Lions Clubs MD201 Q3 Module One History and Structure History • Founder: Melvin Jones 1917 Chicago • Australia: Bill Tresise 1947 Lismore • Membership 1.3 mil Worldwide • Australia: 28000 + • Motto: We Serve • Liberty Intelligence Our Nations Safety LIONS TIMELINE 1916 • 1917: First Convention • 1920: Lions Clubs become international • 1925: Helen Keller challenged Lions to become knights of the Blind • 1927: 2200 Clubs 80000 members • 1935: First Clubs in Central America • 1945: Lions given consultant status at the UN. • 1947: First Club in Australia 2006 • 1954: The motto “We Serve” is adopted • 1961: Melvin Jones dies • 1968: LCIF is formed • 1975: First Lioness Club • 1987: Women are included • 1989: Sight First One is launched. • 1999: Partnership with the Carter Foundation to combat river blindness and trachoma. • 2005 Sight First Two is launched. Lion Members Clubs Club Structure Club Members Board of Directors President Vice Presidents Secretary Directors Treasurer Project Chairmen Lion Members Clubs District District Structure Cabinet • District Governor • Vice District Governor • Cabinet Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Cabinet Secretary, CBL Chairman. • Immediate Past District Governor (Members of the District Management Committee) Zone Chairman Development Officers Portfolio Chairmen Districts 35 Clubs 1250 Members Lion Members Clubs District Multiple District Multiple District Structure Council of Governors • • Council Chairman District Governors • Assistance for the Council from Managers: Administration, Marketing, Memberships Services, and Youth and Community Services. -Sub Committees Chairmen Multiple District 201 Multiple District Convention Council Chairman Council of Governors Administration Treasurer Legal Officer Insurance Convention Youth and Community Projects Marketing Honours Leadership Youth Exchange Web Site Membership Youth of the Year Lions Mints Extension Youth Outreach / Leos Lioness Community Projects Club Supplies L.C.I.F Gov. Youth Initiatives Redistricting Prostate cancer Lions Magazine Public Relations Membership Services Aust. Lions Children's Mobility Foundation Christmas Cakes Letters to Father Christmas ALF. ALDAF. Hearing Dogs Lion Members Clubs District Multiple District Lions Clubs International Lions Clubs International • • • • • International President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President International Directors District Governors Membership • Clubs: Individual Members • District: Duly constituted Lions Clubs within the Boundaries of the District • Multiple District: Duly constituted Clubs within the boundaries of the Multiple District • International: All Duly constituted Lions Clubs. Lions Clubs International The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world” • • Youth exchange Lions clubs international foundation (L.C.I.F) Objectives: 1. Major disaster relief 2. Humanitarian services (sight first) 3. Project grants The Purposes of Lions Clubs International Australian Lions Foundation (A.L.F.) Objectives: 1. National Disasters 2. Emergency and Community Welfare Projects 3. International Understanding and Cooperation Projects • • • • Club Twinning International Hosting International Assistance Programs Peace Poster Competition The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship” • • • • • Lions/NAB Youth of the Year and Miss Personality Quest Lions Quest Skills Australian Lions Drug Awareness Programs Sight Conservation and Work with the Blind Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf (Lions Hearing Dog Program) • Provide and Maintain Recreational Facilities for the Youth, Elderly and those with Special Needs • Community Fund Raising Projects The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To fund and otherwise serve the civic cultural social and moral welfare of the community” • Road Safety Campaigns; Fire Poster and Drug Awareness Competitions • Develop Civic Beautifications Projects • Provide Voluntary Assistance to Orphanages, Senior Citizens Centres and Nursing homes • Provide Outings for the Aged and Handicapped • Provide Manual and Material Assistance to the Elderly and the Infirm The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To assist financially, culturally, socially and morally the disabled, disadvantaged and infirm of the community both directly and also indirectly” • Provide Special Equipment to those with Special Needs and Hospitals • Provide Funds for Medical Research • Provide Volunteer Services at Hospitals and Nursing Homes • Assist with Cancer, Red Cross, Red Shield, etc Collections • Sponsor Ambulance Services and Blue Care • Sponsor Meals on Wheels • David Hart Walker Project • Community Health and Awareness The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To unite the Clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding” • • • • • Interclub Visitations Attend Lions Conventions Attend Combined Zone and Region Functions and Projects Attend Own Club Projects and Functions Maintain Effective Communication Channels between Lions The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by Club members” • Community Surveys to Identify Areas of Need • Use of Guest Speakers at Club Meetings, Lions Conventions, etc • Media Releases of Lions Activities • Provide Lions to Speak at Community Forums The Purposes of Lions Clubs International “To encourage service minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavours” • • • • Conduct Incoming Club Officers Schools Conduct Lions Awareness Courses Conduct Development Courses Provide Lions Information Books and other Educational Material for Use of Members Lions Clubs International Lions Clubs International Code of Ethics • “To show my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end so that I may merit a reputation for quality of service” • To be proud of what you do and do it to the best of your ability • “To seek success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part” • To accept fair payment for a fair days work, but do not take advantage of competitors by underhanded means Lions Clubs International Code of Ethics • “To remember that in building up my own business it is not necessary to tear down another’s; to be loyal to my clients or customers and to be true to myself” • It is not necessary to destroy someone else’s business whilst establishing your own. Don’t “rip off” your clients • “Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubts against myself” • If there is a difference of opinion on actions that you have taken, then listen to the opinion of others Lions Clubs International Code of Ethics • “To hold friendship as an end and not as a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given” • Friendship is to be treasured, it cannot be bought it must be earned • “Always to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state and my community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor and means” • Service to your community is the rent you pay for the space you occupy on this earth Lions Clubs International Code of Ethics • “To Aid others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy” • Provide assistance to those in need by whatever means is considered necessary • “To Be Careful with my criticism and liberal with my praise, to build up and not destroy” • Provide praise not criticism, build on what you have achieved do not destroy it Lions MD201 Q3 Role of Chartered Clubs Question:What do you consider to be the role of Lions Clubs? Answer: Provide Voluntary Community Service Answer: Provide assistance to Individuals, organisations etc. local councils and Governments in providing services that are a benefit to the community Raise funds for community services purposes To implement programs supported by the District, Multiple District and International Associations (I.e. Youth Exchange, Youth of the Year, etc.) Question:What sort of community service does your club become involved in? Each Club is autonomous as far as selecting what programs, etc. that they wish to support Obligations of a Chartered Club • To hold regularly scheduled meetings not less than once each month • Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, to collect from each member minimum annual dues sufficient to cover International, Multiple District and District Dues, plus such other costs as are incidental to Club administration • To carry on activities for the advancement of the civic, cultural, social or moral welfare of the community and for the promotion of International Understanding Obligations of a Chartered Club • To submit regular monthly reports to the International Office on blanks provided by it, containing such information as may be called for by the Board of Directors of this Association • To report semi-annually to the International Office on the financial condition of the Club • To elect officers, annually, not later than the 15th of April, whose term of office shall commence on the July 1st following the election Obligations of a Chartered Club • To encourage regular attendance • To investigate the background of all persons proposed for membership in the Club. Such investigation shall include enquiries in the community where the proposed individual resides or has a place of business • To uphold, preserve and enhance the image of the International Association of Lions Clubs Obligations of a Chartered Club • To abide by the policies and requirement as determined, from time to time, by the International Board of Directors • To further the Lions Clubs International Objects and the Lions Code of Ethics • To resolve all disputes arising at the Club level according to the Club Dispute Resolution Procedure set out, from time to time, in the policy of the International Board of Directors What is expected of you as a Member of a Lions Club? It is expected that you will: (Taken from Induction Ceremony) Abide by the constitution and by-laws of Lions Clubs International and of your club Regularly attend your club meetings Support and further the interests of your club in all its undertakings and to contribute you fair share towards its financial support Assist in maintaining, building and strengthening the membership of your club Make every effort to further the work of Lions by actively serving on the committees to which you are appointed Practice in your private and public life, the principles of the Code of Ethics and the Objects of Lions Clubs International What is expected of you as a member of a Lions Club? “In short it is expected that you will give what time you can to furthering the aims of your Club and of Lions Clubs International, always remembering that your family commitments must come first, followed by your work and then followed by your commitment to Lions.” Lions MD201 Q3 Role of the Lions District • The International Association of Lions Clubs is divided, for administration purposes, into Districts under the control and leadership of the District Governor (DG) who is elected by the representatives of the Clubs within that District at an annual convention (there are over 750 districts worldwide) • Districts comprise of a minimum of 35 clubs with at least 1250 members • When there is more than one district within a defined area (our area is Australia, PNG and Norfolk Island) then they form a Multiple District Role of the Lions District • The DG under the general supervision of the Board represents the International Association within the District and is responsible to the Board for the conduct of the Lionism within the District • Districts are divided into regions and zones. Lions are either appointed, or selected by the DG to assist with the administration of the District, they form what is known as the District Cabinet Role of the Lions District • Region Chairmen (Club Care Regional Officers) and Zone Chairmen are appointed to assist clubs to meet their obligation to serve their communities. Zone meetings are generally held 3 or 4 times a year • Portfolio Chairmen (i.e Mints, Cakes, etc) are appointed to assist the Clubs run their project • Cabinet meets 4 times a year. In between the Cabinet Meetings the Management Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the District. The Management Committee consists of the District Governor (DG), Vice District Governor (VDG), Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG), Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Treasurer and Constitution & ByLaws (CBL) Chairman Role of the Lions District Basically the Role of the District can be defined as: “To assist Clubs to meet their obligations to serving their communities i.e. ‘To carry on activities for the advancement of the civic, cultural, social or moral welfare of the community, and for the promotion of International understanding’” Lions MD201 Q3 Role of the Multiple District • Generally: The 19 Districts in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Norfolk Island are grouped together to form Multiple District 201. It is incorporated as an association under that name in South Australia. • The purposes are: – To promote the objects of the International Association of Lions Clubs applicable to MD 201. – To hold, manage and control an annual Convention of MD 201. – To take appropriate action on any matters relating to MD 201 consistent with the Constitution and By Laws of the International Association and the policies of the International Board – To establish and maintain assets and Foundations for the purpose of rendering help and assistance in the fields of community aid, emergency relief and International Understanding Role of the Multiple District As with the international body, the members of the Multiple District are the individual Lions Clubs within the 20 Districts and not individual Lions Clubs members The District Governors within a Multiple District form the Council of Governors, who seek to agree on policy and methods of implementing the policies of the International Board within the area covered by the MD. They are basically responsible for the overall operation of the MD. Lions MD201 Q3 Role of Lions Clubs International The International Association is governed by the International Board of Directors which comprises the International President, the Immediate Past International President, first and second Vice Presidents and 33 International Directors. Our Current Representative is Lion Djoko Soeroso who is serving the second year of his two year term. Our representative is elected at our MD Convention. We rotate with New Zealand and Indonesia The international office employs an executive administrator who leads a staff of 285 members of different nationalities They provide support for our entire list of International Projects, and also, run and maintain the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Role of Lions Clubs International Headquarters functions are divided into twelve major areas, including: Preparation and distribution of thousands of publications in various languages Coordinating and shipping of club supplies Keeping records Planning the International Convention Administration functions International and external public relations Legal services Lions Clubs MD201 Q3 Module Six Projects Lions MD201 Q3 Club Projects Christmas Wish Building / Maintaining Parks and Gardens Helping the elderly with home maintenance Magic show Driver reviver stops Catering vans Catering for other organisations Assistance to Youth Providing aid to Special Schools. District Projects Hearing Camp Fire Poster Disaster Relief Adopt a Family District Welfare Environmental Projects / Clean up Australia / Greening Australia Trees Lion Leader Magazine Queensland and Northern New South Wales Lions Medical Research Foundation Lions Miss Personality Quest White Cane Dinner Children of Courage District Projects Other projects with District support / involvement Lions Camp Duckadang Camp Quality Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre (Qld) Australia Inc. Lions Emergency Accommodation Centre Sunshine Coast Lions Youth Emergency Accommodation Centre Pine Rivers Multiple District Projects Lions/NAB Youth of the Year Quest Youth Outreach Prostate Cancer Environment Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation (David Hart Walker) Australian Lions Foundation Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation Australian Lions Quest Youth Foundation Australian Lions Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Christmas Cakes Lion Mints Letter to Father Christmas Hearing Dogs Lions Magazine Lioness International Projects International Twinning Youth Exchange Diabetes Hearing Sight Peace Poster Leo Program Lions Clubs International Foundation (Incorporating Lions Sight First Program) Lions Quest Skills Program Lions MD201 Q3