Anaemia treatment in CKD, ESRD, and kidney transplant recipients Iain C Macdougall BSc, MD, FRCP Consultant Nephrologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer Renal Unit, King’s College Hospital, London, UK Outline of presentation Erythropoiesis in 2009 ESA therapy Target Hb Iron management Anaemia management in kidney transplantation The future Development of renal anaemia prior to the availability of EPO therapy Hb (g/dL) 15 10 5 CKD stages 1–2 Stage 3 Stage 4 120–60 59–30 29–15 Dialysis Stage 5 < 15 Declining GFR (mL/min) NHANES data Erythropoiesis in CKD in 2009 Erythropoiesis in CKD Erythropoietin SCF, IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, IL-11 Iron SCF, GM-CSF, IL-3 About 8 Days Pluripotent Stem Cell Burst-Forming Colony-Forming ProerythroUnit-Erythroid Unit-Erythroid blasts Cells (BFU-E) Cells (CFU-E) Erythroblasts Reticulocytes RBCs Papayannopoulou T, et al. In: Hoffman R, et al., ed. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 4th ed. 2005;267-288. Erythropoiesis in CKD in 2009 + + Fas Ag EPO production Iron EPO ─ Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, TNFα, IL-6, IFNγ) hepcidin Apoptosis ─ Fe absorption Fe transport Fe availability (EPO-R, Tf, TfR, Ferriportin, DMT-1) Anti-Anaemic therapies in CKD Erythropoietin SCF, IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, IL-11 Iron SCF, GM-CSF, IL-3 About 8 Days Pluripotent Stem Cell Burst-Forming Colony-Forming ProerythroUnit-Erythroid Unit-Erythroid blasts Cells (BFU-E) Cells (CFU-E) Erythroblasts Reticulocytes RBCs Papayannopoulou T, et al. In: Hoffman R, et al., ed. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 4th ed. 2005;267-288. Outline of presentation Erythropoiesis in 2009 ESA therapy Target Hb Iron management Anaemia management in kidney transplantation The future Development of recombinant human EPO 1977 - human EPO isolated from 2,500 litres of urine (Miyake et al) 1983 - gene for human EPO isolated and cloned (FK Lin et al) 1986 - first clinical report in dialysis patients 1990 - r-HuEPO licensed for use in Europe Epoetin alfa (Eprex) Epoetin beta (NeoRecormon) Development of renal anaemia prior to the availability of EPO therapy Hb (g/dL) 15 10 Winearls CG, et al. (Lancet Eschbach JW, et al. 1986; 2: 1175-8) (N Engl J Med 1987; 316:73-8) Macdougall IC, et al. (Lancet 1990; 335: 489-93) 5 CKD stages 1–2 Stage 3 Stage 4 120–60 59–30 29–15 Declining GFR (mL/min) Dialysis < 15 Stage 5 Macdougall et al., Lancet 1990; 335: 489-493. 14 Hb (g/dl) 12 10 Hb increment > 5g/dl 8 Mean baseline Hb = 6.3g/dl 6 EPO 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (months) Macdougall et al., Lancet 1990; 335: 489-493. Strategies for treating renal anaemia Hb (g/dl) 15 Prevention Higher target 2002 1998 1994 10 Earlier start 1990 5 Dialysis Time or creatinine Anaemia therapy in CKD Initially, Epoetin alfa (Eprex, Erypo) – 1990 Epoetin beta (NeoRecormon) – 1990 Epoetin alfa Epoetin beta Anaemia therapy in CKD Initially, Epoetin alfa (Eprex, Erypo) – 1990 Epoetin beta (NeoRecormon) – 1990 2nd generation ESA:Darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) – 2001 Epoetin alfa Epoetin beta Darbepoetin alfa: a molecule with two more N-linked glycosylation chains than r-HuEPO First extra N-linked chain Second extra N-linked chain Third-generation ESAs C.E.R.A. (MIRCERA) Methoxy polyethylene glycol epoetin beta – licensed 2007 C.E.R.A. Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator CERA PEGylated Epoetin beta EPO Epoetin delta (DYNEPOTM) Biosimilar EPOs First biosimilar epoetins licensed in Europe – BinocritTM (Sandoz) – RetacritTM (Hospira) Current licensed ESAs in Europe Epoetin alfa (Eprex) Epoetin beta (NeoRecormon) Darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) C.E.R.A. (MIRCERA) Epoetin delta (Dynepo) Biosimilar Epoetin alfa (Binocrit) Biosimilar Epoetin zeta (Retacrit) IV half-lives of ESA therapy Simulation of EPO kinetics for short-acting ESAs vs longer-acting ESAs* Epoetin (TIW) Plasma ESA (ng/ml) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 12 24 *estimated values based on 6000 IU epoetin / week 36 48 days Simulation of EPO kinetics for short-acting ESAs vs longer-acting ESAs* Epoetin (TIW) Darbepoetin (QW) Plasma ESA (ng/ml) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 12 24 *estimated values based on 6000 IU epoetin / week 36 48 days Simulation of EPO kinetics for short-acting ESAs vs longer-acting ESAs* Epoetin (TIW) Darbepoetin (QW) C.E.R.A. (QM) Plasma ESA (ng/ml) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 12 24 *estimated values based on 6000 IU epoetin / week 36 48 days ESAs Short-acting Dosing frequency x2 or x3 / week Medium-acting x1/wk or x1/2wks Long-acting x1/2wks or x1/mth Outline of presentation Erythropoiesis in 2009 ESA therapy Target Hb Iron management Anaemia management in kidney transplantation The future Hb predicts survival in observational studies HD patients Ofsthun et al, Kidney Int 2003; 63: 1908-1914. Hb predicts survival in observational studies ND-CKD patients Survival of CKD Patients by Hemoglobin Level 1.00 Hemoglobin P ro b a b ility o f S u rviva l 0.95 >= 130 g/L 0.90 120-129 g/L 0.85 110-119 g/L 0.80 < 100 g/L Log-Rank Test: p =0.0001 0.75 100-109 g/L 0.70 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 Months from Hg Result Levin A. et al, Nephrol Dial Transplant 2006; 21: 370-377. US Normal Haematocrit Trial Besarab A et al. N Engl J Med 339: 584-590, 1998. US Normal Haematocrit Trial - probability of death or first non-fatal MI 60 Normal-haematocrit group 50 40 Low-haematocrit group 30 20 10 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Months after randomization Besarab et al. NEJM 1998; 339: 584-90. CREATE CHOIR Primary endpoint Time to first CV event (105 events) Events: 58 vs 47 HR=0.78 (0.53–1.14) Log rank test p=0.20 CHOIR Trial 125 vs 97 events; p < 0.03 Hb target ranges – the evidence Sources:– Lancet meta-analysis – K/DOQI Anemia Guidelines update (evidence review by Boston Tufts University Evidence Rating Group) 15 Hb (g/dl) 14 13 12 11 10 9 Outline of presentation Erythropoiesis in 2009 ESA therapy Target Hb Iron management Anaemia management in kidney transplantation The future Why are CKD patients prone to develop iron deficiency? REDUCED INTAKE INCREASED LOSSES Poor appetite Occult G-I losses Poor G-I absorption Peptic ulceration Concurrent medication Blood sampling – e.g. omeprazole Food interactions Dialyser losses Concurrent meds. – e.g. aspirin Heparin on dialysis Iron metabolism PLASMA Iron stores Monitoring iron status Minimum ranges: Serum ferritin > 100 g/l Hypochromic RBC < 10% TSAT > 20% Aim for : Serum ferritin 200-500 g/l Hypochromic RBC < 2.5% TSAT 30-40% IV Iron Agents are Spheroid Particles with an Iron Core and a Carbohydrate Shell iron oxyhydroxide core carbohydrate shell DOPPS III: Type of IV Iron Prescribed in HD patients Polymaltose Other 100 3 Dextran 1 1 Fe-Oxide Saccharate Cideferron 1 7 0.3 1 9 1 1 Gluconate 8 29 36 Patients (%) 80 9 50 60 94 99 1 99 82 99 99 98 92 40 63 62 20 0 - Sucrose 40 10 1 2 ANZ n = (393) BE CA FR GE 0 IT (396) (333) (339) (419) (304) Jpn SP SW UK US (566) (469) (449) (334) (1327) Chondroitin SO4 DOPPS III data (2005-07), among prevalent cross-section of HD patients using IV iron. Benefits of IV iron in CKD patients IV iron can improve the anaemia of CKD even in the absence of ESA therapy IV iron can significantly enhance the response to ESA therapy, even in iron-replete patients Potential dangers of IV iron ? Short-term Anaphylactic reactions (iron dextran only; dextran Abs) “Free iron” reactions (all IV iron preparations) Long-term Increased susceptibility to infection Increased oxidative stress Iron overload Balance of benefits vs. risks of IV iron Outline of presentation Erythropoiesis in 2009 ESA therapy Target Hb Iron management Anaemia management in kidney transplantation The future Prevalence of anaemia in European kidney transplant recipients Hb < 12 g/dl : 28.4% Hb < 12 g/dl : 22.7% Overall 24.5 % were anaemic Hb < 12 g/dl : 25.5% n = 4263 - 76 centres, 16 countries Hb < 12 g/dl : 24.4% Y Vanrenterghem et al., For TRESAM, Am J Transplantation 2003 Prevalence of severe anaemia in Europe Overall 8.5% with severe anaemia Hb < 11 g/dl Hb < 10 g/dl Among 8.5% patients with severe anaemia, 18% were on EPO therapy Y. Vanrenterghem et al., for TRESAM, Am J Transplantation 2003. Post-transplantation anaemia Causes – – – – – – iron deficiency infections (CMV) immunosuppresssive therapy ACE-I / ARB therapy impaired renal function ( EPO) failing graft (pro-inflammatory cytokines) ESA hyporesponsiveness in renal transplantation Iron deficiency Infection/ inflammation Underdialysis Hyperparathyroidism Aluminium toxicity Carnitine deficiency PRCA Blood loss Haemolysis B12/folate deficiency Marrow disorders Haemoglobinopathies ACE inhibitors Viral (CMV, EBV, Parvovirus) Malignancy (e.g. lymphoma) Immunosuppression (Aza, MMF, SRL) Outline of presentation Erythropoiesis in 2009 ESA therapy Target Hb Iron management Anaemia management in kidney transplantation The future Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 2008 Hematide EPO-mimetic peptide, now in Phase III clinical trials Amino acid sequences completely unrelated to native EPO Shows same functional / biological properties as EPO What is different about Hematide? Peptide-based (epoetin, darbepoetin, CERA – all protein-based) Not genetically-engineered in cells (unlike epoetin, darbepoetin, CERA) Manufactured by synthetic peptide chemical techniques ? More stable at room temperature ? less immunogenic Does not cross-react with antibodies against EPO – should not cause PRCA; can be used to treat Ab+PRCA First ESA to be tested de novo once-monthly in CKD patients Anti-EPO antibodies do not neutralise Hematide EPO, rHuEPO Darbepoetin alfa C.E.R.A. EPO-mimetic peptide Peg-rHuEPO Anti-EPO Antibodies membrane P Jak2 Jak2 P P P P Jak2 Jak2 P P P P Jak2 Jak2 P P P P Jak2 Jak2 P P P Signal Transduction Gene Activation Survival, differentiation, proliferation, and maturation of RBC progenitors and precursors Hematide in the Treatment of Antibody-Mediated Pure Red Cell Aplasia 60 14.0 50 13.0 40 12.0 30 11.0 20 10.0 10 9.0 0 0 0 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.0 BL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Study Months n = 13 13 13 11 11 10 9 8 7 8 6 7 7 6 6 7 6 (Data from three subjects were censored due to kidney transplantation) 58 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 Mean (SD) Hb Concentration (g/dL) Percent Patients Receiving RBC Transfusions During Each Study Month I C Macdougall et al, ASN 2007 (updated in 2008) HIF stabilisers HIF is the hypoxic sensor that upregulates EPO gene expression HIF is broken down by a prolyl hydroxylase enzyme An inhibitor of HIF hydroxylase has been synthesised (FibroGen) It causes an increase in EPO levels, even in CKD patients Upside This enzyme inhibitor is orally-active Downside >100 other genes (e.g. VEGF) also turned on Rare development of severe liver toxicity (may be fatal) New IV irons pending……. 2 new IV irons forthcoming:– Ferumoxytol (US) – Ferric carboxymaltose – FerinjectTM (Europe) Advantages – ? safer – no need for test dose – more rapid high-dose bolus injection – main benefits in the pre-ESRD population Ferric carboxymaltose (Ferinject) Ferric hydroxide molecules Ribbon-like carboxymaltose Licensed in Europe Stable iron complex Low immunogenic potential – dextran-free Minimal detectable and releasable free iron No test dose required Rapid administration – 200mg push – 500mg in 6 mins – 1000mg infusion in 15 mins Ganz, 2006. Ganz, 2006. Iron transport EPO: an all-purpose tissue-protective agent? Savino R, Ciliberto G. Cell Death Differ. 2004;11 Suppl 1:S2-4. EPO therapy: beyond Hb Mediated via the anti-apoptotic action of EPO on nonerythroid cells Relevant for acute cardiac, renal, and cerebral ischaemia ? Therapeutic benefit in :– Acute MI – Acute stroke – Reperfusion injury – Post-transplantation Conclusions Our understanding of erythropoiesis in 2009 has advanced to include the role of hepcidin and pro-inflammatory cytokines Until further evidence is forthcoming, we should generally target an Hb of 11–12 g/dl Even in 2009, there is still a need for additional grade A level evidence in the management of anaemia in CKD Several new ESAs and IV iron preparations are appearing, and the non-erythropoietic effects of ESAs are being explored