Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment chapter five McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives 1. Discuss the increasing diversity of the workforce and of the organizational environment. 2. Explain the central role that managers play in the effective management of diversity. 3. Explain why the effective management of diversity is both an ethical and a business imperative. 4. Discuss how perception and the use of schemas can result in unfair treatment. 5. List the steps managers can take to effectively manage diversity 6. Identify the two major forms of sexual harassment and how they can be eliminated. 5-2 The Increasing Diversity of the Workforce and the Environment • Diversity – Dissimilarities/differences among people in age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and capabilities/disabilities, and any other characteristic used to distinguish between people 5-3 Sources of Diversity in the Workplace Figure 5.1 page 172 5-4 The Increasing Diversity of the Workforce and the Environment • Glass ceiling – alludes to the invisible barriers that prevents minorities and women from being promoted to top corporate positions 5-5 Workforce Diversity: Age • Aging U.S. Population –Median age in the United States is 36.2 years, by 2030 20% of the population will be over 65 • Federal Age Discrimination Laws –1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 –1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act 5-6 Major EEO Laws Insert Table 5.1 5-7 Workforce Diversity: Gender • Women in the Work Place – U.S. workforce is 46.5% percent female – Women’s median weekly earnings are $638 compared to $798 for men – Women hold only 15.4% of corporate officer positions 5-8 Race and Ethnicity • The U. S. Census Bureau distinguishes between 20+ races • The racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population is increasing at an exponential rate, as is the composition of the workforce • Ethnicity refers to groupings of people based on a shared characteristic such as national origin, language or culture. So an ethnicity is whether a person is Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin or not. – The Census Bureau treats ‘ethnicity’ in terms of whether a person is Hispanic or not Hispanic 5-9 Workforce Diversity: Religion • Accommodation for Religious Beliefs – Scheduling of critical meetings – Providing flexible time off for holy days – Posting holy days for different religions on the company calendar 5-10 Workforce Diversity: Capabilities and Disabilities • Disability Issues – Providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities – Promoting a nondiscriminatory workplace environment – Educating the organization about disabilities and AIDS 5-11 Example - Google • International users account for more than 50% of Google’s total user base • In May 2007, Google started their 40 Language Initiative with the goal of getting Google products into 40 languages. 12 Workforce Diversity: Socioeconomic Background • Socioeconomic background – refers to a combination of social class and incomerelated factors • Socioeconomic diversity – requires that managers be sensitive and responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals who might not be as well off as others, provide them with opportunities to learn, advance, and make meaningful contributions to the organization while improving their economic well-being. 5-13 Workforce Diversity: Sexual Orientation • Sexual Orientation Issues – Employment and workplace discrimination – Provision of same-sex partner benefits 5-14 Other Kinds of Diversity • In most cases, physical sources of diversity have no bearing on their job performance • However, sometimes these end up influencing advancement rates and salaries 5-15