
Project Governance Structure
Academic Board
(if applicable)
Project Manager:
Business PM and/or
Work stream
Information Systems
Prioritisation Group (ISPG) or
ITMT (IT Managers’ Meeting)
Project prioritisation,
approval and funding
Steering Group
Strategic direction
and advice
VCEG & Project Sponsor
Project Delivery Group
Project Sponsor/Senior
User/Senior Supplier
Work stream
Work stream
Operational direction
and oversight/control
Work stream
Project Roles & Responsibilities
Project Role
Key Responsibilities
Project Sponsor
Ensuring the project is focussed on achieving its objectives, overseeing
progress and resolving escalated issues.
Project Steering
Set overall strategy and direction.
Project Delivery
Oversee progress of the project, provide guidance and direction on key
decisions, ensure required resources are committed. Takes ownership of
actions if escalated by PM regarding change, risk and issue management.
Project Manager
Manage the day to day running of the project and delivery of agreed
deliverables to the required quality within specified time. Responsible for
regular reporting to the sponsor and steering group on progress, escalation of
key risks and issues and cost tracking and reporting. Co-ordination of regular
and effective communications.
Work stream Leads
Responsible for successful delivery of the agreed actions within the project
work stream, reporting on progress to the Project Manager, and escalating
risks and issues as appropriate.
The highest level governing body for Information Systems is
the Information Systems Prioritisation Group (ISPG)
ISPG is comprised of VCEG members and other senior
management from Faculties and Corporate Services across
the University.
ISPG meet on a quarterly basis, usually Sep/Dec/Mar/Jun,
and prioritises, approves and funds projects based on
business cases submitted to the meeting.
Steering Group ToR
The Project Steering Group is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the
Project. Members will be expected to:
• Advise on the strategic direction and implementation of the project, including
strategies, policies, communications, systems, processes and business change
across all areas impacted by a project.
• Make decisions with regard to the delivery and quality of all items included in the
project scope.
• Approve all major plans and authorise escalated deviation from agreed plans.
• Receive and review progress reports from the Project Manager.
• Provide academic input and make reports to relevant academic boards.
• Be accountable for the success of project.
• To consider and recommend strategies for the continuation and development of the
project after the life of the project.
The Steering Group will meet intermittently, ie as and when required and on specific
issues that the PDG can not deal with alone.
Project Delivery Group (PDG) ToR
The Project Delivery Group is accountable to ISPG for the success of the project and the
realisation of the benefits outlined in the business case. Members will be expected to:
• Represent the interests of all stakeholders in the project
• Support the operational delivery of the project
• Take ownership of exceptions and escalations
• Commit the resources necessary to successfully complete the project
• Provide input and insight to project documents and plans
• Ensure effective decision making for
• Risks, issues and changes
• Quality control and project assurance
• Support the Project Manager through effective communications with all impacted
stakeholders and providing unified and consistent direction for the project
• Take ownership of continued benefits realisation after the project closes
The PDG will meet regularly, dependent on the stage of project, but during implementation
stage it is likely to be fortnightly.
Project Steering Group
Set overall strategy and
direction; academic
VCEG Project sponsor (on ISPG)
PDG Lead – Project Sponsor
when required
Final arbitration for change
requests (scope/cost etc),
decisions, approach etc
before escalation to ISPG
Ownership of delivery of
project solution;
Advise / support Project
Advise on communication
and business change;
Escalation point for Project
Other members depending on
areas affected by the project:
Central services person(s);
Business process owner(s);
Schools / Faculties; Suppliers
Internal – Head of IS, IT Director
(by exception)
External – TBC
Invitees for specific points
(Overall) Project Manager
Supported by
Project Delivery Group ToR
Support for operational
delivery of the project
Project Sponsor (as
representative of VCEG
dependent on
stage of project,
likely fortnightly
Scope / timetable / resource /
progress and budget
Management of change, risks
and issues within tolerances
Senior User(s), either
Central Services or Faculty
Senior Supplier, ie IS SGL,
Head of IS (by exception)
Approach and quality ie
fitness for purpose, benefits
realisation plan
Project Manager business
Project Manager systems
University wide comms
Invitees (topic specific)
Escalation point for PM
Detailed Governance Pack available online at
Standard agenda
- Progress
- Finance
- Risks / Issues
- changes
Supported by
Project Manager
Business and ISS PM
Working with a Business Project Manager
• The Business PM has overall PM responsibility for the project
• ISS PM will be reporting to the Business PM
• ISS PM role in that case is managing the IT work package of the
• Business PM’s main focus should be on business change
management and business communications so ISS PM can
concentrate on project management of IT deliverables
• Business and ISS PM agree at the outset how to work together and
clearly define the boundaries of ISS PM’s responsibilities and duties
for the PDG