St. Cloud State University (schewe)

The sunniest spot in New England!
“Home of the Spartans”
Strategic Plan for Town & Gown Relations:
The Community Initiative
One Community, Our Home
St. Cloud State University
Team Leader: Alexis Schewe
Nicole Jagodzinski, Lacey Seefeldt, & Stephanie Kroll
Guiding Theory:
Chickering’s Theory of Identity Development
• Chickering’s theory explains identity formation, particularly in college
students, via seven vectors of development. They are a series of
tasks that deal with feeling, thinking, believing, and relating to
others. Although all vectors are important in the overall formation of
identity, the following are particularly relevant to this strategic plan:
o Moving through Autonomy Toward Interdependence
• Rationale: “Thriving students not only are open to diverse viewpoints and value
differences in others, but they also believe that it is their responsibility to contribute to
the community around them and make a positive difference. Caring about others and
working with others to make a positive difference in the world moves thriving students
from an introspective focus on self to an engagement with the world around them”
(Schreiner, 2010, p. 8).
o Developing Purpose
Rationale: “An involved community is not a given…active participation offers us a
chance to create meaning for ourselves on the basis of our particular contributions to
something larger than ourselves” (Chickering, 2008, p. 90).
Guiding Theory:
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Kohlberg's Six Stages:
• Level I. Pre-conventional Morality: Focus on self
o Stage 1. Obedience and Punishment Orientation: Obeying rules to avoid punishment
o Stage 2. Individualistic, Instrumental Morality: Following rules if it benefits the
• Level II. Conventional Morality: Focus on significant others
o Stage 3. Interpersonal Morality: Doing what is right for the valued opinion of those
close to the individual.
o Stage 4. Maintaining the Social Order: Upholding morality due to a duty to society.
• Level III. Post-conventional Morality: Focus on equality and the common good
o Stage 5. Social Welfare Morality: Promotion of human rights is valued as important.
o Stage 6. Universal Principles: Equal consideration of all points of view, focus on
human rights.
• Rationale: We are committed to assisting students’ movement from preconventional to conventional and to post-conventional levels of moral
(Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn, 2010)
Guiding Theory:
Guiding Theory:
Ecology Model
Examines person-environment
interactions and how they influence
growth and development.
Mesosystem, a contextual component,
involves connections that take place
between two or more settings that
contain the individual.
There is a symbiotic relationship
between the town of Sunnyvale and
the students at Sunnyvale University.
To provide the most optimal setting for
growth and development the
Community Initiative seeks to
strengthen the context of the
(Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn, 2010)
Allows students to develop their own
“meaning” and viewpoints that guide
their actions.
Meaning is formed by social,
psychological, ethical, and physical factors.
When one’s meaning is challenged
transformation occurs as the individual
seeks to restore equilibrium to their life.
In academic, service and social
interactions with the community,
students are given opportunities to
challenge and re-evaluate their
viewpoints. These interactions allow
students to transform how they make
meaning in their everyday lives.
(Bamber & Hankin, 2011)
1. Create a culture on campus and in the community which
values and models respect.
2. Embrace and offer authentic opportunities for
transformational learning.
3. Foster an environment which promotes the safety,
protection and development of all people’s physical,
emotional and mental well-being.
4. Develop ethical and responsible citizens who give back to
society at local and global levels now and throughout their
5. Act intentionally to build diverse partnerships that
appreciate the unique characteristics,
cultures, and lifestyles of all people.
Strategic Plan: The 3 C’s of Civility
• Citizenship is a personal obligation and respect of both immediate and global
communities and the individuals of those communities.
• For town and gown relations to be successful, students of the university and
members of the community must commit to acting in good citizenship. Doing
so promotes civility and improves relationships for all involved.
• As students engage in activities that promote citizenship they develop an appreciation for
equality and the common good which is a reflection of their forward movement in moral
• The campus and the community will commit to a culture which models and rewards actions of
good citizenship and embraces interdependence.
• The collaborative effort between Sunnyvale University and Sunnyvale’s community
organizations, businesses, school districts, housing authorities, health care providers,
local government, and social service agencies.
• Successful community engagement strategies bridge the campus and town by sending
students into the community, and inviting community members to benefit from campus
resources (Bruning, McGrewb, & Cooper, 2006). Connections between campus and
community model an appreciation of interdependence.
• Create a two-way partnership between the town of Sunnyvale and Sunnyvale University.
Promote ethics of social morality and encourages developmental growth in areas of
interdependence and purpose.
• The act of making responsible and healthy decisions that support the values of
• Civility involves making responsible choices. If students are given opportunities to
think about themselves in relation to others, this can create understanding that
they have many neighbors and obligations to these neighbors (Ehrlich, 1999).
• Provide opportunities to prepare students to be informed, committed, socially
responsible, and ethically conscientious citizens. These opportunities challenge
students to assess individual perspectives and life purpose.
Renters 101
Civility and
Spartan Security Ambassadors:
Group of students, staff and community members who maintain peace on campus and in
the community. Trained in bystander intervention, conflict resolution and disturbance
response they intervene in situations on and off campus that may escalate to uncivil
behavior. This promotes social welfare morality development.
Off-Campus Student Advising Office:
• Provides off-campus students with services which assist them in good citizenship, for
example: equipment rentals (i.e., rakes & shovels), educational workshops, leasing rights,
and advocacy.
Renters 101:
• Educational program to teach students to live as responsible citizens in the community.
Residences where all tenants have completed the workshop receive incentives such as
landlord provided rent deductions, campus spirit gear for their homes, and/or coupons
from neighboring businesses.
Restorative Justice Program:
• Program that identifies students with neighborhood disturbance-related citations in court
and offers a restorative justice option. Requires students to appear before, and work with,
a board of trained citizens who address student misbehavior and its effect on others and
assign appropriate sanctions. It encourages transformational learning and promotes
dialogue among victims and offenders in order to hold offenders accountable and meet
victims’ needs.
Civility & Community Workshops:
All incoming students are required to watch a 1 hour video presentation on civility. Topics include:
education about online civility and cyber-ethics, renter responsibilities, laws, respect for community and
neighbors, the value of diversity, how to hold a responsible party, etc. Videos will be created by peer
mentors and student leaders.
Sunnyvale Service Scholars:
• A leadership development program that combines theory and practice. The program equips students with
the knowledge, skills and vision they need to build community, become active citizens, and advocate for
social justice. Through coursework students learn about ethics, democracy, community mobilization, and
social change. This program provides an optimal setting for moral development (Reiff & Keene, 2012).
• Utilizes Community Based Learning pedagogy which integrates “course work, independent studies, research,
dialogue, training, and volunteerism…that address community needs that encompass both practice and
reflection” (Flores, Crosby-Currie, & Zimmerman, 2007, p. 11-12).
(Adapted from the University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Volunteer Opportunities:
• Collaboration with Student Activities and Residence Life to implement service programming:
– Adopt-a-Philanthropy – all residence halls must choose a nonprofit organization to support.
– Days of Service – The University will host a full day of service on national service days (i.e. Make a
Difference Day and MLK Day). During these events students will “flood” the streets of Sunnyvale to
complete short term service projects.
– Sunnyvale Plunge – Students can participate in a total immersion experience in the town of Sunnyvale.
Students learn about the needs of low income residents, receive education about services, stay in a local
shelter, and have the opportunity to personally connect with Sunnyvale residents.
Meet the
Take 5
Homestay in
“Meet Sunnyvale” Expo:
• Collaboration with local businesses and service providers to hold an on-campus resource
fair that provides opportunities for students to establish consumer relationships.
Meet the Neighbors Campaign:
• Facebook page highlights a neighborhood and one or two of the community members in
it each week. A photo of the member(s) is included along with their interests and values
of community.
• Neighborhood block party/meet and greet the second weekend of fall semester.
Programming includes food and a speed-friending event.
Neighborhood Advisory Council:
• A go-to for all stakeholders in community/campus connect program; the focus is on safety,
student/community concerns, and active approaches to problem resolution. They hold
open forums and offer input on initiatives for their specific community.
Take 5 Events:
• Every day of the month that ends in a “5” means it’s a “Take 5” day (the 5th, 15th and
25th). On this day a food table is set up outside in each neighborhood. This table offers
snacks and refreshments so residents of the neighborhood (both community members
and students) can stop by and “Take 5” together. Sponsored by local businesses.
(Adapted from George Mason University, 2012).
Homestay in Sunnyvale:
• Program involves local Sunnyvale alumni and University faculty inviting students into their
homes to foster fellowship. Allows alumni to give back to their alma mater in a
meaningful way, and allows faculty to connect with students outside the classroom.
Community Garden:
• A space that allows students and community members to enjoy food, nature
and camaraderie. Excessive produce will be donated to the local food shelf.
Community Asset Mapping:
• A strengths-based approach of responding to community needs. In
partnership, the town and University will map out community resources.
After the initial mapping phase, the University can strategically create
partnerships that meet identified needs.
Community Advocate Program:
• Funded by Community Work Study monies, student employees are placed at
partner organizations and serve as a liaison between the University and the
community. This program gives students the opportunity to become
knowledgeable about social issues from the community perspective, and
provide authentic opportunities for leadership and civic engagement.
Sunnyvale Aware:
• An Emergency Alert and Response System connected to Twitter and text
messaging software that allows University officials to communicate
important and timely information to student, faculty, staff and community
members regarding any threatening conditions.
Being a
Spartan 101
Sundown in
Being a Healthy Spartan 101: Presentation & Student Panel:
• Mandatory during orientation week for all new Spartans. Led by Peer
Health Educators, this panel introduces social norming data and provide an
opportunity for students to discuss drinking, drug use, sexual health, and
overall health and well-being.
Community Recreation Involvement Opportunities:
• Outreach to student population to get them engaged in the Sunnyvale
community organizations and recreation.
• Collaborative Opportunities: bowling leagues, community theater, cycling
club, community arts bureau, & health & fitness groups.
Civility Bystander Training:
• A multi-media social marketing campaign to increase active bystanders on the
campus. Includes a bystander intervention training each semester for
students, faculty, staff, and community members (Potter, 2012).
• Bystander training teaches people how to intervene in situations where civility
is at risk – such as public disturbances, misuse of property or disrespectful
behavior. Off-campus students can receive incentives if everyone in their
home attends a training. This training will also be a requirement of the
Spartan Security Ambassadors.
Sundown in Sunnyvale Program Series:
• A series of late night programs and events that are alcohol-free
– Educational messages are embedded into programming efforts to
promote healthy living and expose students to social norming data.
Offers an opportunity for personal meaning and transformational
– Programs & Events: movie screenings, live music, guest speakers
(inspirational speakers, comedians, hypnotists, magicians), intramural
sport tournaments, dance parties, and University recreation events.
Healthy Lifestyles Marketing Campaign:
• Living a Sunny Life – Health promotions targeted at the entire community.
– Health Speaker Series: A series of speaking events that address
multiple health topics. Speakers include University faculty and staff
members, local health care providers, and social service professionals.
– Facebook and YouTube campaign; Web cast series
• Branding Sunnyvale: Includes street-post banners, billboards, and signage
in businesses and around the University branding our community as a
healthy community that promotes leading a healthy lifestyle.
Marketing the 3 C’s
Door Hangers/ Flyers
Fall Orientation
w/Sunnyvale Stars
Sunnyvale Smart Phone
Mailers/ Information
High Risk Times
Instagram Contest
Signage/ Billboards
University &
Chamber of Commerce
Website design
University & Local
Marketing Details
Campus messaging about civility – empowering quotes, information etc.
Year round – Submit your best Instagram pictures of civility in action. See someone doing a
random act of kindness or showing good citizenship – Instagram that!! and share it on Facebook
and Twitter to win prizes each month.
Sent to all students, community members and stakeholders about the successes of the 3 C’s –
highlighting events that are coming up and recognizing those that have occurred.
The e-Newsletter would include a monthly award section honoring one monthly “Sunnyvale
Star” student and one “Sunnyvale Star” community member. These individuals are awarded for
their actions in civility. This event will be photographed and promoted on social media each
Marketing campaign and educational initiatives to teach students about responsible citizenship
on and off-campus.
Just prior to move-in weekend, student leaders and campus officials contact community
members and landlords to make them aware that move-in weekend is approaching and relay
ways in which the campus is working to make it a smooth weekend that respects civility for all.
High Risk
During times of the year when civility might be most at risk, such as during Sestercentennial
celebration, the start of spring semester and the end of the school year, marketing campaigns
and general presence of campus leaders will be enhanced.
A campus-wide campaign to teach and promote civility which would include: teaching civility in
First Year Experience courses, getting all faculty and staff to include civility education as a part of
their practice, modeling citizenship on campus through staff and student leaders, and
citizenship awards at the end of each semester (Connelly, 2009).
A Final Word…
To the President, Board of Trustees and Town Representatives:
While we realize we have proposed an ambitious plan we believe that boldness is needed. Current
literature and research calls for such boldness when addressing issues of culture change and civility plans.
We also would like you to note the following:
• Much of our plan can be introduced with existing resources, such as: faculty incorporating civility
teachings in their curriculum, the expertise of student affairs professionals, and utilizing current peer
mentors as civility leaders.
• Our strategic plan would take place in stages, ultimately coming to full fruition in approximately four
years. The most feasible and necessary programs would be implemented in the first year such as the
marketing campaign, the required civility workshop, safety initiatives, volunteer opportunities, and a
portion of the healthy choices programming.
• The success of this initiative relies on continuous assessment of our overall objectives and evaluation
of each individual program. Student learning outcomes, community relations and satisfaction, faculty
and staff perspectives, and economic impact will all be addressed.
• The strategic plan involves many stakeholders from both campus and community which means that a
collaboration of resources is quite appropriate and appealing to many involved. Community
businesses and organizations can assist with providing financial backing and support for the program.
Additionally, state and federal grants are available for innovative programs that support citizenship.
Thank you.
The Town and Gown Strategic Planning Committee
Thanks for visiting Sunnyvale!
Come again soon!
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