Potential contribution of social impact assessment (SIA) to responsible tourism management: Findings from Bulgaria Lucy McCombes (Leeds Metropolitan University & International Centre for Responsible Tourism) & Yvette Evers (University of Geneva) Sofia, Bulgaria 4 December, 2012 “Importance of a responsible tourism approach for developing and positioning the Danube brand” • What is responsible tourism? What Responsible Tourism is NOT! •RT is NOT a brand of tourism/type of tourism •RT is NOT just ecotourism, communitybased tourism etc •RT is NOT poor quality What is Responsible Tourism? • SUSTAINABLE APPROACH to managing all types of tourism • “Making better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit” (in this order!) • Based on objectives of Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism (2002) Objectives of Responsible Tourism: Cape Town Declaration (2002) • • • • • • • minimises negative economic, environmental, and social impacts; generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities, improves working conditions and access to the industry; involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances; makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, to the maintenance of the world’s diversity; provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues; provides access for physically challenged people; and is culturally sensitive, engenders respect between tourists and hosts, and builds local pride and confidence RT = • RT = identifying & taking responsibility for achieving sustainable development through tourism • RT = identifying social, economic & environmental priorities at a local level and taking action • RT = market led & involves industry doing business differently (& profitably) for benefit of host communities • RT = setting targets & measuring impacts • RT= accepts growth of tourism is inevitable...better learn to manage it & maximise the positive impacts esp. for host communities…. Social impacts of tourism Negative • Damage & commodification of host’s culture • Invasion private/sacred space • Can contribute to increased crime, begging, gambling etc • Result in displacement • Unequal relationships between hosts & guests • Inequitable distribution of profits Positive • Increase in cross-cultural understanding • Counters poverty • Maintenance/celebration of local host culture • Vehicle for empowerment of women, minority groups & economically poor Tourism is like fire...!!! Social impacts: Umbrella for different types of impacts on societies (Vanclay, 2002) Social impacts result from changes to people’s: • • • • • • • • Way of life Culture Community Political systems Environment Health & well-being Personal & property rights Fears & aspirations • What social change (positive & negative) do you think increased tourism development will bring to the Danube? • In practice, how does DCC plan to identify and manage the potential social impacts on host communities? Challenges o Difficulties in understanding, measuring & monitoring qualitative & complex socio-cultural impacts o Confusing amount of different methods out there o Managing social impacts a key part of RT that is weak in practice...... o Typically stakeholders in tourism development rarely take the time & effort to find out ahead what the social impact of their resort, technology & culture etc will be on the host societies What is needed: our view o Pragmatism since many social impacts cannot be quantified o Embed methods for greater: • stakeholder participation • social analysis/impact assessment • identification of mitigating/maximisation measures ....into existing ways of doing things in tourism Our Question Can Social Impact Assessment (SIA) approach/ methods help us manage the social impacts of tourism in a destination responsibly? Social Impact Assessment revised definition: The process of analysing, monitoring & managing the intended & unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans & projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions so as to bring about a more sustainable & equitable biophysical & human environment Frank Vanclay (IAIA), 2002 About SIA • Role for SIA in all stages in project cycle • Methodology informed by anthropology, participatory approaches, sustainable livelihoods analysis, social development approach • Philosophy about development & democracy • SIA Principles include: o o o o o Addressing poverty Community participation & empowerment Sustainability Maximise positive impacts of development & minimise costs Understands impact pathways • ....overlap with Responsible Tourism Methodology: Participatory SIA Process Understanding the issues • Step 1 Predicting the likely impacts • Step 2 Developing strategies • Step 3 Developing monitoring programs • Step 4 Case Study: Pilot SIA Bulgaria • Story of pilot project we did with Odysseia-In to illustrate what SIA looks like… • Process of analysing & managing social impacts of tourism valuable elsewhere e.g. DCC…. • How met BAAT/Odysseia-In • Responsibletravel.com tours • Idea to link these things & pilot SIA approach in tourism context • 12 days 2011 Odysseia-in http://www.hiking-bulgaria.com/index.html • Founded by Lubomir Popiordanov • Special interest travel company “that loves Bulgaria and knows it well” • Pioneers of RT in Bulgaria • Leading Bulgarian operator for culture & adventure tours • Authentic experiences • Pilot 4 holidays for responsibletravel.com (ski; walking; craft; multi-activity) F • Founded 2001 (15 holidays) • Now UK’s largest RT tour operator (6,000 holidays) • Enable travellers to contact pre-screened tour operators & hotel managers directly to make a booking • Demonstrate RT criteria & “how they make a difference” Aims & Objectives of Pilot 1. Pilot SIA approach on 2 communities to identify opportunities & indicators to integrate social management systems into Odysseia-In’s existing ways of doing things 2. Demonstrate what Odysseia-In are doing to be a responsible travel company and manage their social impacts (i.e. avoid Greenwashing) STEP 1. Understanding the issues Odysseia-In Staff Workshop: • Introduction to SIA approach • Map Odysseia-In product planning processes • Identify Odysseia-In RT policy & practice • Collate background information on tours & tourism in Bulgaria Odysseia-In RT practice Responsible Tourism Policy Component Keep the Money Local Create (local) jobs & training opportunities & rewarding work environment for staff Give back to communities visited Protect local environment Protect local culture/heritage How done in practice E.g. Policy to use local accommodation & guides How evidence/monitor E.g. Calculation of OdysseiaIn average local spend on suppliers Odysseia-In New Product Development/ Planning Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Staff member has initial idea and invents a “new” tour for a specific niche market • Get advice on market demand for this idea • Collect general background information on the region, trails, tourism assets and accommodation • Identify partners/suppliers and initiate communication • Carry out study tours in the destination to collect detailed information on the tours and from potential partners • Consultation & price negotiations with partners/service providers and selection of sites, accommodation & partners in order to draft the itinerary in line with responsible tourism policy • Promotion and marketing of new tour directly and through partners • Implementation of tour • Collect feedback on tour through tourist and guide questionnaires and client feedback reports for tourists from partner tour operators Context: Odysseia-In’s walking tours • Case studies: 2 communities (Kolofer & Gorno Draglishte) included in their Pan-Parks hiking & wildlife tour • Meet environmental, social & economic criteria of responsibletravel Community profile in community case studies: • • • • Introduce SIA objectives Host interview (timeline of tourism development; tourist profile & numbers; stakeholder analysis to understand who is providing services to Odysseia-In, relationships, interests & decisionmaking around tourism development) Collect community baseline data Community walk to map existing/potential sites and services that Odysseia-In tourists use/could use/impact on Gorno Draglishte Profile • • • • • Razlog Valley, southern slopes of Rila Mountains & NP Population: 900 Livelihoods: agriculture, livestock, timber, tourism Tourism assets: guesthouses, restaurant, bar, wooden rug basin, church, hiking, folklore Also data on: o o o o o o Tourist numbers/season: Transportation: Facilities: Community groups: Decision-making: Time-line for tourism: Kalofer Profile • • • • • • Rose Valley on mountain foot of Central Balkan mountains & NP Population: 3,083 Livelihoods: tourism, army uniforms, light machinery, agriculture, military base Tourism assets: museum of famous revoluntionary hero & poet Hristo Botev, rose festival, architecture, lace making Visitor numbers: c.26,000 museum visitors, 10,000 eco-trail Also data on: o o o o o Transportation: Facilities: Community Groups: Decision-making: Time-line for tourism: STEP 2. Predicting the likely impacts Stakeholder workshop &/or informal interviews of stakeholders on community walk to: • • • • Identify and rank potential/ existing impacts of Odysseia-In Identify stakeholder interests Identify how know/show/evidence (i.e. indicators) these impacts Identify potential actions for Odysseia-In to maximise positive & minimise negative impacts Impacts identified GORNO DRAGHLISTE Socio-economic Environmental KALOFER Cultural Income and employment (+) (Illegal) clear-cutting of trees (-) Growing popularity of village, produce trademark they are well-known for (identity) (+) Success of Kyshta Deshka guesthouse as a model for others (+) Contact with tourists gives them more knowledge about the environment – (+) Inter-cultural contact with international tourists (+) Uneven distribution of tourism benefits (-) Green schools (funded by tourism) have positive impact -(+) Need to change in order to understand interests of tourists (while not losing their cultural heritage) (+) A few young people returning to the village (+) Risk of modernization losing rurality and folklore identity/traditions (-) Welcome people from city who know how to do business (+) Children start to value the village as outsiders appreciating what is available (+) Risk of attracting big outside investors (-) Socio-economic Environmental Cultural Income and employment (to guesthouse(s), restaurants, museums, folklore groups, shops/market) (+) A few younger generation setting up new businesses (+) Pan Parks tours financial contribution (+) but tourists lack understanding of importance (-) Valuing local cultural traditions (+), consider opportunities for more (e.g. lace maker) Odyessia does not utilise all of the tourism resources available (-) Mountain hut fees support maintenance hut and local association (+) Awareness-raising by Odysseia-In guides (+) Other opportunities to support CBNP and ecotrail not yet considered (-) STEP 3. Developing strategies Analysis of findings to: • Review Odysseia-In responsible tourism approach in practice • Identify potential actions for Odysseia-In to manage their social impacts across the business (action plan) SIMP: Social Impact Management Plan Opportunities to embed actions to manage social impacts into existing way of doing things @ Odysseia-In: o Annual report on Odysseia-In impacts o RT policy and practical approach o Marketing/product info o Product development study tours o Partner websites (e.g. rt.com) o Tourist & client feedback questionnaires o Advocacy & project work (e.g. Green Lodge scheme) STEP 4. Developing monitoring programmes • Identify indicators and data sources for Odysseia-In to monitor and report on their social impacts • Feedback findings to staff and community case studies What did we learn? Adaptations to SIA for this context • Not feasible to carry out SIA in each community where Odysseia-In operates so used case studies to indicate broad “types of impact” & potential actions • Embedding into existing planning/operational processes • “Just enough” principle in data collection i.e. to meet business needs versus doing an academic study • Simple & cost-effective methods of data collection to facilitate rapid transfer of SIA skills to Odysseia-In staff • Need to add additional 5th stage to provide support to implement social impact action plan…(where we are now) Questions? • What do you think were the strengths & weaknesses of SIA in practice? • What is the business case for doing a SIA/managing your social impacts? • Do you think carrying out a SIA would be useful in another tourism context that you know of? Strengths & weaknesses of SIA in this context Strengths Weaknesses Capitalises on local knowledge May raise false expectations in the community Identification of opportunities for embedding SIA into existing operations Need to adopt explanation and definition of SIA slightly in line with specific and business context Transect walk easy to do , raised issues that may not have arisen in a more formal workshop & identified potential product development opportunities Capacity building of Odysseia-in staff Brings key tourism stakeholders together Enables you to take practical action & put systems in place to manage social impacts of your tourism business Scalability – will it work on a bigger scale? Danger in fast-tracking the process too much Difficulties differentiating between impacts of tourism generally and that of Odysseia-in specifically Risk of bias from participants Hard to predict potential impacts of tourism if not yet developed Time, financial and human resources & capacity needed Business case: Why should Odysseia-In bother with SIA? • • • • • • • • • • • Competitive advantage in relation to other Bulgarian travel companies & international tour operators/partners Avoid “green washing” Support BAAT/Odysseia-In advocacy role nationally Credibility in the communities where they work Improve the experience and product for tourists by providing opportunities to meet with local people etc Reduce risks e.g. exposure of negative practice Improved planning & internal management systems → cost-savings Staff motivation Potential to increase product sales Identify new opportunities for product development Initial SIA process provides valuable (external) analysis Applying SIA in other contexts (e.g. Danube Competence Centre) Identify how to manage positive & negative social impacts at 3 different levels: 1. Project-specific (ex. Danube hiking/biking itinerary) 2. Institutional (ex. DCC M&E and reporting) 3. Product development (ex. integrate into existing DCC operations/brand) Objectives of SIA for DCC & ATTA • • • • Train staff and build capacity Identify positive & negative impacts Identify mitigating measures Set up indicators, action plan and reporting mechanism Contact details Lucy McCombes Research Fellow & Consultant, ICRETH, Leeds Metropolitan University, l.mccombes@leedsmet.ac.uk Yvette Evers Research Associate, Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland Social Impact Associates www.socialimpactassociates.com yvette@socialimpactassociates.com