HERE - Ocean County Health Department

Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)
Confidential Not For Public Release
Learning Objectives
 Understanding of
Strategic National Stockpile
Receiving, Staging and
POD Point of Distribution
Ocean County Health Department
Emergency Preparedness and Response
 Our Mission:
Ensure a coordinated, timely, and effective response
to a bioterrorist event, natural disaster, or other
public health emergency in Ocean County.
Current Threats
 Man-made (CBRNE)
Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
Nuclear, Explosive
 Naturally occurring
Influenza pandemic, SARS, anthrax,
natural disasters
Public Health Threat is Identified
 In order to respond effectively to an outbreak, the
threat needs to be identified
 Surveillance ( ED, Epicenter, etc)
 Bio Watch (bio- surveillance , 30 metros)
Local Government Responds
 Local jurisdiction will attempt to manage a public
health emergency by first utilizing local resources
 If local resources are or are believed to be insufficient
then a request will be made by Ocean County for the
deployment of state assets
State Government Responds
 State government will respond by providing
additional resources
 May include antibiotics, equipment, medical supplies
and other supplies
 If state assets are believed to become insufficient
then a request is made for the deployment of federal
assets ie SNS
Strategic National Stockpile
 Pre-positioned pharmaceutical stockpiles located
throughout the United States
What does the Stockpile Contain?
 Pharmaceuticals
 Medical Supplies
 Medical Equipment
 Vaccines
 Antitoxins
 Antidotes
Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)
 12 Hour Push Package
 Vendor Managed Inventory
12- Hour Push Package
 12 because it will arrive in 12
hours or less
 push because a state need only
ask for help not for specific
items and
 package because the Program
will ship a complete package of
medical material to include
nearly everything a state will
need to respond to a broad
range of threats.
Strategic National Stockpile
Each Push-Pack…
Occupies 130 cargo containers
Weighs 94,424 pounds
Measures 10,329 cubic feet
Requires 5,000 square feet
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
 arrive within 24 to 36 hours
 tailored to provide pharmaceuticals supplies and/or
products specific to the suspected or confirmed agent
CHEMPACK in New Jersey
 Fielded 58 CHEMPACKS.
 Primarily in acute care hospitals.
 Provide State-wide coverage housed at (34) sites
with the ability to treat up to 40,000 victims.
 Requires ongoing coordination with CDC and
management by NJDOH.
Receiving, Staging, and Storage (RSS)
The Strategic National Stockpile is shipped to a
Receiving, Staging, and Storage facility for
RSS Locations
 Ocean County has identified two locations
Primary: Lakewood Public Works
Back-up: Ocean County Voter Technology Building, Lakewood
 The locations have the appropriate size and layout to
accommodate the SNS assets
 Each location can be secured (security assessment)
Ocean County RSS Site
 Reallocate & Repack
 Distribute
 2 Sites (primary and
 OCHD personnel, Sheriff’s
Officers, MRC/CERT
What is a POD?
Point Of Distribution (POD) - a place where a vaccine,
antibiotic or other medication is dispensed quickly
to a large group of people in the event of a Public
Health Emergency
Ocean County Points of Distribution
 6- PODs ( MOU with
POD for prevention not
OCHD employees
Sheriff’s Officers
Ocean County POD Site Selection
 Location
 Security
 Parking (accessible by
public transport)
Triage area
Restrooms, Water,
Heat/Air Conditioning
Work station area
POD Layout Sample
Roles and Responsibilities
Ocean County Health Department
 Develop, maintain and update SNS Plan
 Train and or Exercise SNS Plan at least every year(call-
down, RSS site setup, POD setup, etc)
 Ensure training of assigned primary and backup personnel
in key positions
 Organize and Chair multi disciplinary planning meeting to
review and update SNS Plan
County of Ocean Department of Human Services
 Provide psychological first aid to public/first
responders (DRCC)
 Provide support to first line staff at medical facilities
 Provide online/hotline crisis response resources to
general population
Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office
 Conduct site assessment for primary and secondary
RSS and POD sites
 Assist with joint security for RSS/POD sites
 Coordinate law enforcement activities with County
and local law enforcement agencies.
County of Ocean Sheriff’s Office
 Assist with coordination of law enforcement officers with
OC Prosecutors office/local law enforcement
 Assist with joint security of primary and secondary RSS site
 Assist with escort of SNS supplies between RSS and PODs
County of Ocean Sheriff’s
Office of Emergency Management
 Activate OC EOC on public health emergency declaration
 Assist with coordination and support for Incident
 Assist with providing multi level agency coordination
 Assist with identification of at- risk homebound/special
needs population
County of Ocean Sheriff’s
Office of Emergency Management
 Activate OC EOC on public health emergency declaration
 Assist with coordination and support for Incident
 Assist with providing multi level agency coordination
 Assist with identification of at- risk homebound/special
needs population
County of Ocean (Transportation Needs)
 Assist in the transport of target population/special needs to
PODS (Ocean Ride)
 Assist in transport of supplies to the PODs
 Assist with medication distribution to PODs
Lakewood Township Public Works
 Provide access to primary RSS Site
 Ensure all equipment and supplies related to RSS
operations are available (pallet jacks, fork lift, etc)
 Ensure assigned staff is trained and available