The Italian Agriculture and Livestock Employment Agriculture, terrestrial livestock & aquaculture: ~ 600.000 Annual Turnover Agriculture: ~ €14.00 Billion Terrestrial Livestock: ~ € 11.4 Billion Aquaculture: ~ € 1.18 Billion After: Indagine continua sulle forze di lavoro (fdl) Produzione, consumi intermedi e valore aggiunto di agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca (Nace rev.2) The Italian food industry Top 5 Member States in terms of food & drink industry turnover, 2013* (€ billion) Germany France (Export: 26%,€34.5 billion) Italy UK Spain 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 € Billion Over than 6.845 companies and 385.000 employees 2 Source: Data processing and estimates Federalimentare 2013 The Italian Biobased Industry/Biorefineries Private investments: more than €1.0 billion; 1600 people employed. LOMBARDIA PIEMONTE R&D CENTRE BIOPLASTICS AND BIOCHEMICALS FROM RRM (NOVARA) R&D CENTRE CHEMISTRY FROM RENEWABLES (NOVARA) R&D CENTRE BIOCHEMICALS PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIES (RIVALTA SCRIVIA - AL) PILOT PLANT FATTY ALCOHOL (RIVALTA SCRIVIA AL) PILOT PLANT BIOMONOMERS (NOVARA) DEMO PLANT GREEN GLYCOL (RIVALTA SCRIVIA AL) INDUSTRIAL PLANT LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOETHANOL (CRESCENTINO - VC) FLAGSHIP SUCCINIC ACID (CASSANO SPINOLA AL) R&D CENTRE GREEN CHEMISTRY PROCESS ENGINEERING AND BIOLUBRICANTS (MANTOVA) R&D CENTRE BIOLUBRICANTS (SAN DONATO MILANESE - MI) PILOT PLANT FOR BIOBASED BUTADIENE (SAN DONATO MILANESE - MI) VENETO FLAGSHIP 1,4 BDO FROM RRM (ADRIA - RO) EMILIA ROMAGNA R&D CENTRE BIOELASTOMERS (RAVENNA) UMBRIA R&D CENTRE, PILOT AND DEMO PLANTS ON OLEAGINOUS CROPS AND BIOLUBRICANTS FROM LOCAL CROPS (TERNI) INDUSTRIAL PLANT BIOPLASTICS BASED ON STARCH AND POLYESTERS FROM VEGETABLE OILS (TERNI) SARDEGNA 1 FLAGSHIP AZELAIC ACID AND PELARGONIC ACID (PORTO TORRES - SS) 1 FLAGSHIP BASIS FOR BIOLUBRICANTS AND LAZIO BIOADDITIVES FOR RUBBER INDUSTRIAL PLANT R&D CENTRE BIODEGRADABLE POLYESTERS (PATRICA - FR) PUGLIA CAMPANIA FLAGSHIP AVIATION FUEL (MODUGNO - BA) BIOTECHNOLOGICAL R&D CENTRE (PIANA DI MONTE VERNA - CE) LOCATION TBD (courtesy of C. Bastioli) EXPERIMENTAL CROPS AND DEMO PLANTS FOR EXTRACTION OF NATURAL (courtesy of C. RUBBER AND OTHER VALUABLE PRODUCTS (RESINS ETC.) Bastioli) EXPERIMENTAL FIELDS 8 R&D CENTRES (9) PILOT PLANTS (4) DEMO PLANTS (2) INDUSTRIAL SITES (3) FLAGSHIPS (5) Bioeconomy as an integrated system Smart Specialization Strategy & Horizon2020 A R&I Smart Specialization Strategy should be: a) tailored on the territory and addressed to exploit local (bio)resources and existing knowledge, integrating and exploiting local public-private partnerships, policy makers and consumer associations, and b) aligned with the bioeconomy strategies/priorities identified at the national level and by Horizon 2020, JPIs, ERANETs, etc with a R&I agenda complementary to the EU ones in terms of contents/scale; In order to: a) integrate R&I funds and efforts at regional, national and EU level (by reducing duplication and fragmentation) for a more robust and long term impact on local economical and job growth; b) pave the way for a more successful Italian exploitation of funding opportunities offered by Horizon 2020, PPPs, JPIs, ERANETs, COSTs, etc. Drivers for Bioeconomy Smart Specialization Industrial Biotechnology S3+H2020: an unique opportunity for the IT Bioeconomy