Workforce strategy

Adult Social Care Workforce Programme
Values, behaviours & workforce strategy
SE Cluster Group Meeting, Gatwick
22 September 2014
Oxfordshire’s workforce programme
• Scope & focus:
– Wider social care workforce - all internal and external social care
services and roles supporting adults and older people, including
carers & volunteers
– Healthcare roles that are enablers for the social care workforce
– Dementia learning & development framework for both health
and social care
• Objectives Year 1:
– Deliver the 4 key projects
– Plan for the future & secure funding
• OCC lead working closely with Oxfordshire Association of Care
Providers (OACP) & stakeholders including:
– Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Oxfordshire Council for
Voluntary Action, Carers Oxfordshire, Oxford Health NHS Trust, Health
Education Thames Valley
Projects & deliverables
Project / work-stream
Assistive technology
• 18 training sessions for a total of 216 social and health
care workers and professionals
• 250 installations of stand-alone assistive technology
and 260 installations of "Just Checking" kits
Dementia learning &
• Dementia Learning & Development Framework for
Health & Social Care
• Dementia training for care workers - 319 people
trained via 7 different course types
• Specialist dementia training - 32 workers social workers
trained in two stages
Values & behaviours
based recruitment pilot
• Develop Values & Behaviours Framework
• Pilot & evaluation with up to 6 social care providers
Workforce strategy
• Comprehensive strategy & action plans to grow
capacity and develop skills, knowledge and capability
Developing the strategy - key groups
Workforce Strategy
Develop and agree the high level strategy
Identify topics for the Task & Finish Groups
Oversee the development of action plans
Workforce Reference
Provide advice and guidance, individually and collectively,
on key aspects of the strategy & action plans and other
Task & Finish Groups
Translate the ambitions of the high level workforce
strategy developed by the Workforce Strategy Group into
proposals and plans for action.
Provider conference(s)
Timing TBC but likely to use these to engage with social
care providers to develop the workforce strategy &
action plans
Where have we got to?
Workforce strategy
Aim & purpose
Scope & duration
Relationship to other plans
Owners & stakeholders
Starting principles
Context & drivers
Key issues & priorities
Values & behaviours
Outcomes - what the strategy will
• Action plans
• Bids for future funding
Our vision for the workforce
Our vision is for a skilled, empowered & dynamic
workforce which works together and is proud to
support people to live the life they want to live
Over-arching priorities
1. Increase recruitment & improve retention of people with the
values & behaviours needed to provide high quality care and
support to people who need it.
2. Increase the capability of the workforce to:
Deliver care and support which helps people to live well and independently in
their own home and to avoid unnecessary hospital or care home admissions
Care for adults and older people with a range of needs and complex long term
conditions, including dementia and end of life care needs
Communicate effectively with people who use care and support services and
others who help deliver high quality social and health care
Provide support for family carers
Make best use of assistive technology & equipment
3. Enablers:
– Data & intelligence
– Communications & engagement
– Commissioning & contracting
Priority groups
Direct care workers, home support
Direct care workers, in care homes
Nurses in care homes
Managers & leaders of these groups
Values & behaviours recruitment pilot
• 6 social care employers selected for phase one, including OCC Daytime
Support Services
• OCC providing:
– Training in values & behaviours-based interviewing
– Personality profiling with Sticky People
– One to one and group support
• Objectives:
– Try out & evaluate a great idea with local social care employers
– Support & motivate employers to:
• Try this new approach to attraction & recruitment
• Reflect on their other employment practices & make changes that will help to attract,
recruit & retain people with the right values & behaviours to deliver great care and
– Capture & share the learning across the sector
– Make values & behaviours-based recruitment a dominant approach to
Which values?
Values & behaviours framework
Dignity and respect
Working in partnership
Commitment to quality care
Learning and reflection
Feedback your thoughts until 16th September at:
Turning values into practice
Where have we got to?
Values & behaviours pilot
 Foundations in place
 Values & behaviours
 Providers signed up
• Develop the project
approach, plan & timetable
• Engage & motivate sample
• Capture & share learning
Issues & challenges
Workforce strategy
• Linking up internal &
external workforce
• Capacity to assess capacity!
• Provider / OACP
involvement & credibility
• Squeezed timescale
• Communications &
engagement for coproduction
Values & behaviours
• Missing a project lead
• Scarce consultancy?
• Communications &
• Response from providers for
older people
• Handling related issues –
pay, terms & conditions,
culture etc.
Comments & questions?
Rachel Lawrence
Workforce Programme Manager
Oxfordshire County Council
07919 298290