Non-LIMS Shared Resources

Ken Quinn
Research Applications Administrator
Information Technology
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Christine O’Connell
Sr. Director Laboratory Research Operations
Moffitt Cancer Center
Sample Life Cycle
Request Management
 Sample and Batch Management
 Reagents and Consumables
 QC and Storage
Laboratory Operations
Workflow and Scheduling
 Billing Capture
Data Retrieval
Queries and Reporting
 Dashboards
LabVantage LIMS for 7 Shared Resources:
LabVantage LIMS for other Institutional Resources:
Research Pathology, Genomics, Data Bank and Biorepository,
Cancer Prevention and Population Science, Immune Analysis,
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Cell and Vector Catalog, Ovarian Biobank, Ovarian Cancer
Registry, Health Disparities Tracking
Remaining Shared Resources - 7
Non-LIMS Shared Resources
cGMP Facility utilizes STEMSOFT
 Clinical Trails Management System: OmniComm eClinical
LabVantage LIMS for 11 Shared Resources:
Analytic Microscopy, Biorepository, Biostatistics, Cancer
Informatics, Chemical Biology, Flow Cytometry, Molecular
Genomics, Proteomics, SAIL, Survey Methods, Translational
LabVantage LIMS for other Institutional Resources:
Collaborative Data Services (CDS)
 Investigator Labs
Non-LIMS Shared Resources:
cGMP Facility (Cell Therapies) utilizes STEMSOFT
 Clinical Trails Management System: ONCORE
Significantly underestimated the “time” and “resources” required
to implement customized LIMS solutions.
Started with the 2 most complex cores (would not recommend).
Overbuilt in many cases. Would recommend a more “Out of the
Box” approach.
Science is always changing requiring frequent revision of
customized solutions (i.e. Genomics)
Resources - highly customized solutions require leaving people
behind to support.
Automated workflow management, blessing and a curse.
RPCI- LIMS Lite – reversion back to basic requirements and out of
the box functionality
MCC- “Generic Core” solution
Request Management & Invoice Generation
Added additional features/functionality as needed
Shared Resource Utilization Reporting
Facility Billing System (FBS) used for all reporting
 Billing Excel files created by LIMS system or manual, imported
into FBS
 Billing file clean up accuracy is critical
Biospecimen Reporting
LIMS reporting
 Multiple biobanks (and ownership) makes cross-bank reporting
Shared Resource Utilization Reporting
 LIMS: Captures Usage
 LabVantage BioBanking: Biospecimen Management
Report Generation
 QlikView (Business Intelligence Tool)
 CCSG Reporting (Usage)
 Invoice Generation
Facility Billing System (FBS) manages billing
LIMS exports Excel files that are loaded into FBS.
 Non-LIMS Shared Resources require manual creation for FBS
billing Excel files for upload.
Lessons learned:
Capture Project, PI and Grant information in LIMS for all service
 Much effort is spent tracking and generating billing files for
non-LIMS Shared Resources.
 Accuracy of billing data critical for CCSG reporting from FBS.
LIMS captures completed services and generates billing
Invoice generation - LIMS exports the billings files to QlikView
(Business Intelligence tool).
 Invoice data is imported into the Lawson Accounts Receivable
Non-LIMS billing
(Cell Therapies, Translational) for services related to the
support of Clinical Trials occurs through ONCORE
Grant Information - IFIS grant system
Grant Start & End Dates
 Peer/Non-Peer
 Current status
Faculty Information - Internal Application
Membership Status
 Program affiliation
Publications – Internal Application
Very challenging to capture accurately (manual processes)
 Developing a new data capture process
Moffitt developed Research Administration Database
 Source system for grants, publications, faculty affairs and
research staff information.
 Grant Information
 Grant Start & End Dates
 Peer/Non-Peer
 Faculty Information
 Membership Status
 Program Affiliation
 Publications
 Utilization of Shared Resources
Federated Query tool - virtual data warehouse for reporting.
Connects to many databases and creates virtual data marts.
 Used to link biospecimens with cancer registry, clinical and
research data.
Jasper Reports
LIMS reporting
Home grown applications:
iPubs – publication database
 I2 – internal web site and SharePoint for CCSG management
and tracking.
Business Intelligence tool that sits on top of LIMS for report
 Connects to a variety of source systems for reporting purposes
(i.e. LIMS, Marcene, BioBanking, Moffitt’s data warehouse,
Moffitt developed Research Administration Database
 Source system for grants, publications, faculty affairs and research
staff information.
Used as one of the source system for LIMS & QlikView
Provides a way to query the data warehouse
 i.e. Biospecimens linked with Clinical Data, Cancer Registry, etc.