- Learning Wales

Module 8: Managing money
across the curriculum
Managing money across
the curriculum
• This module suggests opportunities to deliver activities
relating to the ‘Manage money’ element of the numeracy
component of the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework
(LNF) across the Areas of Learning, curriculum subjects and
other school initiatives.
• Expectations for the response to each task should depend on
the age, ability and experience of the learner, e.g. a
discussion on what to do if you find money could be held at
any age from reception onwards. The demands of the task,
level of detail, age of the learner, range of vocabulary, etc. will
all play a part in the planning/assessing of the specific skills
• The demand of the task in terms of literacy and numeracy
skills needs to be matched carefully to the learners’ individual
next steps.
• The activities need to be part of long-term planning in order to
ensure progression of skills as stated in the ‘Manage money’
element of the numeracy component of the LNF.
Manage money planner
Ongoing task:
Think about the opportunities in your
teaching to develop the following skills and
add them to column 3 of the ‘Manage money
Manage money planner
Manage money planner
Manage money planner
Manage money learning pack
The learning pack consists of 10 modules.
• Module 1: An introduction to financial education and
where ‘Manage money’ exists in the national curriculum
for Wales
• Module 2: The teaching of money
• Module 3: Are you a smart consumer?
• Module 4: Using a bank account
• Module 5: Managing your money – budgeting
• Module 6: Managing your money – borrowing
• Module 7: Managing your money – saving
• Module 8: Managing money across the curriculum
• Module 9: Foreign money
• Module 10: World of work and enterprise
Across the curriculum
This module looks at opportunities to develop financial education in
the following Areas of Learning and subjects:
• Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
• Welsh
• personal and social education (PSE)
• mathematics
• Knowledge and Understanding of the World/geography/modern
foreign languages (MFL)
• Knowledge and Understanding of the World/history
• Creative Development/design and technology/art and design
• religious education
• information and communication technology (ICT)
• careers and the world of work
• additional areas – school banks, Healthy Schools Award,
Eco schools Green Flag Award, Duke of Edinburgh, Welsh
Baccalaureate, enterprise/fundraising.
Literacy component
of the LNF
When planning money-related activities in
any subject area, consider the elements,
aspects and expectation statements of the
literacy components of the LNF for oracy
across the curriculum, reading across the
curriculum and writing across the curriculum.
Language, Literacy and
Communication Skills/English
Oracy across the curriculum
Ideas for developing oracy skills:
• Explore knowledge/understanding of financial vocabulary.
• Discuss questions/dilemmas on matters involving money (see
Manage money activity sheets: Scenario 1–19)
• Suggest/decide/plan/explain possible fundraising
projects/prices/profits etc. using relevant vocabulary.
• Make a presentation for a business plan.
• Discuss the meaning of sayings or phrases, e.g. a fool and his
money are soon parted, break even, the best things in life are
• Learners take it in turns to suggest something that’s cheap
(or expensive) to buy. Or, alternate cheap/expensive/cheap/
expensive. Or, start cheap, and each person says something
more expensive. (Ideas for questions – Which was the
cheapest item? Can you think of something which costs less
than that? Which was the most expensive item? Can you think
of something which costs more?)
Play ‘Agree, Disagree,
Don’t know’
Make a statement about money. For example:
• Premiership footballers deserve their wages.
• Learners should be supplied with free uniforms.
• Everyone should work to receive money.
• Everyone should donate to charity.
• I always know how much money I’ve got.
Learners can agree, disagree or be unsure. If unsure, can
someone in the ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ group help them
(Adapted from pfeg’s ‘Agree, Disagree, Don’t Know’ game,
Learning About Money in the Primary Classroom, p.46)
Role play – Oracy skills
Role-play areas are ideal for providing activities spanning many
curriculum areas. Oracy and personal and social development are the
obvious skills to develop.
Literacy component LNF statements for oracy across the
• Contribute to role-play activities using relevant language.
• Adopt a role using appropriate language.
• Adopt a specific role, using appropriate language in structured
• Keep in role and support others in role play.
• Explore different situations through role play.
• Explore issues and themes through role play.
• Explore challenging or contentious issues through sustained role play.
• Argue a convincing case using subject knowledge effectively, e.g. in
role or debate.
• Defend a point of view with information and reasons, e.g. in role or
• Sustain a convincing point of view, anticipating and responding to
other perspectives, e.g. in role or debate.
Role play
A role-play area involving money gives learners
opportunities to develop an awareness of the use of
money and its value. Use real money where possible.
• Consider having two role-play areas – one home
related and one money related.
• The learners ‘at home’ can discuss their needs, plan
purchases, write a list, decide how to pay, count
money, check bank balances, etc. before shopping.
• In the commercial setting, learners can count, order,
categorise, arrange displays, decide and write
prices, carry out transactions, write receipts, etc.
Role play ideas involving
Pirate island.
Post office.
Garden centre.
Santa’s grotto.
Shop – there are many types to choose!
A selection of role-play
shops recommended by
teachers in Wales
DIY/builders’ yard.
Pet shop.
Local shop.
Toy shop.
Shoe shop.
Fruit and vegetable
• Pound shop.
• Castle shop.
• Prince and
princesses shop.
• Museum shop.
• Hat shop.
• Fancy dress shop.
• Bookshop.
• Seaside shop.
Role play talk
• How do you know what things cost?
• How does the shopkeeper know what prices to put on
• What do you need to take when you go shopping?
• How do you know what you will have to pay altogether?
• What money will you give the shopkeeper?
• Will you get any change? How much?
• Where will you get money from?
• What will you do if you don’t have enough money?
• What does a credit card do?
• Does anyone in your family write a shopping list before
they go out?
• Do they buy anything that is not on the list?
• Does it matter if there are spelling mistakes on the list?
• Why don’t you put things straight in your bag when you
are shopping?
(Adapted from Money Counts, Financial Services Authority)
Role-play skills
Train a group of learners to use the role-play equipment properly.
These ‘managers’ can then train the other learners. They may
need to:
• use the till correctly
• decide prices
• write labels clearly
• record orders
• write a receipt
• keep a log of items sold
• give change.
Idea: Have ‘cashiers’/ ‘accountants’ who count the money at the
end of each day. (Have a laminated checklist ready, e.g. How
many of each coin? How much money for each type of coin? How
much money altogether?)
• Negotiate prices with the learners.
• They will usually choose from a range they are
comfortable with. You can alter as they make
progress, looking at the appropriate learner
outcomes in the numeracy component of the
• Ask learners to research prices
• This should naturally raise the issue of price
differences across different shops.
Role play or debate ideas
relating to money
Consider the roles/viewpoints of people in a
money-related environment.
• Sellers/buyers (e.g. small shops, supermarkets,
wholesalers, local farmers, Fairtrade workers,
markets, car boot sales, shoplifters, internet sellers,
• Service providers (e.g. plumbers, childminders).
• Managing a budget (e.g. family, young adult setting
up home, school, school council, company, council).
• Money lenders/borrowers (e.g. credit unions, banks,
credit card companies, payday loan companies,
doorstep lenders, friends or relatives).
Role play or debate ideas
relating to money
The roles/viewpoints of people in a money-related environment
could lead to role play/debates on aspects of the following
• negotiating best price
• wages
• finding/making/losing money
• budgeting
• borrowing
• saving
• spending
• profit and loss
• investing
• insurance
• income tax.
Reading across the
There are many books with a financial theme (see
Resource 1: Booklist)
These can be very useful when discussing emotional
aspects related to financial responsibility (i.e. being
aware that money and financial decisions are closely
linked to value judgements and that they can impact,
not only on the decision-maker, but also on their family
and community).
Reading across the
Ideas for reading materials:
• Fiction – books, poems and nursery rhymes with a
financial theme (see Resource 1: Booklist for
• Non-fiction – financial vocabulary, bank account/loan
information, interest rates, glossary of financial
terms, price lists, price labels, special offers,
advertising, menus, etc.
Responding to what has
been read
• Retell familiar money-related stories.
• Relate information and ideas from a text to personal
• Predict what happens next in a money-related story.
• Explain why characters in a money-related story may
have acted in a particular way, e.g. spent money they
found, gave money to charity, etc.
• Understand financial terms (glossary).
• Identify information from a text, e.g. fundraising event
details, instructions on how to open a bank account, rates
for borrowing money.
• Use price comparison websites to decide where to buy
• Research learners’ own enterprise ideas to decide which
could be the most profitable.
Manage money activity sheet:
Lost! Stimulus story – teacher
Manage money activity sheet:
Lost! Stimulus story – learner
Manage money activity sheet:
Number story
Writing across the curriculum
• Develop knowledge of specific money-related
• Rewrite a money-themed story.
• Make up a money-themed story, poem, drama, etc.
• Create lists, e.g. shopping lists, price lists, wants and
needs, items which are cheap/expensive, ways to get
credit/make money.
• Price labels.
• Receipts.
• Invitations, e.g. to fundraising events.
• Letters, e.g. relating to fundraising events, requests for
donations, thank you letters, etc.
Writing across the curriculum
• Make posters advertising money-related events/fundraising/special
Record money spent/saved, e.g. fruit tuck shop, fundraising event.
Record profit/loss, e.g. fruit tuck shop, enterprise event.
Write money advice to others, e.g. money saving tips, obtaining
Questionnaire to find out what learners would want to see/how much
they’d like to pay at a fundraising event.
Instructions, e.g. how to open a bank account, how to find ‘best
value’ prices.
Business plan for an enterprise event.
Savings plan for fundraising.
Report on a ‘money’ event held at school.
Writing to assess learners’ knowledge about money, e.g. What do you
know about money? Where do people get money from? How could you get
more money?
Welsh second language
Consider setting up a shop/café (for real or in the
role-play area) where items are labelled/priced in Welsh and
learners are encouraged to speak in Welsh.
Read a Welsh book with a financial theme (see
Resource 1: Booklist).
Where appropriate, topics related to jobs, shopping or
money could include areas from the ‘Manage money’
element of the numeracy component of the LNF, e.g. a
budget for a meal/shopping trip/stocking a café, special
Running a Welsh café or shop could provide opportunities to
record profit and loss.
Personal and social
education (PSE)
Sustainable development and global citizenship
activity ideas:
• Global issues, e.g. inequality of wealth, Fairtrade.
• Reduce, reuse and recycle.
Active citizenship activity ideas:
• Needs and wants relating to the rights of the child, e.g.
needs and wants of a child in this country/other countries.
• Involvement in decision-making, e.g. class/school council
voting on how to use money raised, selecting items for
school equipment from a budget.
Personal and social
education (PSE)
Health and emotional well-being activity ideas:
• Personal feelings and sensitivity to others relating to money,
e.g. losing/finding money, expecting money for birthdays.
(This could be done through stories with a financial theme (see
Resource 1: Booklist).)
• Finances – know how to get support and advice on financial
Moral and spiritual development activity ideas:
• Link with the social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL)
curriculum resource
• Discuss moral dilemmas involved in life situations related to
money (see Manage money activity sheets: Scenario 1–19).
• See role play/debate ideas (slides 19 and 20).
Personal and social
education (PSE)
Preparing for lifelong learning – discussion ideas:
Learners to explore and understand:
• the range of jobs carried out by people in their community (see Module
• that money is earned through work and can buy goods and services (see
Module 10)
• the importance of looking after their money and becoming competent at
managing personal finances (see Modules 4, 5, 6 and 7)
• the economic and ethical consequences of personal financial decision
making as a consumer, e.g. Fairtrade (see Module 3)
• that saving provides financial independence (see Module 7)
• their rights as consumers (see Module 3)
• their responsibilities in terms of managing a budget (see Module 5)
• the importance of planning for their financial futures and how to access
financial advice (see Modules 4, 5, 6 and 7)
• enterprise projects (see Module 10).
Manage money activity
sheets: Scenario 1–19
• The Manage money activity sheets: Scenario 1–19 can
be used to prompt a discussion – in pairs, small groups
or as a whole class.
• Consider using them for drama activities, including role
play or debates based on the situations described in the
cards. Learners can perform these scenarios to the class.
This will prompt more talk, questions and ideas, and can
lead to learners writing their own dialogue and simple
play scripts.
• Use them to stimulate ideas for stories, poetry and art.
• Get learners to discuss and then vote for a particular
standpoint, verbally justifying their decision. This can
generate data which can be graphed and used in
Manage money activity sheet:
How do I choose what to
spend my money on?
Mathematical Development/
Set mathematical problems in a real-life money-related context.
For further resources and activities see:
• Module 2: The teaching of money
• Module 3: Are you a smart consumer? (percentages/fractions
and special offers)
• Module 4: Using a bank account (keeping a total)
• Module 5: Managing your money – budgeting
• Module 6: Managing your money – borrowing
• Module 7: Managing your money – saving
• Module 9: Foreign money (calculating foreign exchange)
• Module 10: World of work and enterprise (calculating income
Manage money activity sheet:
Money problems
Knowledge and Understanding of
the World/geography/
modern foreign languages
• School visits to a locality in another part of Wales or another country
– Where age appropriate, involve the learners with calculating costs for the visit, e.g.
transport, entry, setting a budget.
– Before/after a school visit, consider a money-based role-play area that is related to the
visit, e.g. a seaside shop, a castle shop, a museum shop, currency exchange.
• Links with a school or child in another country, e.g. a twin school, a child ‘adopted’
via a charity
– Compare needs and wants for themselves/a child in another country.
– Fundraising for another school. Set a target amount to be raised in order to buy an
item for the other school, e.g. water pump, school equipment, etc. Learners can be
involved with counting, tracking and recording money raised, saved and the amount
needed to reach the target.
• Other countries
– Look at price comparison for travel and accommodation to another country.
– Be aware of foreign currency/exchange rates.
– Set up a travel agent in role play area.
– Set up a café/foreign currency exchange bureau and sell items using currency from other
Knowledge and Understanding
of the World/history
Where appropriate, introduce aspects of money when looking at daily
life at different times and places in the past, e.g. what was life like for
rich and for poor people, for men, women and children under the
following topics.
• Houses.
• Clothes.
• Food and farming.
• Celebrations.
• Transport.
• Pastimes.
• Education.
• Research jobs and wages, lifestyles, prices, rationing, bartering.
• The history of money – see ‘The history of money financial timeline’
• See Manage money activity sheet: Money timeline and Manage
money activity sheet: The story of money.
The history of money –
financial timeline game
Manage money activity sheet:
Money timeline
Manage money activity sheet:
The story of money
Creative Development/design
and technology/art and
• Design posters to encourage saving money or
to advertise money-raising events.
• Design a money box.
• Design a new coin/note/money of the future.
• When cooking, get the learners involved with
buying the ingredients, looking at price
comparison/value for money (see Spending
Sense, Activity 4: Green peppers or Red
Tomatoes, Resource 3).
Design an advert
Religious education
Bible stories with a money theme:
• The parable of the ten silver coins.
• Jesus drives the moneylenders from the
• Zacchaeus the tax collector.
Religious education
Lifestyle/rules for living
• Sustainability.
• Moral issues, right/wrong (see PSE ideas).
• Zakat is a Muslim lifestyle choice where an individual
donates a certain proportion of wealth each year to
charitable causes. It is considered to be a personal
responsibility for Muslims to ease economic hardship for
others and eliminate inequality.
• Riba (Arabic for ‘interest’) is forbidden in some religions.
Specialist banks operate in accordance with religious
Information and communication
technology (ICT)
Find and analyse information
• Find information using safe and suitable sources, e.g. price comparisons,
financial advice.
• Use spreadsheets to keep track of savings, spending, budget, profit and loss
and display information using tables, graphs, etc.
Create and communicate information
• Use ICT for writing activities, e.g. posters/invitations for fundraising events, price
lists, reports on fundraising events, presentations for a fundraising idea, etc.
Link the ideas above with:
• enterprise projects
• raising a specific amount of money for a project/equipment
• school fruit shop
• budgets, e.g. class stationery budget, school trip, school council budget for
playground equipment/garden/school library/etc.
• discussing internet safety – the importance of using security when shopping
School banks
Some credit unions run successful school banks
with the help of learners.
To find your local credit union go to s - Find
Careers and the
world of work
See Module 10:
World of work and enterprise
Healthy Schools Award
Many schools are involved in the Welsh Network of Healthy
School Schemes National Quality Award. Opportunities for
money-related activities include:
• reduce, reuse and recycle
• Fairtrade initiatives, e.g. Fairtrade snacks, footballs,
rugby balls, uniform made from Fairtrade cotton (see
Module 3: Are you a smart consumer? for more
Fairtrade ideas)
• cooking on a budget (See Spending Sense , Activity 4:
Green peppers or red tomatoes)
• school fruit shop, e.g. keep track of spending, saving,
profit and loss.
Manage money activity sheet:
Needs and wants
Need Versus Want
Need Versus Want
Food miles
Food miles
Fairtrade coffee
Fairtrade coffee
Eco Schools Green Flag
Opportunities for money-related activities include:
• charity work in the community
• energy saving activities
• sustainable purchasing
• bulk buying research
• reduce, reuse and recycle – and so save money.
Duke of Edinburgh Awards
The volunteering section of the Duke of
Edinburgh Award can include:
• setting up and running an enterprise group
that raises much-needed funds for charity
(see Module 10: World of work and enterprise
for enterprise ideas)
• helping to run a credit union school bank.
The Welsh Baccalaureate
There are finance-related themes in the Welsh Baccalaureate.
• Wales, Europe and the World (WEW)
– Social issues: e.g. affordable housing, transport costs, spending or saving
money, living on a budget.
– Economic issues: Fairtrade, recycling.
(See relevant modules in the learning pack for more detail on activity ideas.)
• Personal and social education (PSE)
– Active citizenship: social and moral issues in contemporary society, e.g.
relating to charities, moral issues relating to money (see PSE slides).
– Sustainable development and global citizenship: e.g. sustainable living/
recycling and related costs.
The Community Participation element of the PSE component can include
charitable fundraising activities.
• Work-related education (WRE)
– Working with an employer – see Module 10: World of work and enterprise.
– Team Enterprise Activity – see Module 10: World of work and enterprise.
See Module 10: World of work and
• Resource 1: Booklist.
• Manage money activity sheet: Scenario 1–19.
• Spending Sense – A bilingual resource, suitable for use by schools
in Wales. Designed for learners in Key Stages 3 and 4 with
moderate special educational needs, most of the units are also
suitable for use with mixed ability groups and cover a range of topics
under the headings ‘Buying and selling’, ‘Sources of income’ and
‘Problem solving money issues’.
Websites and resources
pfeg (www.pfeg.org)
• See ‘Dogger’, My Money Primary Toolkit, Key Stage 1, page 28.
• See ‘The King Is In His Counting House’, Learning About Money In the Primary
Classroom, page 16.
• See ‘Millions’, Learning About Money In the Primary Classroom, page 36.
• See ‘Using Poems’, Learning About Money In the Primary Classroom, page 60.
• For drama and assembly stories, see My Money Week Primary Pack.
On the Money (www.educationscotland.gov.uk/onthemoney/about.asp)
This resource approaches finance and enterprise topics through the use of short
humorous stories that learners will identify with. Accompanying teachers’ notes give
suggestions as to how each story could be used to address personal finance.
(English only)
• Teachers’ resources available at
Websites and resources
pfeg (www.pfeg.org)
• See ‘How does using my money in different ways make me feel?’, My Money Primary
Toolkit, Key Stage 1, page 28.
• See ‘The World of work’, Learning about Money In the Primary Classroom, page 38.
Clic online (www.cliconline.co.uk/en/info/money)
The Welsh Government National Information and Advice Service for young people aged
11 to 25. This bilingual website has a ‘Money’ section in the ‘INFO’ area which covers
several financial education topics in a learner-friendly way.
Housemate (www.housemate.org.uk)
Shelter Cymru’s resource which looks at housing and homelessness and includes a
useful section on independent living.
MAS (www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/categories/young-people-and-money)
Information on managing your money as a student.
Trading Standards (www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/events/teachingmaterials.cfm)
Downloadable consumer education-related teaching materials and information.
Websites and resources
pfeg (www.pfeg.org)
• See ‘Bartering’, My Money Week Primary Activity Pack, page 20.
Bank of England: pounds and pence
See the following information and activity cards.
• A world without money.
• Back to the beginning.
• The first steps towards currency.
• The first coins and notes.
• Currency challenge.
• An easy exchange.
Websites and resources
Creative Development
Bank of England: pounds and pence
See the following information and activity cards.
• Design your own bank note.
• Designing bank notes.
Websites and resources
Learning Wales (www.learning.wales.gov.uk)
• See ‘Numeracy: financial education’.
pfeg (www.pfeg.org)
pfeg (Personal Finance Education Group) is an independent charity providing a wealth
of resources to support financial education in schools. The are many useful resources
hosted on the site, including:
• Learning About Money in the Primary Classroom
• Learning about Money – Primary Assessment Ideas
• My Money Primary Toolkit.
Websites and resources
Northern Ireland Financial Capability website
• Money Wise Thematic Unit
Within this unit, learners will be enabled to develop positive attitudes towards financial
decision making. They will learn about making financial decisions and consider how to
spend money.
• Money at home
In this thematic unit, learners will learn about financial planning at home. They will
consider how to spend money wisely and how having to budget is important in their
home life.
• Money Matters
This unit, part of the Living Learning Together programme, provides an opportunity for
adults and children to think about their attitudes towards money.
• Money Event
This events pack provides a step-by-step approach to running a successful
money-themed event in your school.
• Planning your Holiday – Developing Financial Capability school mathematics
Aimed at Key Stage 3 learners, this resource covers a range of financial education
topics around a holiday theme, primarily through mathematics but also using PSE and
geography as a context.
Websites and resources
Adding up to a lifetime (www.addinguptoalifetime.org.uk)
This is a free online resource which follows four characters and how they deal with
financial situations. It is suitable for Key Stages 3 to 5. The package is approximately 25
hours of learning activities which learners can complete online.
Barclays Money Skills
Four downloadable Barclays Money Skills Resource Packs for 4 to 7-year-olds, 7 to
11-year-olds, 11 to 14-year-olds and 14 to 16-year-olds.
Cu@thecu (www.cuinschools.org)
A learning site about credit unions designed by secondary school learners.
Money Sense (www.moneysense.natwest.com/schools/resources)
The MoneySense for Schools website includes a wide range of content, from fact files to
videos and interactive activities, which will suit different ages, abilities and learning styles,
including those learners with additional or special needs.
Websites and resources
Nationwide Education (www.nationwideeducation.co.uk)
Finance Skills: games, factsheets and worksheets for learners aged 4 to 18+ (printable
resources and online games). Some Welsh resources are available.
Personal Finance Toolkit
Learning activities that can help young people 11–19 gain better control of their personal
Pounds & Pence
This website has information and activity sheets suitable for 9 to 11-year-olds. English and
Welsh resources available.
Saving Squad (www.savingsquad.org)
A free online resource to encourage the benefits of saving money. Aimed at 7 to
11-year-olds. Learners can play fun educational activities and earn points to get games. The
resource includes a detailed teachers’ area which includes lesson plans to support use of the
website along with a comprehensive guidance section for parents/carers with suggestions of
extension activities.
Values, Money and Me (www.valuesmoneyandme.co.uk)
This site uses the characters and settings of the Pride Place Community. Through their lives
and dilemmas we explore their experiences around money and how they feel and react to it.
The resource helps learners to explore the world of money within the context of personal and
ethical values. They will begin to appreciate the sometimes complex, emotional and moral
dilemmas that we all face in relation to money.
Online games
Fun to save (www.funtosave.org)
A simple-to-use multi-level interactive game to teach young children the core principles of
money and the benefits of saving. Support and resource materials are provided for
teachers and parents/carers.
A variety of interactive money games.
Made of money (www.bankofengland.co.uk/education/Pages/madeofmoney/default.aspx)
This Bank of England resource includes some bilingual resources and is aimed at helping
Key Stage 4 learners understand what the economy is, how it works and how it relates to
Money matters to me
An interactive ATM that allows learners to familiarise themselves with the features of using
an ATM, e.g. 4-digit PIN, balance enquiry, withdrawing money in multiples of 10, having a
printed balance, etc.
Moneyville (www.moneyville.co.uk)
Moneyville is a fun, interactive game which is suitable for 5 to 9-year-olds.
Hwb – financial education