Dallastown Area High School 11th Grade Scheduling Promotion Requirements 6.5 credits to grade 10 13.0 credits to grade 11 19.5 credits to grade 12* *If a student is in a position after his/her junior year of high school to schedule the requisite courses to meet all graduation requirements the following year, the 19.5 credit requirement to promote can be waived. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS (must be earned in grades 9-12) 4.0 credits in English (English I, II, III are required) 4.0 credits in Social Sciences (Required - World Cultures, US History I and II, and Economics unless a senior AP class is selected) 3.0 credits in Science (General Science and Biology will be required beginning with the class of 2013) 3.0 credits in Mathematics (Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry or Algebra II, Geometry and a third math beyond Geometry) 2.0 credits in Humanities/Applied Arts (includes World Language, Philosophy, Music, Art, Technology Education, FACS or English and Social Studies credits exceeding the previously listed graduation requirements in those areas) Additional Graduation Requirements 1.6 credits in Physical Education (one course in PE each year .6 credit in Health .4 credit in Oral Communications .4 credit in Computer Applications 6.0 credits in other major/elective courses that do not fulfill other requirements 1.0 credit for the Culminating Project 26 credits are required for graduation; 4 credits and the Culminating Project must be passed in the senior year. Mid-term and final exams, where given, are course requirements. Course Selection Sheet STUDENT NAME: ___________________________ DUE DATE: FEBRUARY 7, 2012 (please print) Last First M.I. SCHEDULE CHANGE DEADLINE: JUNE 5, 2012 PARENTS’ NAMES:___________________________________________PHONE #: ______________ (with whom you reside) CELL # ______________ EMAIL ____________ Scheduling Each student must schedule at least 5 major subjects and a minimum of 34 total class periods each year All major subjects and level 3 and 4 electives must have… a teacher’s recommendation ALL JUNIORS MUST SCHEDULE… •English III •US History II •A Science class •A Mathematics class •5th Major Class Possible 5th Majors World Language Art Major Business Major FACS Major (including Child Care) Additional 5th Majors Technology Education JROTC Instrumental Music Major 2nd Core Subject Major (English, Social Studies, Science, World Language or Anatomy/Physiology) IN ADDITION…. ALL JUNIORS MUST SCHEDULE PHYSICAL EDUCATION WHEN SELECTING ELECTIVES, REMEMBER TO .. Number electives in order of your preference (1 is 1st choice) For every elective chosen, an alternate elective must be selected (use A1, A2, etc.) RESOURCES FOR MAKING COURSE SELECTION CHOICES…. TEACHERS COUNSELORS PARENTS CURRICULUM GUIDE Deadline Deadline date for submitting course changes to the Guidance Office is: June 5, 2012 FINAL REMINDERS Schedule a minimum of 34 periods and select an alternate elective for each elective chosen Secure recommendations for selected courses where required Review course selections with parents and secure parent signature Return completed schedule in this class by February 7 Review your choices with your counselor Course Selection Waiver To be used if a student is not recommended for a course, but the student and parent want to override the recommendation Course waivers are available through your counselor and must be submitted by June 5 A waiver does not override a prerequisite Counselor Assignments Mrs. Kathryn Hughes A - Da Mrs. Erica Poster De - Ha Mr. Garrett Boop He - Li Mrs. Kristen Cooper Lo - R Mrs. Christine Miller S–Z Dallastown Area High School