Percorso Formativo in ICT Information and Communication Technologies SEMINARIO Programma Formativo Anno Accademico 2013-2014 Nascita e finanziamento di Start-up Ing. Massimo Vanzi, Italian Angels for Growth Venerdì 4 luglio ore 15.00 Salone Rappresentanza Piano Nobile Villa Cambiaso Via Montallegro 1 - Genova PROGRAMMA Ore 15.00 Seminario Nascita e finanziamento di Start-up - Prima Parte Ore 16.00 Coffee break Ing. Massimo Vanzi Massimo Vanzi is a highly experienced manager with over 38 years of experience in the semiconductor and ICT industries. After earning his Dr. Eng. degree in electronics in 1976 from the University of Genoa (Italy) and his Master’s of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1979 from Stanford University, Massimo worked with Signetics, Innovative Silicon Technology and STMicroelectronics. In 1993 Massimo founded Accent. As Accent CEO Massimo transformed a small startup of five engineers into the leader IC design and fabless ASIC Company in Europe and one of top 5 in the world. Today Accent is among world leaders in the smart metering chip market. In 2009 Massimo leaves the CEO role in Accent, while remaining a shareholder, and starts working as advisor to SME and innovative technology startups. Since then he became shareholder and cofounder of more than 10 technology startups in Sophia Antipolis, Lousanne, Milano, Bologna, Padova, Genova, Cosenza and Torino; he is a co-founder of Genova High Tech SpA, strategic advisor / mentor of more than 10 high-tech startups and SME; active member of Italian Angels for Growth (IAG), the primary Italian business angel network. He participates as a jury member to many startup contests and as an invited lecturer to several university courses on startup business. He is advisor for startup business to Genoa University, has been advisor on Technology Transfer to EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne and to Bologna University. He is member of the Scientific Committee of ISICT in Genoa and has been member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnologies (CSEM) of Neuchatel. Massimo is a fine art photographer (, member of the Rotary Club Monza Est and member of the Management Board of the Stanford Alumni Club of Italy. ISCRIZIONE La partecipazione è obbligatoria per tutti gli studenti ISICT della laurea triennale e della laurea magistrale. In caso di assenza è obbligatorio inviare una mail giustificativa a Agli altri partecipanti è richiesta la prenotazione mediante invio di una email a Le iscrizioni verranno accolte fino a esaurimento posti. La segreteria dell’Istituto ISICT, su richiesta, rilascerà un attestato di frequenza a chi avrà partecipato al seminario. SEDE VILLA CAMBIASO (sede Scuola Politecnica) Via Montallegro 1, Genova – Salone Rappresentanza Piano Nobile Per raggiungere la sede della Scuola Politecnica: PER INFORMAZIONI: Segreteria ISICT Tel. 010 3532016 ▪ Email ▪