To: - FNF Plymouth Families Need Fathers Branch

FNF Plymouth Meeting Notice and Newsletter
Families Need Fathers (FNF)
Meeting Notice and Newsletter
Dear member, supporter, or interested person
1. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th May 2013 at 7.30 pm at the R.A.O.B. Social Club, 41
North Hill, Plymouth, PL4 8EZ.
A New Meeting Plan
FNF Plymouth has changed its help meeting format. Although still largely a self-help round-table
meeting, it has a tighter structure and a substantial emphasis on networking and involves dividing
into sub-groups.
Meetings are no longer monthly but school-termly or more often when demand and support allow.
Please help us make a success of this change by returning to help others.
Meeting Structure
Meetings have five parts:
Time (pm) Part
Welcome and introductions
Sub-group discussion; 70 minutes
Break and networking
Group discussion; 60 minutes
To the bar or pub - especially for dry meeting venues – for more discussion and networking
Clients and helpers are divided into sub-groups, possibly by problem type, where clients are invited
to pitch their problem for 'unloading' and issue identification, assisted by a sub-group leader. After
a short break, sub-groups reunite for sub-group leaders to objectively summarise their clients'
problems for short, objective, solution-finding discussion.
Clients should leave the meeting with hope and direction and with a greater understanding of their
issues and how to resolve them, as well as contacts and new friends.
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Throughout the meeting clients are encouraged to network with other attendees: by buddy up with
other clients for mutual support and/ or to prospect to service providers, including prolegals.
For low client numbers/ sub-group leaders ratios (less than two subgroups of three people), the
meeting will revert to the original group-only format.
Prepare your Pitch
Time will be strictly rationed, so please prepare your pitch before the meeting.
When pitching, please state:
 Your name;
 Your children's name and ages;
 Other parties' names;
 Your relationship status;
 Whether you have Parental Responsibility* (PR)? See or ask
 The geographical situation;
 Extant court orders and active court action;
 Alternative dispute resolution (especially mediation) status;
 What you want from the meeting.
The Help Meeting Client Pitch Form, available from will assist you.
Attractive for Returnees
Our new meetings are more attractive for past clients to return to offer the benefit of their
Variety of Venues
Whilst often meeting at the RAOB Social Club, other venues will be tried to stimulate interest and
be attractive to potential clients. We aim to offer a variety of venue by type, location and even time
of day, including selected solicitors' offices – but please be assured of our independence. To offer a
venue, please contact the General Secretary.
School-termly or more often when demand and support allow.
2. Contents
1) Next Meeting
2) Contents
3) Notices
4) Key References, especially for Litigants in Persons
5) Contacts
6) Next Meeting Additional Information
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7) Local Family Prolegals
8) Library
9) About FNF
10) Publishing and Distribution
11) Appendices
3. Notices
Plymouth trial of 'The 3 of Us'
A new Department for Education backed service for first time parents and parents-to-be, to help
support their relationships in the transition to becoming parents.
Let’s Get Plymouth Cooking
Fun cooking with or without our kids
Let’s Get Cooking are a national charity and are running FREE cooking sessions for dads in the
Plymouth area. You do not need any experience as the sessions are aimed at learning basic cooking
skills. You’ll learn how to chop and peel like a chef, cook some great tasting food using simple
easy-to-use recipes, learn how to make the most of your budget and gain lots of tips and advice.
You don’t need lots of equipment to cook simple tasty meals – we’ll show you how. It’s also a
great way to spend quality time with your children and a really fun activity to do together.
Sessions are free of charge and all ingredients and resources will be provided. Sessions will be ran
across Plymouth so there should be a Let’s Get Cooking club near you.
Please contact: Natalie Greenslade, Let’s Get Cooking Regional Manager, t: 07795 427 750 e:
Help Wanted
FNF Plymouth is run by volunteers. If you value our service offer then please consider
volunteering. Numerous committee opportunities. Please contact the General Secretary for further
Reasons to contribute:
 Give the benefit of your experience to help other parents and children;
 Meet interesting people;
 Learn new skills;
 Gain a fuller knowledge of family law so that you are better able to protect your and your
children’s interests;
 Campaign against injustice and discrimination.
Vacant positions:
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 Membership Secretary
 Treasurer
 Fundraising Officer
 Promotions Officer
 Media Officer
 Website Officer
 Meeting Hosts
Liaison officers and technical specialists for: domestic abuse, child abuse, education, health,
solicitors, mediators, Cafcass, courts, and women’s groups
Free Legal Advice
Routeways’ Family Information Service (Wolferstans solicitors)
Information and guidance on divorce, separation, cohabitation disputes, childcare and domestic
violence. Four 30-minute appointments 10 to 12 every Thursday, by appointment, at their office at:
41-43 Chapel Street, Mount Wise, Plymouth, PL1 4DU; t: 0800 783 4259.
Plymouth Parent Partnership
A universal support service for all parents and carers, including a specialised service to parents and
carers of children with additional or special needs and disabilities.
Family Information Service
Plymouth Routeways' guidance on services and support available to members of all the family.
Includes a Financial Inclusion Service for benefit and tax credit advice.
Routeways Centre Ltd, 41/43 Chapel Street, Mount Wise, PL1 4DU
t: 0800 783 4259; e:; w:
3.2 National Information
Childcare Best Practice
'Bringing up Britain' on BBC Radio 4: '… a debate about parenting with families, experts and
policy-makers'. Value listening for any aspiring perfect parent.
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15 episodes from series 2 to 5 are available from the website.
SRL/ LiP Ruling by the Court of Appeal
Self representing litigants / litigants in person are not entitled to indulgence:
FNF’s eNewsletter
Keep up-to-date: sign up to FNF’s regular national newsletter for news of FNF’s most recent work,
campaigns, and initiatives.
4. Key References, especially for Litigants in Persons - information links at the bottom of the sales pitch
5. Contacts
Meeting information:
Andy: 01752 793 325
Adrian and Liz: 01752 492 091
Adrian: 07747 656 942
Liz: 07733 005 944
Follow us on Twitter: @FNF_Plymouth.
For more information on FNF, including comprehensive subject information and membership, see . Membership opens up a second tier of information and support and other
Local telephone support:
Andy: 01752 793 325
Adrian and Liz: 01752 492 091
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6. Next Meeting Additional Information
Please come:
 if you need assistance;
 to give assistance;
 to make and renew friendships;
 to build your interest and knowledge of family law;
 to build the group (several vacancies);
 to campaign for changes to family law.
All welcome: men and women; parents, grand-parents, guardians and their partners and friends;
members and non-members. You can be as vocal or as anonymous as you wish. Guest speakers are
The following professionals frequently attend our meetings in support:
David Pitcher of Plymouth Cafcass. Love them or hate them, FNF and litigants need a good
relationship with Cafcass because of their key role in court childcare proceedings. David is a
Family Court Advisor, Children’s Guardian, and Honorary Social Work Adviser to the
Grandparents’ Association. He attends in a private capacity.
Standard Agenda (loosely followed)
1. Welcome
2. Introductions: special guests and professionals
3. Self-help round table: your opportunity to tell your story, ask for opinions, and give views and
4. News*
5. Campaigning*
6. Organisation*
7. Future meetings: Exeter and Plymouth
8. Any other business*
* = if time allows
Q: When and where do you meet?
A: We meet monthly in a private room at the R.A.O.B. Social Club, 41 North Hill, Plymouth, PL4
8EZ. We meet on the first or second Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm.
Q: Where is the R.A.O.B. Social Club?
A: Opposite a Spa shop on the west side of North Hill, with a bus stop outside.
From Drake Circus: ascend North Hill, the club is on the left just after the old reservoir.
From Mutley Plain: ascend and descend North Hill, the club is on the right after the North Road
East traffic lights.
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There is free on street parking nearby.
North Hill is on a main route between the city centre and Mutley Plain. The club has a bus stop
outside and is a safe 1km and 15 minutes walk from Plymouth railway station.
Future meetings dates are advertised at
Q. I want to arrive early. What time does the venue open?
A. The venue opens at 7.00pm and you are welcome to wait in the bar or meeting room
Q: Who are the R.A.O.B.?
A: ‘Our basic desire is to defend the weak, help the unfortunate and render assistance to those in
difficulty or need.’
Other Meetings
FNF Exeter meets on the last Thursday of the month,, but please check with
the organisers. Please advise me if you will be attending and can offer transport from the Plymouth
FNF Barnstaple meets on the first Monday or 07561 314 172
Also see:
7. Local Family Prolegals
Solicitors, barristers, professional McKenzie friends, and other fee-charging legal advisers/
advocates - hereafter called 'prolegals' - may wish to attend FNF meetings. Prolegals trade in a
range of ways, from professionally qualified to unqualified, from partners in large practices to
independent sole traders. Their knowledge, resources, and enthusiasm can be a huge benefit to the
branch/ group and its clients.
FNF Plymouth does not recommend particular prolegals but we may suggest particular prolegals for
our clients to consider. Caveat emptor (buyer beware): satisfy yourself of their suitability.
Local Independent Family Prolegals
Dart Legal Buckfastleigh Solicitor
Contact Name
Telephone Number
Ms Rachel 01364 644 888
Website and Email Addresses
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Law Choice Saltash
N Plymouth
McKenzie Ms
Ria 07791 881 697
01752 843 746 (8am to
8pm any day)
McKenzie Andrew Bull 01752 793 325
More information on McKenzie friends at
About Families Need Fathers (FNF)
Families Need Fathers is a registered UK charity which provides information and support to
parents, including unmarried parents, of either sex. FNF is chiefly concerned with the problems of
maintaining a child's relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown. Founded in
1974, FNF helps thousands of parents every year. For more information, including comprehensive
subject information and membership,
Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of FNF.
FNF Plymouth offers local services and is run by volunteers; join us.
9. Publishing and Distribution
Email the secretary to add/ delete your contacts to/ from his distribution list.
Andrew Bull, General Secretary, Families Need Fathers (FNF) Plymouth Group; e:; t: 01752 793 325.
10. Appendices
Appendix 1: Biographies
FNF Plymouth
Since its first meeting in October 2006, FNF Plymouth has helped hundreds of people. It was
established to provide a monthly self-help round table meetings by Andrew Bull and Adrian
Crosbee; FNF Exeter (Peter Pojuner and Ian Tyers in particular) provided much early years help.
Its capability was greatly enhanced by the arrival of David Pitcher in October 2010. October seems
to be a key month for us!
Andrew Bull
Andrew reached the end of his divorce/ separation proceedings in 2010. Frustrated at the
ineffectiveness and inefficiency of the standard lawyer-led process, he turned to FNF for help.
After joining in 2005 and attending an FNF Exeter meeting, he decided his best way forward was to
get involved in FNF to meet people who could help him. He co-founded the FNF Plymouth group
in 2006 and continues serving its general secretary.
He has represented himself in court (normally with the assistance of a McKenzie Friend) 17 times
for divorce, Children Act, and ancillary relief proceedings.
Andrew, 52, from Tamerton Foliot, Plymouth, has a 13 year old son who was 5 years old when his
mother petitioned for divorce (announced/ received by post whilst he was cooking the family
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breakfast on a Saturday morning). He was the primary carer whilst his wife pursued her
professional career (as a lawyer!). He is now a 50% carer in a shared care arrangement.
Although qualified as a chartered engineer, Andrew has given up pursuing an engineering career;
instead, additional to childcare and FNF, he is pursing self-employment interests and is currently
writing a book on short walks on Dartmoor. He does a limited amount of McKenzie friending.
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