Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Confidential Not For Public Release Learning Objectives Understanding of SNS RSS Strategic National Stockpile Receiving, Staging and Storage POD Point of Distribution Ocean County Health Department Emergency Preparedness and Response Our Mission: Ensure a coordinated, timely, and effective response to a bioterrorist event, natural disaster, or other public health emergency in Ocean County. Current Threats Man-made (CBRNE) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive Naturally occurring Influenza pandemic, SARS, anthrax, natural disasters Public Health Threat is Identified In order to respond effectively to an outbreak, the threat needs to be identified Surveillance ( ED, Epicenter, etc) Bio Watch (bio- surveillance , 30 metros) Local Government Responds Local jurisdiction will attempt to manage a public health emergency by first utilizing local resources If local resources are or are believed to be insufficient then a request will be made by Ocean County for the deployment of state assets State Government Responds State government will respond by providing additional resources May include antibiotics, equipment, medical supplies and other supplies If state assets are believed to become insufficient then a request is made for the deployment of federal assets ie SNS Strategic National Stockpile Pre-positioned pharmaceutical stockpiles located throughout the United States What does the Stockpile Contain? Pharmaceuticals Medical Supplies Medical Equipment Vaccines Antitoxins Antidotes Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) 12 Hour Push Package Vendor Managed Inventory 11 12- Hour Push Package 12 because it will arrive in 12 hours or less push because a state need only ask for help not for specific items and package because the Program will ship a complete package of medical material to include nearly everything a state will need to respond to a broad range of threats. Strategic National Stockpile Each Push-Pack… Occupies 130 cargo containers Weighs 94,424 pounds Measures 10,329 cubic feet Requires 5,000 square feet 13 Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) arrive within 24 to 36 hours tailored to provide pharmaceuticals supplies and/or products specific to the suspected or confirmed agent CHEMPACK in New Jersey Fielded 58 CHEMPACKS. Primarily in acute care hospitals. Provide State-wide coverage housed at (34) sites with the ability to treat up to 40,000 victims. Requires ongoing coordination with CDC and management by NJDOH. Receiving, Staging, and Storage (RSS) The Strategic National Stockpile is shipped to a Receiving, Staging, and Storage facility for distribution. RSS Locations Ocean County has identified two locations Primary: Lakewood Public Works Back-up: Ocean County Voter Technology Building, Lakewood The locations have the appropriate size and layout to accommodate the SNS assets Each location can be secured (security assessment) Ocean County RSS Site Reallocate & Repack Distribute 2 Sites (primary and alternate OCHD personnel, Sheriff’s Officers, MRC/CERT Volunteers CDC NJ RSS OC RSS POD POD POD POD POD What is a POD? Point Of Distribution (POD) - a place where a vaccine, antibiotic or other medication is dispensed quickly to a large group of people in the event of a Public Health Emergency Ocean County Points of Distribution 6- PODs ( MOU with Schools) POD for prevention not treatment OCHD employees MRC/CERT/DRCC Sheriff’s Officers Ocean County POD Site Selection Location Security Parking (accessible by public transport) Refrigeration Triage area Restrooms, Water, Electricity Heat/Air Conditioning (68°-77°F) Work station area POD Layout Sample Roles and Responsibilities Ocean County Health Department Develop, maintain and update SNS Plan Train and or Exercise SNS Plan at least every year(call- down, RSS site setup, POD setup, etc) Ensure training of assigned primary and backup personnel in key positions Organize and Chair multi disciplinary planning meeting to review and update SNS Plan County of Ocean Department of Human Services Provide psychological first aid to public/first responders (DRCC) Provide support to first line staff at medical facilities Provide online/hotline crisis response resources to general population Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Conduct site assessment for primary and secondary RSS and POD sites Assist with joint security for RSS/POD sites Coordinate law enforcement activities with County and local law enforcement agencies. County of Ocean Sheriff’s Office Assist with coordination of law enforcement officers with OC Prosecutors office/local law enforcement Assist with joint security of primary and secondary RSS site Assist with escort of SNS supplies between RSS and PODs County of Ocean Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management Activate OC EOC on public health emergency declaration Assist with coordination and support for Incident Management Assist with providing multi level agency coordination Assist with identification of at- risk homebound/special needs population County of Ocean Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management Activate OC EOC on public health emergency declaration Assist with coordination and support for Incident Management Assist with providing multi level agency coordination Assist with identification of at- risk homebound/special needs population County of Ocean (Transportation Needs) Assist in the transport of target population/special needs to PODS (Ocean Ride) Assist in transport of supplies to the PODs Assist with medication distribution to PODs Lakewood Township Public Works Provide access to primary RSS Site Ensure all equipment and supplies related to RSS operations are available (pallet jacks, fork lift, etc) Ensure assigned staff is trained and available