第五届全国英语专业院长/系主任高级论坛 2011.4.22 FROM TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS TO LEARNING OUTCOMES: FJU ENGLISH DEPARTMENT'S EFFORTS IN CURRICULUM RENOVATION AND INNOVATIVE TEACHING 由教到學︰ 輔大英文系之課程改革與創意教學 Kate Chiwen Liu 劉紀雯 Kate Liu<034702@mail.fju.edu.tw> English Department, FJU OUTLINE “English” as a Discipline 英語專業 vs. 複合型人才 Background: FJU ENG 輔大英文系 A Continuing Story of Self-Definition Issue (1): Curriculum Revision; -- A Proposal and a Dream英語專業、跨學科與產學 合作 Issue (2): Construction Learning Outcomes 建構學習 成果 Introduction to Literature 以文學概論為例 Conclusion BACKGROUND(1): ENGLISH AS A DISCIPLINE “English” department is defined differently in different areas. English department in Taiwan= 外/英文系 English literature + Linguistics + TEFL/TESL 應用外/英語系 Applied English (Journalism, Translation/Interpretation, International Trade, Tourism) “English”— More a tool for students than an academic subject Why not a solid base of humanities education? college education professional training and/or holistic education?專業vs.通識/全人 How do department strike a balance between professionalism and support students’ development of multiple specialties? (複 合型人才) FJU-ENG’S BREADTH-DEPTH & SCHOOLWORK CHARACTERISTICS學職契連與精博 特徵-- School-Work indirect Literature, Culture & Language Studies Language 學職契連︰較間接契連﹙王 6) 精博特徵︰博雅 -- 以人文素養與知識為基礎, -- 訓練英語能力﹙可廣泛適用) Prof. Training -- 職場專業訓練? TEFL Translation FJU-ENG: 19 credits 註: 適用於九十九級學生 製表日期:九十九年八月十日 FJU-ENG’S BREADTH-DEPTH & SCHOOLWORK CHARACTERISTICS 精博特徵與學職契 連 (2) 學職契連︰ School-Work Connection More Direct? 在當前知識高度發展下,知識間的關係在本質上會具 有網絡(nominal network)般的關連,而不會是完 全徑渭分明的。因此,學職間的契連性不應是二分的 ,而或應是 偏連續性的分佈於「直接—間接」光譜上。 ﹙王 6) Literature, Culture & Language Studies as basis Prof. Training ENGLISH AS PROFESSION, FOUNDATION & TOOL “English” as a foundation and a tool for all “English Studies” as a profession for only a few Eng as a Tool Liberal Arts 工具 Eng Studies 博雅 研究 Curriculum & Required Credits Self-Definition 1. double major, 2. minor 3. cross-disciplinary certificate program U. U of Tech ISSUE (1) –DEPT SELF-DEFINITION a. b. c. Dept. required credits (54-91) Defining Department Education and Image Curriculum Structure DEPARTMENT CHARACTERISTICS: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FJU Chinese English BA 高階英語表達能力 1. Advanced English Expression Abilities 專業 文學文化與歷史理解 2. Literary, Cultural and Historical 知識 力 Comprehension 溝通與語言教導 3. Communication and Language Instruction (with background knowledge of general linguistics and applied linguistics) BA 專業 1.問題分析與解決行為 1.Problem 能力 2.分析能力 3.創新行為 4.研究能力 5.人際溝通行為 6.團隊合作行為 Solving Skills 2.Analytical Skills 3.Innovative Thinking Skills 4.Communication Skills 5.Teamwork Skills 6.Research Skills --CC courses MORE ATTEMPTS AT SELF-DEFINITION Dept Breadth-Depth & School-Work Characteristics 精博特徵與學職契連 學系特徵測量 Learning Map Website, Slogan, Flyer, Promotion Video… BACKGROUND(2): FJU ENG Creative, Critical, Cross-Cultural and Productive Please see promotion video All-English Instruction • and well-coordinated language training (作文會話 CCI-CCIII) Well-Designed Courses • interactive, • cooperative learning • presentation and • multimedia resources Theatrical Performances • Role play • Theatrical Performances • Singing and Dancing Teachers’ Contributions ENGLISH AS A PROFESSION: MAIN ISSUES (2) 學以致用或學非所用? 「學非所用」的創意人才(詹)? How do we/our students “use” knowledge in different contexts? learning outcomes in & beyond the classroom ENGLISH AS A PROFESSION: MAIN ISSUES (2) T’s Professional Knowledge S’s Learning Contexts 1. Cognitive Flexibility: How do we restructure our professional knowledge to make it related to students’ learning contexts? 2. Learning Outcome: how do we construct and assess ST learning outcomes? (1) CURRICULUM REVISION IN SCHOOL YEAR 99: ADVANCED ELECTIVES (專業選修) DEPARTMENT CURRICULUM 2010 SCHOOL YEAR – ADVANCED ELECTIVES 3) 其他: OTHERS 資訊 翻譯 戲劇 新聞 •電腦應 用 •英中翻 譯 •口譯概 論 •逐步口 譯 •舞台藝 術:表 演技巧 •舞台藝 術:導 演技巧 •年度大 戲 •新聞採 訪與寫 作 SCHOOL YEAR 2010 FALL SURVEY RESULT 序號 1 題目 選項 education publication & cultural industry translation & creative writing entertainment & mass communication The possible direction(s) for information science my career is(are) finance and international trade [plural choice] advertising and public relations tourism diplomacy & government others (please explain below) Need of Professional Training & BusinessRelated Courses Survey responses 勾選人次/填寫人次 90/167 75/167 99/167 81/167 11/167 62/167 64/167 61/167 56/167 15/167 CURRICULUM REVISION IN SCHOOL YEAR 2010 1) Re-Naming “Others” as “Professional Training,” and increasing both its kinds and credit number 2) Reducing both the required credits of literature and language studies (21 15 credits), and the number of courses offered in these two categories, while creating MA/BA course type (courses cross-listed in both MA and BA programs) to support advanced learning. SCHOOL YEAR 2010 2011 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT CURRICULUM 學年 校必 系必 Sch. Req. Dept. Req. 系必選 系選 Dept. E 校選 TOTAL 99 32 47 4 21 24 (w/ Chinese) 128 100 32 43 8 (w/ Chinese) 31 14 128 Changes in School Year 2009 & 2010 : 1) 2010/4/29: 10-credit electives (1/10 total credit) w/ dept. 2) 2010/10/27: “Others” “Professional Training” 3) 2010/12/22: 21 credits -- Lit and Lan categories; 10 credits “Others/PT” 3 categories; 3 credit min. (each) of lan. and lit courses. 4) 2010/3/23: Language and Lit. Studies together at least 15 credits ADVANCED ELECTIVES: PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CREDITS INCREASED 25 100 BA Elective Formula (per semester): Chinese 2 + Lit 9 + Lan 9 + PT 18 20 15 Lit Lan 10 Prof. Training Lit = survey course(s) + 2 electives + MA/BA courses 5 0 99-1 文學與 語言研究 專業 99-2 100-1 100-2 總數 文化 課程 訓練 99-1 學期 14 11 14 39 99-2 學期 14 9 17 40 100-1 學期 13 8 19 40 100-2 學期 11 9 20 40 99 curriculum 100 curriculum PROFESSIONAL TRAINING School Year 99 跨文化溝通 5/0 口、筆譯 Translation 6/6; 電腦應用 0/2 表演藝術 Performing Arts 3/6 學術英語 EAP 0/3 School Year 100 跨文化溝通 3/2 口、筆譯 4/4 表演藝術: 3/3 電腦應用 2/0 學術英語 : 2/2 商務英語﹙觀光、織品、財 經、商務報告議題﹚: 2/7 畢業專題 3/2 英文系課程結構(100年入學學生畢業學分) 學習 脈絡 通識 基礎 語言 基礎 課程範疇 校必修 校選修 系必- 語言 教授內容 通識﹙人文與藝術、 自然與科技、社會科學﹚ 英語聽說讀寫 文學文 系必- 文學導讀、中文文學、西方文明史等 化與語 文學與文化 言研究 系必-語言研究 語言學 基礎 文學史、主題、作家、方法論、電影 專 系進階選修-文學與文化、 業 語言研究 歌曲、都市文化 英語教學法、社會語言學、多媒體英 訓 練 語教學等 系專業語言 新聞英語、商務英語、翻譯 系專業訓練 跨文化溝通、口、筆譯、表演藝術、電 腦應用、學術英語、商務英語、畢業專題 就業或深造 學分 數 32 14 22 19 6 15 4 16 128 英文系課程結構(100年入學學生畢業學分) 英文系課程結構(100年入學學生畢業學分) 系專業訓練 Professional Development 系專業語言 系進階選修-文學、語言研究 Foundation 系基礎-語言研究 系基礎-文學與文化 系基礎-語言能力 校選修 校必修 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 樣樣通、樣樣鬆? MORE STRUCTURE & SPECIALIST SUPPORT? A Proposal and a Dream A PROPOSAL AND A DREAM Setting a Route for PT Courses: Textile, Fashion Design, Web Development, Tourism… [MOE 新興人才培育先導型計畫] Course module: Cross-Cultural Communication and Creative Marketing From [Practical Knowledge], to [Skill Development] to [Graduation Project Production and Cross-Cultural Communication] Cross-Disciplinary, Academia and Industry Cooperation. ISSUE (2): CONSTRUCTING LEARNING OUTCOMES 建構學習 成果 何謂學生學習成效(STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES)? Learning outcome ≠ GPA ‘A “student learning outcome,” …, is properly defined in terms of the particular levels of knowledge, skills and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of collegiate experiences” (CHEA report 1). 學習成效面向多樣化,學生經過積極參與授課過程的 經驗裡,在課程結束後所累積的專業知識、技術、與行 為。(黃) 29 銘傳大學學習成效與評量關係 FROM CURRICULUM DESIGN TO TEACHING & LEARNING Course Design "Assessment Task to Promote Learning“ (p. 3) A SHIFT IN THE PARADIGM From teaching strategies and teaching material production motivation abilities To social relevance student learning outcomes (their construction and assessment) INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE 本課旨在以生動活潑方式教授英文文學三大文類的形式基 本要素與分析方式,俾使同學對文學產生興趣,懂得如何 著手分析文學作品,並思考文學作品與自己和自己的社會 的關係。 This course selects interesting English poems, short stories (and a novel next semester) and plays for us to read and ·-- appreciate how literary texts convey their meanings to us through both form and content; -- understand different literary genres, their conventions and components, ·-- analyze different parts of a text and how they are connected to its overall meaning; and, most importantly, -- relate the knowledge and experience we have in reading English literature to our understanding of ourselves and our society. INTEREST, ANALYSIS AND APPROPRIATION Does literature have to be analyzed closely? Analysis is as important as Interest, and Appropriation; they are all integral parts of the hermeneutical circle: understanding analysis appropriation (broadening of ST horizons). Interest by choosing relevant themes: e.g. love, family relations, modern world, etc. Analysis: through lectures and discussions Appropriation: e.g. Play Contest and Teach and Learn Workstation PLAY CONTEST: PYGMALION To actualize a play… To turn a story into a play TEACH AND LEARN WORKSTATION To interest with multimedia materials and games To analyze and produce test questions. CONCLUSION: TWO KINDS OF CIRCLES CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT IN THREE CONCENTRIC CIRCLES Course: Actualization of Teaching Objectives and Learning Outcome Department: SelfDefinitions MOE & The School: tone-setting TEACHING AND LEARNING Knowledge re-organized in the progressive-circular development of teaching and learning: Learning to teach: in an academic community with its rules and agreements Teaching to learn (教學中學習)︰ ST learning difficulties Learning contexts, and The radically changing world. WORK CITED 王思峰,黃思聞. 〈由學系類型學到學系特徵測量 :精博與學職契連特徵〉.投稿中. CHEA Special Report: Accreditation and Accountability. 2006. http://www.chea.org/pdf/Accreditation_and_Accountabil ity.pdf. 2011/4/18. Spiller, Dorothy. "Assessment Task to Promote Learning.“ 2010. U. of Waikato. <http://www.waikato.ac.nz/tdu/pdf/booklets/6_Assessme ntFeedback.pdf>.