Team Building for Youth Organization

Team Building for
Youth Organization
A. Team Development
1. A youth Organization is a collection of teams
comprising of young people.
The success of youth organization depends
on the ability of the teams within it to work
together to attain the commonly held objectives.
2. Factors Contributing to team Developments
and Effectiveness
The development of a team is based on the
assumption that any team is able to work more
effectively if its members are familiar with the four
factors that contribute to team development and
effectiveness. These are:
a.) Shared Goals and Objectives
The team must state the goals and objectives. The
goal must be an overall understanding of the role
of the team in the total organization
2. Factors Contributing to team Developments
and Effectiveness
b.) Utilization of resources.
The team must be use effectively all the resources
at its disposal. This means establishing an
environment that allows individual resources to be
c.) Trust and Conflict Resolution
The ability to openly recognize conflict and to seek
to resolve it through discussion is critical to the
team’s success.
d.) Shared Leadership
Individuals will not function as a team if they are brought together
simply to (“rubber stamp”) decisions made by the team’s formal
leader or others not in the team.
3. Team Relationship and
a. A team is a number of persons associated together in
work or activity.
b. In a relationship in an organization or movement,
people have various expectation of each other. These
expectations sometimes are not stated; sometimes they
are unconscious. In the rush of activity, an organization
may move along, but friction often begins to build up
between people. Many times, it is because we have
different expectation of others and of ourselves in
doing particular task.
c. The management of the organization depends on the
proper coordination.
4. Building a Better Team
a. Teamwork reflects Camaraderie
A team will not work if members are self-centered and if
they do not know each other.
b. Teamwork reflects Unity
Whatever the outcome of the project, it is the team that
works towards it.
c. Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the Success
Each group has ample zest and inspiration to become a
dream team.
5. The Characteristic of an Effective
a. The members share a sense of purpose or common goals, and
each team member is willing to work toward achieving these
b. The team is aware of and interested In its own and it examines
norms operating within the team.
c. The team identifies its own resources and uses them, depending
on its needs
d. The team members continually try to listen to and clarify what is
being said and show interest in what others say and feel.
e. Differences of opinion are encourage and freely expressed. The
team does not demand narrow conformity or adherence to
formats that inhibit freedom of movement and expression.
f. The team is willing to surface conflict and focus on it until it is
resolved or managed in a way that does not reduce the
effectiveness of those involved
5. The Characteristic of an Effective
g. The team exerts energy towards problem solving rather than
allowing it to be drained by interpersonal issue or competitive
h. Roles are balanced and shared to facilitate both the
accomplishment of tasks and feelings of team cohesion and
i. To encourage risk taking and creativity, mistakes are treated as
sources of learning rather than reason for punishment.
j. The team is responsive to the changing needs of its members and
to the external environment to which it is related.
k. Team members are committed to periodical evaluation of the
team’s performance.
l. The team is attractive to its members, who identify with it and
consider it a source of both professional and personal growth.
m. Developing a climate of trust is recognized as the crucial
element for facilitating all of the above elements.
6. The Characteristics of Effective
Team Leaders
Are open, honest, and fair
Make decisions with input from others
Act consistently
Give the team members the information they need to do their
Set goals and emphasize them
Keep focus through follow-up
Listen to feedback and ask questions
Show loyalty to the organization, the team, and the members
Create an atmosphere of growth
Have wide visibility
Give praise and recognition
7. A Dream Team Leader provides
the support needed for success
The support id created when leader decide
to be facilitators rather than directors. The
total control by leader, even if he is
somewhat able to achieve it, its never as
effective as a group effect. The differences
between dictators and facilitators.
7. A Dream Team Leader provides
the support needed for success
1. Hoard Decisions.
1. Push Decision down to line
2. Make Decisions alone or restrict them to an
elite group.
2. Involve others as much as possible, in key
decisions and give people space to make those
3. View truth and wisdom as their domain since
they are the leader.
3. View truth and wisdom as being accessible to
everyone throughout the organization.
4. Surprise their workers with edicts from above.
4. Let those responsible decide how the jobs will
be done.
5. Guard their own interests
5. Serve everyone’s interest by developing people.
6. Take for themselves.
6. Give to the organization.
8. The Characteristic of Effective
Team Members
Help the team leader to succeed
Ensure that all viewpoints are explored
Express opinions, both for and against
Provide appropriate feedback
Understand personal and team roles
Accept ownership for team decision
Participate voluntary
Maintain confidentially
View criticism as an opportunity to learn
Share ideas freely and enthusiastically
Encourage others to express their ideas fully
9. Symptoms of Team Problems
Combative Behavior
Team members resort to yelling and
to combative behavior in the name of
playing the devil’s advocate
team members express conflict
through the use of threats, attacks, and
so on
Infinite Details
Team members scrutinize every detail
and check on all aspects of minor or
major decision
Team members distrust one another
and fear being penalized for errors.
Amount of time to
make decision
Decision on minor issues are brought
to the top of the organization,
requiring excessive time.
Team members feel a lack of trust
directly related to them problem
Shifting and Changing
Decision are often changed shortly
after being made.
Team members are not willing to
commit the team to a unified course
of action.
9. Symptoms of Team Problems
Backbiting and
Members of the team openly
complain about and find fault with
one another
Team members are not cleared about
standards, leading to a loss of control
over one another
Presence of a “spy of
the owner”
Members of the team suspect and
distrust new members
New members have difficulty Breaking
into the established team.
Two coalitions
The team has two factions, one of
which has very little influence or
The team experiences a lack of
Personal Stress
Stress show up in the team members
evidenced by “blowing up” and
physical symptoms
Team members feel threatened and
thus become less efficient and more
10. Seven Team Well-Being Secrets
a. Purpose (Are we committed to the same purpose?)
A Healthy team has a well-articulated corporate and team
purpose, usually phrased a vision statement, mission statement,
or values statement
b. Role (How will we contribute to fulfilling our purpose?)
in a healthy team, the members continually ask themselves
whether the team is enacting the specific role needed to achieve
its purpose.
c. Strategy (What will we do to achieve our purpose?)
In a healthy team, the members understand the team’s strategy
and use it to guide day-to-day activities.
d. Processes (How we will work together?)
in a healthy team the members are aware of what processes or
system of operations are used to produce results.
10. Seven Team Well-Being Secrets
e. People (How will we care for one another?)
A healthy team has members who have the required expertise and knowledge
to implement the team’s strategy and achieve its purpose
The team members feel well-utilized and valued.
f. Feedback (How will we obtain and use information about our performance?)
A healthy team solicits feedback on its behavior and performance from key
stake holders who might include customer, suppliers, managers/ and other
Each team member can also exchange feedback with other members in order
to correct or improve each other’s and performance and behavior
g. Interfaces (How will we manage the team’s relationship?)
A healthy team intentionally manages its critical relationships with external
people or environment in order to build needed relationships and enhance
existing ones. They do not isolate themselves as independent islands.
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