Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive Law Enforcement Online FBI 101: Resources for Campus Public Safety by Ronald E. Benson FBI Supervisory Analyst 21 June 2010 Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive What resources does FBI Division 1 (Criminal Justice Information Services) have to offer? How do campus public safety agencies access LEO? • Be a current LEO member • Have access to an internet connection anywhere on Earth Objectives • Background • Membership • Strategic Tools • Tactical Tools – VCC – NAS • Other Services Who’s on LEO? “Currently, LEO provides a secure communications link to and among al levels of law enforcement and is available to more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies. LEO has a user community of more than 137,000 vetted members.” Robert S. Mueller, III, Director , FBI Statement Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, March 25, 2009 www.leo.gov Username & Password Special Interest Groups (SIGS) •by Topic •FBI Bomb Data Center •National Joint Terrorism Task Force •by Geographic Location •Group of 13 Pennsylvania SIG •North Carolina Law Enforcement & Emergency Services •by Agency or Position •DEA •United States Airport and Seaport Police Examples of SIG Content •BOLOs/Advisories •Manuals, Presentations •Contact Lists •Training •Meeting Minutes •Any Electronically Scanned File •SIG-Specific Events Or Activities •SIG-Relevant Photos, Documents, Maps Virtual Command Center Virtual Command Center (VCC) Terrorism Natural Disaster Criminal • The VCC allows law enforcement agencies to communicate “badge blind” in a secure and timely manner • The VCC will support special events, training exercises, crisis situations, and natural disasters Past Uses of a VCC •Inauguration •Olympics •Superbowl/Pro-bowl •Hurricane Katrina •Presidential debates •NASCAR •Academy Awards •Criminal Cases (ex. kidnapping) •Exercises •Administrative purposes Date Precedence Location National Alert System Law Enforcement Online FBI National Alert System (NAS) • System monitors delivery of Alerts – Alert to 20,000 Users/Centers through LEO VPN in 5 minutes – System maintains records regarding delivery and whether the message was actually read by recipients – Secondary notification sent to 160,000 devices such as pagers, cellular phones, PDAs, and regular Internet email, to advise that an Alert has been sent • Alert is within the VPN and can contain law enforcement sensitive information • Alerts can be linked to secure LEO WebPages with greater detail to include photos, maps, and scanned documents. Hosted Services •Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners Journal Index (AFTEJI) •Bomb Data Center (BDC)/Automated Incident Reporting Report System (AIRS) •HOBAS (Hostage Barricade System) •LEILA (Law Enforcement Intelligence Linguist Access) •Virtual Command Center (VCC) •CACU (Crimes Against Children Unit) •VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program) Connected Services •JABS (Joint Automated Booking System) •NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) •ONEDOJ (formerly Regional Data Exchange) •RISS.net (Regional Information Sharing System) •N-DEx (National Data Exchange) •ORION (Operational Response and Investigative Online Network) Law Enforcement Online Summary S U M M A R Y • Intelligence Information Sharing System allowing LE Agencies, DoD and Intelligence Organizations to pass critical time sensitive information in a secure environment – LE Vetted Information • Certified and Accredited for Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) and Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES) Information • Protected through Virtual Private Network (VPN) Technology - 256 bit encryption • Users - Law Enforcement , Department of Defense and Intelligence Agencies • No Individual User Costs – internet access only Contact Information Ronald E. Benson FBI-LEO Program Management Office (202) 324-6198 (304) 625-5555 leoprogramoffice@leo.gov LEO Help Desk (888) 334-4536 Thank You For Your Attention!!!