AS, A2 Edexcel Mandarin

Discussion of GCSE: CA
Chinese Mandarin Exams
plus A2 RBE
in theory & practice
Xiuping Li
ELC Chinese (Mandarin)
FCSE Chinese (Mandarin)
GCSE Chinese (Mandarin)
2013 AQA Exam
• ELC: the deadline for final entries is 21 February
the deadline for submission of work is 15 May
• FCSE: the deadline for final entries is 21 February
• the deadline for submission of work is 31 May until
2013, and 15 May from 2014 onwards.
• GCSE: final entries: 21 February
submission of Speaking and Writing CA: 7 May
Listening: 22 May 2013 pm
Reading: 22 May 2013 pm
(General Certificate of Secondary Education)
Possible Qs to be discussed
1. What is the specification like?(full picture)
2. What are the contexts /or topics?
3. Any prescribed textbooks or materials?
4. What does the exam board
wants/requires for CA?
5. What should we give/submit for CA?
6. How to prepare students to give of their
best? (any shortcuts?)
Q1.Specification at a Glance – Short Course
Unit 1: Listening
Short Course
in Spoken
Short Course
in Written
Examination – 40%
Foundation Tier: 30 minutes
(+5 minutes reading time)
Higher Tier: 40 minutes
(+ 5 minutes reading time)
Unit 3: Speaking
Controlled Assessment – 60%
(internally assessed)
Two tasks submitted for
Unit 2: Reading
Unit 4: Writing
Examination – 40%
Controlled Assessment –
(externally assessed)
Foundation Tier: 30 minutes
Higher Tier: 50 minutes
Two tasks submitted for
Q1. Short Course
Spoken Language - Speaking/Listening
Written Language – Writing/Reading
*These can be combined to make a Full Course qualification
Q1.Specification at a Glance – Full Course
Full Course
Unit 1: Listening
Examination – 20%
Foundation Tier: 30 minutes
(+5 minutes reading time)
Higher Tier: 40 minutes
(+ 5 minutes reading time)
Unit 3: Speaking
Controlled Assessment – 30%
(internally assessed)
Two tasks submitted for
Unit 2: Reading
Unit 4: Writing
Examination – 20%
Controlled Assessment – 30%
(externally assessed)
Foundation Tier: 30 minutes
Higher Tier: 50 minutes
Two tasks submitted for
Q1. Full Course
• Listening/Reading tests:
- set and marked by AQA
- two tiers: (F: C- G); (H: A*- D)
• Speaking (two tasks)(untiered: A*- G)
- Teacher marks tasks
- AQA moderates tasks
• Writing (two tasks)(untiered: A*- G)
- AQA marks tasks
Q1. Full Course
• Controlled Assessment Speaking/Writing:
- choice of using AQA-set tasks (see Appendix E,
& F) or adapted or teacher devises own task
- opportunity for students to speak and write
about their personal interests
- - untiered tasks covering grades A*- G
Q2. contexts /or topics
• Health
• Relationships and Choices
• Free Time and the Media
• Holidays
Home and Environment
• Home and Local Area
• Environment
Work and Education
• School/College and Future Plans
• Current and Future Jobs
Q3. Any prescribed textbooks?
• Flexible, get most suitable ones
• Free choice of core TB +
where appropriate/necessary to
contribute /or serve the purposes
• Gram. Voc. List; Online exemplar
tasks (inc. commentaries),handbook,
Q4.What does the exam board wants/requires for CA?
Speaking 30%, 60Mark
Writing 30%, 60Mark
• 2 tasks (task sheet for each)
• Task title & bullet points in E
• 3 stages:
Stage 1 general Teach/Learn
Stage 2 prepare for the tasks
Stage 3 produce final version
• TPF: Task Planning Forms (if
used, 40 words, C or E)
• CRF: Candidate Record
Forms (one per student)
• Annual deadline : 7 May
*2 opinions,3 timeframes,De, Ex
• 2 tasks (task sheet for each)
• Task title & bullet points in E
• 3 stages:
Stage 1 general Teach/Learn
Stage 2 prepare for the tasks
Stage 3 produce final version
• TPF: Task Planning Forms (if
used, 40 words, C or E)
• CRF: Candidate Record
Forms (one per student)
• Annual deadline : 7 May
*2 opinions,3 timeframes,De, Ex
Q4.What does the exam board wants/requires for CA?
Submit: 2 tasks, 1 recorded
Both tasks: a form of dialogue
Centre marks for moderation
Response: Must to each bullet
point, ‘!’ as last element
• Stage3:only TPF & task sheet
NO dictionary or references
• Timings: 4-6 mins. from 1ST Q
• 4 Assessment Criteria:
• Submit:2 pieces of work per
student; AQA marks
• The title is the task: no need
to respond to each bullet, the
response be relevant to title
• 100-250 characters across
both tasksD-G, 200-300A*-C,
• traditional character√; Dic.√
• 60mins,per task one session
• No upper limit of No. words.
• 3 Assessment Criteria:
Communication 10; Range &
Accuracy of Language 10;
Pronunciation and Tones 5;
Interaction and Fluency 5
Content15; Range of Language 10;
Accuracy 5
Q5. What should we give/submit for CA?
Speaking: Centre Declaration Sheet,1 per centre
(per student)
•One recorded task
•The Task Sheet for all tasks used
•The unpredictable questions for all tasks used
•A Task Planning Form (TPF) for the recorded
task – optional
•A Candidate Record Form (CRF)
•Two Centre Mark Forms (SR and SU)
* See the separate forms later
NB: Students must not submit the same task for
Speaking and Writing.
Q5. What should we give/submit for CA?
• Two pieces of work per student
• The tasks sheets
• Task Planning Forms (if used)
• Candidate Record Forms (one per student)
* See the separate forms later
NB: Students must not submit the same task for
Speaking and Writing.
Q6.How to prepare students to give of their best?
• Clarify the requirements
• Write task sheets in English
• Encourage gram. structures
May write‘!’TS teacher copy in C
• Refer to Marking Criteria
• Complete all forms, sign/date
• Enter the breakdown of
Marks on CRF
• Produce clear recordings &
• Keep between 4-6 mins
Use the same ‘!’
Record background noise
favour microphone to you
Let students announce Nos,..
Ask too challenging Qs
Interrupt students (correct M)
Provide information
Answer your own Qs
Miss out any bullet Qs
Pause during the recording
Mark too harsh or generous
Q6.How to prepare students to give of their best?
• Produce 2 different tasks
• Remember ‘The title is the
• Remember ‘The title can be
• Ensure the content response
be fully relevant to the task
• Ensure points of view
minimum 2
• Convey clearly and develop
• two or more tenses
• Use complex structures
• strays into other areas
(eg My School Routine, but long
digressions on work
experience or future career)
• 1/2 (eg the title is School and
Future Career but the
candidate only mentions
• Write less than D-G 100-250
A*- C 200- 300 characters
across both tasks
• Use too brief structures
Please see CA marking band tables
• Speaking: (see separate table)
+(see Spec. p9-11)
• Writing: (see separate table)+
(see Spec. p12-13)
• Forms: CRF, CDS, TPF
(General Certificate of Education)
Edexcel A2 Chinese:
6CN03 Unit 3: Understanding, Written
Response and Research: 18/6/2013 (pm)
*Focus on Research – based Essay
1.What does ‘research’ mean?
2.What is teacher’s role?
3.To control or to be controlled?
Practical steps:
1. Teacher: Investigate and confirm all the relevant
information of exam board (eg spec.; researchbased essay guide; past papers, sample essays with
commentaries, assessment criteria)
2. Teacher: introduce the 14 topics
3. Students: understand the key requirements & act as
planned (extensive reading, choose a topic, write
essay plan and draft), be aware of Ref. plagiarism
4. Teacher: guide (resources) and give comments
5. Students: start action early, practice and mock
6. T and S review & update methods to be best fitting
Unit 3 Understanding, Written Response and Research
Assessment: 2 hours 45 minutes
Section A: Reading (10 marks)
Students will be required to read a piece of authentic Chinese text and to retrieve
and convey information from it. To demonstrate that they can do this, they will need
to answer a series of questions in Chinese.
Section B: Translation (10 marks)
Students will be assessed on their ability to transfer meaning from a short passage
written in English into Chinese.
Section C: Essay writing (30 marks)
Students must write an essay in Chinese (250–500 characters) in response to an
essay title that links to the reading text in Section A.
Section D: Research-based essay (30 marks)
Students will write in Chinese (250–500 characters) about an area of interest to
them and which they have researched in advance. Students will be free to set their
own titles for this activity. All research must link to Chinese culture and/or society
and to a specific topic area, film or book chosen from a prescribed list.(see next page)
Unit 3 Research-based Essay Topics
Write an essay in Chinese of 250-500 characters on ONE of the following 14 topics
1. Warlords in China
2. The New Cultural Movement (1915-1924)
3. The relationship between the Nationalist and Communist Parties of China (1921-1949)
4. The Great Leap Forward (1958)
5. The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
6. The development of ONE of the following cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong
Kong or Taipei) in terms of environment, economy, or social issues
7. Han nationality traditions: explaining and analysing the significance of the activities
associated with ONE festival OR custom
8. Women’s issues (1911 to the present)
9. Youth issues OR generation gap issues in modern China
10. Nan Hai 13 (Mad Phoenix) – Candidates may use any of the following versions:
Film (leading actor: Xie Junhao) OR Stage play (leading actor: Xie Junhao) OR
TV series (leading actor: Lin Weishen, Chen Qitai)
11. Han Yan Cui (Mist Over Dream Lake) – (leading actors: Fang Ying, Chiao Chuang)
12. Lu Xun: Gu Xiang (My Hometown)
13. Ba Jin: Chun (Spring)
14. Lin Haiyin: Cheng Nan Jiu Shi (Memories of Peking: South Side Stories), focusing on
one or more of the stories.
Essay Plan
Ensure the understanding:
• The topic is taken from those 14, title is
suggested using Q form
• Must use Edexcel Essay plan form
• Can take an essay plan in to the examination
• no more than 70 characters, title & sources
information is not included in the essay plan
form character count
• The plan must not be sent with the question
papers, be retained by the centre
Requirement on the Q paper
Ensure the students follow the instruction:
 Please put punctuation marks in the spaces between
squares. Do not put punctuation inside the squares.
Start a new line to begin a new paragraph. Do not
exceed the stipulated word limit (250-500 characters).
 Topic or text you have chosen for your
Title of your essay: _________________________
 Footnotes/references (引文的出处/参考过的材料)
Assessment Criteria
Ensure the understanding :
A maximum of 30 marks:
• quality of language (accuracy, manipulation of
language and structures —(5 marks)
• organisation and development of material —
(10 marks)
• completion of task (clarity of thought and
expression, relevance, independent judgement)
— (15 marks).
• Internet: a large source of resources
• Textbooks: eg
Xiaoming Zhang: Chinese for A-Level
Yu Bin: Chinese Examination Study Guides, Chinese
Edexcel Chinese for A2
Li Duanduan, Iiu Irene: Reading into a New China
 Skimming & scanning: pen in hand, Q in mind, depth
 Qs: Teaching by asking or guided discovery
 Bloom’s taxonomy: updated 6 thinking skills (see
next slide)
 Economic principles: achieve maximum results with
minimum efforts and in a limited time
 independent or Team work: peer assessment
 Active learning: VAK
 A4L: seek evidence where, where to go and how best
 timely, constructive feedback
*writing styles: formal & informal; *gram &vocabulary
 Bloom’s taxonomy: 6 thinking skills
Methods: Skimming & scanning:
research in depth
To answer a research Q:
• Narrow the topic
small but deep, large but shallow
• Develop interest, inspiration
Thank you