Lesson 4 Powerpoint - Petal School District

Seeking Religious Freedom
Roman Catholic Church
1. King Henry VIII
 Catherine of Aragon
 Anne Boleyn
 Jane Seymour
 Anne of Cleves
 Catherine Howard
 Catherine Parr
England had been a Protestant
country since 1534.
Henry VIII formed the Anglican
Seeking Religious Freedom:
2. Pilgrim
 traveles with a religious goal
 moved to Netherlands in 1608
London Company
John Carver
September 1620 from Plymouth
100 men/women/Separatists
Established Church
Was the chosen religion
in England
(Anglican Church)
Protestants who
wanted to leave and
find their own
4. Persecuted
-mistreatment or
punishment of certain
people because of their
Seeking Religious Freedom on the Mayflower:
London Company
*John Carver
September 1620 set sail from Plymouth, England
100 men/women/Separatists
5. Plymouth
6. Mayflower- landed on
November 1620,
off coast of
Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
7. established a form of selfgovernment for the Pilgrims.
8. Explain the symbolism of Plymouth Rock
Write the following in your own words:
Pilgrim’s didn’t land on a rock. It was a rocky
area. It was written that “Plymouth Rock”
was a safe haven home for Pilgrims.
An actual rock is there today to symbolize the
landing of the Mayflower.
Plymouth’s Problems
 Lack of food /“starving time”
 Harsh weather
 Poor houses (sod)
 Diseases
Native Americans and the Pilgrims
Samoset – greeted the Pilgrims in English
and introduced them to Massasoit.
Squanto – taught the Pilgrims how to
hunt, plant corn and
helped the Pilgrims maintain peace with
the Native Americans.
Plymouth Survives
11. Describe
Thanksgiving of 1621.
Lasted 3 days, ate
fruits, vegetables,
deer. Played games
and followed Native
traditions to celebrate
Building the
The Settlement of Jamestown
Virginia Company of
London received charter
from King James I.
settlement- trade
in certain areas
of Americas
The Settlement of Jamestown
Left on December 1606
Landed April 1607
3 ships
Men left looking for gold and riches.
Jamestown –first permanent colony
(established in 1607-Virginia)
Settlement of Jamestown
Jamestown was located in a
swampy area with mosquitoes.
Many died from
sickness and
Drinking water
was poor.
The men fought a lot and did
little work for the colony.
Governing was difficult;
no teamwork
Captain John Smith was
the first leader to
emerge in Jamestown.
“He that will not work
shall not eat.”
Showed leadership
Established good relations with
Natives (for a little while)
In 1612, the colonists began growing tobacco.
Tobacco saved the economy of Jamestown;
More people were needed to harvest tobacco.
The Growth of Jamestown
Tobacco planter John Rolfe
married Pocahontas in 1614.
(Chief Powhatan’s daughter)
The marriage helped restore
some good relations with N.A.
though it didn’t last.
England Meets Pocahontas
People in England were
eager to meet Pocahontas.
Rolfe took her to
England; she took the
name Rebecca; later
died of illness
Beginning of Self- Government
King James I is unhappy.
Profiting slowly
King James and the Virginia
Company wanted a stable
government for Jamestown.
The House of Burgesses was
established. It was the beginning
of representative government
in America.
More People Come to Jamestown
Africans and women began to
arrive in Jamestown.
The Virginia Company
profited; women struggled
but they helped settlement
of colony; beginning of
slavery in America.
12. Town meetings were of high importance to
Puritans because it was there that they
were able to be a part of community
13. An Indentured Servant signed a contract
to work without wages for a time in
exchange for passage to the Americas.
14. Massachusetts set up the first
public schools, which are schools funded
by taxes
15. List 3 descriptions of education in New
Bible study
Very strict
Focus on reading, writing, and math
The New England Colonies
Setting the Scene……………..
Puritans did not want to separate entirely from the
Church of England; They wanted to reform the Church.
16. Great Migration
In 1630, 15,000 Puritans left
England to follow their beliefs.
17. Three ways to describe the strict beliefs of
the Puritans:
 Education very important
 Strict laws
 Must attend church and keep Sabbath
18. Salem witch trials
Political and social divisions led to
accusations of witchcraft in colonies;
many died
 List 3 ways in which the N.E. Colonies made
money based on their resources
 Whaling/fishing
 Shipbuilding
 Lumber
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Hooker’s plan of government that provided for an assembly
and an elected governor.
All men who owned property could vote
Expanded the idea of representative government in the
English colonies
22. How did settlement of the New England
colonies affect the Native Americans?
Conflict among the tribes
Land was taken
Alliances with some settlers
Colonists continued to take over Native lands.
Native Americans like King Phillip fought
against Colonial expansion.
The Pequot Wars/raids on settlers
Many forced from their home lands and
sold into slavery.
The Middle
23. List 3 descriptions of
education in the Middle Colonies
Wealthy attended private schools
Public schools were diverse
Trades/skills were taught
24. Why are the middle colonies
called the “Breadbasket Colonies”?
They grew most of the nation’s wheat
25. Quakers
Quakers believed all people – wealthy or poor –
were equal in the sight of God
Quakers opposed war and would not take oaths
Would not serve in the army
Would not pay taxes
Protestant reformers
26. List 3 other religions that were
common in the Middle Colonies
27. An apprentice worked for a master to
learn a trade.
28. Give 5 examples of a trade:
 Candle maker
 Seamstress/tailor
 Blacksmith
 Horse shoe
 ironsmith
29. Cash crops are crops grown to make
30. What is an artisan?
Someone who is skilled at a certain trade
31. Libel
Is the act of publishing a statement that may
wrongly damage a person’s reputation
What does this term have to do with the trial of
John P. Zenger?
He was found not guilty of libel in
court…leading to freedom of the press
The Southern
32. Education in the
Southern Colonies
Wealthy sent to England or private
 Tutors came into homes
 No education for poor whites and
33. Life in the Tidewater region of
the South centered around the
plantations and rich families.
 But life in the Backcountry region
was harder, simpler, and more
34. What group of people made the most
significant contribution to the economy
of the Southern Colonies?
35. Which group of people set the
style for Southern living?
Wealthy plantation
slave holders
36. Act of Toleration
Provided religious freedom for all Christians
37. What became the first religious group in
the colonies to speak out against slavery?
38. List 3 cash crops
Slave Trade/Middle Passage
39. Middle Passage
Between Africa, Caribbean Islands, and the colonies
Population of South increased
40. Mason-Dixon Line-divided the Middle and
Southern Colonies
41. It was the line escaped slaves tried to reach.
42. Slave Codes were laws that
treated slaves as property and
denied them basic rights
43. Major results of the
Triangular Trade Route
Created a workforce
Allowed communication between
Europe, Africa, and North America
Manufactured raw materials could now be
44. Navigation Acts
Some ignored them
Some smuggled goods
Many thought unfair
45. Freedoms we have today that
began in Colonial times:
Freedom of the press
Religious Freedom
Right to a jury
Right to vote
Free education
46. The Englightenment
was the rise of using human
reason to answer questions;
the age of science; 1600-1700’s
More reading and writing
New inventions
Science becomes part of schools
48. Benjamin Franklin used science and
reason to explain the world around him.
49. The Great Awakening was a revival of
religious faith throughout the colonies.
50. It contributed to the spread of democracy in
the following ways:
Colonists began to challenge
British authority
Many churches were started
Traveling preacher
reached/appealed to
independent thinkers.
51. Legislature
52. Mercantislism
53. Exports
54. Imports