Chapter 2
Introduction to
Financial Statements and
Other Financial
Reporting Topics
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Income Statement
• Covers a period of time
• Summarizes revenues
and expenses
• Reports net income
Income Statement
$ 120,000
Net Income
$ 20,000
– Excess of revenues
over expense
• Net income increases
retained earnings (B/S)
• Net Loss will decrease
retained earnings (B/S)
Chapter 2, Slide #2
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Statement of Owners’ Equity
• Covers a specific
period of time
• Reconciles
beginning and
ending balances of
the owners' equity
– Capital Stock
– Retained Earnings
– Etc.
Income Statement
$ 120,000
Net Income
$ 20,000
Statement of Owners' Equity
Capt. Stk. Ret. Earn.
Beginning Balance $20,000 $ 5,000
Net income
Ending Balance
$20,000 $ 15,000
• Links the income
statement and the
balance sheet
Chapter 2, Slide #3
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Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Shows the financial condition
of an entity as of a particular
– Assets: the resources of
the business
– Liabilities: the debts of
the business
– Equity: the owners’
interest in the business
The Accounting Equation:
Assets = Liabilities +
Owners’ Equity
Net Income
$ 120,000
$ 20,000
Statement of Owners' Equity
Capt. Stk. Ret. Earn.
Beginning Balance $20,000 $ 5,000
Net income
Ending Balance
$20,000 $ 15,000
Balance Sheet
Owners' Equity
Capital Stock
Retained Earnings
Chapter 2, Slide #4
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Statement of Cash Flows
• Covers the same period as the income
• Three sections
– Cash flows from operating activities
– Cash flows from investing activities
• Buying and selling assets
– Cash flows from financing activities
• Financing cash from banks and dividends
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• An integral part of the financial statements
• Required presentation
– Summary of significant accounting policies
– Contingent liabilities
– Subsequent events relating to conditions that
existed at the balance sheet date
• Disclose and adjustment of the financial statements
– Subsequent events relating to conditions that did
not exist at the balance sheet date
• Disclosure but no adjustment of the financial statements
Chapter 2, Slide #6
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The Accounting Cycle
1. Recording transactions
2. Recording adjusting entries
3. Preparing the financial statement
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Recording Transactions
• Internal or external event that causes a
change in a company’s assets, liabilities, or
owners' equity
• Recorded in a journal (journal entry)
• Posted to general ledger accounts
• Double-entry system
 Debit: left side of an account
 Credit: right side of an account
 Debits = Credits
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Account Title
Effects of Debits and Credits on Accounts
• Assets & Expenses
– Normally have debit balances
– Debits increase account balance
– Credits decrease account balance
• Liabilities, Revenue, & Owners’ Equity
– Normally have credit balances
– Credits increase account balance
– Debits decrease account balance
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Accounting System Components
Carry forward to
the next fiscal
Revenues, Gains
Expenses, Losses
Closed to retained
earnings at year-end
Start with $0 balance
in the next period
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Recording Adjusting Entries
• Required by the accrual basis of accounting
• Prepared at the end of the fiscal period
• Records (recognizes) for the current period
– Expenses incurred
– Revenues earned
• Recorded in the general journal
• Posted to the general ledger
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Auditor’s Opinion
• Audit is conducted by CPAs
• The audit report is the formal statement of
audit opinion
Unqualified opinion
Qualified opinion
Adverse opinion
Disclaimer of opinion
Chapter 2, Slide #12
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Unqualified Opinion
• The financial statements present fairly
– The financial position
– Results of operations
– Cash flows
• In conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles
• For the user: the highest degree of reliability
Chapter 2, Slide #13
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Qualified Opinion
• Except for the matter to which the exception
• The financial statements present fairly
– The financial position
– Results of operations
– Cash flows
• For the user: determine the significance of
the exception
Chapter 2, Slide #14
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Adverse Opinion
• The financial statements do not present
– The financial position
– Results of operations
– Cash flows
• For the user: reliability of financial statements
need to be seriously questioned
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Disclaimer of Opinion
• The auditor does not express an opinion
• Auditor
– Has not preformed an audit sufficient in scope to
form an opinion or
– Is not independent
• For the user: auditor’s statement conveys no
indication of financial statement reliability
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Auditor’s Report
• Paragraph #1:
– Financial statements have been audited
– Financial statements are responsibility of
– Auditors have responsibility to express or disclaim
an opinion
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Auditor’s Report (cont’d)
• Paragraph #2
– Audit conducted in accordance with the standards
of the (U.S.) Public Accounting Oversight Board
– Auditor is required to plan and perform the audit
• Obtain reasonable assurance
• Financial statements are free from material
– Audit provides a reasonable basis for opinion
• Examining evidence
• Assessing accounting principles and estimates
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Auditor’s Report (cont’d)
• Paragraph #3
– Opinion: in conformity with generally accepted
(U.S.) accounting principles
• Also: for public companies, reference to the
audit of internal control effectiveness
– In accordance with the the (U.S.) Public
Accounting Oversight Board
– Based on criteria established by COSO
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Auditor’s Report on Internal Control
• Required by Sarbanes-Oxley
• May be combined with audit opinion report
• Paragraphs
Responsibility and procedures
Reference to financial statement audit
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Management’s Responsibility
• Management is responsible for
– The preparation of the financial statements
– The integrity of the financial statements
• Management’s Statement of Responsibility
– May be included in the annual report
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The SEC’s Integrated Disclosure System
Required filings
– 10-K: annual filing (audited)
• Includes financial statements plus
Information on the business entity
Market information
Management discussion and analysis
Directors, executive officers, and their compensation
Related party transactions
– 10-Q: quarterly filing (unaudited)
– 8-K: “current report”
• To report the occurrence of any material events or
corporate changes
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Additional Reporting Venues
• Proxy
– Notice and authorization of shareholder voting
rights on corporate actions
– Content and form governed by the SEC
• Summary Annual Report
– Highly condensed financial information
– Must be accompanied by a proxy containing full
financial information
– Not adequate for financial analysis
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The Efficient Market Hypothesis
• Capital markets generate security prices that
reflect worth
• Publicly available information is reflected in
share prices
• Investors will be harmed if full disclosure is
not made
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Consolidated Financial Statements
• Parent consolidates with subsidiary
– Report results of operations separately
– Sum subsidiary and parent results of operations
• Legal control vs. effective control
• Consolidation occurs when parent has
effective control over the subsidiary
– Holds a majority of risks, rewards, and decisionmaking ability
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Accounting for Business Combinations
• Effected through merger or acquisition
• Purchase method of accounting
• Record assets and liabilities acquired at their
fair values
• Excess of purchase price over fair value of
net assets acquired is reported as goodwill
Chapter 2, Slide #26
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