FIAB – Italian Cycling Federation «The challenge of change in FIAB» A success story, sharing an experience Dublin 25 april 2014 Valerio Parigi, FIAB vice-president V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Italy and cycling: a long way Underdevelopment with some good SU DI NOI local practices Emilia Romagna, Alto Adige, part of Veneto and Tuscany Utility/urban cycling Modal split: bike > 15% in Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Bolzano, Padova and other small or medium sized cities Cycle tourism Good development in the North East, EuroVelo and Bicitalia (Fiab national network) are growing in some regions (Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli, Lombardia) V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Fiab and ECF, a love story the steps From the problem to the improvement Problems we were trying to solve when FIAB applied for financial help of ECF “Leadership Programme” The action we took (and how we used the money in this action) Results so far and what we have learned Next steps, the future V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Fiab, it was time to change no more: Image: «free time club» too local too small to influence local e national governement media presence too poor weak external and internal communication V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Action we took to change: Central and local Training Focus on image/identity and growth Paid staff central managing of campaigns, more organisational efficiency Press office, new magazine, new web site For internal and external communication V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Training , local and central A central team, goals: More members, how? Dimension and influence Image/identity not (only) a free time club, mobility policies Organisational improvement more efficiency for volunteers too Training courses/activities Central for local leader teams, local for volunteers V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Professional staff FIAB new structure Director (=CEO) Secretary and Employees Press office Webmaster Fiab Servizi: «commercial arm» shop, tourism, engineering, publishing etc. 8 working areas mobility, tourism, school/education, financial, engineering/planning … V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Media presence Effort 2012-2014 BC Magazine (two-monthly, 19.000) Professional press team success i.e. on leading newspaper «Repubblica» New Web Site with special sections Stronger presence on social networks (i.e. Facebook …) V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Success: image, activity SUwalks DI NOIon two legs Fiab / activity areas : Urban cycling /mobility Influence/collaboration on new traffic laws, partnership with Ministries (Transport, Environment, Education) Cycle tourism Commercial activity in bike traveling / accomodation (see ) V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Success: Fiab in numbers Members „Leadership Programme“ 2013 Total members 2000 Founded 1992 V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Success: milestones in Annual Meetings 2013 and 2014 SU DIStrategical NOI New Board, Resolutions, Communication targeting New logo, «Fiab Servizi», new functional structure (working areas) Campaigns, events, influence on institutions i.e. about 70 bike friendly MPs New people (president, board, staff …) V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Fiab, still a lot to do Next years „David and Goliath“ Fund raising A stronger mediatic effectivness more members and influence V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Fiab communicate through … Magazine BC (bi-monthly) (reaching all members and paying subscribers, 19.000) Web site (with special sections i.e. “technical”, “school”, “tourism” etc) And moreover newsletters, social networking ecc. V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› If you need to contact us Fiab Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta - onlus via Borsieri, 4/E 20159 Milano tel e fax 02- Our new logo: ECF contact person: Valerio Parigi V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› FIAB – Italian Cycling Federation «Porta un amico in bici» FIAB with ANCMA - a project for ECF «Leadership Programme» Dublin 25 april 2014 Valerio Parigi, FIAB vice-president V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› FIAB – Italian Cycling Federation «appendici varie» FIAB documents Dublin 25 april 2014 Valerio Parigi, FIAB vice-president V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#› Fiab elective and organisational bodies FIAB functional roles Director (=CEO) President F. Baroncini Giulietta Pagliaccio Secretary M. Mutterle Board (5 vice-presidents) S. Gerosa, P. Fabbri, V. Parigi, M. Gemignani, C. Castellari National Council (17 members, elected all two years) 8 working areas mobility, tourism, school/education, enginering/planning, financial … V. Parigi – Fiab Growth ‹#›