PREECLAMPSIA IN PREGNANCY AND MIDWIFERY Kertu Lemberg 2010 INTRODUCTION Preeclampsia is a frequent pathology; In Estonia preeclampsia occurs 5-8%; Preeclampsia is specific to the pregnancy, when during the second half of the pregnancy appears first time high blood pressure or proteinuria. RESEARCH PROBLEM Preeclampsia is a difficult pregnancytimely pathology; Midwives practice´s differently; Wish to read up on preeclampsia in Pregnancy and Midwifery. PREECLAMPSIA ETIOLOGY, PATHOGENESIS AND DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA Preeclampsia has been explained as syndroma; Vasospasm in every organ; Changes in clotting system; Systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg or elevation ≥ 30 mmHg comparing to the nonpregnancy; Diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg or elevation ≥ 15 mmHg. PREECLAMPSIA EFFECT TO THE WOMEN AND THE FETUS Mother: changes in central nervous systema, cerebral haemorragia, retina damage, lung oedema, kidney damage, liver rupture, trombotsytopenia, DIC; Fetus: growth retardation, delivery distress, preterm delivery, delivery timely hypoxia and death. PREECLAMPSIA IN PREGNANCY AND MIDWIFERY Recular antenatal observation; Weight, BP, measure the symphysisfundus distance, urine sample; Preeclamptic symptom assess; A midwife gives recommendation and teaches the pregnant women. DISCUSSION High BP and pathologic changes in pregnant organism can exert to the fetus detrimental influence; Teaching the patient. Thank you for your attention!