Moral, Amoral, Immoral: Ethical Decision Making

What is…
May refer to issues of right or
wrong (ie: moral dilemma)
May also refer to “that which is
good” (ie: she is a person with
strong morals)
Generally refers to that which is
bad or to the way people ought
not to act
One who does not act in
conformity with accepted
principles of right or wrong
Refers to morally neutral
actions- those which are neither
good nor bad (ie: breathing)
Can also be used to describe
decisions made without any
consideration of moral actions.
“There is a difference between
having a moral halo and having
moral integrity”
Goody-goodie vs. Good person: Doing things
because that is expected versus doing it because it’s
the right thing.
“A truly good person struggles to understand why
some things are right and others wrong, struggles to
do the right thing. He is far more likely to
understand human experience and empathize with
those who in their honest search and struggle,
sometimes fail and make mistakes.”
Moral, Amoral or Immoral?
You Decide..
 Jesse is a perfectly healthy teenager. After an
extra-long preseason football practice, he
goes to the nearest ice cream parlor and
orders a cone of chocolate fudge- 2 scoops.
 Jesse is a perfectly healthy teenager. After an
extra-long preseason football practice, he
goes to the nearest ice cream parlor and
orders a cone of chocolate fudge- 2 scoops.
 Alex, Jesse’s friend, has diabetes and has not
been monitoring his blood sugar. However,
he goes with Jesse and orders the same thing.
 Alex, Jesse’s friend, has diabetes and has not
been monitoring his blood sugar. However,
he goes with Jesse and orders the same thing.
 Carmen, a classmate of Jesse and Alex,
happens to meet them on their way to the ice
cream parlor. She decides to break the diet
she’s on (so she can fit into a dress she wants
to wear to homecoming) and orders a vanilla
ice cream come.
 Carmen, a classmate of Jesse and Alex,
happens to meet them on their way to the ice
cream parlor. She decides to break the diet
she’s on (so she can fit into a dress she wants
to wear to homecoming) and orders a vanilla
ice cream come.
 Out of concern for Alex, Carmen urges him
to not order the ice cream cone. She fears the
sugar might cause him serious health
problems- as has happened in the past.
 Out of concern for Alex, Carmen urges him
to not order the ice cream cone. She fears the
sugar might cause him serious health
problems- as has happened in the past.
 Knowing Alex’s problem but not wanting to
waste any more time in the store, Jesse tells
Alex to just go ahead and get the ice cream
cone so they can leave.
 Knowing Alex’s problem but not wanting to
waste any more time in the store, Jesse tells
Alex to just go ahead and get the ice cream
cone so they can leave.
 Pat, the clerk who waits on them, is unaware
of Alex’s health concern. He encourages
Alex to order the ice cream.
 Pat, the clerk who waits on them, is unaware
of Alex’s health concern. He encourages
Alex to order the ice cream.