PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICA 8th Grade Social Studies Quarter 1: Weeks 1 & 2 UNIT OVERVIEW Essential Questions • How did people come to live in the Americas? • What were the impacts of European exploration on indigenous peoples? • How was our region developed and shaped throughout history? UNIT OBJECTIVES Language Standards Content Standards Benchmark 1-A. New Mexico: explore and explain how people and events have influenced the development of New Mexico up to the present day: R1. compare and contrast the settlement patterns of the American southwest with other regions of the United States; W1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. W2. Write informative texts. a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension SOURCES Primary • Created in the time period by an eye witness. • What are some examples? Secondary • Created after the event by someone who was not present. • What are some examples? Examples: quotes, letters, speeches, journals, records, songs, photographs, newspapers and books from that time, fossils, etc. PRIMARY SOURCES SECONDARY SOURCES Examples: Books, textbooks, biographies, documentaries, current magazines/newspapers, websites, etc. WEEK 1: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES I can: • Explain the major theories of populating the Americas •Compare and contrast the different tribes (traditions/cultures) of the American southwest •Analyze the causes for movement of different tribes •Listen to creation stories and population theories to retell the main ideas •Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast different groups •Describe the causes for movement among indigenous peoples prior to European contact INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: DAY 1 & 2 Discuss: • Objectives • Diné creation story: • How did people come to live on North America? Content Objective I can explain the major theories of populating the Americas. Language Objective I can listen to creation stories and population theories to summarize the main ideas. BEFORE WE BEGIN… *Important* Theories and beliefs are different ways to talk about ideas, we aren’t talking about right or wrong. It is important that we always respect each other’s beliefs, thoughts, and ideas Coastal Route Creation Story Land Bridge DINE CREATION STORY First Man and First Woman journey up through the four worlds inside the Earth. Emerge where the rivers meet, the Nation spreads throughout the lands between the four sacred mountains. READ ABOUT TWO OTHER THEORIES TO FIND SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES LAND BRIDGE THEORY COASTAL ROUTE THEORY LAND BRIDGE THEORY • Beringia = land/ice mass that connected Siberia and North America • People were following their food source : Big Game • Examples: mammoth, sloth, elk, etc. Megalonyx Jeffersonii A giant sloth, found by Thomas Jefferson on his plantation ORGANIZE YOUR THOUGHTS & NOTES Instructions • Create the Venn diagram in your journal • Work in your small groups to complete the Venn diagram RACE WRITING Compare and contrast the three narratives about people coming to live in North America. CLOSURE Exit Ticket: Did you meet your objectives today? What is one question you still have about our lesson today? INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: DAY 3 Discuss: Content Objective •Objectives •List of Tribes •Map of Tribes Language Objective Compare and contrast the different tribes (traditions/cultures) of the American southwest Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast different groups 500+ NATIONS In your groups… • Discuss how you might organize the tribes according to the region map. WEBQUEST Directions: • In your small groups, select a region • Research some of the tribes that live or lived in that region • Gather information in your journals • Create a PowerPoint slide to share your findings and some visuals about your research. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Directions • Create your own model of the Venn diagram, be original! • Complete one side of the Venn diagram for the region you and your group researched • Present to another group and complete your diagrams • Remember a title Group 1 Group 2 RACE WRITING Compare and contrast the tribes of two different regions of the North American continent. CLOSURE Did you meet your objectives today? INDIGENOUS PEOPLES: DAY 4 Discuss: • Objectives • What does it mean to analyze? Think of synonyms for this word in your groups. Content Objective I can analyze the causes for movement of different tribes. Language Objective I can describe the causes for movement among indigenous peoples prior to European contact. MOVEMENT Discuss in your groups: • Why might groups of people move from one place to another? READING Analyze the timeline in your groups. Discuss what reasons you found for Lakota movement. What types of sources were utilized to create this timeline? NAVAJO MOVEMENT JIGSAW In small groups, read the section provided Discuss three points in the section that you feel are the most important Break up into another group and discuss your three main points HOW DID NAVAJO PEOPLE COME TO LIVE IN THIS AREA? OTHER TRIBES? Record these ideas in your journal WEEK 2: EUROPEAN CONTACT I can: • Summarize the causes for European exploration by reading journals • Discuss the impacts of European contact on indigenous peoples in an essay • Analyze the causes for European exploration • Assess the impacts of European contact on indigenous peoples, Northern, Eastern, and Southwestern tribes EUROPEAN CONTACT: DAY 1 & 2 Discuss: • Objectives • Europe map Content Objective I can analyze the causes for European exploration. Language Objective I can summarize the causes for European exploration by reading journals. REASONS FOR EXPLORATION Directions • Cut out seven reasons from: • Create flashcards with a visual for each one • Practice with a partner COLUMBUS’ JOURNAL ANALYZING JOURNALS Directions • Select two days to read from Columbus’ journal • Determine the motivations Columbus had for exploring. • Discuss some of the challenges Columbus and his crew faced. ANALYZING LETTERS Directions • Read the letter • Determine the De Soto’s purpose for writing the letter. • Discuss some of the challenges De Soto and his crew faced. ts.asp f/AJ-024.pdf COMPARE AND CONTRAST Columbus De Soto In your groups, complete the Venn diagram about these two explorers. RACE WRITING Compare and contrast the experiences of Columbus and De Soto. EUROPEAN EXPLORATION: DAY 3 - 5 Discuss Content Objective • Objectives I can assess the impacts of European contact on indigenous peoples, Northern, Eastern, and Southwestern tribes • Chart Language Objective I can discuss the impacts of European contact on indigenous peoples in an essay. SYNTHESIS: BRINGING TOGETHER DIFFERENT SOURCES Informative Essays • What purpose does informative writing serve? • Your purpose is to discuss the impacts that European explorers had on the indigenous peoples of the Americas based on the readings. Key elements of every essay: Title Interesting opening Thesis Topic sentence for every body paragraph Evidence Conclusion (restatement of thesis) Bibliography REVIEW Review your notes and readings to determine the effects of Europeans on the indigenous peoples of North America. *Make a list of sources and of questions you still have. SCHEDULE • One day for researching any remaining questions • One day for drafting and peer editing • Final day for final reviews CLOSURE Exit Ticket • What learning stands out for you from this unit? • What went really well for you in this final project? • Discuss one challenge you faced in this unit.