The conflict becomes intensified when all the young people have gone to the altar but Langston and Westley.

 Para. 7-10 : The climax is reached when

Langston alone is left unsaved after his last fellow sinner is saved by telling a lie.

 Para. 11-14 : The conflict is resolved when Langston also tel1s a lie and is thus

“saved” from both sin and trouble.

Part Three


(Paragraph 15):

 This concluding paragraph reveals

Langston’s guilty conscience about telling a lie and his disillusionment with religion.


 Salvation: saving of the soul from sin

The word salvation has a strong religious connotation. In the Christian religion, salvation of a person or his spirit is the state of being saved from evil and its effects by the death of Jesus Christ on a cross.

 Revival: a series of meetings, characterized by public confession of sins and declaration of renewed interest in religion, intended to encourage this to happen

 by leaps and bounds: very quickly

E.g.: She has come on by leaps and bounds with her reading.

Her English is improving by leaps and bounds.

 to bring the young lambs to the fold to bring the children under the protection and guidance of God

 fold

 1)a fenced enclosure for sheep (in the passage used figuratively to refer to a group of religious believers)

 2)your home or an organization where you feel you belong

E.g.: Her children are all away at college now, but they always return to the fold in the holidays.

 Sermon

 1)a religious talk given as part of a church service

E.g.: The minister preached a sermon on the importance of brotherly love.

 2)a long talk in which someone advises other people how they should behave in order to be better people

E.g.: I really don’t think it’s a politician’s job to go delivering sermons on public morality.

 leave out

 1) pay no attention to sb.

E.g.: No one speaks to him; he's always left out.

 2) fail to include

E.g.: You have left out the most important word in this sentence.

 be left out in the cold

If you are left out in the cold, you feel you do not belong to a particular group of people and are not admired by them.

 hold out

1)stretch out

E.g.: He held out his hand to Mary.


E.g.: The proposals hold out a real prospect for settling the dispute.

And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away.

Then some of us young sinners got up from the mourner's bench and went to Jesus immediately.

Symbolically, it is to go to the picture of Christ hanging from the front wall of the church, or to the crucifix standing behind the altar on the platform, or simply to the altar on which are placed the Bible, candles, bread and wine.

And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning...

And the people in the church sang a song about the lower lights in hell. Hell is thought to be a place of great heat and danger, with eternal fires burning. In the

Christian religion, it is a place where the souls of bad people are to be punished after death.

And, by the way, in this seemingly grammatically incorrect sentence, the writer put the lower lights are burning, a clause after the preposition about to tell the reader what the song is about.

 Congregation: a group of people gathered together in a church for a religious service

E.g.: The vicar asked the congregation to kneel.

 Mighty: very great in force

E.g.: The boat struggled desperately in the mighty waves of the river.

 Serenely: calmly and peaceful1y

E.g.: She smiled serenely and said nothing.

 I heard the songs and the minister saying...

A minister is a Protestant clergyman who has been authorized to conduct religious services.

The counterpart in Roman Catholic and Eastern

Orthodox churches is cal1ed a “priest.” The minister here and the “priest” in Paragraph 3 refer to the same person. A priest is not cal1ed a preacher, however, though he also preaches. A priest usual1y stands high up in the pulpit, but a minister in black churches, which tend to be more emotional with a lot of singing, is closer to church people and may walk among them.

 Sister: a female fellow member of a Christian church

The word sister can also be used as a title, e. g. Sister


 hold up: delay

E.g.: Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.

 God had not struck Westley dead.

God had not punished Westley.

 for taking his name in vain: for talking disrespectfully about him, without his knowledge, to another person.

E.g.: I said: “Susan is really a gossip,” and just then she walked in and said: “Who’s taking my name in vain?”

 break into: suddenly start doing sth. When using this phrase, we usually use a noun rather than a gerund after into.

E.g.: He felt so happy that he broke into a song.

 Punctuate: interrupt from time to time

E.g.: The President spoke at length in a speech punctuated by constant applause.

 Amen

Amen is said or sung by Jews or Christians at the end of a prayer, or sometimes a religious song to express agreement with what has been said. The word means: “May it be so.”


 What is the purpose of the writer?

 What is your view on religion?

Questions for the comprehension of Text 2

 What was the dominant religion?

 What part did Kunta’s dog play in the action?

 How many attackers did Kunta attempt to fight off?

 The narrative begins in a quiet, slow, almost dreamlike way, but it concludes in frantic action. Where exactly does the turning point occur?

 What effect does the passage have on you?

Unit 16


By the end of this unit, you are supposed to

 grasp the idea of father ’ s love revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 My Forever Valentine.

 understand the writing technique of echoing the theme in the first and the last part of the passage. get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the customs observed on Valentine ’ s Day in the western society.

Text 1. My Forever Valentine

Do the Chinese observe Valentine

s Day?

What do people who keep Valentine

s Day usually do on that day?

The passage can be divided into three parts .

Part One: (Paragraphs 1-2)

These two paragraphs form the first part of the text. They tell us the relationship between the writer and her father, briefly mention her father ’ s hobby and his work, and also state the theme of the text: her father chose Valentine ’ s Day to show his love for the special people in his life; over the years the narrator fondly regarded her father as her “ Valentine Man.

Part Two: (Paragraphs 3-10) provides a detailed account of how the father showed profound affection for his daughter on

Valentine ’ s Day.

Para. 3-6: These paragraphs tell us that the narrator ’ s father not only gave gifts ---- cards signed “ Love, Dad, ” giftwrapped packages and boxes filled with her favorite chocolates ---- to her on Valentine ’ s Day, but also did everything possible to create a cheerful atmosphere to make her Valentine ’ s Day a little brighter if she was disappointed.

Para. 7-10: These four paragraphs concentrate on the last package the writer received from her dying father, detailed descriptions focused on the final card, which put a lump in her throat and moved her to tears.

Part Three


(Paragraphs 11-12):

These last two paragraphs may be viewed as the last part of the text. In this concluding part, the narrator tells us how important it has been to her over the years to know that she had such a great father and that she will never forget her father and his kind affection for her.


The traditional holidays in our house when I was a child were spent timing elaborate meals around football games.

When I was a child, our family kept the traditional holidays by arranging carefully prepared meals around football games.

time: arrange or set the time at which sth. happens or is to happen

E.g.: You timed your arrival well; we were just going to have dinner.

elaborate: full of detail; carefully worked out and with a large number of parts

E.g.: She made elaborate preparations for the party.

But he didn ’ t truly shine until Valentine ’ s Day.

He did not look extraordinarily happy and gay until

Valentine ’ s Day.

Over the years I fondly thought of him as my

“ Valentine Man.

Over the years I regarded him in a loving way as the man who showed profound love to me by giving me cards and gifts on Valentine ’ s Day.

Fondly: in a loving way; in a foolishly hopeful manner

E.g.: She greeted her old friend fondly.

That box and its contents ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a world of popularity contests marked by the number of cards received, the teasing about boyfriends / girlfriends and the tender care I gave to the card from the cutest boy in class.

That box and the cards and gifts in it made me recall a series of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a world of contests which showed how popular one was. The outcome of popularity contests was indicated or represented by the number of cards received, the teasing about boyfriends / girlfriends and the gentle and loving care I gave to the card from the cleverest and smartest boy in class.

 a succession of: a number of people or things following one after another

E.g.: A succession of visitors, including some leaders, came to see Ba Jin, the greatest writer in contemporary China.

The farmers have got in a succession of bumper harvests.

The Chinese Women Volleyball Team won a succession of victories. cute: attractive in an amusing or interesting way;

(sometimes derog .) (too) clever; shrewd

E.g.: What a cute little baby!

What a cute old house!

You must approach her carefully, for she is a cute woman.

 represent

1)act or speak officially; depict, to be a picture of

E.g.: She represented her fellow-workers at the union meeting.

This picture represents the death of a great national hero.

2)be a sign of, symbolize; have the character of, constitute

E.g.: The red lines on the map represent railways.

This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work.

give way to: have its place taken by; allow oneself to show esp. a feeling

E.g.: Steam trains gave way to electric trains.

He gave way to tears.

In those years my thank-yous became more of a perfunctory response.

In those years I responded to my father's gifts by saying “ Thank you ” almost without much thought or care.

perfunctory: (of an action) done hastily and without thought, interest or care

E.g.: He gave his girl friend a perfunctory kiss followed by a perfunctory wave.

take sth. or sb. for granted: accept a fact or situation without questioning its rightness; treat sth. or sb. with too little attention

E.g.: I took it for granted that you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.

Relegate: put into a lower or worse place

E.g.: We relegated the old furniture to the children ’ s room.

It was the kind of card that comes in an inexpensive assortment box sold by a child going door to door to try to earn money for a school project.

It was the kind of card that is contained in a box filled with a mixture of various cheap cards or of different inexpensive things which were sold by a child going from house to house in an effort to earn money for a school project.

Assortment: mixture; a group or quantity of mixed things or of various kinds of the same thing; collection

E.g.: She has an odd assortment of friends.

This is an assortment of sweets.

Beneath it, scrawled in barely legible handwriting was

“ Love, Dad.

Scribbled beneath it was “ Love, Dad ” in hardly readable handwriting. / Beneath it was “ Love, Dad ” written in such an awkward and unskillful manner that it was difficult to read or recognize.

Scrawl: scribble; write in a careless, hurried, awkward, or unskillful way

E.g.: He scrawled a few hurried lines on a sheet of paper, put it into an envelope and sent it to me.

She scrawled a brief note and handed it to her secretary.

It ’ s a reminder of how special fathers can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a tradition of love with a generosity of spirit, simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.

Those things never die, nor does the memory of a man who never stopped being my valentine.

It is something that makes me remember how particularly great fathers can be and how valuable and influential it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who maintained and carried forward a tradition of love with an unselfish spirit showing great kindness, pure and sincere acts of understanding and an ability to show happiness over the people in his life.

Those things will always live in my heart, and the same is true of the memory of a man who invariably showed profound affection for me by giving or sending me valentines.


What is the author ’ s purpose of writing?

Give examples from your own experience of your father ’ s profound love towards you?


Make Today Count, written by a cancer patient, is a narrative of his personal experience. The story happened at the Christmas Eve in the Great Depression. When the author knew that he had cancer, he decided it was time for him to write about the struggle of a cancer patient, and he did. When the article was published, it was well-received. Some cancer patients and their family members finally got together and formed an organization which named

“ Make Today Count ” , indicating that they would “ Live Each Day

Fully ” ; “ Live for Today ” . The spirit of making full use of each day is highly advocated.