Good literacy practices observed during inspection Mary Gilbride 21 November 2014 Aims of All Evaluation (Professional Code of Practice) • To identify, acknowledge and affirm good practice in schools. • To promote continuing improvement in the quality of education offered by schools. • To promote self-evaluation and continuous development by schools and staff. • To provide an assurance of quality in the educational system as a whole, based on the collection of objective, dependable, high quality data Main types of inspection • Whole School Evaluation: Management, Leadership and Learning (WSE:MLL) • Programme Evaluation (LCA, TY etc) • Subject Inspection • Incidental Inspection • Thematic Evaluations (DEIS) • Follow-Through Inspections Focus on literacy development in all inspections Focus on literacy • Main focus of all evaluations is on teaching and learning • Focus also on how teaching and learning support the development of literacy and numeracy skills • New JC English – focus also on effective strategies to develop oracy skills • Focus in DEIS schools on effective strategies to support literacy development in accordance with DEIS plan Literacy and Numeracy Strategy and Self evaluation Literacy and Numeracy Strategy requires all schools to -engage in robust self evaluation and -put in place a three-year school improvement plan including specific targets for the promotion and improvement of literacy and numeracy. • Schools required to put these plans in place by the end of the 2012-13 school year Literacy • Literacy and numeracy are much more than “reading, writing and arithmetic” • “Literacy is the capacity to read, understand and critically appreciate various forms of communication including, spoken language, printed text, broadcast media and digital media” – National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy p. 8 Literacy • “Through the expert provision of a wide range of books and other materials, libraries can both support the acquisition of literacy skills and help foster children’s love of reading”. Literacy and numeracy strategy p. 21 • “While libraries are an excellent resource for all families, they can be of particular assistance for families who find it difficult to meet the cost of providing a range of books and educational resources in the home” Literacy • Includes the capacity to read, understand and critically appreciate various forms of communication including spoken language, printed text, broadcast media and digital media… • Texts may be presented in traditional written forms, as well as through oral, digital and visual media. In this context, texts may include, but are not limited to novels, filmed documentaries, leaflets, graphs, posters, charts, scientific symbols and social networks – SSE Guidelines for Postprimary schools p. 72 Good practice in libraries and schools • Foster an enjoyment of reading among children and young people: – How? School actively promotes reading, Develop library membership, plans library visits, reading lists, reading lessons, book clubs, provide opportunity for learners to experience the joy and excitement of getting ‘lost’ in a book, ensure that the reading tastes of all students, including boys, are catered for (non-literary texts and other texts). • Raise awareness of the importance of oral and written language in all its forms – How? Poetry Aloud, Debating and public speaking, Writing competitions, newspapers and magazines in library, Process of writing, Use of digital media, Projects on famous writers Good practice in libraries and schools • Increase awareness of the importance of digital media – How? Use of computers for research, writing, presentations etc • Engage with parents – identify ways to support and encourage parents to be actively involved in their children’s learning – How? Paired reading, book clubs for parents etc • Provide spaces which can be used by parents to assist their children’s literacy and numeracy development – How? Parents’ room, use of library etc • Link schools and communities to support children’s learning – How? Use of public libraries, visiting writers, workshops etc Good practice in libraries and schools • Ensure students experience a wide range of fiction, drama texts and poetry and have a stock of suitable reading material available • Ensure connectivity between the learner’s experiences of English in sixth class in primary school and first year • Whole school literacy policy available • Literacy committee in place-representatives from the English department, the special educational needs (SEN) department, librarian and other subjects. • Range of initiatives to promote reading: Word millionaire, Make a book, paired reading, Read Wall, Drop Everything and Read, Word a Day, Spelling Bees, Paired reading Good practice in libraries and schools • Range of literacy approaches (too many schools utilise key words as only literacy strategy) • Well-stocked library which is updated annually and recommended reading of students taken into account • Involving students in book selection process (by physically bringing them to a book shop) • In schools where there is no library, use of book boxes or reading room • Making books available throughout the school in a non-traditional context (canteen etc) • Provision of a print rich and text rich environment. • Display of students’ work -regarded as a form of publication, Opportunities provided for students to publish their work, for example through the school website or other school publications Literacy Strategies in one school Opinion, Reason, Evidence (ORE)- comprehension strategy Poetry Aloud Spellzone DEAR Book cover design Dictionary and Thesaurus Book club Visiting writers Literacy Strategies in one school Parents’ Book Club Word of the week Creative writing workshops Use of JCSP statements for all Structured library classes Summer reading and reading lists Subject specific terminology Involvement of students in running library Podcasts and use of digital media