FRIEDRICH-NAUMANNFOUNDATION FOR FREEDOM Alba Çako EU- Liaison Manager Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom “Democracy does not belong to any country or any region but it‘s a universal right.“ Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations THE GERMAN POLITICAL FOUNDATIONS Play an important role in upholding the German Constitution. Lesson from the Weimar Republic: Democracies need democrats. For democracy to succeed you need informed citizens (Civic education). Pluralism: All political parties represented in the German Bundestag offer political education through their affiliated foundations. DIE FRIEDRICH-NAUMANN-STIFTUNG FOR FREEDOM Friedrich Naumann, 1860-1918 Theologian and liberal politician Founder of the first „Staatsbürgerschule“ (Citizens‘ Academy) 1917 Co-Founder (and later Chair) of the German Democratic Party FNF 1958 Founded by Theodor Heuss 1963 Start of the international work In Germany: Deutschland: Abroad: 66Regionalreferate: Regional desks: Present Auf 4on Kontinenten 4 Continents Südasien South-&&Südost,Southeastasia Ostasien Middle-, Mittel-,Southeast Südost &&Osteuropa Easteurope Mediterranean Mittelmeerländer Countries Afrika Africa Lateinamerika Latin America Europäische European Instit. Instit. && North Nordamerika America Desk Querschnittsreferat Multisectoral Tasks DeskReferat International Internationale Conferences Konferenzen and Programmes und Programme International Politics Standorte Offices in in 4444 Countries Ländern Aktivitäten Activities in über in more 60 Ländern than 60 Countries Regional Offices and Project Offices MSOE, Sofia EINA, Brüssel MML, Cairo LA, Mexico-City SOOA, Bangkok SA, New Dehli Project Countries Regional Offices Africa, Johannesburg INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE FNF Is part of the German foreign- and development policy Focusses on development cooperation and peacepromotion Fosters free market economy, the Rule of Law and Human Rights INSTRUMENTS OF OUR WORK ABROAD POLITICAL EDUCATION POLITICAL DIALOGUE POLITICAL CONSULTING OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF OUR WORK ABROAD Implementation of the principles of Freedom and Responsibilities by supporting the establishment of democratic structures in accordance with market-economy and the Rule of Law. WORKING BASIS OF OUR ACTIVITIES ABROAD INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY FOCAL ISSUES FUNDING GUIDELINES OUR INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS Liberal Political Parties Think-Tanks, Research Institutes, Universities, Associations Local and Transnational Non-GovernmentalOrganisations International Networks (e.g. Liberal International, Economic Freedom Network, CALD, RELIAL, NAL etc.) STRENGTHS & CHANCES Sustainable, long-term Partnerships A very focused Agenda and a clear Set of Values Effective Promotion of Liberal Values and Concepts Contribute to democratic, economic and social development CHALLENGES High volatility of partners especially regarding political partners The emergence of new powers Threat of democracy and the rule of law in several countries Crisis of liberalism EXCURSION: THE FNF AND THE „ARABELLION“ FNF has 6 offices in 11 countries in the region FNF began its work abroad 1964 in Tunis and is active in the region for almost 50 years FNF in the Mediterranean Region/ Arab World THREE PILLARS OF FNF-ACTIVITIES IN THE REGION: (1) ORGANIZED POLITICAL LIBERALISM (2) MEDIA, CITIZEN JOURNALISM, SOCIAL MEDIA (3) HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES 1. ORGANIZED POLITICAL LIBERALISM 2007: establishment of the Network of Arab Liberals (NAL) with support of FNF Networking activities between NAL and ELDR Establishment of the Union of Arab Liberal Youth E.g. Trainings on the role of women and youth in politics 2) MEDIA, CITIZEN JOURNALISM AND SOCIAL MEDIA Trainings of journalists since 1964 in Tunisia Trainings of journalists working in the electronic media, television and radio in Egypt since 2005 Trainings for Bloggers and media representatives from the region including from Libya Publication of a manual „Journalists and elections“ in Arabic providing an explanation in clear and simple terms of the press law and electoral system 3. HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES „Enhancing the legal framework of the freedom of association in the Arab world through national dialogue and empowerment of civil society“ EU-FNF co-funded project 2007 – 2010 The project covered five Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria with an outreach component in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria Initiation of a regional platform for dialogue: the Arab Council for the Freedom of Association THE WORK OF THE FNF AFTER THE REVOLUTIONS The Pillars proved to be accurate in Egypt. FNF adjusts its engagement in terms of quantity, but not in quality. Tunisia is a „moving target“ after the Revolution. FNF has to build up new project structures and look for new sustainable partnerships. Libya might become a project country in the future. First workshops on journalism/blogging were held already for Libyans in exile (Cairo). SUPPORT FOR THE GERMAN POLITICAL FOUNDATIONS The FDP-led funding Ministries (Development Cooperation & Foreign) emphasize the prominent role of the Political Foundations with regard to the processes of transformation in Northern Africa New funds were issued very quickly – Time is an important factor! The acquisition of EU funds is being explored CONCLUSION AND PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE Importance of developing coherent democratization strategies for the individual partner countries Anticipating developments that affect partners on their path to democracy through e.g. promoting empowerment and local ownership Importance of coordination and division of labour in the area of development Importance of cooperation through sharing of good practices in networks such as the European Liberal Forum THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! EMAIL: ALBA.CAKO@FNST.ORG