Social Impact of Technology

Reasons for the Development of
 B – Betterment of society
 I – Improvement on existing technology
 G – Global community emergence
 C – Competition with existing technology
 O – Other
 R – Response to social problems
 E – Economic benefit
Social Betterment
of the
Invention of
Invention of
 Invention of the motor vehicle
 Allowed decrease in travel time and more efficient means of
transport. BUT has both positive and negative effects on wellbeing.
 Invention of Communication technologies
 GPS, mobile telephones, satellite broadband, internet, Skype, etc.
 Has improved the wellbeing of people that live in rural areas and
isolated areas. Socially, emotionally and spiritual.
 However, costs and maintenance are cons
 Invention of assistive technologies
 Braille, prosthetic limbs, educational resources
 Positive effect on physical, social, spiritual, economic and political
wellbeing however resources can be expensive
Improve upon technology
 More advanced, superior products than those already
of the
development of
the television
 Continuing development of the telephone
What are the
Positive and
aspects to
 The continuing development of television
 Positive wellbeing: emotional wellbeing
 (better reception, more options, etc)
 Negative wellbeing: encouraging unnecessary
Emergence of a global community
 Technology assists in creating an interactive global
environment, in which communication is made possible
between communities.
 Communities that were once isolated by their location now have
the ability to access other communities by means of technology
such as aero plane, telephones, the internet and satellite
 Companies have a global market and help with trade.
 The Internet has virtually transformed the world into a global
community. People meet lovers, surfers make friends, students
seek information, and businesses find outsourcing companies to
manufacture their goods, develop their products, and render
services to their customers. All these happened and are still
happening on the World Wide Web.
 Positive implications to wellbeing
 Physical, social, spiritual and political wellbeing
 Political – financial gains and trade
 Social – effective warning services, global news
 Social – improved communication and relationships
 Spiritual – tolerant of other cultures
 Negative implications to wellbeing
 Increased risk of computer-based crime due to global
social networking
 Increased risk of border security breaches due to
increased accessibility to transport
Competition with existing technology
 Technology is often developed as a means of
competition for consumer demand with other
organizations or products.
 Positive implications on wellbeing:
 Greater choice
 Greater consumer satisfaction
 Negative implications on wellbeing
 Increased costs to individuals due to continued
introduction of new and improved products
 Misleading information
 Read text book, page 344
 Performance enhancing technologies
 Tailored swim suits – enhance buoyancy
 Skins – compression for recovery
 Anabolic steroids
 Positive Implications:
 Enable athletes to achieve their best
 Enable coaches to direct and correct technique
 Training all year round
 Negative implications:
 Higher incidence of drug use
 Unequal competition
Response to social problems
 Technology is often developed in an attempt to
prevent or respond to current or cultural social
Water Saving devices
Water efficient shower heads
Flow control devices in taps
Sunscreen – reduce lifestyle
Unleaded petrol
 Positive implications on wellbeing:
 Improved quality of life for individuals and
 Greater life expectancy due to decreased rates of
morbidity and mortality
 Decreased economic burden on health system
 Negative implications on wellbeing:
 Ethical issues associated with birth-related
 Economic burden of purchasing such technologies
 Large amount of money needed for research
Economic Benefit
 The production of a technology can result in economic
gain for both the producers and the consumers of a
 Read page 343 in text book
Technology and Wellbeing
 Technology can have significant effects on the
wellbeing of individuals and communities.
 Over time, various technologies have been created in
order to:
 Allow individuals to have greater control over their
 Assist individuals to be more efficient communicators.
 Enhance individual’s understanding of the world they
live in.
 Technology can have both a positive and negative
effects on wellbeing.
Technology and Wellbeing
 P – Practical wellbeing
 E – Emancipatory wellbeing
 T – Technical wellbeing
Example: Mobile Phone
 Mobile phones help to
create an informative,
connected, culturally
innovative society.
 This impacts positively
on an individual and a
community’s social,
cultural, spiritual and
emotional wellbeing.
Example: Mobile Phone
Positive changes in society
Negative impacts of phones
 Competence in
 Using mobile phones for
Accessibility of information
Political and social use
Youth and new culture
 (social, political and
intellectual wellbeing)
kidnapping and blackmailing
 Capturing inappropriate
films and images
 Bullying
 (Physical, emotional,
spiritual and political
Effects on personal life of youth
 What can be some of the positive and negative
implications mobile phones have on the youth of
 E.G. relationships with family, friends,etc
 Communicating
 Health
 Connectedness
 Accessibility
Practical Wellbeing
 Understanding and communicating in the world we
know and in which we live.
 Some technologies allow individuals to complete tasks
more efficiently and in less complicated ways. These
include the internet (email and social networking), mobile
telephones, fax machines, assistive technologies such as
Braille and technologies used in education such as web
 These have increased interaction with others,
communicate more effectively and better understand the
 Technologies that can affect our practical wellbeing
include the following:
 Communication technologies
 Educational technologies
 Global technologies
Communication technologies
 Including television, telephones, email, faaxes and
 These technologies allow individuals to communicate
effectively with others, regardless of location or the
time of day. This can affect individual wellbeing both
socially and politically.
 Negative effects: social, emotional and spiritual
 Social skills and communication skills due to
decrease of face to face communication.
Educational technologies
 Including computer games, talking books, smart boards
and interactive forums.
 Contribute to individuals’ political development, allowing
them to gain a better understanding of the world in which
they live.
 This leads to positive effects on their political, spiritual,
social and physical wellbeing, as they become more
independent and capable of making educated decisions.
 Negative effect: socioeconomic status and limited
access will effect political wellbeing (available in
private schools and lack in government schools)
Global technologies
 Including the internet, social networking and satellite
 Access to technologies such as social networking sites
and satellite television allow individuals to develop a
greater understanding of communication within the
environments they live.
 Negative effects include cyberbullying, internet
predators and computer crime.
Emancipatory Wellbeing
 Ability to participate effectively in a variety of
situations such as education, employment, recreation
and the wider community.
 When individuals can use technology to gain
independence and participate effectively in society,
they are likely to experience significant improved selfesteem and self identity.
 As a result, their social, spiritual, physical and
emotional wellbeing are positively affected.
 Technologies that can affect our emancipatory
wellbeing include the following:
 Education and employment -related technologies
 Lifestyle and recreation – related technologies
 Community – related technologies
Education and employment – related
 Including video-conferencing, web cams and
 Such technologies create opportunities for individuals
to adopt flexible work patterns and conduct business
outside the office. This has positive effects on
indivduals’ and organisations’ economic, social and
political wellbeing.
 Negative effects: demand for ICT skills and
demand for inservice. Negative effect on
economic wellbeing.
Lifestyle and recreation-related
 Including protective equipment, mobile phones and
video games.
 Created freedom and access to a social life.
 Being active while remaining safe has a effect on
emancipatory wellbeing. Protective equipment such as
helmets, mouthguards and modified equipment. This
has had a positive effect on their social, physical and
spiritual wellbeing.
 Negative effects: youth engaging in risky
behaviour due to developing a false sense of
Community-related technology
 Including prostheses, hearing aids and contraceptive
 Emancipatory wellbeing can be enhanced through the
use of devices that promote greater independence.
 This affects the persons physical, emotional, social,
spiritual and political wellbeing.
 Negative effects: economic circumstances and
lack of knowledge may effect the persons
economic, social and spiritual wellbeing.
Technical Wellbeing
 Refers to our ability to control our environment.
 When an individual feels a sense of control over their
environment, they are more likely to feel greater
independence and higher self esteem.
 This gives them a greater sense of spiritual wellbeing.
 Technologies that can affect our technical wellbeing
include the following:
 Natural environment
 Physical environment
 Social environment
Natural environment
 Includes our natural surroundings such as animals,
plants and water.
 Plant cultivation and solar power technologies help
control the environment and individuals use these
resources for financial gain. This will increase an
individuals economic wellbeing.
 Negative implications: solar power’s initials cost
may be expensive.
Physical environment
 Includes buildings and transport.
 Buildings that have heating and air conditioning help
us control the environment therefore increasing our
physical wellbeing. Also, the use of unleaded fuel.
 Negative implications could relate to technical
error when we rely on technology to control our
physical environment.
Social environment
 Including our participation within society through the
prevention of death, disability and sickness. For
example, vaccination and transplant technology.
 Vaccines affect our physical, social, emotional and
economic wellbeing.
 Negative affects may relate to the uneven
distribution of medical technologies such as
transplants, vaccinations and elective surgeries.
This may effect physical and political wellbeing.
Technology and Wellbeing
Communication technologies Education and employment
– related technologies
Natural environment
Educational technologies
Physical environment
Lifestyle and recreation-related
Global technologies
Social environment
Community – related
Practice question
 “Technology is the key to meeting an
individual’s wellbeing in the twenty-first
century” Discuss
 Remember to refer to technical, practical and
emancipatory aspects of wellbeing in your argument.
Factors Affecting Access to and
Acceptance of Resources
 The ability of people to use and accept technology is
affected by their personal acceptance level, their past
experiences and their willingness to try something
new. It is also affected by their values, standards and
beliefs and general attitude to life.
Some forms of technology include:
Motor vehicles, IVF, TV, radio, computers, phones,
iPods, microwaves, gadgets, memory sticks, USB, DVD,
chain saw, ATM, electric shaver, electric drill
HSC Question
 Briefly explain why availability and acceptance of
technology varies.
 The most significant reason why access and availability
of technology varies between individuals is connected
to the people themselves and their ability to accept
change and adopt to something new, their values, past
experiences and their general attitude to life.
 The key areas include age, level and type of education,
gender, the culture and geography area but they live in
and their economic circumstances, which are linked to
their employment.