resource - Distributed Object Computing


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems

Presented by Douglas C. Schmidt

Based on the POSA3 book by

Michael Kircher

Prashant Jain

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems

Reproduced with permission from

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 3: Patterns for Resource Management,

Michael Kircher & Prashant Jain.

© 2004 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher


• Introduction

• Resource Acquisition

• Resource Lifecycle

• Resource Release

• Case Studies

• Summary

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

What is Resource Management?

Resource management in software systems is the process of controlling the availability of resources to resource users.

Resource management ensures that resources are available when needed, that their lifecycle is deterministic, & that they are released in a timely manner to ensure the liveliness of the systems that use them.

• A resource is an entity that is available in limited supply

• e.g., memory, CPU, network bandwidth, etc.

• A resource user is an entity that acquires, accesses, or releases resources

• e.g., an application or system program

• A resource provider is an entity that provides the resources on request

• e.g., a virtual memory manager, thread scheduler, network interface, etc.

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Resource Categorization

• By resource lifecycle

• Reusable : Resources once released can be acquired & used again o Examples: Memory, threads, file handles

• Non-reusable : Resources are consumed, & therefore once acquired are either not released, or their release is implicit o Example: Processing time in a computing grid

• By resource usage

• Exclusive : Resources that can only be used by a single user at a time

• Example: Processing time of a service

• Concurrent : Resources that can be concurrently accessed by multiple users

• Examples: Queues & databases





Read-only object



Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Forces behind Effective Resource Management (1 of 2)

• Performance

High-performance systems require low latency & high throughput.

• Therefore: Unnecessary resource acquisitions, releases, & accesses that incur processing overhead & delay must be avoided.

• Scalability

• Large & complex systems may require support for more users or higher transfer volumes.

• Therefore: The way resources are managed & the way their lifecycle is managed must be carefully controlled.

• Predictability

• In systems with real-time requirements, the maximum response time of individual operations must be predictable.

• Therefore: Acquisition & release times must not vary.

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Forces behind Effective Resource Management (2 of 2)

• Flexibility

• Ease of configuration & customization is a common requirement among systems.

Therefore: The mechanics of acquisition, release & lifecycle control of resources need to be flexible, while still preserving performance, reliability, & scalability requirements.

• Stability

• An important requirement of software systems is that frequent resource acquisition & release should not make the system unstable.

• Therefore: Resource allocation & management must be done in a manner that leads to efficient use of resources & avoids scenarios of resource starvation that can lead to system instability.

• Consistency

• All resource acquisition, access, & release must leave a software system in a consistent state.

• Therefore: Any inter-dependencies among resources must be well-managed to ensure system consistency.

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

What are Design Patterns?

A design pattern describes a solution for a recurring problem that arises in a particular context

• Patterns facilitate reuse of successful software architectures & designs

• Patterns identify & specify abstractions that are above the level of single classes & instances

• Patterns capture the static & dynamic structure & collaboration among key participants in software design

• Patterns provide a common vocabulary

& understanding for design principles


Proxy service

AbstractService service

1 1

The Proxy Pattern

Service service


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

The Three Main Ingredients

• Context : a situation giving rise to a problem

• Describes when it makes sense to apply the pattern

• Problem : the recurring problem arising in the context

• Identifies the forces that must be resolved & identifies any constraints that must be considered

• Solution : a proven resolution of the problem

• Provides a means to balance most (if not all) of the forces

• Describes the key steps required to address the problem

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

The Three Main Ingredients Applied to


• Context : when developing a distributed application

• Problem : need to alleviate tedious & error-prone

AbstractService service alignment constraints across heterogeneous platforms Proxy service

• Solution : define a proxy that

1 1

The Proxy Pattern performs (de)marshaling &

Service service shields applications from network programming details

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Pattern-oriented Effective Resource Management

Caching Performance


















Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems




Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Patterns for Resource Acquisition

“I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.”

Franklin P. Adams

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Lookup – Example

• A system consisting of multiple distributed services

• To access a service, client needs a reference to the object that provides that service

• For example, a client would need a reference of the Transaction Manager to participate in distributed transactions

How can a client obtain the initial reference to an object that the client wants to access?

Client get object reference

Network publish object reference



Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher



• Systems where resource users need to find & access local & distributed resources


• How can a resource user find out on demand what resources are available in its environment?

• How can a resource user obtain an initial reference to a resource provider that offers the resource?


• Provide a lookup service that allows resource providers to make resources available to resource users

The resource provider advertises resources via the lookup service along with properties that describe the resources that the resource providers provide

Allow resource users to first find the advertised resources using the properties, then retrieve the resources, & finally use the resources

Resource User

Lookup Service


Resource Provider

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Lookup – Example Resolved

• The server that creates the Transaction Manager should register the reference of the created Transaction Manager with the Lookup Service.

• The server is therefore the resource provider.

• In CORBA, the Lookup Service is implemented by the Naming Service.

• A client can obtain the object reference of the Transaction Manager from the Lookup Service.

: Resource User : Lookup Service

: Resource


: Resource lookup (properties) reference acquire access

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Known Uses: Lookup


• The Common Object Services Naming Service & Trading Service implement lookup services.

• Jini

• Jini services are registered with Jini’s lookup service, & these services are accessed by users using Jini’s discovery protocol.

• COM+

• The Windows Registry is a lookup service that allows resource users to retrieve registered components based on keys.

• Universal Description, Discovery, & Integration protocol (UDDI)

• UDDI allows publishers of Web Services to advertise their service & clients to search for a matching Web Service.

• Grid Computing

• Grid computing uses the Lookup pattern to find distributed resources.

• Eclipse plug-in registry

• The plug-in registry holds a list of all discovered plug-ins, extension points, & extensions & allows clients to locate these by their identity.

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Lazy Acquisition – Example

• Picture Archiving & Communication System (PACS) that provides storage of patient data

• Data includes patient details, such as address information, as well as digitized images & is represented by business objects

• For a patient with a long medical history & several digitized images, fetching all the data & creating the corresponding business object(s) can take a lot of time

How can the PACS system be designed so that retrieval of patient information is quick regardless of the number of images in the patient’s record?

PACS Client PACS Server

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Lazy Acquisition


• A system with restricted resources that must satisfy high demands, such as throughput & availability


• Reduction of the initial cost of acquiring the resources

• If systems were to acquire all resources up front, a lot of overhead would be incurred & a lot of resources would be consumed unnecessarily


• Acquire resources at the latest possible time

• The resource is not acquired until it becomes unavoidable to do so

• Introduce a resource proxy that hides the lazy acquisition from the resource user

Resource Provider

Resource User

Resource Proxy


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Lazy Acquisition – Example Resolved

• Do not fetch any image data, when fetching information for a particular patient

• Create an image proxy for each image in the patient record returned

• When an image is actually viewed, it is fetched (lazily) from the image store

• Specializations:

Lazy Instantiation

• Lazy Loading

• Lazy State

: Resource User : Resource Proxy

: Resource


: Resource access acquire resource access

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Lazy Acquisition – Known Uses

• Singletons

• Objects that exist uniquely in a system, are usually instantiated using Lazy Instantiation

• J2EE

EJB containers use Lazy Loading & Lazy Instantiation to ensure that only components that are actually used by clients are active

• Java Server Pages (JSPs) are typically compiled into servlets only when they are actually accessed, rather than when they are deployed

• .NET Remoting

• Singleton remote objects are instantiated only on first access, even though clients might obtain references to them before the first access

• JIT compilation

• The compilation of the regular Java byte code into fast machine-specific assembler code is done just-in-time

• Eclipse plug-in

• Actual logic of a plug-in, which is contained in Java archives (JAR), is loaded lazily on first use of any of the plugin’s functionality

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Eager Acquisition – Example

• Embedded telecommunication application with soft real-time constraints, such as predictability & low latency in execution of operations

• In most operating systems, operations such as dynamic memory allocation can be very expensive

• Memory allocations are protected by synchronization primitives

• Memory management, such as compaction of smaller memory segments to larger ones, consumes time

How can you achieve predictable & fast memory allocations via operations such as new() or malloc()?

CPU board

Telecommunication switch

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Eager Acquisition


• A system that must satisfy high predictability & performance in resource acquisition time


• Expensive resource acquisitions, such as dynamic acquisition of threads & memory, can result in unpredictable time overheads

• How can resources be acquired in systems with soft real-time constraints while still fulfilling the constraints?


• Eagerly acquire a number of resources before their actual use

• At a time before resource use, optimally at start-up, the resources are acquired

• The resources are then kept in an efficient container

Provider Proxy

Resource Provider

Resource User Resource

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Eager Acquisition – Example Resolved

• Implement a simple memory pool for fixed-size blocks of memory without synchronization to be used by a single thread

• Eagerly acquire the memory for the pool

• Provide separate memory pools for different ranges of memory size

• Solution allows for a ’natural’ & flexible control flow, while still ensuring predictability class Fixed_Size_Memory_Pool { public:

Fixed_Size_Memory_Pool (size_t max_blocks) {

// ... Eagerly allocate free list blocks ...

} void *acquire (size_t size) {

// ...


} void *acquired_block = free_list_.front (); free_list_.pop_front (); return acquired_block;

} void release (void *block) { free_list_.push_back (block);

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Eager Acquisition – Known Uses

• Ahead-of-time compilation

• Ahead-of-time compilation is commonly used by Java virtual machines to avoid compilation overheads during execution

• Pooling

• Connection or thread pools, typically pre-acquire a number of resources, such as network connections, or threads, to serve initial requests quickly

• Application servers

• An element called <load-on-startup> can be specified for a servlet in the deployment descriptor, causing the container to load that servlet at start-up.

• Eclipse plug-in

• Plug-in declarations that determine the visualization are loaded eagerly

• The actual logic, which is contained in Java archives (JAR), is loaded lazily on first use of any of the plugin’s functionality

• Hamster

• A hamster acquires as many fruits as possible before eating them in its burrow

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Partial Acquisition - Example

• Network Management System (NMS) that manages several network elements (NEs)

• NMS allows user to get details of one or more NEs

• Details of an NE may correspond to a large amount of data

• The details of all the NEs can be fetched at system start-up or recovery


Since obtaining all the details of the network elements can have a big impact on the time it takes for the application to start up or recover, how do we make the application start-up or recovery time more efficient & predictable?






Shelf Shelf Shelf

Card Card Card Card

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Partial Acquisition


• Systems that need to acquire resources efficiently. The resources are characterized by either large or unknown size


• In highly robust & scalable systems, how can it be ensured that resources are acquired efficiently?

• How can acquisition of resources be influenced by parameters such as available system memory, CPU load, & availability of other resources?


• Split the acquisition of a resource into two or more stages.

In each stage, acquire part of the resource

• The amount of resources to acquire at each stage should be configured using one or more strategies

Resource Provider

Resource User

• Eager Acquisition & Lazy Acquisition can be used to determine when to execute one or more stages to partially acquire a resource


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Partial Acquisition – Example Resolved

• Acquisition of the details of the NEs, along with their components, can be split into multiple stages

• In the initial stage only the details of the NEs are fetched

• In subsequent stages, the details of the components of the NE are fetched

• The details can be fetched in the ‘background’ using Active Object pattern

• Partial acquisition of the details of an NE can also trigger the retrieval of the neighboring NEs

User Interface :TopologyManager : Scheduler

Network Element A :

NetworkElement select "NE A" get details for NE ("NE A")

«create» insert

NE details

FetchNEComponents :

Request can run call get shelves shelves details get cards cards details select "shelf 1" shelves details cards details

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Partial Acquisition – Known Uses

• Incremental image loading in web browsers

• Browsers first download the text content of a Web page

• The images are downloaded incrementally, during which time the user can read the text content of the page

• Socket input

• Multiple read operations are performed at a socket, where each read operation partially acquires data from the socket & stores it in a buffer

• Audio/Video streaming

• When decoding audio & video streams the streams are acquired in parts

• Data-driven protocol-compliant applications

• An application handling CORBA IIOP requests typically reads the IIOP header in the first step to determine the size of the request body

• It then reads the contents of the body in one or more steps

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Patterns for Resource Lifecycle

“Seek not, my soul, the life of the immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach.”


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Caching – Example

• Network management system that needs to monitor the state of many network elements

• Establishing a new network connection for every network element selected by the user & destroying it after use incurs overhead in the form of CPU cycles

• The average time to access a network element can be too large

How can the average time to access a network element be optimized, while also reducing the number of network connections that are created & destroyed?


Netw ork



Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher



• Systems that repeatedly access the same set of resources & need to optimize for performance


• Repetitious acquisition, initialization, & release of the same resource causes overhead

• How can you reduce the acquisition, access, & release cost of frequently used resources to improve performance?


• Temporarily store the resource in a fast-access buffer called a cache

• Use the cache to fetch & return the resource instead of re-acquiring it

• The cache identifies resources by their identity, such as pointer, reference, or primary key

Resource Provider

Resource Cache

Resource User Resource

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Caching – Example Resolved

• Implement a cache of connections of network elements

• On user access of a specific network element, the connection to the network element is acquired

• When the connection is no longer needed, it is not destroyed but is added to the cache

• Later, when a new request for the connection arrives, the connection is acquired from the cache, thus avoiding high acquisition cost

• Variants

• Transparent Cache

: Resource User

: Resource


: Resource


: Resource acquire

Read-Ahead Cache resource

• Cached Pool access release (resource) acquire resource

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Caching – Known Uses

• Data transfer object

• An object that is transferred by value in middleware technologies such as CORBA &

Java RMI is held locally in a cache & represents the actual remote object

• Web proxy

• A Web proxy is a proxy server located between a Web browser & Web servers

• The Web proxy caches a Web page that is fetched by a browser from a Web server,

& returns it when a subsequent request is sent for the same page

• .NET Data Sets

• .NET data sets are instantiated locally & filled by the results of an SQL query on the database with one or more tables, using an SqlDataAdapter

The data sets therefore provide caching of data, thus saving expensive database queries

• Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

• EJB entity beans represent database information in the middle tier

• The entity beans therefore help avoid expensive data retrieval (resource acquisition) from the database

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Pooling – Example

• Simple Web-based on-line commerce application providing a catalog

• Contents of catalog dynamically generated from database

• Servlet connects to database, executes a query & uses results to generate

HTML page

• Catalog can be accessed by hundreds of users simultaneously

How do we ensure that a reasonable number of database connections are created & furthermore a database connection is available quickly to service a user request?

Servlet A

Servlet B connections


Servlet Engine

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher



• Systems that continuously acquire & release resources of the same or similar type, & have to fulfill high scalability & efficiency demands


• How can released resources be reused to avoid the overhead of re-acquisition?

• How can the acquisition time of a resource by a user be made predictable even though direct acquisition of the resource from the resource provider can be unpredictable?


Manage multiple instances of one type of resource in a pool. This pool of resources allows for reuse when resource users release resources they no longer need

The released resources are then put back into the pool

• When a resource is released & put back into the pool, it should be made to lose its identity

Resource User

Resource Pool

Resource Provider Resource

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Pooling – Example Resolved

• Database connections are pooled in a connection pool

• On every request by the user, the servlet acquires a connection from the connection pool, which it uses to access the database

• After access, the connection is released to the connection pool

:Resource User acquire

:Resource Pool resource acquire resource access



«create» release (resource)

:Resource acquire resource release (resource) access release


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Pooling – Known Uses

• JDBC Connection Pooling

• Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) connections are managed using connection pooling

• COM+

• The COM+ Services runtime, as part of the Windows operating system, supports object pooling for COM+ objects & .NET applications

• EJB Application Servers

• Component-based Application servers use component instance pooling to manage the number of component instances efficiently

• Web Servers

Most Web servers use Thread Pooling to efficiently manage the threads

• Threads are reused after completing a request

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Coordinator – Example

• Large-scale system distributed over multiple processing nodes

• Each node comprises of services that need to be frequently updated

• Successful update of some sub-systems but not all can leave the system in inconsistent state

How do we ensure that either all the subsystems are successfully updated or none are?

Sub-System-1 Sub-System-2

Sub-System-n update

Central Admin


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher



• Systems where a task needs to be coordinated among multiple participants


• How do we ensure that in a task involving two or more participants, either the work done by all of the participants is completed or none is?


• Introduce a Coordinator that is responsible for execution & completion of a task

• Split the work of each participant into two phases: prepare & commit

• In first phase, Coordinator asks each participant to prepare for the work to be done

• If prepare phase is successful, Coordinator initiates commit phase, in which the actual work is done by the participants

• If prepare phase fails, Coordinator aborts the task

Coordinator beginTask() register() commitTask()



Coordination prepare() commit() abort()


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Coordinator – Example Resolved

• Each sub-system acts as a participant & implements the Coordination interface

• The task to be completed is software update

• Coordinator executes the two-phase execution of the task

: Client : Coordinator : Sub-System 1 : Sub-System 2 begin task register register commit task prepare true prepare false abort

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Coordinator – Known Uses

• Java Authentication & Authorization Service (JAAS)

• Login Context serves the role of Coordinator

• Login Modules are participants that follow two-phase process for authentication

• Java Transaction Services (JTS)

• JTS Transaction Manager serves the role of Coordinator

• Software Installation

• In prepare phase, checks are performed, such as making sure that there is enough disk space

• Databases

• Make use of two-phase commit to ensure data consistency

• Priest conducting a marriage

Priest is the Coordinator, who follows a two-phase process

• Bride & groom are the participants

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Resource Lifecycle Manager – Example

• Distributed system that needs to service thousands of clients

• Clients establish connections to communicate with remote services

• The complexity in managing the lifecycles of connections can affect the core functionality of the application

• Resource management can make its business logic hard to understand & maintain due to the entangled connection-management code

How can the lifecycle of interdependent resources be managed while ensuring that the business logic of a system does not become too hard to understand & maintain?



Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems



Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Resource Lifecycle Manager

• Context

• Large & complex systems that require simplified management of lifecycle of their resources

• Problem

• Resources in systems can be of many different types, such as network connections, threads, synchronization primitives, servants & so on

• Resources of the same or different types might depend on each other

• How can the lifecycle of interdependent resources be managed such that it does not make the business logic of the system hard to understand & manage?

Resource User

• Solution

• Separate resource usage from resource management

• Introduce a separate Resource Lifecycle

Manager whose sole responsibility is to manage and maintain the resources of a resource user

Resource Lifecycle


• The Resource Lifecycle Manager maintains the dependencies between resources

Resource Provider Resource


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Resource Lifecycle Manager – Example Resolved

• Introduce a component that is responsible for the resource lifecycle management & hence free the application from this responsibility

• The clients then use the resource lifecycle manager to request new connections to the server

• Once these connections are given to the clients, their lifecycle is managed by the resource lifecycle manager public ResourceLifecycleManager {

// resource group management public ResourceGroup createGroup (String groupID,

Resource resources []) { //... } public void addResourceToGroup (Resource resource,

ResourceGroup group) { //... } public boolean release (ResourceGroup group) {//... }

// ...


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Resource Lifecycle Manager – Known Uses

• Component container

• A component container manages the lifecycle of application components & provides application-independent services

• Further, it manages the lifecycle of resources used by the components

• Examples include: J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) , CORBA Component

Model (CCM) , & COM+

• Remoting middleware

• Middleware technologies such as CORBA & .NET Remoting ensure the proper lifecycle management of resources such as connections, threads, synchronization primitives, & servants implementing the remote services

• Grid computing

• A resource lifecycle manager is typically used to manage the local resources of computers participating in a grid

• Resource lifecycle manager ensures that resources in a grid are available & fulfills local as well as distributed requests to those resources

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Patterns for Resource Release

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Leasing – Example

• Quoter service, which provides stock quotes to clients

• Reference of Quoter service is made available to clients via Lookup service

• Suppose the Quoter service were to crash & not come up again

• Quoter service reference would become invalid but would still be available via the Lookup service

How can the invalid Quoter service reference be automatically removed at the Lookup service?

Client query object reference

Network publish object reference





Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher



• Systems where resource use needs to be controlled to allow timely release of unused resources


• How can resources that are not used by a resource user, or no longer available be automatically freed as soon as possible to make them available to new resource users?

• How can the system load caused by unused resources be minimized?

• How can it be ensured that a resource user does not use an obsolete version of a resource when a new version becomes available?



• Introduce a lease for every resource that is held by a resource user

• A lease is granted by a grantor & is obtained by a holder

Grantor Holder

• A lease specifies a time duration for which the resource user can hold the resource

• Once the time duration elapses, the lease is said to have expired & the corresponding resource is released



Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Leasing – Example Resolved

• Server containing Quoter service is resource user & Lookup service is resource provider

• When the Quoter service is registered at the Lookup service, a lease is created

• The lease specifies the duration for which the Quoter service is available

• Once the lease expires, the

Lookup service automatically removes the Quoter service reference

: Resource User acquire reference, lease

: Resource

Provider resource available?


: Resource

«create» timer lease expired

: Lease release (reference) release (resource) expired

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Leasing – Known Uses

• Jini

• Jini couples each service with a lease object that specifies the duration of time for which a client can use that service

• Jini also associates a lease object with each registration of a service with the Jini lookup service. If a lease expires & the corresponding service does not renew the lease, the service is removed from the lookup service

• .NET Remoting

• Remote objects in .NET Remoting are managed by the Leasing Distributed Garbage


• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

A DHCP lease is the time that the DHCP server grants permission to the DHCP client to use a particular IP address

• Web-based e-mail accounts

• Many web-based e-mail accounts, for example MSN Hotmail or GMX become inactive automatically if not used for a certain period of time

• The time duration can be regarded as a lease whose renewal requires use of the email account

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Evictor – Example

• A three-tier Application with large number of business objects

• State of objects is persistent & so objects can be re-created

• Objects need to be in memory to respond to client request quickly

• However, keeping too many objects in memory can be expensive

How do we balance the conflicting requirements of keeping objects in memory for efficiency & at the same time reducing their number to minimize performance degradation?


Shelf Shelf Shelf

Card Card Card Card

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher



• Systems that need efficient management of resources


• How can the lifecycle of a resource be controlled by the frequency of use of the resource?

• How can release of resources be controlled by factors such as type of resource, available memory & CPU load?


• Evictor monitors the use of a resource

• It then controls its lifecycle using one or more strategies such as LRU

Resources that are selected using the strategies are evicted


EvictionInterface isEvictable() info() beforeEviction


1 *


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Evictor – Example Resolved

• NE, Shelf, & Card objects would implement EvictionInterface

• Each time an object is used, it would get marked with a timestamp

• Periodically, the Evictor would run & use a strategy such as LRU to identify objects that have not been marked

• Objects that are not marked would be evicted & their corresponding resources released

• Before being evicted, objects would be given a chance to do any cleanup




Shelf Shelf Shelf

Card Card Card Card

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Evictor – Known Uses

• Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

• Activation & deactivation mechanism is provided by the container to swap out beans from memory to secondary storage

• Java Reference API

JDK 1.2 introduced the concept of reference objects

• Soft, weak & phantom references


• Servant Manager keeps track of number of instantiated servants

• It evicts servants depending upon memory requirements

• Paging

• OS copies a certain number of pages from the storage device into main memory.

• When a program needs a page that is not in main memory, the OS evicts a page from memory & copies it to the storage device

It then copies the required page from the storage device into main memory

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Resource Management Patterns Map




Caching Pooling



Evictor Coordinator Lookup






Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Case Study: Mobile Network

• Overview

• System Architecture

• Hot Spot Analysis

• Base Station

• Operation & Maintenance Center

• Pattern Map

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

System Overview

Operation & Maintenance




Radio Network


Base Station

Base Station

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station

• Responsible for communicating with mobile phones

Antennas are used to transmit digitized voice via radio signals

• Mediates calls between mobile phones & RNCs

• Operated & maintained by the OMC


Operation &


Base Station

Call Processing

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Operation Maintenance Center (OMC)

• The Operation & Maintenance Center consists of

• User Interface

• Topological Tree

• Tree Management









User Interface

Topological Tree Tree Management


Base Station

Operation &


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

System Interaction – Call Establishment

Mobile phone Base Station 1 establish call establish call

RNC Core Netw ork verify number establish call

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

System Interaction – Call Hand-over

Mobile phone Base Station 1 measure signal

Base Station 2 w eak signal detected prepare handover handover handover complete

RNC query get established calls get established calls


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station Hot Spot: Flexible Application Discovery


• Application components are encapsulated & provide service interfaces

• To connect to each other, how can the applications find each other’s service interfaces?


• Service interfaces are registered with a lookup service ( Lookup )

Use the lookup service ( Lookup) to find service interfaces of used components

3: use







User Interface




Call Processing

1: register

2: lookup

Lookup Service

Lookup Table

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station Hot Spot: Concurrency


• Many concurrent activities must be performed, such as call establishment & performance management

• Multiple threads are created to guarantee responsiveness of the base station

• How can the number of threads that are created be controlled such that there is optimal resource utilization?


• Use several threads, but limit the number of threads

• Reuse threads ( Pooling )


: Operation &

Maintenance measure performance

«create» theAction : Long

Running Action

: Thread : Thread Pool run (theAction) execute run (theAction) return result return result


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station Hot Spot: Connection Management


• Connections are not fixed & are also unreliable

• How can system resources be freed on time when connections are broken?


• Free resources associated with a connection automatically ( Evictor )


Operation &


Base Station

Call Processing

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station Hot Spot: High Performance


• Interactions between CPU boards are expensive

• The system must guarantee stringent Quality of Service properties

• How can unpredictable overhead be avoided from dynamic resource acquisitions, such as connection establishment & memory allocations?


Avoid expensive resource acquisitions at run-time ( Eager Acquisition )

• Reuse once acquired resources ( Caching )

Operation &

Maintenance CPU


Call Processing

CPU Board(s)

Base Station

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station Hot Spot: Failure Handling


• OMC service interface may become unavailable & bind resources unnecessarily

• Sudden disconnections cannot be avoided

• How can the base station ensure that a reference to a service interface that is no longer valid is not used?


Lease reference to OMC service interface ( Leasing )

• Prolong leases regularly

In case of failure a new OMC may contact the base station


Operation &


Base Station

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems

Call Processing


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Base Station Pattern Map






Call Processing



Base Station

Operations and



Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Hot Spot: Station Discovery & Communication


• Base stations must be connected to the OMC

• Base station service interfaces are exposed via references

• How can the service interfaces be obtained since the IP addresses of base stations are not enough to communicate with them?


• Fetch references of application components using a special protocol

• Store those references and allow their retrieval ( Lookup )

OMC get reference

Lookup Service service interface get reference ftp login/get reference file lookup

Base Station service interface access

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Hot Spot: Network State Maintenance

• Problem

• Network connections are inherently unreliable

• How can the state of a network element be obtained if the network connection to that element is broken?

• Solution

• Cache state of individual network elements ( Caching)

Represent network elements via proxies

• Inform operator that visible state represents possibly outdated information








Operation &


Base Station

Call Processing

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Hot Spot: High Performance


• User Interface must be highly responsive

• How can the OMC be made highly responsive to user input, such as when selecting network elements & viewing their properties?


• Buffer data once it’s retrieved ( Caching )

• Caching helps to improve performance, avoiding expensive data acquisition

: User Interface

: Tree


: Topological Tree : Element Cache : Database system startup query (top level elements) put (elements) update view () user interaction get element update view get

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Hot Spot: High Scalability


• OMC manages thousands of network elements

Network elements contain large state information

• How can the OMC be made scalable to cope with all the network elements it manages?


Evict node state information that is not needed any longer ( Evictor )

• Acquire large state in steps, for example large alarm logs ( Partial Acquisition )








Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Hot Spot: Maintenance & Upgrade


• Software updates must be applied to network elements regularly

• How can it be ensured that all versions of the software are compatible & consistent?


• Coordinate the download & installation ( Coordinator )

• Separate installation from activation

Radio Network


Base Station

Operation & Maintenance


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Base Station

Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Hot Spot: Complexity


• Managing resources explicitly is tedious

• Lifecycles might be non-trivial & depend on each other

• How can the lifecycles of interdependent resources be managed?


• Introduce a Resource Lifecycle Manager to coordinate the lifecycle of complex resources

Thread acquired

Connection acquired

Memory acquired



Thread released

Connection released

Memory released Memory

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

OMC Pattern Map











User Interface

Topological Tree


Tree Management

Softw are Distribution




Base Station Coordinator

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Case Study: Ad Hoc Networking – Overview

• Ad hoc networking is based on the principle of spontaneous addition,

discovery, & use of services in a network

• Services can be of multiple types, such as

• Simple time services

• PowerPoint presentation services

MP3 player services

All ad hoc networking technologies

• Are either platform- or programming language-dependent,

But they share a common underlying architecture

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher


• Consider a mobile network as the ad hoc network

• Network consists of mobile devices containing software that accesses distributed services

• Services can include

• A stock quote service that delivers real time stock quotes

• A news service that delivers the latest news, customized according to user preferences

• An advertisement service that delivers advertisements according to user preferences

& location

Services themselves reside on the mobile phone & communicate with back-end providers to obtain necessary information

However, devices such as mobile phones are typically constrained by memory, processing power, & storage, & therefore can not host several services simultaneously



Dynamically loaded Service

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems



Mobile Phone


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher


• Efficiency

• Unnecessary service acquisitions should be avoided.

• System load caused by unused services must be minimized.

• Simplicity

Management of services used by a client should be simple.

• It should be optional for a client to explicitly release services it no longer needs.

• Availability

Services not used by a client, or no longer available, should be freed as soon as possible to make them available to new clients.

• Adaptation

• The frequency of use of a service should influence the lifecycle of a service.

• Service release should be determined by parameters such as available memory &

CPU load.

• Actuality

• A device should not use an obsolete version of a service when a new version becomes available.

• Transparency

• The solution should be transparent to clients.

The solution should incur minimum execution overhead & software development complexity.

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher


• Apply the resource management pattern language

The following are the four main components that are responsible for the key interactions in applying the resource management pattern:

• Service

– A service is published so that it can be discovered & used by clients in the ad hoc network

• Lookup service – A lookup service is used by service providers that register services, & by clients to discover the services

• Client

– A client, such as a mobile device, is an entity that makes use of a service. The client finds a service using the lookup service

• Service provider – A service provider is an entity that provides a service for clients by registering the service, or only part of it, with the lookup service




Lookup Service




Service Provider


Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Example: Mobile Phone – Solution Structure


Software : Client

Quoter Proxy

: Service Proxy

Mobile Phone

Directory :

Lookup Service

Infrastructure Server

Registraton/Lookup Interface



Stock Exchange :

Service Provider

Service Interface


Quoter Service

: Service

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Example: Mobile Phone

Lazy Acquisition

• The user of the mobile phone can decide any time to use a service

• The services are loaded lazily

– the service must not be loaded in advance

• The directory is consulted on demand for services to be downloaded on the mobile phone

Directory :

Lookup Service

Infrastructure Server

Registration/Lookup Interface


Software : Client

Mobile Phone




Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Example: Mobile Phone

Lookup: Service Registration

• Stock exchange service provider acts as a resource provider, while the quoter service is the actual resource that it provides

• Stock exchange creates & registers stock quoter service with the directory

• Stock exchange service provider submits a reference to itself along with a set of properties that describe the services that it provides

• Stock exchange service provider registers quoter proxy with the lookup service

Stock Exchange :

Service Provider

Directory :

Lookup Service


Quoter Service

: Service register (stock exchange, "Quoter", quoter proxy)

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Example: Mobile Phone

Lookup: Service Discovery

• Application software of mobile phone first finds the directory

• It then downloads the client proxy & installs it

• It finally acquires the quoter service & uses it to fetch stock quotes


Softw are : Client install proxy acquire service

Stock Exchange :

Service Provider

Quoter Service :

Service lookup ("Quoter") reference to stock exchange, quoter proxy quote ("SI")

Directory :

Lookup Service

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Example: Mobile Phone

Leasing, Evictor

• Once the mobile phone finds a service, it acquires a lease to gain access to the service

• A lease is a grant of guaranteed access for a specific time

• Each lease is negotiated between the client & the service provider

References to service providers are automatically removed from the directory that no longer provide any services, & therefore whose leases have expired

• Corresponding resources are automatically evicted


Softw are : Client acquire service lease quote ("SI") evict proxy

Stock Exchange :

Service Provider lease expired prepare for eviction (quoter proxy)

Quoter Service :

Service create lease release service

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Example: Mobile Phone – Pattern Map





Lookup Service






Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher


• The presented patterns

• Address non-functional properties, such as

• Scalability, Performance, Predictability, Stability, Consistency, & Flexibility

• Cover the complete lifecycle from acquisition to release

• Are independent of any application domain

• Are generalizations of more specialized patterns

• Not addressed topics in this tutorial

• Access to concurrent resources, see POSA2 & Doug Lea’s book “Concurrent

Programming in Java”

• Fault tolerance techniques, to be published in 2007

• Reference counting, see POSA 4/5

• Extension of the pattern language with new experiences in

• Grid computing

– sharing & aggregation of distributed resources

• Autonomic computing – automated resource management anticipating resource need

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Other Literature

• The POSA3 patterns are tightly integrated with other pattern literature

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 3:

Patterns for Resource Management

Michael Kircher, Prashant Jain

John Wiley & Sons

ISBN 0-470-84525-2

Patterns for Effective Management of Resources in Software Systems


Douglas C. Schmidt, Prashant Jain, & Michael Kircher
