Moores Exponentials Valuation & Law Game

value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
This slide set is asserted commons property by
If someone tries to sell you media, mediation or economics systems consultancy
using exponentials contents you might want to check whether they have been
peer to peer trained by the originators whose work is also intended to commemorate
the Unacknowledged Giant of The Economist
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
$2.7 bn?
$27 trillion?
In 1976
Case 1 : How
much is
most exciting
network of
worth in
mobilising 2010s
net generation?
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
$2.7 bn?
$27 trillion?
Case 1bis : How much is
most exciting network of
partnerships’ worth?
In 1976
Rising Exponential Valuation Case 1bis : How much is sustainability’s most exciting network of partnerships’
worth to net gen and youth of 2010s?
$27, $2.7 bn current mckinsey estimate, pro- youth economists see the value of social action networking
2020’s most exciting goals as starting at $27 trillion and up ...
YUNUS asked what value multipliers of liberating productivity of world’s poorest women and of ending
digital divides
Munro asked what’s value multipliers of liberating productivity of worlds most abused youth?
Norman asked in 1984 what’s the value multipliers of the internet : his answer it can be within a generation 10
times more than humans have ever produced but only if Changing economics
Sam asked what’s the value of congress empowering M-Goal solutions to sustainable communities greatest
needs : hunger, jobs, credit
you can ask of any context that matters most to families how much more human productivity can we connect
through value multiplication's win-win-win models ...
Will your peers contribute to
book and new business game,uk
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
Case 2:
Corporate investors have lost trillions
because leaders failed to govern value multiplication:
polly peck, lehmans, parmalat, worldcom, enron Dotcoms,andersen ..
The minority were frauds
Most caused by professions unable to value multiply
Value (society)=0
Value (Business) = billions
Value multiplication: billions*0 =0
Not Value add billons+0=billions
Compound risk is an exponential game not an additive one
Networks of system connect (operand multiply) not separate (operand add)
All most purposeful business models of www 2010s need value multiplication advisors
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
Case 2bis:
Do you know why “Do-able Strategy” doesnt exist in knowledge
age without knowing what exponential the system is
Case 2 shows what happens if you don’t intervene before an exponential conflicted system passes its tipping point, thence to
collapse (zeroisation)
The converse of how to strategise when you are up on up is very important; you will find crisis or partnership where more and
more big resource organisations will want to either greenwash you or attack your integrity ; moreover the volume of people
calling you will go up so much that eventually none of the deepest entrepreneurs will get through unless you have brilliant triage
process designed into your leadership centre’s gateways
These are just the first 2 value multiplying precepts of strategies that can exponentially play out what’s probable as well as what
can be once in a network of systems lifetime turning of impossible to possible if your meta-hub is multiplying more goodwill in
your global market context (or for the next generation’s future) than anyone
Corporate investors have lost trillions
because leaders failed to govern value multiplication:
polly peck, lehmans, parmalat, worldcom, enron Dotcoms,andersen ..
The minority were frauds; Most caused by professions unable to value multiply
Value (society)=0
Value (Business) = billions
Value multiplication: billions*0 =0
Not Value add billons+0=billions
Compound risk is an exponential game not an additive one; Networks of system connect (operand multiply) not separate (operand add) All most pursposeful
business models of www 2010s need value multiplication advisors
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
Your $27 & Advance Research from Social Business Stockmarket Study Groups
Historically : There are social business reasons to expect 7 years may
be much slower in compound in health and wealth than a start-up might expect
and then everything will grow much faster if your model sustains multiple wins
Does the high connectivity of networking 2010s change this? Well our maths guys have booted up
from maps of 10-win versus 10-lose models to 100-win to 100-lose models!
The maths is the same but the detailed info mapping is hard work and needs hi-trust correspondents! Early findings:
There are few bits of pure code that my make you a billionaire in under a year but 99.999% of the time 100-win modelling needs
patient capital approach and founders who are up for sustaining hard work and deep organisational culture
not hasty market exiting
Ask about our SB51 model if you seriously need to action learn how sustainability world’s most purposeful systems are designed
Statistical research on the first decade
of GrameenBank owned by its
members 1983-1992
2 years fieldwork published 1996
members demand credit banking for
Productivity & health insurance
Technology of 10-100 times cheaper banking is possible
What’s not coming together yet
BankABillion by Obopay and Grameen Solutions
Mobile technology to deliver mobile microcredit services
The primary critical gap in the ability of almost 3 billion people to acquire wealth is the
dearth of basic financial services including savings accounts, access to credit and efficient
means to move money. At the same time, global mobile usage has reached more than 3.6
billion users, with 15 new connections established every second, more than 1.3 million per
day, many of these in the most remote and impoverished corners of the world.
Exponential possibilities: next billion jobs –which have we under- or over-
Mobile microcredit*ebay 100mn jobs
Green Jobs 100 mn jobs (solar) 80 million other green jobs (blue economy)
Nurses 40 million jobs
Mobile youth microcredit 40 million jobs
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
Case Facebook :
$1 bn
In 2006
How much a
leading social
network of
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
$2.7 bn?
$27 trillion?
In 1976
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
Case Facebook :
$1 bn
In 2006
How much a
leading social
network of
Case Grameen :
How much is
most exciting
network of
worth in
mobilising 2010s
net generation?
value multiplication: Investing in sustainability’s exponentials
$2.7 bn?
$27 trillion?
In 1976
Case Grameen :
How much is
most exciting
network of
worth in
mobilising 2010s
net generation?